
Hands up like (pom-pom-pom-pom-poms)

Tempest 1


3 Years
04-10-2019, 10:42 AM
Since seeing her mother Tempest had considered her next moves carefully. Family… she knew she was family bound. Finding where her kin were, after they’ve been divided, and gathering the parts of their stories… The female knew she had to find Storm again too. Her mother… was dying… Tempest wanted to be there when the woman eventually slipped away. She wanted to let her know, despite her absence, she was there. Things could be hard, yes… but Tempest had learned she would see things through to the end either way. Not everything in life was as sweet as honey.

With head held high the woman wandered the East in search of a pack’s scent. Was it not Abaven, the land Bass once ruled, that she needed to find? It was as good a start as any, she supposed. A home base while she learned of the rest of her family and got to know them anew. The journey around the East to find the familiar territory wasn’t the fastest… but eventually Tempest would come to the edges of Abaven’s borders and stand there proudly, golden gaze shining with a light of triumph.

It had been far too long since she last stood here.

Throwing her head back in a howl Tempest called for the one currently in charge of the pack. She wasn’t entirely sure what to expect… but she was ready.

She was always ready.



6 Years
04-10-2019, 09:09 PM

She had taken her daughter hunting in an attempt to continue teaching her and along with giving Lucine the satisfaction of gifting her grandmother a fresh meal for her. She had left Lucine with Storm as she headed out to get some herbs and to get some space to think. She still couldn't wrap her head around everything that was going on since her and her little family returned to Abaven. It had been emotional and it had been confusing and at times just to much to even handle. She hadn't fully processed it all, but at the end of the day Brandr was her rock and he helped her sort things out.

She had seen Derecho and Cloud was still the brother she was happy to see. Ty on the other hand she had not gone to for a visit yet. She wasn't even sure how to act around him since that incident with the vulture and now he had so much going on that she really didn't want to bother him, he needed his time to rest. She had swore to her mother that she would keep an unbiased mind and disregard what others said about him or how he had acted towards Storm during their last visit.

She had been lost within her thoughts when the howl tugged her away, a slight twang of familiarity within the particular voice behind the call. Shaye was being specifically called, but the familiar voice behind the call had Corentine dragging herself in the direction. There was only one other she had yet to see and part of her heart had hoped that the wolf behind the howl was the remaining sibling. If Derecho was alive and well after all this time there was a much bigger hope that Tempest was the same.

She soon realized that she was running to the howl, mind focused on finding out who it was and when her gold eyes met the familiar gold eyes of her sister, happiness would begin to shine within her own. She slowed and stopped a few feet from her, silver and black tail wagging and a smile on her face. Walking the remaining distance she sought to greet her sister with a warm embrace, to bury her face into Tempest's shoulder.

"Tempy.......... I'm so happy to see you!" she said.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-13-2019, 10:44 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2019, 10:44 PM by Shaye I.)

A call at her border summoned her from the cool stream. She pretended to sigh, before grinning at her daughter and giving her a gentle nudge with her paw. “Your doing great, just practice on your balance, remember to hold your paws like this” she put her body into a fighting stance once more to show the girl, before releasing it. “I’ll be back soon” she promised her, before making her way towards the border. She could feel Motif’s eyes on her, but knew her determination would win out over her curiosity. She had been given a challenge, and she would triumph over it.

Still smiling from the good mood spending time with her daughter had put her in, she would pick up her pace and move quickly to the caller. She didn’t know what to expect, but she had a hunch that it was another wishing to join. Spring seemed to bring with it new wolves, new members of her family. She had yet to turn anyone away.

She arrived to see Corentine, a newer member she hadn’t spent much time with, with her head on the stranges shoulder. ah she thought, her smile still comfortably present. It seemed this would be a member of their family. “Greetings, I’m Shaye, the Alpha of Abaven” she introduced herself as she came to a stop near the two, and waited a moment for introductions to be had.

"Talk" "Listen" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Tempest 1


3 Years
04-30-2019, 12:03 AM
Tempest didn’t have long to wait. Golden eyes met hues of a familiar shade and her eyes widened ever so slightly. Of all the wolves she thought she could meet here she had expected a stranger to meet her at the borders… not her sister. But Tempest wasn’t unhappy about this turn of events. Her tail began wagged back and forth as well, gaze lighting up just like when she had seen Storm for the first time after so, so long apart. Her mother might not have been well… but it meant the world for Tempest to be able to see her.

Tempest welcomed the touch of her sister and wrapped her head around her sister’s own to embrace her. “The feeling is mutual, Cor.” Her words were gentle as she allowed her eyes to close. She let her guard down, drinking in her sister’s scent and those upon her coat. “I honestly didn’t know if I’d see you again… glad to see fate had other plans.”

Then a new scent invaded her nose and Tempest drew back, golden gaze opening to fall on the one who approached. Her smile had faded though the look she wore was not necessarily unkind. It was more thoughtful, analyzing the woman who introduced herself as alpha of Abaven.

“I’m Tempest Wreckage,” She spoke calmly. “Glad to see that Abaven still holds its name.” A small smile touched her lips. “I know with changing paws a pack can change. I can only hope that this Abaven is similar enough to the one I was born into as a child.” She canted her head to the side. “But I am happy enough to see my sister here, and that tells me it can not be too off from those days. Tell me, Alpha Shaye, would Abaven have need of a fighter to help protect the ranks?”