
The Great Marmot Standoff



6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
04-05-2019, 07:03 AM

Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger...

It seemed like Harbringr had walked from one disaster right into another though it seemed this time instead of a drought he was to be inundated with more precipitation than he ever cared to see. Either way the result was the same. Food was scarce. The harsh winter in this new land of Boreas had forced may a creature to go hungry. Heavy snows had fallen in the north and ushered Harbringr southward in hopes of finding more tolerable weather and a greater amount of food. He trudged through the northern snows that came nearly up to his belly. It wasn't enjoyable but he tried to think of it as a unique form of training. It was hard work certainly. What a miserable winter!

The sky above him was still cloudy but it had been ever since he arrived in Boreas. The majority of the time it was snowing though as spring came and he moved farther south the rain swiftly turned to snow. The warming of the weather complete with the deluge of rain was causing all bodies of water to rise quite rapidly. The rain had continued for days and this morning it still continued and Harbringr decided to continue his journey despite it. He felt if he waited for the rain to abate he would be holed up forever and that simply would do nothing other than torment his restless spirit.

Harbringr shook himself as he stepped into the rain and continued his journey, this time heading east for no other rason than he felt inspired to do so. It proved a costly decision. For as he moved through the area that houses the firefly lake he'd caught the salty scent of sea air and knew that his travels eastward were over. Well, now it was clear it was time for him to choose another direction. Turning around he headed back to the west then sought to move southwest. As he had no destination any direction would do though northward was less optimal as winter seemed hesitant to release its grip on these lands.

The rain fell heavier and Harbringr's desire turned from wandering to find suitable shelter. It wouldn't do to become further soaked and risk catching some strange disease. He didn't fancy becoming ill in a foreign country. Thankfully the rain began to let up and Harbringr paused at the swollen river that lay to the west of Firefly Lake. Swiftly he bent his head to drink though the rush of the river began to concern him. It lapped further and further inland, playfully tugging at his paws like a siren trying to lure him into a false sense of security before it rose up fully to drown him. Harbringr drank swiftly and deeply, his mismatched eyes lingering on his reflection for a moment. How the years had flown. The paleness of the sky reflected in the water and he could almost see the reflection of his Costanza standing next to him but as the wind increased its fervor the vision disappeared in the ripples of the rushing river. Yet, he swore he could feel her presence, her form brush just lightly past him and then her presence was gone.

A roll of thunder rode gently across the sky and he lifted his head. The waters continued to rise and he decided he could not cross it and head west so instead he headed south. Surely he would have better luck heading southward. He moved through the soaked earth but soon found his way blocked by another swollen, writing river to the south. Harbringr swore. Every way he turned here he ran into water. Was he somehow on an island now? He looked to the southeast where he saw mountains rising toward the sky. If there was a way southward then through those mountains was surely it. He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize he was not alone. A sloshing sound caught his attention and he turned to see a large grizzly bear staring at him. It looked as though it had just risen from its winter slumber and was anxious to replenish its fat stores. That did not bode well for him as the winter had been harsh and prey was scarce. For a predator as large as a grizzly anything could be considered prey including him! It cocked its head and gazed at him with its round face and short fuzzy ears. It kind of looked like the marmot's he used to torment as a pup.  A giant, hungry, angry marmot.

Harbringr tensed and the bear charged with a roar. He had no desire to fight a grizzly bear for several reasons, one being that he was unlikely to win and for another any injury obtained in the battle, even slight injury, could prove fatal. He was a lone wolf and needed every advantage in hunting, especially in a place still so barren of prey. He knew that young would soon be born but his stomach would only allow for so much waiting. Harley turned too flee but swiftly realized he was almost trapped. The ocean to the north and east, rivers to the south and west. His only hope was to race toward the southwest mountains and hop that he could outrun the bear.

He didn't get far before the bear caught up and he had to turn to face his adversary. Defenses set he ducked just as the beast swung it's great paws towards him. He quickly dodged to the side, his left hind leg sinking with a disturbing sucking sound into the mud. Shit! He ducked the claws that were aimed for his head but then the bear back-handed him, sending him flying across the sodden ground. Well, at least he was free. Head spinning he quickly got to his feet. The bear charged again and Harbringr sought to use his speed to his advantage. He leapt for the creatures face, his upper fangs sinking into its right eye, his lower fangs tearing into its cheek. It was only meant to be a glancing blow and then he was off and running. He knew better than to hang from the creatures face where he could be easily gutted.

The bear roared and shook it's head, sending droplets of blood scattering through the air. The great beast rubbed at its eye and stepped back before eyeing Harbringr. The piebald wolf sought to make himself look as big and as fierce as possible. "C'mon big guy, lets not do this to each other." The bear examined him for a minute and then took a few steps forward before slamming its forelimbs into the ground with a roar. Harbringr moved slowly as he tried to skirt around the bear, anxious to open up an escape route. This tit for tat wasn't doing either of them any favors. He could feel bruises forming along his whole right side from where he'd been struck and more on his left side from where he'd landed. He had a long way to go.

Suddenly the bear charged again. Harbringr let out a string of expletives as he turned tail and ran as fast as he could. He didn't dare look back, he simply ran and ran and as he reached the higher ground of the mountains he climbed and climbed until at last, resting on a thin ledge which he felt the bear would struggle to access, he turned behind him. There was no bear. Letting out a sigh Harbringr slumped to his stomach. Panting he sought to catch his breath, knowing full well he couldn't stop now. Rain and mountains could mean mudslides. Was the whole bloody continent trying to kill him? With a sigh and a good deal of wincing he got back to his feet.