
Walk through the fire


05-02-2019, 07:00 AM
Fortune favors the brave

Summer. The hottest time of the year for the man. It also happened to be the start of another year for the pharaoh. His form was reclined upon a rock situated in the shade. Mory was somewhere close he knew. The waif looked delectable to the gold touched pharaoh. But the time had also come that his sister finally seek him out with her youngest son. His eyes were upon the pool and the desert beyond. She would either come or would become a reason he would see the Ithuriel side as unreasonable and unwelcome in his life. His name would always be his though.

The winds were dry. His tail twitched in a felid way, as he awaited his sister. This was his post now for a few days as he awaited her. Her son is what he truly awauted but he somehow doubted she would see the reason as a just one to bring him to him. Well only time would tell. Mory, come to me, I've grown bored of awaiting our guest again.




7 Years
05-02-2019, 07:38 AM
Seduce and destroy

In this heat even the trees appear defeated. Leaves that should be firm and upward tilting droop, flaccid as old lettuce. The soil was not simply dry, but powdery to the touch. Grass that was always green during the Spring was now seemingly like hay by early Summer, specially in these lands were the heat wave hit like a wreacking ball. Even the air was dry upon the bronze mistress tongue, not the usual humid warmth she was accustomed with and yet each day the sky was barren, though of late the thought of forest fires have stole her mind and one day she could almost swear that her endless blue was a dull grey and each evening brought them a blood sun. Two days ago some rain fell, large warm drops that disappeared as soon as they struck the hot tarmac or else sucked into the dusty mud not leaving a trace but not here. Never here, she reminded herself, for this was the mighty fucking desert.

Today the sunshine was in her bones, its heat radiating outwards into the bright day. It was as if the mistress was glowing in the Summer rays as calculated, mile-long limbs carried her across the barren lands, the cologne of her younger brother leading her astray from the packland and her spawns once again. Where art thou? her foreign-lips allowed sultry words to escape their chains and balls and before long her brother came in sight. Regal was the beast as he stood on his pedestal without a care in the world. Was he expecting her? Was he expecting her son? He must be delusional if he thinks the babe was going to respect a negotation that she ended within a few sentences, crumbling his reasoning to the ground. Ramses. her pace lessened, teacup paws brushed across the powdery dust layering the lands like a blanket, before she came to a half not far from where the beast stood. Shoulder blades rolled backwards, aligning with her spine as confidence radiated from her pores; stunning, sensual and raw, magnetic fiery orbs roaming his figure in order to take everythin in before locking into his own.

if i cannot bend heaven
i will raise hell


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together


05-02-2019, 07:56 AM

Before his servant could appear his head turned. Her form was dancing along the sands, in the waves of heat. Her form was barren of the second he had hoped for. Disappointment colored his face as he watched her approach. The desert king was not one to let her see this though. His face relaxed and eyes became bland as she came within earshot of him. She was obviously looking for something, whether it be him or not only time would tell.

He watched her with the dull expression, mayhaps boredom touched his features. His perch was not so high it placed him above her but they could look one another in the eye as he laid upon the throne. Nephthys. his own eyes roved her form before returning to her eyes. He had not lost much, only gained in the time since they'd last met. He was definitely a full adult now, with muscles proving his harsher way of life in the desert. He was more attractive he thought. His pelt he kept clean and when it wasnt he made Mory fix it.




7 Years
05-02-2019, 08:23 AM
She was all of the
deadly seven sins
on the Devil's playground
The world was painted vivid by the threatening sun rays, like a new painting with still wet oils. No longer is it gently warming our bodies, bringing life back to cold muscles; now it burns unprotected skin in minutes. The mortuary Goddess took a moment to watch her name roll upon his plush tongue as it fell upon deaf ears; his frame became muscular and the male has been seemingly growing ever since their encounter as his muscles were rippling underneath his pelt. The view she encountered of a grown up Ramses made the babe wonder if if was just his bodice that grew or if his mind followed suit from the childish fantasies he so diligently offered through their first encounter in Boreas. You seem to be doing well. light were her tones, suave in their melodious timber as they lifted her spirits. A soft silvered movements across the Oasis life center, its very own sea-world, much smaller but life-giving as it may. The water moves softly around the tip of her tail, mixing it into a circle, waiting to see if the man was going to join her. My mate did not manage to secure us a land to grow. I have taken it upon myself. As pulled her tail out of the coolying water her orange jewels fell upon the drops, transparent and not at the same time. They fall as if snatched by gravity to the saline below, each one swiftly haloed by ever-growing rings, distorting the pebbled water-bed. I will provide our family with a Empire they have been wrongfully stripped off until now.

Are you worth your weight in gold?


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together


05-18-2019, 05:13 AM
Fortune favors the brave

He watched her with such a neutral face one might think him to be judging her. But such was not the case. His ears twitched as his sister spoke once more. Indeed he was doing well. With each season he had grown more into himself, becoming a man worthy of a crown he believed. Indeed, the desert and my servant suit me well. he was well accustomed to the heat of the desert and the lifestyle that came with it. This oasis was his home and he would see to it that none claimed it but him.

Her next words brought a slight downward curve to his lips. Her mate had failed. This was the first he was even hearing of the man, and already he disapproved of him. He'd failed more than just Thys. It was his nephews and nieces who were failed. Was he even worthy to be among them then if he could not secure a home for his children and wife? Then he failed as a father to ensure that my nephews and nieces, your children, have a stable and safe place to thrive. I must question if he is worthy of being your husband if he cannot procure what should be yours. his tones stayed neutral but he of course knew nothing of this man, other than he was mated to his elder sister and his failure. He lifted himself from his perch as he slid from the rock. His graceful steps carried him to Nephthys's side. She had his attention and interest with her next statement.

You will be taking an empire then, but upon what laws and customs shall yours stand? And you expect to give me what position if I were to join, hm? he was ready with all the right questions, but she should know even without bonding with him that he would not settle for a mere pheasant position. No as a pharaoh himself he would not settle for less than a position of power.
