



8 Years
03-25-2019, 04:58 PM
ooc: Permission to PP Archon walking with Hanni and releasing him from the Band was given by Iko! Also, here is a link to the pack challenge purchase click

It was finally time. With all of the planning involving Archon and the band as well as the much needed recovery time from his previous fight. Hannibal would be marching his way onto the battlefield to call upon his former Alpha to challenge for the Erovrare throne. The beast was neutral for the most part. Archon had bested him previously but that did not mean the albino wasn't skilled enough to defeat Tyranis. He saw his former fight as a way to improve himself and he had studied his mistakes countlessly since. He would not pump up his own ego by exposing any underlying confidence but it was easy to say he didn't hold much doubt for good reason.

Pale pads fell upon the earht with ease as the pale monster found his way to the battlefield. Archon was not far behind to presumable watch his pawn in action. His reasons for challenging were plentiful. Hannibal was a naturally selfish and power hungry creature who always desired a throne. Previously happy with his position under Tyranis the male had been psuhed to fight his way to the top. If he was able to challenge for the crown and win the beast would happily moved the pack completely out of the South as a whole and grant Archon free reign of the Shrine. The phantom was acting on both desperation to secure a sturdy home for his family, but to also perhaps make a strong ally in Archon. In there time together the two very different behemoths had made quite an odd companionship. One in which would only be strengthened completey by a victory.

Hannibal stopped as he found a barren clearing and offered a quick glance towards Archon. Wordlessly the male then shot his head up into the air and summoned forth Tyranis of Erovrare to join him in the desolate battlefield. The beast was tense and for good reason but he was ready for the bloodshed that would presumably come.

HANNIBAL vs TYRANIS for Pack Challenge (Erovrare)

Height: 35" Build: Medium


Hannibal Speech

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
03-25-2019, 05:36 PM
Belle had travelled north through the dunes of the west, eventually reaching a river that conveniently ran between two packs. She took in as much information as she could just from smelling the borders before continuing on her way, knowing neither held her elder brother. She had just pulled herself out of the river when she was startled by a familiar voice. An unintentional smirk played over her dark features at the convenient coincidence.

The royal woman shook her ivory stained coat with a graceful pride before jumping into a quick gallop. With a rhythmic gate Deathbelle closed the distance between herself and the goal she had sought when she left home. Vowing not to look back that day her heart soared to know the future looked so bright in that moment.

With her fur clean, dry, and a little windblown as her midnight paws first touched the battlefield Belle was ready for the show. Her gaze was bright and her skin flush with the exertion of her run, but she was glowing when her eyes fell on Hannibal. She refrained from rushing to his side, instead she regained her regal composure and floated to the Klein heir’s side. She didn’t see there being time to catch up, she she simply smiled softly and stood supportively to the side.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
03-25-2019, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2019, 05:51 PM by Aurielle.)
Aurielle Adravendi

The challenging call, distant on the Battlefield didn’t go unmissed by the Spirit. Quickly, she howled for Caelia, inviting the young Adravendi to come with her before she trotted from the borders of her pack. It was always a good idea to attend these things, both to study the mettle of the two wolves in the fight and see what kind of leaders either wolf was, winner or loser, and to be in the know of the goings on of other packs.

She made the journey quickly, moving off to the side as she studied the scene with gradated eyes, her comportment that of quiet observance. It wasn’t difficult to tell that she was an alpha herself. Only three wolves stood on the field thus far—the challenger, a pied Albino male, and a woman that clearly stood in his support.

A third was there, another male that seemed there to support the Challenger. (vague because I'm early)

She settled back to wait, both to see if Caelia would come to see this event, and to see what events would transpire.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
03-25-2019, 05:59 PM
Archon indeed followed Hannibal to the field where they had become so well acquainted that day. Obi was in tow and Archon had sent word to his family of his plans. They were welcome to attend, but this was not actually his fight. This was Hannibal's. They stood in a mutual agreement. Would Tyranis heed their call this time around?

Indeed, Archon couldn't be bothered to care about Tyranis's well being or his standing- he was simply an obstacle in the way of the shrine that belonged to God. Him claiming to be a demon, however, was interesting. Archon could come away with the shrine and the demon's claim to lineage today. At the least, he could stop the demon from continuing his lowly line.

It wasn't the most polite thing, but after last challenge's display... Well, Archon wasn't so sure that he wasn't doing the world a favor by trying to topple the alpha's reign.

But, for now, he settled to watch his pawn in action. Obi and Circe had healed him well and he had faith that Hannibal was a man of his word.

"You are released," he said to just Hannibal. "Now go become a king."



7 Years
Extra large
03-25-2019, 06:12 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 06:50 PM by Torin.)
Permission given by Blue to have Derecho agree to accompany Torin

The call from the battlefield for Tyranis had not escaped Torin's notice, his curiosity was piqued. This was the second time in a short while he'd heard the summoning howl of a challenge for the young alpha and despite himself he couldn't help but feel some amount of relief that he hadn't agreed to an alliance with the man on a whim. That didn't mean he couldn't sympathize, he couldn't imagine the pressure Tyrains was under and he could barely imagine what he'd do if he was ever put in the same situation.

He decided this time there would be someone from Lirim there, his own pack had mostly stayed away the first time, with Torin picking up more duties and Frostbite the sole guaridan of his pups they hadn't really had anyone to spare. This time though Torin knew he needed to be there, they couldn't be left out of the loop any longer. But before he went an idea popped into his head.

Torin sought out a specific wolf, picking up her scent with ease as he'd grown so used to it. He figured Derecho also deserved to know what was happening with her brother. If she cared to offer him assistance at all she also deserved a chance to do so. As he approached her, he smiled, his voice soft as he spoke."I am going to observe the challenge issued against your brother, would you like to join me?"She gave her agreement and Torin took the lead towards the field.

He approached slowly, eyes scanning the already gathering crowd. He didn't see Tyranis quite yet but he was sure the alpha would show soon, he hadn't been to the last fight afterall. He spotted his cousin and a light smile tugged at his lips, he trotted over to her, settling beside. "This spot taken?" He asked teasingly. Then he gestured to Derecho. "Derecho this is my cousin Aurielle, leader of our sister pack Celestial. Aurielle this is Derecho, a treasured member of Lirim." He spoke his introductions quickly and softly, his gaze returning to slide towards the black and white man who stood at the head of his own group. No doubt the challenger. "Looks like were early." He observed.


Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
03-25-2019, 07:04 PM

Spring time made Pyralis restless. She'd taken off again toward the north, eager tor resume her exploration that was so swiftly canceled by the harshness of winter. She also meant to finally start her duties as a high-ranking scout. It was time to start sticking her nose where it likely didn't belong and in her defense the Fallen god clearly wanted her to do so. The challenge rang out across the battlefield just as Pyralis was about to approach it. She grinned and glanced up at Alkali who'd been flying above her.

"What do you think? Sounds like an event just begging to be investigated." The hawk screeched out her agreement and the pair wandered through the battlefield until she spied a small gathering of wolves, one of which was her nephew Archon and the scabbing man her nephew had claimed. A man she'd fought with against a bear now that she thought about it. Small world.

"Making friends, Archon?" She chuckled and moved to find a good seat. Now this was her kind of work. Watching a pack challenge, what could be better? She'd take her report back to Risen if Malleus didn't turn up himself to watch.

"Talk" "You" Think
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-25-2019, 07:13 PM

Valdís headed to the battlefield to see if she could find someone to spar with. She needed to tighten up her form and sharpen her skills, the tournament had made that clear. She hadn't been used to fighting in a confining ring but even so, knowing the rules, she should have exercised a greater understanding of her body in the space that she had to work with. Part of her felt the need to make it up to Chaos. She had a good reputation as a fighter and she intended to uphold it.

She jumped slightly as a bush next to her rustled and out popped Jynette with a field mouse clamped tightly in her jaws. The red fox flipped it into the air then snatched it and gulped it down. It was taking some time to get used to having a companion but she'd seen the advantages on the battlefield and off it. Jynette had her own set of special skills and the two were quickly realizing how well the complimented each other.

"Just so you know if it starts going really bad for you I'm getting the heck out of dodge."

Valdís smirked. "Not going to happen. I-" She was cut off by a distinctive howl, a challenge. Her eyes narrowed. That sounded like a pack challenge. She swiftly headed in the direction of the call, Jynette at her heals. When she spied a group of wolves she knew she came to the right place. Taking in their forms and scents she sat down to watch, her eyes lingering on a pale femme with long fur coming off the top of her head. She smelt like Celestial and Valdís couldn't help but remember her first raid and her battle against the giant red alpha of the pack.

"Talk" "Jynette" Think



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-25-2019, 07:20 PM
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

Éldi was finally starting to heal up from his injuries at the tournament. There were a few wounds that were still pink and raw and he wouldn't be surprised if a few of the scarred over. That was alright. He was never meant to be some unscarred babe, he expected life and battle to leave lasting marks upon his flesh. With spring in nearly full swing he was anxious to test his skills at the battlefield. Soon it would be time for Hjarrandi to choose a target to raid and he wanted to be prepared. This was no time to grow fat while spending his days devouring young game. His companions trailed along after him.

As the challenge rang out he made a beeline for the source of the call to see a gathering of wolves, a number of them he recognized from the earlier challenge. He couldn't say he was terribly surprised, especially after seeing how angry the piebald male had been. He swiftly sat to watch, keeping to himself and away from the others. This was purely information gathering. He needed to know who was an available target. If a pack switched hands that was worth knowing. And who knew, maybe Valkyrie would seek to christen a new pack with a good and proper dose of battle.



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
03-25-2019, 07:29 PM
Then they went on to say the pearly gates

Brandr's day started well enough. He'd finally found a gift for Corentine that he hoped to give her as soon as she was done visiting her mother. After that the big decision would start. They'd returned to Abaven on a temporary basis to bring the family a bit of closure. Closure for Corentine to visit her mother, closure for him to check in on Abaven and now that those goals were about accomplished, what came next? While he was enjoying the structure of a pack and the extra energy that came with not traveling every day, he'd assumed they'd pack up and leave when all was said and done. Though perhaps they could stay through the summer and autumn and follow the herds back? Of course, that would mean uprooting Lucine again.

He slowed his pace, mind spinning when a challenging call snapped him out of his thoughts. He hadn't realized how close he was to the battlefield. His eyes narrowed, that sounded like a pack challenge. Quickly moving to to the source he saw a group of wolves gathered and immediately caught the smell of the Abraxas. He should have known. Resisting the urge to leave as well as the urge to snarl he sat down to watch the match, curiosity piqued. It was strange though, the man he'd assumed made the call did not smell of the Abraxas packs or even of their family.

had such elegant graffiti



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
03-25-2019, 08:29 PM
Everyone should have known Chaos would jump at the chance to spectate on some good drama, and sure enough the tall, long-toothed alpha popped up at the challenge before the challenged wolf even had a chance to answer. The aforementioned challenged wolf was, of course, Tyranis, who it seemed had not been making friends. Well, Chaos reasoned, of course he hadn't made any friends. He pretended to be better than everyone else but didn't even make the effort to back up his claim. Just a scared little boy trying to seem bigger than he was. Of course no one was going to take to that.

His brows climbed, though, at the sight of the challenger who sought to take the pack from Tyranis. The scabby little albino who'd gotten trounced and enslaved the last time? And the god-fart who'd been the one to capture him, sitting there watching like he was watching his little pet do a shit on someone else's lawn. "Wow," he drawled, seating himself carefully to watch, "didn't take long for him to put a collar on you and make you his little bitch, did it?" He grinned malevolently at the would-be god and his little albino windup toy, making no effort to hide his contemptuous amusement. Now they just needed Tyranis to show up - he wondered how the drama queen was going to top his performance from last time, and what dramatics the challenge would wring from the other two - so they could get the real show started.

The outcome of this little row didn't matter to him - whoever ended up the victor was going to find themselves raided by Legion anyway, so did it really matter which of them was in charge of the pack? There was as much plentiful reasons to make an enemy of the one as the other and scant reasons to make either of them a friend.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



4 Years
03-25-2019, 11:49 PM
I'll be using one of my +5 fight points here

Tyranis entered the battlefield with a steeled look in his eyes, a snarl rolling over his features as he entered the clearing and regarded his challenger. There was no surprise in his features, no shock that Hannibal had chosen to challenge him, half of his pack had shown their loyalty to Hannibal and not their high lord, he had failed to bring them a healer, and had instead his pack had become filled with a woman Hannibal bedded, a woman he tried to rape, his brother, and his sister who had no doubt been sent to seduce him. This was of course not including Leera who had tried to take his children from him and who he would later learn had plotted against him. Hidden in his fur Raanee coiled around his neck just behind his ears, while above Moses circled them, cawing his lament over the gathered wolves.

“Very well then.”

He stood at a 10-foot distance from the albino male, his ears pinned his eyes narrowed, he spread his legs equally apart and loosened his joints, he raised his hackles, his paws digging into the dirt while he tucked his chin. He had no interest in talking, only in fighting, and settling this matter between the upstart male and himself once and for all. His mother had promised him paranoia and betrayal, and now, here it was, at his doorstep, threatening to take everything from him.

He charged in an attempt to close the distance between them, each footfall carefully placed, his lips pulled back to reveal white fangs. He kept his head leveled with his spine as he charged but rolled his right shoulder forward; with their height difference Tyranis intended to slam the small pocket of flesh between Tyranis's neck and his shoulder into Hannibal’s nose, with the intention of shoving him with the momentum he had gained from his stride and would seek to bring the right side of his head next to the left side of Hannibal’s where he would then attempt to sink his fangs into the left side of Hannibal’s spine, just below his shoulder, and hopefully giving him the positioning he would need to attempt to grapple at the albino's front right wrist with his own right forepaw to pull Hannibal forward while Ty’s left arm would attempt to bend and lock around the albinoid’s left shoulder in an attempt to unbalance him

Tyranis vs. Hannibal for Pack Challenge

Round: 1 | 2 | 3

Height: 39"

Build: Medium


Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



7 Years
03-26-2019, 12:46 AM

Doubt shot through the bronze mistress like a piercing arrow destroying resistance after so much time had passed without hearing anything from her mate. Doubt at his existence. Doubt at her journey if it was worth it. Worry grew like a corrupted, malicious and perfidy tree. Its branches twisted. But, seeds of hope wormed into the ground and no matter how large and terrifying the darkness was, it endured like a small pebble to last infinitely, more so when auditory system caught the deafening, thunderous and oh, so distinctive call. It was a call to arms and within an instant the babe figured the meaning behind it and for who it was intended. Hannibal was challenging Tyrannis for Erövrare. A muscle twitched involuntarily at the corner of her right eye, her mouth formed a rigid grimace. The babe tapped her tail furiously and all the while stared out towards the source of the call. The Battlefield. The man knew how to make a grand entrance. This fitfully sunny morning would either see the dawn of their new life or snap it in two, either way it was worth it.

It was not an easy task to leave the spawns with Hannibal sister, Cordelia, but she did in nonetheless fore she knew she had to be there. It took convincing for her part but she managed to assure herself that the devil chops will be safe in the paws of Hannibal side of the family. It did not took long for the babe to reach the Battlefield and as she did so she lessened her pace, placing one teacup paw gracefully in front of the other, calculating her movements. The crowd did not surprise the vampiric siren fore she barely offered them her time of day, instead, her fiery orange orbs, measuring planets in size with their own gravitational pull, narrowed towards the fight that seemed to have just started. 'Fight with honor, beloved' the babe thought for herself as curvaceous, feline frame came to a halt not far away from the spectacle.

In the storm they endured, Hannibal was the gentle centre. And so she come to rest at his side (theoretically) in this battle. She could notice the crowd that disapproved and the judgement they felt so entitled to. Every person needs a harbour, a secure attachment of love - for without one they could be in such pain, so lost, shutting down. Then life becomes a torture they were expected to endure, surviving, not living. Were it not for Hannibal, there would be no relief, no emotional morphine. She trusted him, he was her heroin. Of course she was addicted to him - for every reason that was impure and carnal but also there was a spark for more. They were pawns for one another but he also became an anchor she hold onto,

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



6 Years
03-26-2019, 07:51 AM

She normally hadn't paid attention to the distant calls. Even when the one came today, challenging for a pack that she had recently found out was her brothers. It was not something she would plan to get in the middle of. Although Ty was family, she didn't think she needed to be cleaning up messes. Ty was an adult and she felt he could handle himself like one. She did gave a brief pause when she heard the call, but went back to her task at hand. Although it all would change when Torin would specifically find her. He told her he was going to watch the challenge and asked if she would join him.

"I would love to join you," she spoke without any hesitation.

Torin was a wolf she would have loved to go anywhere with and even though Ty had been a bit of a bully as a pup, she still was interested to see what he was like now. She wanted to see if he had changed or if he had remained the same. Going alone was out of the question, but going with Torin was a no brainer. Plus they would get out of the pack for a bit and even though it was to watch a battle, she was just tickled to spend some time with him.

He lead the way and she would catch up and walk beside him, her silvery blue eyes looking out over the territories as they passed over them. When they approached, not many were there and Torin specifically sought out a place beside a beautiful silvery women. For a moment she found herself feeling a bit of jealousy, but kept it hidden and as he introduced the women it would disappear all together. She was a cousin, not another female looking to take Torin from her. She would look over to Aurielle and smile, dipping her head in respect and a friendly greeting. To Torin's comment she nodded as she looked around noticing more wolves slowly beginning to collect.

"Not for long it seems," she would reply back before her eyes caught a familiar sight. "There's my sister Corentine."

She would motion Torin to look at the pair not far from them, the male was of creams and tans. Beside him a black and silvery white female would sit, her gold eyes looking around until they met with Derecho's silvery blue gaze. Derecho would smile and her tail would wag a quiet greeting from far away. It took the other female a few moments before a look of relief and joy passed over her features. Attention was then quickly diverted as Ty entered the field, steeled gaze locked on the challenger. He certainly looked different and a lot bigger then her, which Ty had showed as a pup. There was some noticeable things to him, one being his lack of tail. She remembered him having a tail before, so what had happened?


Note: Torin is allowed in any and all of Derecho's threads, regardless of the tag



6 Years
03-26-2019, 08:05 AM

She had been looking to vent desperately wanting to find her mate to lean on. After meeting with her mother and having some discussion Storm had told her that she was dying and didn't have much longer at all. It was rough news to hear and she wanted to talk with Brandr about it all. She had left Storm by their den, with Lucine for company so she could get to know her grandmother a little better. She then went hunting for Brandr, looking to track down his scent. Just as the pack challenge call rang through the air Corentine found evidence of a fresh trail of Brandr, She fallowed it and eventually it led to the battlefield. When she arrived at the sight she looked around until she found the man she was looking for.

Brandr already looked interested in what was going to happen, she she approached then would sit directly beside his right side with her fur lightly brushing his. She would try to gently nuzzle his neck with her nose, showing him affection and support through her touch. Her eyes would wonder until they found a black female with silvery white markings. At first Corentine questioned if she was seeing things. Afterall she presumed Derecho was deceased after she didn't return home. Here she was not sitting that far away. An easy smile came from Derecho before Corentine let her facade crack with relief and pure jot. Corentine would also flash her a bright smile and wag her tail doe the women. She was glad to see her alive and well.

Then she looked away and Ty entered the scene and literally her jaw would drop open. Ty owned this pack? And this pack was being challenged for? She sighed lightly, not knowing anything of what was going on aside from her conversation with her mother.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
03-26-2019, 08:26 AM
Though Caelia heard the call, given how the last trip to the Battlefield had gone, well - she wasn't overly eager to go. Not until she heard Aurielle call for her, of course, which changed her mindset quite quickly. Perhaps this could be a lesson of sorts, and not a total disaster like the last trip had been. Maybe she'd been too eager to push her way to the front of the group with Artur and the rest of her siblings when she should've held back and observed from a distance. Either way, apparently she'd see what Aurielle's approach to the whole spectacle was. Curious, she bounded quickly toward her call, glad to accompany her to see what was going on.

Though Aurielle arrived quite quickly, she lagged behind and showed up a short while later. Others had apparently had similar ideas, showing up quickly and settling in to watch the action. Some of the wolves were vaguely familiar - had they been here last time? - though some weren't familiar at all. She veered toward Aurielle's side and reclined quietly, observing the others with a watchful eye. "Do you recognize anyone, or their packs?" She asked under her breath, head tilting toward Aurielle's, wondering if she knew the details that she hadn't quite been able to discern last time. The variety of scents was honestly overwhelming to her, though she supposed this was yet another thing she would grow used to in time.



Expert Fighter (190)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019
03-26-2019, 02:44 PM
Artur's ears pricked up as he heard the call from the battlefield. Young as he was, it took him a long moment to interpret it. He'd never heard a pack challenge, since he'd not yet been born when the last one had taken place in the battlefield. When he worked out what it was, however, the young male's eyes gleamed with an excitement that was rare for him. Unlike his siblings, their previous experience with the battlefield had only inflamed his urge to return to the scene of chaos and disorder that had shaped his desire to mold that into an order of his choosing. Now here was someone perhaps choosing to do just that, someone who had seen the weakness inherent in the wolves who led the packs currently and chose to wrest one from the unworthy paws that held it.

He blinked in confusion as Aurielle's voice called out not long after. She was calling for Caelia. She was... bringing Caelia to the battlefield? He waited for a call for the rest of them, but it didn't come. Immediately he was affronted. What the hell? What was special about Caelia that she should accompany the alpha to observe a rare pack challenge, but no one else? A twitch of his lip that for a brief second exposed fang was his only concession to the rage that suddenly coursed through him, before his expression closed down entirely into icy calm.

It didn't matter if the alpha invited him or not. He was a yearling, an adult, and free to go where he pleased. So it wasn't long after Aurielle and his sister set out that Artur set off with his own ground-eating lope, taking care not to follow the same trail as the two of them so he wouldn't appear to be following them. Appearances mattered, to Artur.

So he was a little later than they were when he reached the battlefield, and in a slightly different direction. The challenged alpha was already striding up, and Artur was irritated to find that he was annoyingly close to following in the male's footsteps, making it look uncannily like Artur was following him. It couldn't be helped, though.

Artur was careful to swing wide around the circle of spectators to the opposite side of his packmates before seating himself alone, scarred face held regally high, gaze sweeping over the whole tableau with disdain. Wasn't that the sunburned male who'd been captured last time? Hadn't he been a member of this very pack he now sought to claim? He stared disapprovingly at the traitorous wolf, then at the male who lurked in the background, the one who had stolen this would-be king away from the pack he now challenged for, and his eyes narrowed in calculated thought. What had the male said or done that would turn a man he'd just taken as a slave against his pack? What silvery words had he spoken to lure him to his side? Or had the male been a traitor all along, and only the band leader's interference had given him the courage? Artur longed to know.

His gaze moved to the yellow-eyed alpha who had swept in and now moved to the attack without stopping to bandy words. Which of them would emerge victorious? And in their victory, how would the spectators around them react? If the albino won, would the band leader who clearly supported him be the true power behind his throne, or would they part ways? The idea of some ragged vagabond nomad having the power to order packs as they liked was distasteful to him. Yet... it gave him a shivering inkling of an idea, a feeling like a world of possibilities opening before him. The band leader had no territory he was tied to, that he needed to defend. So how could a pack retaliate against him without leaving themselves vulnerable? There was no land they could be certain of finding the band and ambushing them.

His tongue darted out to touch the center of his lip in a thoughtful gesture, and he hardly paid attention to the battle that had joined before him, though his blue eyes remained upon the fighters, for his thoughts were lingering upon that vague kernel of an idea.



8 Years
03-26-2019, 08:44 PM
ooc: There was some confusion with Tyr's directionals. After discussing this with Fen we have decided that some things need to be switched for clarity sake. My following posts will abide by these revisions.
"bring the left side of his head next to the left side of Hannibal’s where he would then attempt to sink his fangs into the left side of Hannibal’s spine,"
"he would need to attempt to grapple at the albino's front left wrist with his own right forepaw to pull Hannibal forward while Ty’s left arm would attempt to bend and lock around the albinoid’s right shoulder in an attempt to unbalance him"

The first to show was a shocker to say the least. It seemed Hannibal's call had reached the ears of a long lost sibling, Deathbelle. A promising grin was flashed her way as she silently moved to the side. He was glad she had come and the pressure of winning before her delightful magenta eyes would be evident. Archon's words ripped his attention away from his half-sister and a nod could be shown in response. Soon came others gathering around them and Hannibal was quick to drown out the jibber jabber. After the first challenge he was very aware that the majority of Wolves in these lands had nothing of value to add and merely thirsted for drama.

As Tyranis appeared Hannibal sought to lock eyes with the opposing male. His gaze was intense but there was no amount of distaste in his visage. There had been respect lost in the passing months but all in all Tyranis wasn't a dreadful alpha. The greyscale Praetor cared for his kids but still had a lot to learn in Hannibal's opinion. Which, at the moment, did not mean much.

With little theatrics Hannibal settled into his defensive stance. The albino's weight was evenly distributed between four sturdy legs. Elbows and knees were bent for balance and ease of mobility. Hannibal's head lowered to align with his spine while his tail moved to a neutral stature as well. Lips curled upwards, eyes narrowed, and ears flattened to protect the sensitive bits of his pretty face. His muzzled pointed downward slightly to protect his throat and he focused in on his breathing to be steady. Finally he was ready and Tyranis began the fight.

Suddenly Tyranis sprung into action. Hannibal watched as the slightly taller Wolf sprinted towards himself. They were approximately ten feet a part and facing one another. As his opponent moved to close the distance Hannibal would also move to charge forward to help him in doing so. Perhaps his own attempt at a charge could result in some collision damage. The albino focused on his breathing as he ran forward but also caught Tyranis moving his right front shoulder out with sharp eyes. Suddenly, Tyranis was attempting to shove himself into Hannibal's pink and black dappled nose. The albino quickly turned his head left and downward. Tyr's snub now landed at the right side of Hannibal's face, under the eye where the cheek and neck meet. Dull pain and moderate bruising would appear in result but the paler male was content with his nose being out of harms way for the moment. Hannibal could not dwell on the first flash of pain for Tyranis was now moving for a bite. His opponent managed to sink his teeth into Hannibal's left upper back region where the spine and shoulder blades would meet. The first blood to be spilled would be his own and the stinging of fangs shooting into his scabby pale skin would send shivers down his spine. Before Hannibal could properly react his attention was moved towards his paw placement. Tyranis moved to grapple Hannibal's front left wrist, which the albino quickly attempted to recover from by merely slamming his front left paw downward to the earth after being tugged at. Wether he came in contact with Tyranis' front right leg was up to the opposing Wolves movements. Meanwhile Tyranis also managed to lift himself up and apply pressure on Hannibal's upper right shoulder. The weight of the slightly larger Wolf would be enough to make the albino check his stance and ensure his weight was evenly distributed between his four strong legs.

As of now, Hannibal seemed to be facing his opponent with all four paws on the earth. A bite wound to the pale beast's upper left back region as well as a moderate bruise upon his own black and white right cheek. With the onslaught of attacks Hannibal was sure to remain within a defensive stance and he determined it was time to finally try to do some attacks of his own. Hannibal snarled as he aimed snapping jaws towards Tyr's left. The albino angled his upper jaw to his (hanni's) right in order to further his reach and attempted to bite his opponent at his (Tyr's) left Trapezius muscle which would be above the grey male's front left shoulder joint but below the spine. All the while, Hannibal aimed to apply pressure to his opponent's chest by digging his paws into the earth and attempting to push forward with his own chest. He hoped to make his opponent struggle for balance and potentially lose focus.

HANNIBAL vs TYRANIS for Pack Challenge (Erovrare)

Height: 35" Build: Medium


Hannibal Speech

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years
03-26-2019, 10:24 PM
Permission given by Fen to say Ty ordered Pari to come.


Pari knew that something was brewing, Tyranis had been a brooding presence for a while and the white and black man who'd brought her here had been gone, though his brood were becoming more and more active.

When the second call in as many weeks rung out for Tyranis she took notice. She had taken to lingering closer to his den lately and when she spotted him she quickly noted his quick signal to follow him and the woman trotted after him. She remained silent, hovering at the back of the gathered wolves but clearly behind Tyranis, whom she considered the closest thing to a new master at this point.

Art by Vhitany


03-28-2019, 04:45 AM

The temptress had travelled many lands, and had been without much to work towards for some time now. Her siblings had become lost to her, both the half and full siblings. whether they missed her or not was up in the air with each one, but there was a particular one she herself missed. Hannibal had been more than just the big brother for the smaller Klein woman. He had played both her protector and savior in life so far, and it was an oddity that her head wasn't stuck up his ass in that moment. She was searching for him though. She had already come across a woman who faintly wore a perfume of her brother but it was becoming stale. She had moved on bereaved that her brother had been taken from her grasp once more. She had set up shop close to the young the woman had worn upon her pelt though. They were her nephew and nieces so she would not dare leave them without familial bonds to guard them.

The howl of her brother brought her alabaster rimmed ears to press forward. Unexpected events were to unfold then. She stood from her reclined position outside her temporary home and began the journey to the fields of battle. It didn't take long but as she arrived the form of her brother clashing with another had already become the present. It seemed like she was late. Her mismatched gaze fell upon the form of the woman and she strolled to be set beside her. Tail was high in confidence, and her fur fluffed in its perfections. Her head was held high and she took place behind her brother beside his chosen. She put her almost half blind gaze upon those gathered for a moment, but never for long lingered upon many. She did recognize one already, and she motioned to Nephthys with a small jerk of her snout to her sister. That one is Deathbelle Klein, support for our king.... my full blood sister. She kept her voice low enough to be heard only by Thys. Her eye then turned to the fight before them.

May he be victorious and long may he reign. This was said louder. It was well wishes to an otherwise preoccupied brother, enough to show she was with him whatever the outcome of this. she would join him wherever he settled.




7 Years
03-28-2019, 01:28 PM


The second call in as many weeks for the strange demon man rang out and Nura felt her curiosity pique. She had spent the majority of the last few days consumed by a sudden thought. Something about the man who'd come to the field reeking of ichor and blood, bellowing in the voices of the damned had struck her. His voice echoing in her mind.

But now as she approached the field she couldn't help the feeling of dread that was coming over her. It was similar to the feelings of her visions but she hadn't been given a proper sign yet. She approached her nephew, recognizing him and the scent off the challenger, the prize Archon had won during the last bout.

"Archon what are you're plans with the demon king if he should fail?"
She had her own plans with the young man and she wanted to be sure she wouldn't be stopped.

Art by ulfeid3