
The Devil's Workday



4 Years
03-13-2019, 02:36 PM

He approached the stone castle which was admittedly an impressive structure and tipped his head back in a summoning howl. He hadn’t forgotten the man he had seen watching the red male fight, or his look of distaste. His raven had given him sparring details of the family of giants that lived in the southern continent, but the most important detail he had gleaned from the bird’s report was one the red man himself hadn’t given him; Abraxas. Suddenly things were starting to make sense; the man was Archon Abraxas, who had formerly led Abaven, but he was still unclear as to what had transpired to have the pack change hands back to the Destructions. Distantly he wondered if the man's attack had been for Sparrow's sake all along, the thought was disquieting, but he would keep his suspicions to himself for now.

He sat calmly as he waited to be greeted, having taken care to freshen himself up for what he intended to be a diplomatic discussion between two leaders.

"Talk"  "Thought"   "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
03-30-2019, 02:24 PM
OOC; decided not to have Pyrr show up

The voice that called to Malleus from the border was unfamiliar to him. Dutifully he answered it, his mind roving over the possible reasons he was being summoned. Risen didn't get many callers - and Malleus liked it that way. He wasn't out to make friends and he cared little for the bulk of mortals. Only a few were worthy of his notice and the Abraxas' reputation seemed to keep away most of the unworthy. It was for that reason he was intrigued by the call. Family would have announced themselves so it was likely safe to assume he was dealing with a mortal - one who was unafraid to stand before the fallen angels.

No sooner had he stepped from the castle into sunlight and laid eyes on the caller did Malleus recognize Tyranis. How could he not? The mortal's foul presentation had struck Malleus as an apropos cherry on the ridiculous sundae that had been his brother's challenge. Malleus had been filled in on Archon's intentions beforehand and though displeased with the whole thing, he had gone to the battlefield not only to get a firsthand experience but to support his brother. Archon's approach to the Abraxas mission was far different than Malleus' but he was still Abraxas and he was still working towards their goal. Because of that he had Malleus' support whether Malleus liked his approach or not and he would continue to have it unless he lost his way or his mind - neither of which seemed farfetched. Had one not been a god Malleus would have thought the original challenger and challengee were well suited rivals.

Though his stance was authoritative, Malleus' expression was neutral as he approached Tyranis. If he had a strong opinion of the mortal he kept it to himself; it struck him as unwise to share even that without first knowing why Tyranis had come. His tone businesslike, Malleus said, "You've come a long way, Tyranis." The albino Archon had fought had named his king more than once. "State your business."
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.