


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-29-2019, 01:01 AM

He had decided to go for a quick hunt to bring back some lunch for him and Acapella, however, at some point during his attempt at hunting alone, he had found himself confronted with a rather large herd of wild horses on the prairie. He was currently facing down a couple of mares with their foals hiding behind them. The horses stomped their hooves on the ground, snorting wildly as they blocked his path back home. He had been a fool to come out alone, and while he had thought about bringing Acapella with him, he was glad he didn't. He wouldn't have known how to get both of them out of this kind of predicament...but on his own? He had two options. He could run. Or he could fight. Of course, he was too stubborn and prideful to take the safer route...and those foals looked to be easy prey. But the mares and stallions and the rest of the herd were none too pleased with his presence, and he was trying to figure out if it was even worth trying to slip past them to try and get at one of the foals. Was it worth chancing it at all?

He stood there, hackles raised and his stance wide as he bared his teeth. He uttered a low, continuous growl as the horses stamped their hooves. So far, they held their ground just as he was, but neither advanced towards one another. He decided that he might have to just swallow his pride and turn away. And that meant having to find a way around the herd in order to get back the way he came, and a pretty long way at that to avoid being perceived as too much of a threat to them. Then again...maybe he could sneak around to the back of them if he acted like he wasn't still trying to hunt down one of their foals...a flick of his ear and he made his decision. Glittering blue eyes coolly watched the mares as they threateningly stamped their hooves, and he slowly backed off. Taking them head on wouldn't be a wise idea, but maybe if he could get in a sneaky surprise attack...well...he'd just have to try that instead. How hard could it be to hunt down a spindly-legged foal, anyway? Surely it wasn't that hard, right? It would be just like hunting a deer. Or so he thought.

He decided to back off enough while keeping his eye on them until he felt far enough away where he could circle around them. There were plenty of targets to choose from, but again, out of stubbornness and pride, he wanted one of those two foals he had initially tried to get. Slowly and quietly, he padded across the ground with his body low to the grass. He could see the nervousness in the horse's features as they still detected his presence, but he didn't know much about these creatures to know that. He also didn't really hunt big game like this on his own, so he wasn't used to assessing the nature of his food. He was an act first, think later type of guy...and observing his prey first was never really his thing.

He lied there hiding in the grass as best as he could while he waited for the horses to forget he was there. While they still appeared a little nervous, it was less than before. They eventually returned to grazing and ignoring his presence, and it was then he decided to make his move. Bit by bit, he crawled forward in an effort to get closer to the foals. This would be a piece of cake. He could do this...he just had to get a little...bit...closer...

Once he felt close enough, he burst from his cover and raced towards the foals. The pair squealed in panic and turned around to run. The horses around him neighed and started to bellow as they became a sea of moving bodies. He could hear the orchestra of neighs and squeals around him, but he was focused on the foals. So focused in fact, that he didn't take into account the lead stallion would come to the rescue. The thundering sound of hooves around him had gone ignored, for the most part, that is, until he heard one particularly threatening sound. He turned his head in time to see the beast charging towards him. Greed dodged the first assault, and it seemed that was all it took before the mother of one of the foals decided to turn around and fight him off as well. Ah fuck... He put on the brakes as the mare charged at him, a flurry of flailing hooves coming at him as she threw her head from side to side. Her large, bony head whacked the side of his own head like a hammer, sending him to the ground in a daze. He could still hear the flurry of hooves around him, and when he was barely able to focus, he saw the mother standing over him as she reared up on her hind legs with her front hooves hammering the air above him.

He looked at her with wide eyes for a moment as her hooves came towards him, and the dazed male barely managed to roll out of the way and onto his feet, just barely saving himself from being squashed beneath her much greater weight. Okay, this had been a terrible idea. He knew that now. With a pounding headache, Greed backed off again and scrambled away from them. He could feel the hot breath and thundering hooves of the mare and lead stallion chasing him now, but he managed to barely outpace them as he broke into the trees where they stopped giving chase. Panting hard, he eventually came to a stop and dropped to the ground, exhausted and feeling like the entire side of his face was bruised. He cursed himself for being so stupid about trying that on his own...well, live and learn right? He at least knew not to do that least he made it out without being trampled. Severely bruised on one side of his face, but alive. But damn, he didn't expect for what he thought were meek prey animals to fight back...


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