
Chasing the Sun



4 Years
03-26-2019, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2019, 02:24 PM by Cason.)
Strong paws connected with the rocky terrain. Even though his paw pads were ripped up due to some of the rock's sharp edges, it didn't really phase the brute all too much. It was more-so becoming a nuisance if anything, but he trekked upward. He had come across a few chambers, but nothing that looked too promising for a sleeping area. The sun was starting to go down, radiating beautiful hues of orange and red, simply stunning. Though, the male didn't really care too much for the view. Right now he was just looking for a place to unwind and rest his feet. This land and all that inhabited it was new to him. The landscape certainly depicted something that would be better suited for someone such as him, that was for certain. Unlike his old home that barely had anything and seemed more like a ghost town than anything else.

His nose flared as he caught a few scents nearby, but nothing too out of the ordinary. His icy glaze glanced downward from where he was. One slip up and it could cost him his life, but, he continued to be adventurous and learn some more from this world. He was a wolf of knowledge after all, and he was determined to get it whenever he could; even if he got hurt doing so.

Walking upward a little more, he managed to reach some steady ground with a cave that was formed within the structure that he was walking upon. It seemed sturdy enough, at least that was a good find as he walked inside. It didn't seem inhabited by anything as he walked inside and lied down, watching the sunset with an uninterested expression that plagued his face. He wanted to show emotion and say that it was a beautiful day, however, he was very strict and barely showed any expression unless it was called for, so he just rested his cranium on his paws and rested his eyes, waiting for something interesting to turn up.



3 Years
03-27-2019, 05:13 PM
Spring was a glorious time of the year for the world; new life was beginning to emerge from the snow, the sun was sticking around longer and longer every day, and the air was finally warming up. But what seems to surprise Aggie every year, was the rain. After months and months of being forced to hunker down like a hibernating bear during the winter, the last thought she had when spring arrived was the storms that quickly followed after. But yet again, she was naive and spent the whole morning outside, exploring, hunting, living life to the fullest, until the storm clouds rolled in. It seemed to have come out of nowhere, because Agnimitra was high enough on the mountain that she should have been able to see the dark clouds coming, but she hadn't. Not until the first raindrop was plucked from the sky and sent hurling down upon her face. It was a bit shocking, and it had almost caused her to make a wrong move while climbing up the mountain. But once that first drop slipped through the clouds, it was all over for the adventurous girl.

The heavens opened up within seconds, and just like that, torrential downpour covered the mountain side she had been climbing, making the already tricky terrain nearly impossible to navigate. It was cold. She was wet. It was too dangerous to try and slide back down the mountain, so Aggie managed to slip her way into one of the open caverns in the mountainside and out of the rain. Meeko, after shaking out his fur for several minutes, curled up beside the female, gently grabbing her tail and laying it over his body, tucking himself in for a much needed nap. It was cute, which was a rare reminder why Aggie kept him around at all. She would watch him drift into a peaceful sleep, then set her eyes on the door of the cave, curious to see if any other creatures would come scurrying in to get out of the rain.

She wasn't sure at what point she had fallen asleep, but by the time she woke up again, the clouds were long gone, and the sun was setting over the horizon. It was a spectacular view from the seat she had; rich golden and red rays of sunshine filled the cave, illuminating every crack and crevasse. It was dazzling, and the warm colors had her remembering of a far away land she once knew, long before the island erupted in chaos, and it managed to cause a rare and elusive smile to cross her maw. "I don't think in all the time I've known you Aggie, I've ever seen you smile like that." Turning, she peered down at her companion with a shocked look on her face, clearly not expecting him to have been watching her. His sassy, offensive demeanor seemed to have been gone entirely, and all that remained was a genuine care.

She gave a shrug of her shoulders, turning back to the setting sun with only the slightest hint of a smirk on her face. "Don't get use to it." Suddenly there was the faintest sound of something approaching the cave... or maybe passing by it? But the sounds of tiny slivers of rocks being rubbed loose of their hold on the mountain and sent tumbling down it's cliff were definitely something that caught Agnimitra's attention. Curious as ever, if not a little cautious, the ember licked woman would move to the mouth of the cave, peering her head around the corner just in time to see a brown hued wolf climb up the mountain and into another cavern. speech>"What is it?" Meeko's voice was soft and serious as it echoed towards the mouth of the cave. "Another wolf." She replied calmly, though in reality she was thinking the worst. Had they crossed into claimed territory without knowing it? Surely the rain would have washed away scent markers.

Sighing, she turned back to her companion. "I should go check it out, I'd hate to be caught trespassing. You stay here Meeko, I'll come back and get you before we leave." Surprisingly, the raccoon didn't argue, but simply nodded his head and began his routine grooming. Shaking her head, Aggie began to slowly trek up the mountain towards the cavern she had seen the other wolf disappear to. It was challenging work tiptoeing up that mountain; but that's what made it so much fun earlier. Finally, she neared the entrance of the cave, and came to a halt. "Hey, you in there?" She called out, though after the words left her mouth, she suddenly realized how rude it sounded. Cringing slightly, she quickly added; "I mean... uh... hello?" Great, now it sounded more like a question than a greeting.





4 Years
03-30-2019, 02:23 PM
It would seem however that the wolf's rest and relaxation would be cut short slightly when his ears flicked, hearing the sounds of rocks sliding and the footfalls of another wolf or animal approaching him. Perhaps they were traveling and passing through or going higher up? The male had many questions enter his mind at the thought, however, he only made sure to keep his distance regardless. His eyes closed shut for a little bit of time, only this time before he could really get into a deeper rest, a voice entered his vicinity...wonderful.

'Hey, you in there?' The voice spoke, being a female whom he probably never saw before. But, when she asked that question, all he could think was Of course not, I'm just a ghost, what ever gave you that impression that someone was here? He was so used to being by himself, hearing anyone speak to him was rather a rarity if anything as he turned his crown to face the woman in question. His expression was as monotone as before, raising an eyebrow slightly in curiosity. Why would she want to speak to someone, especially someone whom she had never met before? He had spoken to strangers before, but never really a female or anyone who seemed as high-spirited as she, heaving a small sigh as he got up, sitting on his haunches as he kept his vision on her.

Cason was a man of few words, so the only ones he could really say right now were, "Can I help you?" His voice rough and deep, showing that he was a little irritated his rest was interrupted by another.



3 Years
04-04-2019, 08:25 AM
There was a moment of silence following her awkward greeting, but as she waited patiently for someone to answer, she began to hear shuffling coming towards the front of the cave. Before long, a rustic brown male became visible, and the look on his face already told Aggie that he was not at all pleased to be speaking with her. Instantly her ears dropped, like a young pup being scolded for stealing goods from the marketplace. His question, though attempting to be helpful, sounded more irritated than his face gave away, making the woman's fears grow slightly. Shuffling her footing for a moment, Aggie would look over her shoulder towards the cavern she had left Meeko in, before turning back to answer the male. "Uh yeah, sorry to be bothering you Sir, but, uh, I was wondering if this land was claimed? I couldn't tell because of the rains, but if it's yours, my friend and I will leave." It sounded a bit unprepared but at least she was doing the decent thing and checking in with him. If he was part of a pack, he would no doubt have the means to chase her off this mountain by force if he wanted to. If he wasn't, and just so happened to be a loner as well, then perhaps there would be a chance to continue exploring this mountainside for a bit.





4 Years
04-08-2019, 07:57 PM
At least the woman seemed a little more formal when speaking with him. He was never really old for childish antics, so hearing her speak in such a way made his irritation go down slightly. His way of thinking and his methods of acting were definitely different, believing he knew quite a lot already despite his somewhat young age. But, he knew there was always room for improvement and new ways to learn things. His right ear flicked slightly at her question. As far as the rustic brute was concerned, he hadn't come across another individual besides the dame before him within the land he resided, so the brute's only answer to her question was a shake of his cranium.

"No, only me and you here. I haven't come across any other wolves here, so you're safe for now," he assured despite his monotone way of speaking. Very rarely did he ever have any crazy conversations or anything worth mentioning, so the male only knew to keep quiet and only make deals with other wolves to get to his goals, even at the cost of another's life. He never thought of himself to be evil unlike some, he only knew his ways and believing they were just even if some didn't think so. His eyes bore into the woman in front of him, almost as if he was studying her, wondering if there was anything else she wanted to ask of him or if he could get back to his moment of relaxation.