
Miach vs Asvor



03-14-2019, 09:27 AM

Yawning, a slate-gray coydog with white brindling wanders into the group. He appears to be a warrior in his prime, but he can barely keep his eyes open and they droop and threaten to stay closed with every blink. ”Ok,” he says, yawning again. ”Let’s get this over with. You and you, go on over there and fight.” He indicates Asvor and Miach with barely more than a nod of the head, then stumbles over to a ring of stones set into the ground in a circle and plops down. He doesn’t look much like he’s going to be awake for the whole fight, but for now he blinks sleepily at the pair. ”Don’t step out of the ring, I decide the winner, blah blah blah. Ok go.” His head droops towards Miach in a gesture that could either be him falling asleep or telling them to go first, but was probably the latter.



3 Years
Extra large
03-14-2019, 01:51 PM

It was time for Miach's second fight and when he laid eyes upon his opponent a sneer could be seen. it was the mangy girl who was obviously riddled with some sort of mental illness that assaulted Miach for no reason. A visible red eye roll could be seen from the Adravendi as strong legs carried his large form into the ring. His wounds from the previous battle were minimal but little pangs of pain could easily be felt as he moved. The male stared the other fighter in the eyes with his lips remained curled upwards to expose his venom. "Let's keep the insanity to a minimum, please and thank you." His sass was easily emitted due to the severity of their first encounter.

The larger Wolf ensured his defenses were locked in by flattening his ears, narrowing eyes, bending elbows and knees, aligned tail and head with his spine, as well as tilting his muzzle downward to protect his throat. Miach nodded to the Coydog as it announced he would begin the fight. The crimson beast was fine with having the chance to be the first to spill some blood. This fighting tournament was a great way of letting off some of the pent up aggression the male had.

Suddenly Miach broke into a full on sprint towards his opponent. Growls ripped into the air as he moved to charge forward at Asvor but aiming to angle his body at a 45 degree angle with the center of his chest directed at her right shoulder joint. Miach hoped to connect a chest slam to her right shoulder to inflict some serious bruising and pain. As he attempted to do this Miach would also open his jaws and aim a bite just behind Asvor's right ear. His head tilted to his left in order to get a better angle. Miachs intentions were to cause some moderate lacerations with his teeth and draw some blood from his opponent.

Miach vs Asvor for Dominance (Tournament)
Round 1/?
Size: XL
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: --
Defensive Accessory: --
Companion 1: --
Companion 2: --
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: --

speech action



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
03-17-2019, 01:29 PM
Asvor wasn't quite sure what to expect from this tournament, but either way she was ready to prove herself. Much of her time had been focused on healing, rather than honing her fighting skills, but now more than ever she wanted to know for certain she could adequate protect herself and those she loved. She was silent as she watched the fight unfold, though was surprised at who she was paired with. She'd never caught his name, and the memories she had of that day were foggy at best - she'd been seeing some sort of vision from the gods when she'd encountered him and she'd reacted quite violently. The hallucination had been drug-induced, she'd known that, but that didn't make it any less real.. and she wondered today if she might see something similar.

She moved easily into the ring, watching the way he limped slightly from his previous fight. Hopefully he was worn down enough that she could easily overpower him. A faint smirk toyed with her lips, no real response given to his sass other than light amusement. "Must I?" She asked sharply, that tight smirk growing as she stared him down and tried to prepare herself for the impending fight.

Like him, she was quick to stiffen herself, her body preparing for his attack, since he'd been instructed to go first. Asvor's tail lashed out behind her as her eyes narrowed, watching as he suddenly rushed toward her, not hoping anything back. She returned the aggression with a low snarl of her own, lips curling into a sneer as she felt Miach's larger form colliding with her own, his jaws coming down behind her right ear and grabbing hold there.

Unafraid of the pain, she used her weight to lurch backwards, sure that the wound she'd earn from jerking out of his hold wouldn't be a pretty one. But it wouldn't be enough to deter her completely, and she lunged right back toward him, ducking her head low and aiming her parted jaws to grab hold of his front left forelimb and hoping to force him to lose his balance.

Asvor vs Miach for Dominance (Tournament)
Round 1/2
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Offensive Accessory: -
Defensive Accessory: -
Companion 1: -
Companion 2: -
Mutation: -
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: -



3 Years
Extra large
03-19-2019, 01:58 PM

Asvor's response wasn't much a of a surprise and he didn't allow his thoughts to dwell on her sarcastic tones. Miach ensured his thoughts were completely focused on the brawl for he was pretty determined to win. Perhaps this was a way to show others that he was a force to be reckoned with. A decent fighter with a level head. Nothing like his toxic father nor his poisonous bloodline. No demons came out to play just yet but the male hadn't endured much bloodshed. Who knows what would come..

Miach was able to make purchase with both his charge and the bite but as quickly as it happened Asvor reacted shockingly. The babe ripped his form back from his and his grip faltered almost as soon as it was formed. Blood flowed from his clenched jaws but he was unable to really do much else as she was already diving back towards him. The femme dived low and wrapped her mangy fangs around his front left forelimb. The bite was enough to cause pain to shoot up his leg but it wasn't snappy enough to break any bones.

The Adravendi male redistributed his weight on his other three mobile legs and allowed his front left to lift with her jaws. Miach also ensured his other defenses were locked and loaded. Eyes narrowed, bloodied lips curled, hackles raised, tail aligned with spine, and muzzle pointed downward to protect his throat.

Her form was now below his as her fangs met his leg. Thus, the behemoth has access to the top of her neck and he would attempt to take advantage of such. Miach allowed his head to lurch downward and fangs aimed to connected right where her skull and spine would connect. His head angled to his left to get a better grip. He wasn't looking to destroy any vertebrae but to land a shocking enough of a bite to have her submit.

Miach vs Asvor for Dominance (Tournament)
Round 2/2
Size: XL
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: --
Defensive Accessory: --
Companion 1: --
Companion 2: --
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: --

speech action



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
03-22-2019, 01:53 PM

Miach didn't seem amused by her retort, not that she expected he would be, and instead seemed intently focused on the fight ahead of them. As soon as he was given the signal to start, he charged straight toward her - at a slight angle - and in turn she aimed to snag his left forelimb, hopefully forcing him to lose balance while she pulled away and felt the sting of her wounded ear. The adrenaline that suddenly pumped through her veins made it easy to temporarily ignore the pain and continue forward with an attack. She was pleased when her parted jaws found purchase, though instead of pulling away, Miach lifted his leg and leaned back on his other limbs.

Asvor returned the low grow, though the sound was cut short when she felt his own eager jaws colliding with the crook of her neck. Instinctively she released her hold on him and tried to pull her head closer down, to protect her neck - if she still had a chance to. Her own limbs stiffened as she tried to get a good hold on the ground, not wanting to be thrown off balance by his rapidly strengthening hold. Not wanting to submit to him quite yet - or at all, for that matter - she held her ground, trying to pry out of his grip by twisting her head, though she felt the sharp sting of fangs digging into her neck. Pushing off with her back legs she tried to knock him away from her, aiming to thrash parted jaws toward the side of his chest, trying to reach out to any bit of flesh she could find.

Asvor vs Miach for Dominance (Tournament)
Round 2/2
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Offensive Accessory: -
Defensive Accessory: -
Companion 1: -
Companion 2: -
Mutation: -
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: -

The Judge


04-21-2019, 01:03 PM

And the winner is...

MIACH must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Miach: 143.7
Ásvor: 144.6

- Judged by Lunarcat7