
Evening Rebirth



2 Years
04-29-2019, 07:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2019, 08:06 PM by Bastet.)

Clouds lapped at the sky, moving in swiftly with the warm southern breeze, hungrily devouring the stars until all that stretched above her was blackness. Bastet did not mind. She worked her way north, maneuvering careful between two packlands on her way. She'd stopped to study the scents and commit them to memory in case she decided to return and investigate them further. Bast supposed it was logical to nestle here in the warm bosom of the south that was so lush and fertile. She sought lands closer to home, though why she couldn't really say.  Once she got north of the pack lands she'd begin her journey west. The air seemed drier when the wind blew from that direction, she hoped it meant more desert like lands. She wasn't sure why but she hoped to make a home in lands similar to those in which she was born.

The moon broke free from the clouds, casting a hazy white light over the orchard. It was a place rich with sweet scents, warm and balmy despite the rain clouds building on the horizon. She gazed about the lush orchard until her eyes fixed on a wolf apple. Licking in her lips she nibbled at the fruit, enjoying the taste on her tongue despite her usual craving for flesh. She'd managed to snag an injured rabbit earlier but it would only sustain her for so long. She needed to find a larger meal before she moved fully into the arid terrain of the west.

So far there'd been no sign of her siblings but perhaps they to looked for lands that were similar to those they'd grown up in. All Bastet knew was that she had far to many ill memories of the north to want to journey back that way. She bent her head to finish the wolf apple when a rustle caught her attention. Her large triangular ears swept back as she spied a black bear moving through the orchard. It would reach up with one of its paws, trying to knock fruit off the trees. Bastet had no desire to tangle with a predator so much larger than herself. Carefully she slipped away into the dark. moving as quiet as a cat. She'd have slipped away undetected if the bear's cub hadn't chose that exact moment to fall with a startled cry from a nearby oak tree. It landed squarely at her feet and began to wail. Bastet swore as the earth shook, her gaze swiftly locking on the charging mother bear. Oh lovely! With a snarl of frustration she leapt out of the way of the bears furious claws. If there was one skill she had in battle it was speed.

The bear skid to a halt, standing protectively over her cub. She snorted. Bastet eyed the bear for a moment then tried to work her way slowly to the west. She just wanted to get away but apparently the bear was not going to tolerate anything but absolute surrender. She charged again, her upper body raising as both front limbs dove for Bast's slight frame. She quickly ducked and dove forward, sailing under the bears belly her head wrapping around the back of the bears ankle as her fangs ripped into its heel, seeking the achilles tendon.  The bear let out a cry, quickly slamming its front legs into the ground as it raised its wounded leg sharply, anxious to get it away from the vicious wolf. Flesh tore as Bastet landed on her paws, quickly leaping out of the way as the bear twisted around and tried to rip into her side. The two tussled and fought. Bast would score a hit here and there then immediately dash away. It was exhausting work but she was a wolf, her stamina would hold for awhile yet.

All while she fought she continued to work herself til her hind end was facing west. She quickly began to back away, never taking her eyes off the bears feet. The bear huffed and squinted at her. It stood on its hind legs then came slamming back to earth, letting out a roar that she took as a final warning. Not that she was pleased to be told off by a bear but she knew how dangerous it could be to be severely wounded when on your own. It just wasn't worth her pride. The bear wandered back over to its cub, pausing every so often to glance at the retreating wolf. When it reached its cub it quickly pushed the little creature who yelped in protest as the two beat a hasty retreat. She grinned quietly to herself. It seemed the bear was just as anxious to get away from her as she was to get away from the bear.

Blood lay splattered on a deer trail, inky and dark as the moon was swallowed up once more by the clouds.
