
Talking Business



7 Years
Extra large
03-11-2019, 05:39 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 06:54 PM by Torin.)
There was much to consider, Torin knew he had to make at least one last request of Frostbite. But he also needed his father, something he knew would likely cause some issues but if his father was going to complain that no one seemed to care if he was there or not he might as well actually fulfil some of his duties… not that that had gone well the last time; Torin hadn’t forgotten that despite being directly asked that Zell had neglected to call any training.

Torin didn’t hesitate, as soon as he was across the border he raised his voice in a call for Frostbite and his father. No rest after his return to packlands, right back to work. He supposed that was pretty on par.

Torin settled where he was, not even taking the time to settle his ruffled pelt. He silently prayed that his father would listen, wouldn’t be too angry about the summons. He prayed that at the very least things might be slightly less terrible between them; enough so at least to be able be proffessional.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



9 Years
Extra large
03-11-2019, 08:13 PM

Frost was in the middle of a visit with Derecho who had brought him and the kids a nice fat fawn. Torin's howl had drawn them from their visit. Frostbite listened as Torin called both him and Zell making him wonder what he needed them both for. He got to his feet and shook out his coat before looking to Derecho.

"We can continue later if you like, thank you again for the meal," he said to her with a grin.

He had seen Derecho around with Torin before, in fact their last meeting the two of them came together. Torin had been gone for a little bit and Frost was sure Derecho would be happy to see him sooner rather then later.

"Come with me I'm sure Torin and Zell wouldn't mind at all," he said.

She went to question him, but he quickly dismissed it and began a steady pace towards where the howl had come from. Soon Derecho was walking beside him and together the two quickly covered ground. Once they arrived Frost was quick to take a seat, curious about what was going on. Tipping his head in greeting to Torin.

"Frost Talk", & 'Frost Think'



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
03-11-2019, 10:28 PM

He didn't know what Torin was calling him for. He wasn't sure if he should care anymore, but that father part that was still in him picked him up and told him to go. Zell had learned at this point to keep a straight face like he was always in a game of poker. There was no use in getting pissed off about everything anymore. He would just keep losing, anyway. But the call wasn't just for him, it was also for Frostbite which drew his curiosity out. What in the world did Torin need that he needed him to be there? He supposed he'd find out when he got there.

He didn't hurry. He took his time walking in that direction. The deep scar he had gotten recently was still scabbed and angry looking, his eye still somewhat swollen from his encounter with a cougar out in the desert. He still wasn't sure if he would end up blind in that eye or not when it was finally healed enough to open, but he supposed it didn't matter. He probably deserved it. Karma and all that shit.

When he spotted the others with his good eye, he lumbered over to them and nodded to them in quiet greeting. He stood there with a questioning gaze lingering on his son. Was there some sort of news to tell? An announcement? Was he finally going to kick him from the pack? So many possibilities. So many potential answers. For now, he would stand and wait.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years
Extra large
03-19-2019, 03:11 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 06:51 PM by Torin.)
Torin wasn't left waiting long, Frostbite, tailed by Derecho, approached and his brows lifted slightly. He had no idea why she accompanied her uncle but he couldn't help but hope that maybe she'd be able to give some insight into the young alpha, they shared an uncle in Frostbite but if they were cousins or siblings he didn't know.

His father also arrived, much to Torin's relief, though his brow furrowed as he noticed the injuries his father was sporting. He would have to make sure someone checked on him. He waited until they were all settled and cast another glance over the three. Finally, he spoke, voice steady and clear.
walk "I decided a little bit ago it was time to take a visit to our neighboring packs. I came upon two new packs, one further to the north called Fýri and one less far called Erövrare." He paused for a moment.

"It is this pack that concerns this meeting." He glanced at Derecho and Frostbite as he spoke the next part. "I spoke to a young alpha I've met before; Tyranis Wreckage."" He of course did not know of Tyranis' disownment of the Wreckage name. "The pack he leads is different from the one he led the last time we talked. I opened up the discussion about pack relations and Tyranis seemed eager for allies, and chose to be honest with me about what enemies he faced, he spoke of a vengeful uncle and that he felt war was lurking in their future." He paused for a moment, catching his breath.

"I told him I could not make a decision without speaking with my secondary and senior warrior." He glanced at Frostbite and his father, even know that Frostbite would be stepping down soon. "I am not eager for war, but I respect Tyranis' honesty. What I'd really like is more insight into Tyranis if either of you have any,
He looked at Derecho and her uncle, "or what aid if any we may be willing to offer."

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



6 Years
03-19-2019, 08:38 PM

She was having a nice visit with Uncle, keeping him company and helping out where she could. With Torin out she had been feeling a bit lonely and noticing that Stardust was again absent she figured giving her uncle some company would be a good idea, and it had been. It seemed to lighten his mood and they were enjoying the company of each other. Torin's call had interrupted it and immediately made her a bit on edge. He was calling for both Uncle and his own father Zell. It made her brows raise in concern, but she knew better then to come uninvited. She was also eager to see Torin since he had been out on a trip. Her attention perked as Uncle invited her along, looking to him with a bit of confusion. As she went to question he dismissed it and began leading the way.

Shaking her head she raced to catch up then walked along side him to where Torin stood. He didn't look happy, but he looked healthy and Derecho moved over to gently nudge him before taking a seat and remaining quiet. She felt it really wasn't her place to get involved with the conversation, but she would patiently wait until it was over to spend some time with Torin afterwards. Her eyes fell on Zell as he arrived and she couldn't help but notice the old wound and the swollen eye. She was concerned for the male, but knew nothing of healing. It wasn't like Stardust was around to ask to look him over either.

She looked back to Torin as he began to speak, listening as he spoke of meeting two newer packs. One he was concerned about and when he cast his glance to her and then to uncle she grew curious. He continued on and when he said her brother's name she was shocked. It had been years since seeing any of her siblings and let alone Ty being the one out of them all to raise a pack made her a little suspicious, but she kept it hidden for now. He was looking for insight on Ty looking specifically to her and Uncle. She felt her uncle's gaze also on her making it obvious that she was allowed within this particular conversation.

"I would have to say I'm not surprised about potential war looming over his head," she would say quietly.

Her mind would bring back memories of before she was washed away from her family. Drifted to what she remembered of how Ty acted and how Ty treated her and her sisters. Derecho had never let it personally bother her and tended to brush it off, but if he grew up with the same attitude he probibily brought the war on himself.

"Honestly from what I remember, Ty was a bully to me and my sisters. He would use his size and his knowledge to try and prove he was...... better then us and he played dirty. He acted okay when the adults were around, but when they weren't he was.... cruel to us girls." She said looking to Torin.

She wouldn't lie to Torin and though she didn't have pull in this conversation, she could at least provide the insight he may need.

"Derecho Talk", & 'Derecho Think"

Note: Torin is allowed in any and all of Derecho's threads, regardless of the tag



9 Years
Extra large
03-25-2019, 07:25 PM

Zell would arrive shortly after and Frost took note of his scabbed up wound over his eye. It didn't look like it had been treated by a healer and Frost made note to try and hunt down Ara to look at it. He hoped that Zell wouldn't lose sight in that eye. Frost was wondering what had happened and also noted to go pay a personal visit to Zell to check in on him. His attention turned to Torin as he began to speak, speaking about his nephew who had another pack. It was definitely another one, because it wasn't the same name Ty had for his first pack. It surprised him to hear he had some enemies already and had potential war around the corner. Torin was asking for opinions and for a moment Frost glanced to Zell as his niece began to speak. Frost took in her words while mulling over what his opinion on the matter would be.

First off The pack consisted of the old or the young, there was very few that were around Torin's age. His kids were to young to even be anywhere near a war. He would willingly fight if it meant to keep his family and pack safe, but Frost just didn't feel they had the wolves to spare at this time. It would be almost dangerous to ally with a pack looking at potential war. Not that he didn't want to support his nephew, he wanted to support any family he had. So what was the solution? Should they ally and offer supplies? Things like food and medical aid? He wasn't sure what they could do if they would ally, but he didn't feel it was smart to actually offer to participate in the potential war. Once Derecho was finished Frost perked up a bit.

"I do not feel like it would be smart to offer anyone to participate in a potential war... We could offer food and medical aid, but I think for the safety of our pack we you steer clear of involvement," he stated before looking to Zell for his input on this.

"Frost Talk", & 'Frost Think'



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
04-05-2019, 04:28 PM

Zell had to admit, he was surprised to see a girl sitting so close to his son. A questioning glance with his good eye showed for a moment before he quickly blinked it away. He supposed it wasn't any of his business. Maybe if he and Torin had a better relationship, he would have known about it. But they didn't, so it was what it was. His attention turned away from that as Torin began to speak. Informing them of his talk with a nearby pack. He remained quiet as he spoke, and even when the girl by his side spoke as well. That part sounded like the common sibling rivalry or relationship to him. He and his siblings had been pretty rough and tumble, and they had been mean to each other on some occasions, but it never led to resentment or hatred to one another. They had all gotten along until the end. "Sibling rivalry," He muttered.

When Frostbite spoke, he nodded along. Zell wasn't one to pry into anyone's business, even in Lirim. He wasn't about to go and fight someone else's battle because they were acting high and mighty without the skill to back it up. "Frostbite is right. Even if we did agree to helping, we don't have the fighters let alone trained fighters to spare. It's just myself and..." Well, he didn't know who else. He had never seen Torin or anyone else fight, so he shook his head. "Anyway, while we have the numbers, we don't have the fighters. Nobody has come to me to express interest in fighting, so he's going to have to suck it up and handle his own affairs."

He as in Tyranis. He didn't know the guy at all, and even if he was directly related to Frostbite, Zell didn't feel inclined to help. Maybe if they had more experienced fighters...but like he mentioned, nobody had expressed interest. He had been yelled at for being around Jewell's kids, so he didn't bother trying to train them. And Frostbite's kids were too young to be going to war. Torin could blame him for the lack of training if he wanted, but Zell thought that would be unfair. Nobody else was taking the effort to do it, either. And he'd argue that if need be.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years
Extra large
04-08-2019, 09:39 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 07:17 PM by Torin.)
Derecho spoke about her brother and Torin took a mental note of her words. He didn't know how much stock to put into what she was saying, in that she was speaking of when she'd been a pup and while he was inclined to believe that at the very least Tyranis hadn't stopped picking fights. He supressed the urge to roll his eyes at his father instead sending him a reproachful glance and sighing lightly. Still he was glad his father was here and he was hopeful he wouldn't be chased off.

Both Frostbite and his father offered their own opinions and Torin nodded, sighing again. "That's along what I was thinking as well." He sucessfully managed to hold back his frustation with his father this time. While he could sympathize with Zell's point of view he also distinctly remembered telling members at the last meeting he expected lessons from the higher ranking members and as the only trained fighter in the pack that fell automatically to his father, who'd been in the middle of sulking and refusing to do anything helpful. So Zell was not blameless in his eyes, though he wasn't about to say that.

"Alright, I will tell Tyranis what our stance is in a month. For now, I'd rather let things play out without our interference." Plus he was tired and wanted nothing more than to curl up in his den and sleep for the whole month. He rose to his paws, meeting each of the gathered wolves' gazes as he spoke. "Thank you, all of you." He added an extra second to his look at his father. Things weren't mended between them yet but he wasn't about to burn whatever small bridge they'd managed to rebuild with them and he wanted to make it clear he really did appreciate his father's input. Whatever frustrations he had with Zell that didn't negate how much he valued his wisdom.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3