
Fate is Unstoppable


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-30-2019, 09:34 PM

The Northern lands had a certain appeal to them that kept drawing in the alabaster titan. He still wasn't quite sure where he wanted to settle when it came time to bring his pack to fruition, but each day that passed brought that time closer. He just needed a couple more heads to make it a reality. He padded quietly through the pines as he investigated the lands, and so far the place seemed suitable for a pack. The scents of prey in the area was strong and rich, likely one of the places that caribou passed during their migration along with other animals, but he wasn't much of the hunter type to know for sure. Elara would know far more than him when it came to prey patterns, but if he had to guess? This was probably a very good prey spot.

As the days passed, Ace was sure that he wanted to lead a pack. He wasn't so unsure about it like he had been before, and he would strive to do what he could to make this a reality. While he had his doubts about leaving Abaven, he knew this would be in his best interest. He could make his own decisions based on his own judgments without repercussions. While he didn't mind following others, Ace had always been one to do what he thought was the best course of action, and he felt he was limited in that aspect when it came to serving in Abaven. Of course, the thought about what happened during that big show at the battlefield weeks prior had done well to remind him of that and really show him that he wasn't in as much control as he would have liked.

Still, he felt he owed a lot to Shaye and Rhyme for taking them in and teaching his niece and nephew things he probably couldn't have taught them. So in a way, he felt he was in their debt. But there was always ways to repay that debt...and after the humiliation and embarrassment Shaye had done to him that day, he felt it may have been paid by his not challenging for the pack. Then again, he couldn't say for sure if that would happen or not. Not unless Shaye had done something worse. He knew she was acting as the alpha and not as a friend that day...but he still couldn't get past it, no matter how hard he tried. She had said once that she'd fight beside him and this and that and the other thing. But all he could really think when he thought about what she said was assuming she just told him what she thought he wanted to hear during his vulnerable state. He was confused if he was honest with himself...

But perhaps after he took his leave, he'd be less confused. He wasn't totally sure yet.

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4 Years
03-31-2019, 05:10 PM

While he was still relatively new to these lands, there was nowhere he didn't feel more comfortable than in glacial, wintry lands that were characteristic of most northern regions. The frigid wind in the colder months that weaved its way through his spiky fur, the blanket of snow covering the ground. A harsh landscape - but one he preferred. So it only made sense that if he were to explore these lands, he would start up here. Even if the weather was getting warmer with spring.

There were quite a few packs in the area, all with different reputations. He wasn't one to make final judgements on such factors, though. He preferred to witness them with his own eyes. Their activities, the way the leaders ran their packs and what rules they required their followers to obey, and why. There were a great deal of attributes to consider, not to mention if he would even find a leader he respected enough to follow. Just because a wolf was a leader, doesn't mean they were particularly one of high quality. He had come across many imbeciles in his days with the power of an army behind them.

As he walked, treading his paws through the tall grass, he perked his twitching ears and his nose twitched at a scent. He could smell that it was a wolf's scent, and that it was a male. Taking another moment, he could smell that they were alone. Not that a wolf couldn't hide its scent, but it would make sense if a group of wolves trying to hide themselves, that every single one were to hide their scents. Turning, he veered off in its direction, his one seeing eye staring ahead of him until they took in the sight of a tall, powerful male a good distance away. Similar in build to himself, though much taller. Though a height difference was never much of an issue for Ragnar. Curiosity gnawed at his insides.

"Good afternoon," he said calmly. His eyes were sharp, taking everything in that he could. "Do you align with a pack?" He asked neutrally, though it was curious in nature.

Banner art credit to rigorm0rtis on DA


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-31-2019, 06:47 PM

The northern breeze ruffled his coat as he lifted his head and turned it into the wind. Eyes slid shut for a moment as he breathed in the crisp, fresh air. It was moments like this that reminded him of things past. Things that could have been...things that should have been. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to get over Winter. The one woman in his life that had saved him. The woman that had shown him what love really was. He believed she lived on in spirit. Watching over him. He didn't believe in Ruina's ancient demons. But he did believe there was a life beyond this one where wolves went after death. Perhaps even more than one place depending on how they lived...

And Winter? Her spirit lived in the most beautiful place he could imagine. Far from Hell and in a place far more beautiful than Heaven. A place where wolves with her strength went to live out the rest of their immortal days the way they deserved.

He hoped that one day, he'd be able to join her.

A greeting interrupted his thoughts. Head turned to find another male approach him, scarred visage not wholly unfriendly. Crimson gaze rested on the males face, noticing that only one good icy blue orb looked at him. He had never seen this male before, nor had he come across his scent in the past. "Good afternoon," He greeted in turn. The russet toned male asked if he was aligned with a pack,  a question that got him thinking again. "I am at the moment, residing in Abaven. But I plan on leaving soon to start a pack of my own." Might as well be honest, right?

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4 Years
03-31-2019, 08:41 PM

"Good afternoon. I am at the moment, residing in Abaven. But I plan on leaving soon to start a pack of my own."

Ragnar took in the male's crimson colored gaze, and listened to his words carefully. An honest answer, to an honest question. Respectable, so long as he wasn't lying. Which he never ruled out unless he was given evidence that it was true. He kept his expression neutral. Abaven.. he hadn't heard much about this pack, just that it was among one of the biggest. He wondered if this wolf was dispersing from Abaven for personal reasons, or for reasons that stemmed from issues with the pack itself. Honesty seemed to be a theme in the start of their conversation, so he figured he shouldn't be one to break that trend.

"Why are you choosing to leave? Just of curiosity." He spoke curiously. If the wolf didn't want to respond, he didn't have to. He spoke again after a short pause. "I am Ragnar. And yourself?" Meeting a new wolf and getting a new perspective on the local lands was never something he liked to ignore. Knowledge was power, so long as everything was taken with a grain of salt.

Banner art credit to rigorm0rtis on DA


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-01-2019, 12:39 AM

"Why are you choosing to leave? Just of curiosity." Ace regarded him for a moment. Wondering if he ought to stick to the truth of the matter. The man was a stranger to him, so what did he have to lose by telling? Nothing. Is what he told himself. Ace was always an honest man. He seldom lied unless it was to protect certain things or to keep information from individuals that might do harm. In fact, he couldn't even remember the last time he lied about something... so he decided to continue with his honesty. "There were some events that happened over the last few seasons. One of them being the conflict between my pack and I when it came to the matter of a certain individual in my family who felt betrayed by. The pack I reside in and my ideals don't exactly line up, and as a result I feel it's better to move on and create a pack where others might all have the same if not similar ideals."

He thought it over for a moment before continuing. "Abaven is more of the peaceful sort. And while I have no qualms with those kinds of ideals, peace isn't always an option." He knew that to be true. If peace made the world go round then every pack and kingdom in existence would never war or kill or anything. But he had seen firsthand the destruction and wars that darker and power driven packs thirsted for. The russet Dane introduced himself as Ragnar, and for the first time, Ace noticed the accent that graced the man's tongue. He was somewhat familiar with it, but it had been far too long and buried beneath memories he had tried so desperately to forget that he all but nearly forgot the origin. "Acere Praetor." He dipped his head in greeting. "My ears do no deceive, do I detect a familiar accent on your tongue?" He remained polite, a trait he never failed to offer to those he met.

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4 Years
04-01-2019, 09:49 AM

"There were some events that happened over the last few seasons. One of them being the conflict between my pack and I when it came to the matter of a certain individual in my family who felt betrayed by. The pack I reside in and my ideals don't exactly line up, and as a result I feel it's better to move on and create a pack where others might all have the same if not similar ideals."

Ragnar didn't really move as he listened intently to the other wolf's words. His face remained neutral although his eyebrows faintly rose - it wouldn't be noticed unless one was really paying attention. This was a sentiment he could very much identify with. The whole reason why he was so picky with which pack he intended to join was because he didn't believe in following certain rules he didn't agree with. Obeying simply to obey was a blind way of doing such a thing, and it was dumb in his opinion. He wondered what ideals or standards this wolf held that clashed with his existing pack. It could be any number of things.

"I agree with your choice," he said simply. "Not that a stranger's opinion matters much. I just believe it's better to follow a pack with rules you agree with than to just follow a leader simply to obey."

"Abaven is more of the peaceful sort. And while I have no qualms with those kinds of ideals, peace isn't always an option."

Abaven was a more tranquil sort of pack, then. He believed in a fine line between diplomacy and a firm paw, willing to battle or fight for themselves. Even in times of peace, it's better to be prepared for times of war. He remembered the different ways in which his father would scope out packs they would come across, in the large band of wolves he had following him. The packs that had been in times of peace for too long, had gotten soft, and very privileged in terms of food and water abundance, but above all.. the ones that avoided fighting at all costs; those were the ones that didn't take much of an effort to raid and steal from. He didn't know anything about this wolf, but if what he was saying was true. It seemed as if they had a thing or two in common.  "I agree with you.. once again," he said, with a ghost of a smirk on his face. "Conflict is inevitable between packs. And while diplomacy is needed, avoiding an inevitable conflict allows others who are less peaceful to take advantage of that."

"Acere Praetor. My ears do no deceive, do I detect a familiar accent on your tongue?"

He nodded in greeting at the wolf named Acere upon learning his name. His ear twitched. It wasn't uncommon for others to remark upon his accent. As good as his english was, he would never be able to rid him voice of the remnants of his native tongue. "You do," he said calmly. "I am Norwegian. It is my native tongue."

Banner art credit to rigorm0rtis on DA


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-04-2019, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2019, 03:09 PM by Acere.)

His own head rose at Ragnar's response. He couldn't say he was surprised or otherwise, because truthfully, he wasn't sure what sort of response he expected from him. When Ragnar continued, Acere nodded. "I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks so," He murmured, a small grin worming its way up. He had blindly followed once before, and the end result? When he refused to rape his own sister on command, he had been brutally beaten to near death...and his littermate still ended up getting the punishment he was supposed to give her. But not by him, no. He had never been able to do it. He couldn't. But the wolves of his birth pack carried out what they were told and did as they were told without question. Thinking back on it, he didn't know if it was out of fear, or if they truly did believe in those demons.

"I agree with you.. once again," Crimson gaze steadily watched Ragnar, "Conflict is inevitable between packs. And while diplomacy is needed, avoiding an inevitable conflict allows others who are less peaceful to take advantage of that." Again he nodded. It seemed he and Ragnar were not all that different. At least, compared to some of the wolves he'd encountered. He had met far too many wolves that preferred to take the peaceful approach, trying to avoid fights and tensions with other packs while at the same time, sticking their noses into the business of others. "We are not so different, it seems." His grin spread a little wider to reveal a fang in a toothy grin. It had been too long since he had found someone else with similar ideas as him. Someone level-headed enough to think about it from all sides. While peace was all well and good, it didn't make the world go round. There couldn't be light without darkness. Good without evil. That's just now how the world worked.

"Norweigan..." He mused. His gaze grew thoughtful. He had heard the accent before...heard about the culture...Winter had been part of such a culture...but it seemed that fate was determined to bring back the memories he tried so desperately to suppress over the years. "I ran with a pack of your culture when I was young. I was very close to someone of similar descent, though she no longer walks with us. She once told me that those who pass on end up in a place among great warriors. I was never one to believe in such things, but I would like to believe that she resides in those halls now." He took a deep breath as he opened the gates to the memories that had been locked away for so long. He still thought about her. And he sorely hoped she was in a better place, running with those that had been lost to time as the great warrior he remembered her as.
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4 Years
04-17-2019, 10:35 AM

At Acere's first response, Ragnar simply grunted quietly in response to it. It wasn't an entirely strange or unique opinion - there were a great deal of wolves that preferred not to obey without having a good reason to do so or blindly obeying a leader simply to obey. Certain wolves had a lawful enough nature to do so.. but many were not. At least in his experience.

"We are not so different, it seems."

His expression didn't waver, he simply narrowed his eyes slightly in an analytical nature. "It seems that way, at least for now." he said quietly. He didn't mean it in a hostile nature or anything of the sort, he was just more on the cautious side of life. He was a suspicious wolf by nature, and he could very well have found a lifelong friend in Acere. But he also could have found a future nemesis. He never knew such matters for certain, and he preferred to be suspicious than blissfully ignorant and vulnerable to any sort of betrayal.  

"Norwegian. I ran with a pack of your culture when I was young. I was very close to someone of similar descent, though she no longer walks with us. She once told me that those who pass on end up in a place among great warriors. I was never one to believe in such things, but I would like to believe that she resides in those halls now."

Intrigue crossed his expression, his ears perked, although understanding crossed his features as well. It reminded him of his parents religion that they had tried pushing onto him, which he very much denied. He enjoyed learning about it, but he denied any true or serious existence of such a thing as gods or an afterlife such as Valhalla. He valued the stories for the moral lessons in which they taught, but that was all. Fairytales for whelps. "Valhalla," he said simply with a short nod of his head. "I believe that is what she was referring to. I never believed they were much more than fairytales to satisfy answers with which wolves cannot give themselves."

Banner art credit to rigorm0rtis on DA


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-21-2019, 10:47 PM

"It seems that way, at least for now." A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Perhaps," He had to admit to himself, he liked this man. He seemed the type that didn't beat around the bush. Straightforward, maybe. And seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. While Ace liked to think at this moment they might have similarities in nature, he couldn't be too sure. Like Ragnar, Ace held his own reservations and suspicions as well. But he was far more experienced and older, too. He'd been around the block quite a few times, and he could often figure out if someone were going to try and stab him in the back or not. But alas, that part of him might always remain thanks to his younger days. When his own alpha had turned on him as a pup when he refused to defile his own sister. It took a helluva long time to get him to trust again. And even now, after Winter's death, he still had trouble sometimes. Ignis and Actaea were the only ones he could trust...

"Valhalla." Gaze rose to steadily meet Ragnar's, audits leaning forward when he said the name. Valhalla... That was the name. For so long he had repressed all those memories to ease his pain if not forget it all together, but lately...those memories seemed persistent on returning. First with Actaea, when she wanted to know more about her father and him. With Elara...Shaye...Ignis...and now Ragnar. He wasn't sure how to feel about those memories trying to come back. He often felt conflicted about them...but the more they returned, the more he slowly began to accept those once beautiful memories of his first Love. Winter had been an extraordinary soul, and despite Ragnar seemingly not believing in what Winter did, Ace preferred to believe she sat among the great warriors in those halls instead of thinking she just disappeared into nothing. "I think I'd rather believe she is among those in Valhalla as opposed to what my family line believed in. Fairytales or not, thinking she's there instead of being claimed by Demons is a helluva lot better." Ragnar might think him silly for that, but Ace had been born into an entirely different culture consisting of demons and such. Except he had been open-minded enough to accept that those Demons weren't the only beliefs out there.

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