
The Cold Takes Us Somewhere To Escape The Chill



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
03-31-2019, 08:05 AM

It was a chilly spring day when Brandr rose from his den to greet the morning. The night before winter had hurled what he hoped was the last of its energy at Abaven. The temperature had dropped and the rain and turned quickly to snow. A thin layer of white coated the territory but Brandr was perturbed. As soon as the sun rose he knew it would swiftly melt and besides, he was keen to make himself useful to Abaven. It was time to set off on a hunt. He'd promised to make himself useful and return Shaye's hospitality for allowing him and his family to stay in Abaven while his wife visited her mother and he touched base with Celestial. The best way Brandr could pay her back was to take care of some hunting and feed his fellow members.

The sunlight bloomed over the horizon and he grinned at the warmth on his back but it was time to get serious. He'd picked up the scent of pronghorn and immediately slowed. His nostrils flared as his head hovered over the grass. Pronghorn were challenging prey. They were terribly fast and difficult to catch by even the most skilled hunters. However, spring might aid him in finding a younger, less agile target. He had some experience in hunting pronghorn but he had never successfully captured one.

Brandr stopped at a crisp stream that was several feet across. It cut through the plains, fed by the spring snow melt and he decided to stop and take a quick drink to help fuel him in the hunt ahead. The water was clear and cool and he lapped at the water running down his chin as he lifted his head to gaze forward across the plains. No sign of the pronghorn antelope yet but he knew he was close. His hind legs coiled behind him as he leapt over the creek, just barely clearing it.

Soon Brandr came upon a small herd of pronghorn antelope, all female. There were a few younger animals, sticking close to their mothers. They were certainly an excellent target. The fawns would be less coordinated and slower but they'd still have a good amount of energy and the mother might hang back to assist their child. That could be dangerous. Brandr didn't want to go head to head with an angry mother and risk taking horns or hooves to his person.

He continued examining the herd when his eyes caught the jostled gait of an older doe. She staggered and shifted and Brandr started to question going for younger prey. Slinking low, Brandr moved through the grasses toward the herd, eager to get closer to the old doe and see if it would in fact be a better target. He paused as she lifted her head and his ears flicked forward as the dough coughed. He listened hard to the shuddering of her breath and he realized the doe was fighting some sort of respiratory infection, possibly a holdover from winter illness. She was definitely his target. Antelope needed the full use of their lungs and uninjured limbs to reach their top speed. Brandr needed to take every advantage he could since he was hunting solo.

Brandr continued to stalk toward the doe, pausing whenever he thought one of the does had seen him. Though his focus was on the older doe he knew better than to ignore the other animals. If one of them were to see him and sound the alarm the whole hunt would fail. Brandr followed the doe with his eyes and worked out a plan. He hoped to herd the doe back toward the creek, a natural barrier that might further aid him in his hunt. Brandr worked carefully to get on the other side of the doe. It was a lesson in patience. He worked slowly and methodical.

Once he was settled, he coiled his limbs beneath him then burst forward as he attacked. The herd bleated and scattered. Brandr zeroed in on the doe. He pressed her hard but despite her illness she still moved quickly, her form zigging and zagging as she tried to shake him. He had to work hard, using his determination and stamina to keep on the doe's heels.

As they neared the creek the doe tried to veer sharply back. With a mighty leap he was able to cut her off. Mucus was dripping from her nose, saliva from her mouth as she gasped for air. Opting for the creek the doe leapt but failed to make the full leap. Instead she stumbled, her front half out of the water but her hind legs caught in the reeds. Brandr was on her in a moment, his mouth around her throat. The struggle continued but soon it was over. Once he had a good hold on the doe he pulled the body from the creek and took a moment to recollect himself. He was panting and exhausted but pleased. Tipping back his head he howled for his pack mates to come and eat.

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