



07-05-2014, 10:33 PM

Aegira has never been under any delusions that life of a rogue is easy, or safe. She?s had to face down scavengers for meals, had to be run off from pack borders after crossing them unintentionally, but she?s never faced something quite like this. Two rogues surround her, circling her as if she is nothing but a piece of meat. Her hackles raise, lips peeling back with a snarl. She knows their intentions are nefarious; she can see it in the glint of their eyes, the way they seem to trace her movements.
They are so large, and she is so small.
She puts up a good fight; she?s certain she?s ripped out an eye and left a few severe bruises and cuts. And yet, two on one is hardly fair or easy, especially when the two are so big and the one is so little. Jaws clamp down upon her hind right limb, twisting and contorting it until snap. She yelps in severe pain, finding herself toppled to the ground, struggling as best she can. She feels fear fill her chest; she?s weak and defenseless, and she does not know what will these two have. Nonetheless she struggles, fights, her muscles twisting and contorting as she writhes and battles against nefarious wills.




4 Years
Extra large
07-05-2014, 11:03 PM

He was drawn in by the yelp of pain, ears perking in interest. What on earth was going on? The hills surrounding him cast noise at strange angles, so he loped to the top of the slope he had been traversing, casting his gaze about. It did not take long to find his quarry, and doing so immediately soured his mood along with kindling a fire in his belly. What in seven hells was this? In the gully below him two wolves circled a familiar form. He watched with growing rage as one brute lept in, latched onto Aegira's limb, and twisted. The snap was audible even from his elevated position, and the yelp his once-companion produced brought bile into the back of his throat. There will be blood to pay, he thought with savage grace as he streaked down the hill. His battle cry came in the form of a savage snarl as he launched himself into the side of the wolf who had bitten the smaller fae. These worthless curs would suffer for committing such atrocities in his presence, oh yes, they would rue the day their worthless whore mothers had pushed them into the world. His teeth dug deep into the shoulder of one male, as he was pleased on some level to find his impressive height allowed him to tower over them all. With a massive heave of strength he tossed the abuser away from the fae. His companion leapt in Lyon's moment of absence and clamped down on his right thigh. Whirling, Lyon snapped at the male, murder in his eyes. The wolf who he had thrown earlier scrambled to his feet, obviously caught off guard by the sudden and furious onslaught, and disappeared over the nearest hill. With the red haze blurring his vision, Lyon thought desperately that they would both make it out alive, and he just couldn't have that! But as he moved in for the second brute's neck, his opponent scrambled away. He too fled. Lyon's pursuit lasted only a few paces, and ended in a savage growl and lashing tail. "If I ever see your mangy pelts again," he roared, "I'll be lining my den with them!" He turned back on Aegira, his tone melding from rage to a stoic, business-like manner. "Where else are you hurt?" The leg was obvious of course, and he would not insult either of them by asking after it. He knew little and less of healing, and less yet of the area they were in, but that did not mean the man wouldn't try.

"Talk" "You" Think



07-05-2014, 11:40 PM

She doesn?t give up hope for a moment, the will to fight fierce within her chest. She flails, lashing out at her attackers with a bitter anger that she did not know she was capable of. Pain swells within her from her broken limb, panic sitting deep within her as she fears the worst. And then, she is saved by a lion. It is a familiar face, and a welcomed one. He deals with her attackers quickly, Aegira rising to her unsteady feet in the aftermath, shaking as pain rises through her body.
Adrenaline begins to pump, and she starts to feet numb. Lyon manages to scare off the problem, but she fears the damage has been done. He asks where else she is hurt, and she attempts to self-examine, head turning towards her leg as she notes how gruesome the mangled mess seems. Blood drips down her body on numerous locations, but not all of it is her own. Most notably, the scruff of her neck is damaged, raw and ripped wide open.
However, she opens her jaws and finds words are beyond her. Her throat feels choked, the panic settling in as she realizes what could have happened, what could still happen. Shudders fill her as her jaws open and shut a few times, attempting to reveal her emotions, trying to be useful but finding that she is just too overcome to be capable of such things right now.




4 Years
Extra large
07-08-2014, 02:21 PM

The smallish creature seems beyond words, and Lyon restrains a frustrated sigh. Honestly, after going through the trouble you'd think she'd be a bit more considerate, but no. It seemed as if perhaps she was going into shock. Lyonovei moved in, attempting to examine her more closely. "Well, if you're going to be silent at least be still. Let me see if I can find anything else wrong with you." The woman was rather beat up, that much was for certain. He had no idea if she was torn up inside as well as outside, and in her mute state he doubted if he'd find out any time soon. While he circled her, slowly and with a keen eye, his mind ran a mile a minute. I should find her some nettle, he thought, to help her regain the blood she's lost. Ginseng would would give her back some energy, help her heal, but I'm not sure if there's any nearby... His knowledge of herbs was limited but far from non-existent. He was more than happy to leave the healing to the sages and the Ebons, but that didn't mean he would run the risk of trouble in the wilds and no way to help himself. This, however, looked a bit more severe. A broken leg was serious and he couldn't very well leave Aegira alone now that he'd butted in. He'd interrupted the course of fate, impulsive or not, and now he had to accept the repercussions. He recalled their first meeting, where he'd told her to go catch him a meal, and his stomach twisted. Karma was a cruel bitch indeed.

"Talk" "You" Think



07-19-2014, 03:10 PM

She cannot control herself; otherwise she might speak gratitude and praises. Pain wrecks her body, her leg throbbing and bloodied. She feels almost light headed in a sense, and fearful. A rogue?s life is almost impossible at this point. She can?t walk, can?t hunt, can?t look after herself. She does as is asked of her, however, and she does not cry. That she feels is most important for whatever reason; the restraint of tears, because she has a warrior?s heart. Aegira will not cry; life is hard, but she is still her own woman.
?Lyon, I?.I don?t know how I?m supposed to stay a rogue like this,? she tells him. Her thoughts are cloud, and perhaps if she were less in shock she might have told him that he needed to get her to a pack, any pack. ?Thanks, I mean. My neck hurts pretty bad but it?s mostly just my leg,? she tells her. The words do their best to form, sounding perhaps awkward in her state of shock.