
I'm Gonna Take You Down To The Railway Line


04-18-2019, 07:44 PM
Ooc:: Kat posts next! Then we can have a stranger encounter if desired! :D

Evangelos knew darn well that their mother wasn’t going to like the fact he and Nausicaa slipped off into unknown territory on their own but right now he didn’t care. Venti was getting sicker by the day… and with Philomena scared to leave her for very long it meant it was up to them to find their sister a healer. The boy was certain that with his sister and Icon’s help there was no way that they’d fail. Everything would go flawlessly, as it was meant to.

So far they had made it to a place filled with young trees and flora. With the coming of spring life sprung up anew and low shrubs and redbud trees were all over the place in full bloom. It was very… pink… which Evangelos had never seen so much of the color before. But that mattered little. He was on an adventure with his sister and they had the world before them… and that was surely exciting!

Morning had finally risen and Evangelos awoke to find Nau still sleeping, for the moment, beside him. He felt better knowing his sister was there… she was the best out of them in his opinion. Sure he had a rivalry with Dylas but… Nau was the one he felt he could interact with best. He nudged her with a smile on his face.

“C’mon sis! It’s morning.” He wasn’t sure where they were heading or whom they might find but… he hoped they would find a healer sooner rather than later.



3 Years
04-18-2019, 07:56 PM
Nausicaa was growing close to her adult height, but next to her brother Evan she still looked only a moon old. Her delicate form lay in an odd position next to him on the forest floor. She lounged comfortably though, and just barely avoided snoring as the morning krept over the pair of them.

Though sleep carried away the horrible frightened feeling in her gut, she had been scared for her sister for a long time. She didn’t come out of the den anymore, and didn’t seem to see her siblings in the rare moments she wasn't asleep. When the decision was made to sneak off and find someone who could help their sickly sister Nau hadn’t hesitated.

”It’s morning.”

Nausicaa sighed softly as he woke her gently. She might have been able to sleep the rest of the morning, but she knew they had a lot of ground to cover. Blinking back the sleep she pushed herself upright with a yawn.

”Good morning,” She told hims softly as she stretched and finished waking up. ”Which way are we going today?” Nau was half surprised their mother or brother hadn’t been sent after the two of them by now. She hated causing Philly to worry, but they had to do this for their sister.