
dead white and blue


07-05-2014, 11:31 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2014, 11:33 PM by Svanerna.)

OOC: ohlookmoarpoloiticsyah - any high ranking ppls can join but its politics XD
The woman was that of a fierce creature. She had learnt the ropes of leading long ago. It had been beat into her brain from day one. The girl knew what she had to do and she was going to do it. There were plans for her to remain completely neutral until her lovely Vi would call her into action. With all the drama with Elysium and Covari Svanerna could taste war on her salmon tongue. Valhalla was slowly growing and she had no reason to invite enemies into the bunch yet. The lady was quite the leader, but she needed to visit the other packs. The first one on the list was infamous. Glaciem. It was the furthest north but also the most known. They were led by the Pale King, led to war and won. They actually went to war with the previous Valhalla. But, even with the same name, Svan would seek an understanding. If Glaciem's members did not mess with Valhallas, the Viking would be fine. Therefore, her paws would slam down onto the snow covered ground with ease. She was on the smaller size, but still average for her age and gender. Svanerna knew how to fight, but she would doubt it would matter. The old lady could easily put a smile upon her inky lips and sweet talk her way to greatness. Her head was flicked up and a song filled the air, beckoning the Alpha of the great Kingdom in the north.




6 Years
07-06-2014, 08:51 PM

The icy winters had slowly faded into nothing, for the king that meant a whole season had left him in a wake of change. He was faced with the responsibility of a nation, and one that his father nurtured through his very veins. But that was the fact, his father was not a king anymore. While it was hard to believe but the icy king did not hold authority over him or his mate Athena. His mind was warping, telling him to keep calm, this was their nation and now they needed to protect it. Become supreme, and always look out for those within these icy walls.
The yearling was fully grown, and had filled out through his training as well. While of course, there were the hinting that he was not yet a fully mature adult. The blue toned boy of the armada family would pull himself to the call of a lady. She smelt of Valhalla, which made his fur slightly prickle at the thought of their enemy confronting them at the borders. But he soon noticed, the way she carried herself and that she was not a face he knew of Valhalla from seeing them when he was younger. Vereux would stay calm, his golden necklace shining in the sunlight as he approached her.
"Greetings there, I'm Vereux Armada king of Glaciem, how may I assist you?" he asked in a polite tone. There was no need to be hostile right off the bat. He would stay with a tall statue.



07-08-2014, 02:49 PM

The woman indeed knew little of Valhalla's past. She barely paid attention to politics, but now it is due for her. The lady would have to step up to the plate, to manage relationships with everything. She was not like the previous Queen. The Kaiser would be a leader. She would never slack, like others. The lady was active and extreme at times. But, she was a good leader. Svanerna may have got the pack without a fight, but she would fight for the pack day and night. She was determined to the run the pack like a true Viking. The lady would not fall with ease. Her mind was set on getting the pack up and running as well as producing heirs. She needed Finnvi blood to keep her pack running smoothly if she were to fall within the years. The lady was seven and most elders passed near the age of eleven. The thought of death did not scare her, but she wanted the passing to be through fighting, like a true warrior. She hoped Freyja would bless her enough to send her to the real Valhalla. The paradise for true warriors. The Gods had yet to strike her down for her previous scars on her record. Yet, as the creature slipped into her view. The lady raised a brow. Her eyes fell upon his jewelry and his slate fur. Svanerna smirked slightly and bowed down slightly. She had a slightly dominant look to her, but it wasn't to much. She was obviously not there for a fight. "Greetings there, I'm Vereux Armada king of Glaciem, how may I assist you?" His baritone voice filled her ears and she nodded. ""My name is Svanerna Finnvi, Kaiser of Valhalla." The girl would pause, letting her metallic orbs pore into his. "I have been granted the throne of Valhalla and I wish to discuss peace agreements with other packs. I have heard of previous quarrels between Valhalla and Glaciem, but I do not know much of it." The Kaiser stopped, waiting for any comments before she got down to the real business.




6 Years
07-08-2014, 03:00 PM

She was an interesting one, that was for sure. Many of the packs were run by women at this time, he knew this. While he was not the primary alpha, he still had as much say as Athena did. However, he would not make a decision such as this on his own. While he would like to discuss it a bit, and then possibly call for Athena if she were not to show up. His single emerald eye looking over her, someone who looked like she fit in glaciem had taken over Valhalla. And chosen to keep its name. "Glaciem and Valhalla have been enemies ever since I was born. My father tore them down at one point but they recreated themselves somehow out of the ashes." he kept his voice civil. Trying to not even make it seem like he was a yearling.
"But alas, I think that it is the adravendi's who ran Valhalla that we held our blood against. So I do not see a problem with making a peace arrangement with the new Valhalla despite you keeping the packs name. I am not the main alpha of Glaciem, Athena my mate is the queen and supreme ruler. So if you'd like I can call her and we can discuss this further." Vereux mused, flicking his tail behind him as he watched her. This would be interesting if anything at all.


Athena I


9 Years
07-08-2014, 11:41 PM

She had not ignored the call that went up from the border of the Sparse Pines. No, in fact the Queen had all intentions of answering it herself, but she had been on the opposite side of Glaciem's expansive territory, in the middle of taking down a kill when the howl reached her dark ears. She brought the smaller, younger elk she had found down, letting it breathe its last breath, before she lifted her head and turned her emerald and ruby gaze in the direction of the call as the echos faded into nothing. She glanced back at her meal with a sigh, taking just a moment to drag the elk over to the shade of a tree and to quickly lick her muzzle and paws clean before taking off at a quick pace to answer the summons.

Luckily it seemed their guest wouldn't be kept waiting. Vereux had already arrived, apparently already discussing things with the other woman. She overheard the last of Vereux's bit of the conversation, catching something about Valhalla and calling her. She smiled and slid up beside him, standing shoulder to shoulder with her King. "No need for that," she said with a chuckle as her gaze fixed on the woman. Of course Athena recognized her from the spar the two of them had shared as well as from Virdiana's challenge. Svanerna, what a surprise." She settled down on her haunches, glancing from her mate and back to the woman. "I was hoping you would be stopping by. I was at Virdiana's challenge and as you must know it was very exciting to see Valhalla come under new management. Like Vereux was saying, it was the wolves who held Valhalla that we held a grudge with, not Valhalla itself. I have to agree that a peace agreement is more than acceptable."



07-12-2014, 05:16 PM

The woman would stand tall, listening to what the cobalt boy had to say. "Glaciem and Valhalla have been enemies ever since I was born. My father tore them down at one point but they recreated themselves somehow out of the ashes." She had no interest in the past victories of a man who did not lead anymore. The Woman had not a care in the world about the boys 'father'. She was here for the present, not of the past. "Obviously the past Valhalla was not of the strongest." She rolled her metallic eyes, she did not care about most of what he was saying until he began to speak again. "But alas, I think that it is the adravendi's who ran Valhalla that we held our blood against. So I do not see a problem with making a peace arrangement with the new Valhalla despite you keeping the packs name. I am not the main alpha of Glaciem, Athena my mate is the queen and supreme ruler. So if you'd like I can call her and we can discuss this further." The girl nodded, he had no reason to judge their peace over the name of her newly found pack. "Very well." Athena sounded familiar, but she would merely wait for him to call and for her to show herself. Yet, right after his song entered the air, a familiar face popped out of the blue. "Svanerna, what a surprise." Svanerna tilted her head, it was the girl she fought in the battlefields. "Nice to see you again, Athena." The viking was stoic as ever, but a little smirk was evident across her inky lips. More words came from the Glaciem Queen's lips as Svan smiled softly. "I was hoping you would be stopping by. I was at Virdiana's challenge and as you must know it was very exciting to see Valhalla come under new management. Like Vereux was saying, it was the wolves who held Valhalla that we held a grudge with, not Valhalla itself. I have to agree that a peace agreement is more than acceptable." Svanerna Finnvi dipped her head in acceptance and spoke her own luxurious words. "I have decided to make Valhalla a completely neutral aligned pack. I am accepting anyone who has potential, within reason. I am small in members as of now, but we are growing. I am offering a peace treaty. Or even an alliance. I could see us working together. I will be sure to it that all of my members know of our alliance, they will respect the terms."




07-13-2014, 07:20 PM

And it was no true surprise when a pale cloaked ghoul would find the borders to be his haunt; swaying with eerie intent determined only by those who knew him well, appearing to be almost aloof within his endeavours, and yet his elegance is so calculated the former King knows unerringly what he seeks to feed his hungering rubies. A stranger loiters somewhere nearby, cause for alarm within itself, and yet the situation is far from desperate; Vereux and Athena have already found their curiosities satisfied by the charcoal carcass of a woman in disguise, a crow sheltered by the wings of her usurpers.

He is as suspicious as he is disappointed, one did not rule a Kingdom with trust so candidly displayed on their sleeve. And yet here stood Glaciem?s new reign, feverishly giddish about the prospect of a new hand to hold. Did they know anything of her authority, her merit, her capability, her history? He pauses a generous distance from the trio, coral skin light upon the wintry backdrop of what was once Alacritis? most powerful Kingdom. And though Athena sought to right Sendoa?s wrongs, Isardis was yet to feel comfortable. ?So quick to trust a banshee you know so little; one can only wonder who she pledges her current allegiances to?? Roman had warned him of a ?Covari? queen, and Isardis would be sure to heed to his daughters suggestions? at least until they were proven otherwise.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



6 Years
07-19-2014, 10:44 PM

Vereux's fur would secretly stand on its end when his father trudged into the scene. Part of his heart ticked mildly, his respect and ever so calm debation about his opinion on his father. Simply, it seemed Isardis was not satisfied with his decision with Athena. In which it was his mistake if that were the case and he would have to deal with that. With what Athena had said prior, it seemed Athena knew Svan before this meeting and knew a little about her. Besides he saw no reason to turn down a peace treaty if anything. If they betrayed that trust, Glaciem could easily tear them down, they didn't have many numbers according to her. Still she could be lying but Ver didn't give a flying duck. His crown would turn towards his father, but he made no movement otherwise before looking to Athena for a moment.
?As much as I would like to say Isardis does not have a point, he does. We have enemies, and we wouldn't want a pack who holds those enemies dear to them to have an alliance with us. However I see no problem with a peace agreement rather than an alliance. So in the case that a war should happen between us and enemy and you are an allie of them, you make the promise not to aid our enemy. Does that seem alright?? Vereux would ask, looking to Isardis and Athena. Of course anything Athena says could be over-riden what he just said. His tail would flick, he was learning, but he wouldn't be thrown out like a rag.

?I speak?



07-21-2014, 09:44 PM

His ruby gaze will almost threaten to roll upon the wholly misinformed lyrics of his son, though potential shone shallow beneath his lips, Vereux still failed miserably to understand his father?s reasoning. Isardis? coral towers would flicker in a narrow frustration, pale lashes fluttering in the tapered realisations of the alpha duo?s lack of experience. He is far from impressed, curled tail tapping with irritated rhythm upon the snow that sustains his splaying toes. Sparse Pines has been his home for years, and yet now it felt his previous way of life was wholly threatened by the youth of his families knowing- or rather lack of. ?We are all damned,? it is a muttering of solemn displeasure as his hocks taper to allow his pale form to swivel, seeking to meander back in the direction he had previously come; a sparing glance cast to the stranger who had presented herself. To hell if he would be a part of a failing empire, already his names was stained by his lack of a crown; to be short lived, he was sure.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


07-22-2014, 12:13 PM

The woman had no time for fallen Kings to swerve into a meeting of leaders and announce his displeasure of how his former pack was being handled. Svanerna had no intentions of starting a quarrel with Athena due to the fact that she saw potential in the silver Queen. Though, as the Albino slithered his way in, the lady simply smiled softly. Her metallic eyes met the cursed boy of deformities and listened to his ignorant words of displeasure. ?So quick to trust a banshee you know so little; one can only wonder who she pledges her current allegiances to?? The lady remained smiling with her lips itching to curl up in a snarl. She was much older then the creature before her, how dare he question her upon first glace. Only a fool would judge someone so quickly. How he ever ruled would be the question of the evening. "The discussion is not over, but thank you for your concern. Nothing had been set in stone for Athena has just shown up. I do not see why we need guidance for I have done this many times before." The girl was no where near new to discussing politics for she was nearly eight, an elder. But, that also did not mean her sense had gone any.

Verux stepped in quickly with a novel of words. ?As much as I would like to say Isardis does not have a point, he does. We have enemies, and we wouldn't want a pack who holds those enemies dear to them to have an alliance with us. However I see no problem with a peace agreement rather than an alliance. So in the case that a war should happen between us and enemy and you are an allie of them, you make the promise not to aid our enemy. Does that seem alright?? The viking stared at the cobalt boy for a few moments. Were his senses so easily wavered by a fallen King? She simply nodded, ignoring the muttering of the albino who stormed off. The lady let forth her own germanic accented tones. "I currently hold an alliance with Covari for they are the reason I have a crown in these moments. I also hold a peace treaty with Ludicael, which would mean I have peace with Abaven too. Do inform me of your enemies and friends so I know how to react to my next pursuing of politics." The girl would decline if Glaciem had issues with Covari. "I would hate for a possible, strong, friendship to be soiled so easily, sire. I am of Finnvi and the Finnvi do not go back on their word." She spoke the complete truth.
