
[[ ♔ ]] house of elysius


07-06-2014, 04:12 AM

[[ ?house of elysius? ]]

e n t i t l e d ;; the elysius are a union bound through practiced familial devotion, pretentious in their mannerisms yet firmly committed in each of their endeavors -- supportive entirely of their kin ( or expected to be so ). the house of elysius is a fledgling family currently thriving in their first generation as the spawn of morphine and her various partners, though the second generation festers within the womb of the current elysius monarch. through the union of joker sovari and artemis elysius, three children shall emerge [ one of which shall be taken by me ] and shall be born and raised in elysium as royal progeny so long as artemis retains her crown. these children are expected to remain active or roamer and i reserve the rights to re-adopt them out if they are neglected, so please only apply for an elysius child if you intend on maintaining their activity.

INFORMATION ON THE FAMILY ----- the elysius are taught of the importance of familial devotion from an early age, and are encouraged to pursue their ambitions no matter how farfetched an aspiration seems. typically, the elysius believe themselves to be ?superior beings? in comparison to the majority of others, and are enlightened by the prospect of battle and bloodshed. alignments can range from chaotic evil to true neutral ( since the family is more darkly aligned than not ), though other than that, personality traits are pretty open.

the elysius follow a monarchy -- as in, one family member plays the role as family leader and the rest of the family accept their leadership. the leader typically does not identify themselves as a ?family monarch? nor do they challenge for such a position; the monarch is determined solely by the family and whosoever is strongest within the family is looked upon for decisions, advising, etc. this role can be played by either male or female, young or old, and they are typically respected and adhered to.

an interesting aspect that i intend upon incorporating into the elysius family is branding, so please keep in mind that once your elysius child wins their first battle, an ?E? will be carved into their right thigh to signify that they have proven themselves as a competent elysius.

INFORMATION ON THE LITTER ----- there will be two pups from this litter that will be placed ufa, but we may be willing to add another if enough interest is gathered, since this is likely to be art?s only litter [ i?m assuming she will die before she gets the chance to have another lol ]. pups can be either male or female, and appearances are pretty open if you?d like to create your own designs -- with coat colors ranging from white to grays to blacks and eye colors ranging from silver to purple to orange to green to red or a combination of those colors. please keep in mind that there will be an extra height discount of twenty-five percent since joker stands at forty-two inches in height, though if you intend upon applying for a female pup i do not want their height to exceed thirty-seven inches since the elysius females tend to be on the smaller side in terms of height.

you may name your pup whatever you want -- though i have comprised a list of names that i liked if you want any ideas ~ keep in mind that they?ll all have the elysius surname, obvi c:

? ? ? ? ? ? females ----- aura, briseis, astris, delphine, psyche, bellatrix, hyale, calypso, venus

? ? ? ? ? ? males ----- rhanis, vulcan, lucius, marvolo ?riddle?, chaos, orion, panic

and designs are here! though you are welcome to make your own if you?d like ~

to apply, please fill out this form:

name -- may come from the list or be entirely your own.

gender -- keep in mind that i?d like for females to stay on the smaller side!

visual of design -- if you?re using one of my designs, please just state the number

appearance description -- please use an adult description, including height

alignment -- anywhere from chaotic evil to true neutral is most realistic

personality -- 150 words minimum

[ roams and i haven?t started the conception thread yet ----- but i?m putting this up now cause lol got too excited. due date won?t be for a while so don?t worry about rushing through completing this app xD ].


07-06-2014, 10:10 PM

NAME -- either Astris or Delphine
GENDER -- Female
VISUAL OF DESIGN -- here (different eye color)

APPEARANCE DESCRIPTION -- Standing a 34 inches, the woman will be covered in mostly ebony. From her nose to tail, her body is wrapped in the dark color, interrupted only by ivory. A strip of white will start at her nose and only stop just before her shoulder blades. The pale coloring will drip down the sides of her shoulders, bathing both sides. White will soak the backs of her front limbs and her front paws, along with the space between her limbs along her chest/belly. Hind legs will be colored similarly to her front, the backs of her legs and flanks dripping ivory all the way down to her paws. The tip of her tail will be dipped in ivory, as well a small strip about 5 inches form the base of her tail. The intricately marked woman will weigh in at 130 pounds, her body built similarly to that of her mother. Her facial features will be soft and feminine, her eyes sitting centered on her face, eyes are mismatched, her right being a classic silver, the her left being a pale green. Muscles will wrap her bodice, her body only slightly less masculine than her mothers. She is built for war, her chest broad, her limbs average but powerful, her frame is a bit narrower, giving her better speed and agility, but she is still a force to be reckoned with.

ALIGHNMENT -- neutral evil
PERSONALITY -- self-serving
She is a free spirit, doing what she pleases, when she pleases. There are no bounds to what she is wiling to do to get what she wants. While she may not wish evil on everyone she meets, she had no problem cutting down those that stand in her way. Her intentions are selfish 99% of the time, she will use and abuse you to achieve her desires. Despite her mothers heavy hand in ruling, the girl is often defiant, preferring to do things her own way and on her own. She hates being told what to do or how to do something, she is independent in everyday



10 Years
07-07-2014, 04:59 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2014, 07:06 PM by Harmony.)
[Image: delphine_by_xx_starry-d7pwgxa.png]



appearance description
Quote:The progeny of a tyrant withholds much potential for both beauty, just as her dam, and for battle, just as her sire. Little genetics of her sire taint her otherwise pearly cloak, an adobe of luscious locks of silvery whites. Scarce marks of silver taint her clean cloak, yet they add upon her ethereal beauty, a ghost-like figure. Upon slender stilts lie a cloud of silvery and black colors, fading upward to her elbows, where they disappear into a forest of snow. A plush plume of the same pattern will fan out behind the tempest, a luscious apparition of the darkening sky before a storm. What is most stunning about her bodice is her sharp, angular face. Upon her pale features will be a masquerade of the same hues upon her stilts and banner, extending to only the bridge of her muzzle. Each veldt auditory is covered by the same ghostly hues, all the more adding upon her most magnificent facial feature. In her well-chiseled face lies a pair of shimmering amethysts, deeper and more vibrant in hue that even her dam's. Below such vibrant gems lies shadows of her eyes, the more muted variation of the glow instilled by her gems.

ooc. Those who are auditioning to use design six, please don't use the lineart above. I made it for myself and only myself. <3

personality description
cruel || assassin || ambitious || princess || prodigy

Quote:cruel + Delphine is a tempest and a cruel mistress through and through, engaging in most cruel of activities, maiming, torture, you name it. If one is outside the limits of her bloodline and she desires to wreak havoc upon their lives, the bitch will do everything within her power to do so, completing the task in a matter of time, depending on the ease and determination placed upon her.

Quote:assassin + Never should one underestimate the bitch, for she will grow to be a silent and cold killer, working for her dam endlessly, without any question, and the occasional stranger whom wishes upon a wolf to be slaughtered, at the price of whatever she deems worthy in return. What this treasure will be is a mystery, lying in the confines of her dark and twisted consciousness albeit gold, jewels, puppies, or to be able to maim the said customer.

Quote:ambitious + She is one to be the crown jewel of the Elysius family and will carry herself with such pride, disguised as an innocent princess, seeking to worm her way through the ranks of a pack, or to perhaps take her own pack for herself by brute force. Whatever she desires, she will receive, no matter the cost and price, except substitutions for her beauty would be unacceptable.

Quote:princess + always will Delphine hold herself with much pride in her stature and stride, plume held high as well as her crown held high, using her blood as a right to any desire she wishes upon. Another trait withheld by this characteristic is that she is one of high-maintenance, always preening and grooming herself before a meeting or greeting one of special value. Every reason Delphine owns to be vain, valuing beauty as her most precious trait, a jewel amongst her other characteristics.

Quote:prodigy + within her dark and twisted mind lies a brilliant and intelligent temptress, of much potential and skill from birth, just as her dam desires. Always will she learn to speak with a her sickly sweet voice, with a hint of venom toward those whom trespass, just before assaulting them with much violence. intellect and power will be valued within her mind, being a gateway to the desires to be achieved yet by her.



2 Years
07-08-2014, 12:07 PM

name -- Astris Elysius

gender -- Female

visual of design -- #6 {I love this design. <3}

appearance description -- At a delicate height of thirty-six inches tall, Astris is far from delicate. She's strong, a demon in the making. Her powerful jaws can latch onto anything, can pierce through the toughest bones. Her claws can cause major damage as well. With a constant smirk on her perfect face, it's obvious to tell what she's thinking. It's a shame that her power has to be wasted on such creatures like deer. Astris has a nose that is perfectly made out of ebony colors, her claws are made out of ivory colors. Her fangs, when she snarls, are sharp and made out of the strongest bones she has. Astris keeps her head raised in complete dominance, regardless of the creatures that block her vision sometimes. Even if it appears that she sees these creatures, she does not appear to be afraid. The woman's tail is always raised as well, fluffy and soft, different from the rest of her.

Astris is based with a cloak of white, almost as pure as snow if it weren't for the rest of her markings. The very base of her mother, as well, although Astris has markings that Artemis couldn't ever have. Her ears are coated in light gray, a little darker than silver. It doesn't cover the inside of her ears, though, which are the plain white. Both eyes have pale silver markings under them, not very different from that of the Destruction family markings. Astris' snout begins to darken slowly, first becoming silver. It then fades into the gray on her ears, and finally into a dark gray. All four legs are coated like this as well, and if her tail tip didn't have the colors, then it would be left out. Luckily, it doesn't, and makes Astris look so much more interesting. But her eyes are the most beautiful thing about her.

Light purple, much like her mother's eye color, is her main eye color, being speckled with different shades of purple. And then, around her pupil, the purple slowly darkens until it is dark purple. Fascinating and beautiful, Astris is a creature that most will probably desire.

alignment -- Chaotic Evil

personality --

Plans: Due to her "friends" supposedly talking to her, Astrid gets into a lot of trouble and fights. After Artemis dies, she will begin to talk to them more. Pup or adult, she will go out with the intent of killing. But she'll believe her "friends", and think that a sacrifice will bring her mother back. Either way, she won't kill anyone, because she'll fall and get hurt very bad. And then her "friends" will rush around until she gets enough strength to get back up. But she'll believe that the wolves helped her, and will kind of be under their own control, even though her "friends" aren't real.

RP Sample: Assssstrissssss..........Why are you ignoring ussssss, Assssstrissssss? One of the wolf's "friends" hissed, wrapping its tail around her and smiling its eerie grin. Don't you want ussssss around? Don't you want Artemissssss back? Astris shook her head, and stared into the wolf's glowing red eyes. "Of......Of course I want you around. And I want Artemis back, too. But......I can't get her back." She said, and hung her head. You can get her back, I promisssssse you can. A sssssoul for a sssssoul, that'sssss all. Astris pricked her ears. "It's that easy?" She asked, and the wolf nodded. That'sssss all you need to do. Remember Hessssstia, that wolf your mother talked about? Who tried to attack her, when the ssssssstupid thing wasss jussst a pup? Don't you think ssssshe'ssssss lived long enough? Astris nodded. "Of course she's lived long.......You want me to kill her, don't you?" She asked, and blinked. "I'll do it."

Good, Assssssstrissssss. Let'ssssssss go. Astris rose to her paws, and began to walk in the direction of Covari. It wasn't long before the green eyed demon hissed. We're here. Hessssstia is right down there. Now'ssssss your chance. Kill her, quickly. Pausing, Astris began to lunge, but a rock under her paws slipped. With this unexpected move, the wolf fell, a surprised yelp escaping her jaws. "HELP!" That was all she could get out before she landed heavily,




5 Years
07-08-2014, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2014, 07:59 AM by Phim.)
name -- Marvolo "Riddle" (aka WOLF VOLDEMORT)

gender -- male

visual of design -- 1 with very light purple, almost silver, eyes

appearance description -- 39" (will be 450 gems if I am not mistaken, but maybe I'll make him 40) 180 lbs

More the image of his father than his mother, the dark hued boy will stand at a tall thirty-nine (or forty) inches with a bulk of one hundred eighty pounds of rippling muscle. Marvolo's body will be coated in a base of dark grey that borders on black, with a lighter shade of grey resting over it. The lighter color will cover the top half of his body and tail, and extend downward over his shoulders and thighs. It will come down from a point on his forehead to cover the upper lids of his eyes and the outer edges of his cheek fur as well. The bottom lids of his eyes will be coated in an even lighter grey hue. The only indication that he is a child of Elysius, before earning his brand, will be lilac-purple eyes so light that they border on being a silvery color.

alignment -- lawful evil

personality -- loyal. brooding. megolomaniacal. malevolent. vindictive.

To Marvolo, the Elysius name is everything. He is endlessly devoted to his family and expects the same loyalty in return. He is not one to take ill-words about his family or betrayal by any of them lightly. The boy will grow up constantly preoccupied by dark and distant thoughts. This will show in his voice and his expressions, making him seem somewhat threatening to be around even when he means well (which, frankly, isn't often). He will be obsessed by his own power and his desire to control everything and will strive to become that family's strongest wolf, his end goal being to surpass his mother and lead the family. Every move he makes will be carefully calculated in order to achieve his goal, though at times his actions may seem unrelated.

Throughout his life, Marvolo will never wish well on any wolves who are not members of his family. In fact, he will wish only evil on them for his own entertainment, finding pleasure in the struggles and suffering of others. This will mostly rise from the irrational desire he will harbor for revenge against all who are not loyal to the Elysius name. As long as a wolf is not a member of Elysium, or has done something to wrong his family, Marvolo will be likely to lash out either verbally or physically against them seemingly without any provocation.
Phim's brother, Daitaro, is allowed to crash literally all of her threads.

[Image: xc4TMGm.png]