
Upon The Horizons

Setekh I


6 Years
04-12-2019, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2019, 08:08 PM by Setekh I.)
Venom on my tongue
fire in my veins,im cold-blooded
Steady ember eyes watched the night sky with interest. It had been some time since he had graced the lands with his presence, and quite frankly he had wondered how his lover was doing: his sister whom he had left some time ago. Gods only knew the hell she was going to rain down on him upon his return to her, however the brute didn't care. His thoughts were more-so finding her and making sure that their life with each other became whole once again. The thought alone sent a chill running down the lithe brute's form, his tail twitching with the thought as his stomach rumbled with anticipation of holding her in his embrace. However, he wondered if she would even be in these lands at all. A lot has changed, but, he didn't think about that.

For now, his thoughts would remain elsewhere as the crisp, Spring night air tickled his nostrils causing him to flare them up in displeasure. How he missed the warmth of the sun during the Summer. The day was new, and there was still more for the brute to do regardless of the scenario he brought himself into. His eyes circled the perimeter, seeing the everlasting view that seemed to entice him, wondering if anyone dare to have jumped from this height. Though he was not idiotic to do so himself, curiosity was always within the brute's mind. Surely someone would have to endure at least a broken bone or two, but, perhaps his eyes were playing tricks on him?

His ears flicked to the side, turning his crown to the side as a mouse scurried across the stone embankment. Oh, what a foolish creature. Please jump, little body, you wouldn't last long. He thought with a sickening smirk spreading across his maw. Even though the creature was anywhere near the edge, just the thought of it made the brute feel some form of excitement and ecstasy, especially when he was the one causing one's suffering. But, alas, he had to wait patiently for some passerby to grace him with their presence, for he always seemed to expect the unexpected especially in these lands.




2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-12-2019, 08:05 PM
Often associated with the moon Thoth found himself comfortable traveling during both day and night. Were he still gracing the heavens he would have been riding along with Ra on the daily journey of the sun. This mortal form would never be able to board the sun god’s vessel, even if he wanted to now. The god brought him forth into this mortal realm and had abandoned him not long after. Thoth had been so confused when his father raced along to the next mortal to impregnate.

The boy knew his parents hadn’t loved each other, and especially in those early days the feelings were hard to cope with. His mortal mind often dualed with the truth of his divinity. The shaman’s helped him to find his path though, and here he was searching for those that bore his name. He came in search of his pharaoh.

Ivory paws carried the golden gilded boy, the light of the stars glinted off his royal pelt. His distant gaze focused as he came to the edge of the path. A sheer cliff stood out before him, and crystal clear water beneath. Curiosity held his young form as he studied the scene laid out before him.
Where My Demons Hide

Setekh I


6 Years
04-12-2019, 08:18 PM
Venom on my tongue
fire in my veins,im cold-blooded
His thoughts would continue to plague his mind for what felt like an eternity to the brute. His ember orbs focused heavily on the ground below. Even though the view almost seemed to show off the heavens, he was not here to doddle on such lovely scenery. His stretched his form, leaning his body forward to stretch his limbs after walking for some time, only having a little bit of time for relaxation before going off in search of the only thing he actually cared for. But, upon further analysis, his eyes would shimmer with curiosity and danger as the male's audits focused in on another not far from where he stood.

They seemed to be overlooking the cliff much like he had prior to his arrival. Perhaps he could show some form of trickery with this brute, unless he was of some use to him. Maybe the young brute had come across his lover? Perhaps some introductions were in order as he approached the male, his form almost like a shadow as he walked, the only thing stopping him from being such was the alabaster markings upon his back and tail, as well as his ember orbs that the God's had blessed him with.

A deep, mellow voice broke out as the god spoke to the male before him, "Quite the scenery might I say. However, you should watch your step, never know what one wrong slip might do to someone," he spoke, his tail twitching slightly almost like that of the hands of a clock. His head tilted slightly in curiosity and interest as he sat upon his haunches, keeping his shoulders level as his eyes seemed to bore into the strangers, trying to see if he was worth his time. If not, he'd be on his merry way, but, what was the rush anyways? He had plenty of time on his paws, least that's what it seemed to him.




2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-12-2019, 08:37 PM
Caramel ears swiveled just enough to take in the sound of claws over stone. The ivory godlet shifted his dual colored gaze to the shadowy form that appeared from the moonlight. His voice did not disturb the quiet of the night, it shifted and blended in to the surroundings as it reached Thoth’s ears. He had seen the boy admiring the view, but added caution to the beauty. The duality of life. You could find beauty in horror and horror in beauty, the balance persisted through all paradox.

”Your concern is appreciated,” The boy returned in hushed tones as alabaster paws retreated from the edge. He wondered if the man had meant he might fall here, or if he was trying to speak of the larger scope of life. One wrong slip, you could lose your life. Here literally you would lose your life. If you slipped in to darkness though, when the time came for your heart to be weighed against the feather of truth you hoped you hadn’t slipped too far.

He mentally shook the thoughts of Ammit from his mind, better not to think of the heart devourer whilst trapped here in the mortal realm. ”You don’t sound like you’re from here.” Of course Thoth didn’t either, despite being the god of language he still held on to his egyptian accent.
Where My Demons Hide

Setekh I


6 Years
04-12-2019, 08:51 PM
Venom on my tongue
fire in my veins,im cold-blooded
The shadowy male's ears swiveled at the brute's voice before him. Though taller, the accent told him quite a bit about himself, but only slightly. He did not wish to dwell on his thoughts once again, for he also was unsure if he were to bring up a simple question to the male that he would either be the same as he, or if he knew where his lost love would possibly be residing. He did seem a little younger than Setekh, but, looks could easily be deceiving if one was not too careful. His eyebrow raised only slightly upon the male's statement. Though he was not really concerned if the brute jumped, slipped, whatever the case may be, if the alabaster and gold male before him thought his actions concerned him then by all means he would accept it.

"I have resided in these lands before, but, only recently have I made my return to it." He spoke, his tone rather monotone but still held curiosity residing within. Normally he would continue onward and not give this male any attention, but, it seemed like something was calling for him to speak more to him than he would. And, it wasn't just his curiosity and want of learning about herbs telling him to do so. "Your tone doesn't seem like it is from around here either, stranger. Care to elaborate on your name?" Though the brute didn't really care about formalities and knowing someone's name if they were not to be in his life again, it would be nice to know encase he could be of some use to him in the near future. After all, why bother doing your own work when you could have somebody do it for you?




2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-12-2019, 09:21 PM
Thoth watched the man carefully, he wanted to acquire as much knowledge as possible before moving on. Though he was growing desperate to find the pharaoh, the boy couldn’t help but divulge in conversation with strangers. He hadn’t expected that stranger to sound so much like home. Thoth hadn’t been born here, though he knew many of the Ithuriel name migrated to these lands. Ra had instilled a sense of family, and though he felt disdain for his mortal sire Thoth wanted to know those who had also been cast down from the heavens.

The stranger had lived here before, and was likely a bit older than the gold and ivory boy. The dark wolf paused for a moment before continuing, hesitating in his actions. Thoth gave the shadow his full attention as he asked for his royal name.

”Thoth Anhk Ithuriel.” He said with a lift of his head. He was a mortal child of Ra and a cosmic being brought forth from the word itself. There was a pride to be had in his lineage. ”Do you know of the children of Ra?” He asked while trying to keep the hope from his voice. From appearances Thoth couldn’t tell i fthis man was Ithuriel bred, but he couldn’t help but assume he was from the motherland.
Where My Demons Hide

Setekh I


6 Years
04-13-2019, 02:26 PM
Venom on my tongue
fire in my veins,im cold-blooded
Ra. The name of his sire and the brute who put him and his family through absolute turmoil made his blood boil. His rage was starting to show now, and he didn't show any care in the world for the brute before him. Though they were of the same family name, he hoped to the heavens that Ra gets all the hell he deserved for putting him through such a barbaric situation. A situation that cost his lovely mother her own life.

His ember optics focused in on the male he now knew as Thoth, nodding his crown only slightly to his question, his eyes staying slightly narrowed but more so because of memories that flooded his mind not because of him; however, if Thoth thought it was at him, the shadowy figure didn't give a care.

"Yes, I am well aware of the children of 'Ra'. In fact, I am one myself. But I wish no more than for the sire that brought us into the world to suffer just as much as he made most of his...children," He growled, turning his crown to the side as his voice spoke with contempt for the man that planted his worthless seed in the woman he cared for. His eyes shifted over to Thoth, trying to calm himself but only slightly. "Tell me, Thoth, has Ra done anything to you to make you despise him?"Speech His eyebrow raising slightly in curiosity. Since there were more Ithuriels he had to meet, surely his sister would be here as well.




2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-13-2019, 04:36 PM
As the stranger gazed at him after the question of Ra, Thoth became nervous for the first time in his presence. The boy remained still, steeling his own gaze to match the intensity before the shadowy brute answered. The young Ithuriel couldnt take his eyes or ears off the man as he offered little snippets of information. He knew of Ra, and was one of his children. Thoth didnt know how many half siblings lingered beyond his reach, but he had found one.

Suffering. It seemed the first of the gods had not left only his son Thoth in turmoil with his disappearance. The boy could only guess that the shadow's grievences were much more serious than his own of abandonment. The reaction to their father's name was enough to tell him that. The speech was rounded out with a question of Thoth's suffering. He hadn't lost anyone but his sire.

"He abandoned me." The young boy answered, "What has he done to you, brother, that would leave you so wounded?" He wondered if the mortal god before him would give him his name with out prompting.
Where My Demons Hide

Setekh I


6 Years
04-13-2019, 04:53 PM
Venom on my tongue
fire in my veins,im cold-blooded
When Thoth spoke of abandonment, the brute could only shake his crown. He knew that their sire was only known for abandoning his offspring and the mother's that birthed them. He knew very little about Ra, but, only knew that he had absolute disdain for him as the hatred within his soul continued to rise in each passing day. Even if he was not the one to kill his sire, he prayed to the God's and Goddesses that that would happen by another's hand. His fire-like gaze stayed locked onto his brother's, his expression monotone and serious as his nails dug into the stone once again.

"He abandons everyone he creates. We are nothing but pawns to him to grow his empire. He abandoned me and my siblings, causing us to have no choice but to tear into the flesh of the woman that birthed us. Trust me, if he cared about any of us, he wouldn't cause such heartbreak and turmoil to befall on any of his offspring or wives," He growled, looking out to the view as the sun slowly started to grace them with it's presence. "My name is Setekh, think of me as what you will, but heed the words I spoke to you. Even if you happen to see the man that created all of us, he'll warp your soul and mind and make sure he has a follower in you, before he takes away anything and everything you hold sacred," His eyes narrowed. "And, very rarely do I say this to anyone, but, I hope life is better for you here," The shadow exclaimed before sitting on the edge once more, almost seeming to be contemplating about life and what it had in store for him here. All the brute knew was that he was growing soft, but, curiosity always seemed to know when to show up for the male.




2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-13-2019, 06:35 PM
The shadow had been expecting the answer the golden gilded child gave him. There was no surprise in his features as he shook his head in disappointment. Thoth didnt hold the hate in his heart that his mortal half brother did, but understood why as his past was explained. Though Ra made sure Thoth knew well who and where he came from his young mother had been the one to really raise him. The young bot adored his mother, and couldnt imagine doing what was described.

He kept the horror to himself, but offered a silent prayer that the woman's heart had been lighter than the feather of truth. Despite how cold Setekh came off Thoth knew the man rarely opened up like this to other strangers. Perhaps their blood really did connect them in divine ways.

"I'm honored," he said softly as he lowered his head in a respectful bow to his elder brother. He didn't owe a mortal brat like himself anything, but because of their blood tie Thoth was freely given knowledge to help him in his journey. "Setekh. Brother." the words were foreign, but they slipped in to place perfectly. "I am in your debt, thank you for sharing." Thoth offered with out hesitation. "My crafts are healing mostly, and a little crafting if you decide you have need." He didnt feel polite to disturb the shadow's thoughts, but he had to offer payment.
Where My Demons Hide