


07-04-2014, 07:48 PM
for anyone who wants to join elysium ~
i'll be posting with art again on july eighth

Mutilated, and yet, all the more breathtaking in her haggard state. A carnage queen lavished in red, the Elysius deity has yet again defiled a nation single-handedly, adorning the festering wounds carved throughout her pallid flesh like badges of honor -- physical testimonies of her latest conquest. And the metaphorical crown she has seized within her covetous grasp once more, having pried it from the relenting hold of a russet pawn, now fitting quite perfectly upon the contours of her sloped skull. Another victory to fuel an already inflated ego she tucks beneath her belt -- fulfilling the standards of a glorified paladin turned tyrant as she makes the short journey from her arena and past the threshold of the Elysius? rightful domain with an aura of unwavering confidence, tangible as it seeps from pallid pores and pollutes the stagnant atmosphere. Tainted-----and velveteen nostrils flare with abhorrence as she ingests the repulsive aroma of former pretenders that wrongfully believed themselves entitled to the eminence she had earned through ruthless combat; n e v e r m o r e. The phantom had discarded her throne when she had lacked experience and was consumed by the grief of a decaying mother -- now, however, she is prepared to uphold the responsibility bestowed upon her shoulders as queen-----and matriarch.

Wounds no longer weep, but the pain is present -- intensified now with the lack of adrenaline coursing through steel veins. Her movements are delayed, stride lackadaisical as she glides through the perpetual mists that encumber her forest, devoured by cryptic silence she seeks not to shatter until her destination is breached. A clearing in the dense underbrush of her realm entices her as prospective conference grounds, and she maneuvers towards its perimeter where a fallen tree resides -- her golden throne that she ascends with pride. Mismatched gaze enhances her emotionless guise as her pupils sweep the premises of her home for any trace of life, reclining upon her haunches as she realizes that there is only vacancy left in the wake of a nation?s destruction. Satisfied-----and yet, she knows her domain must flourish with potential ( and competent ) soldiers if they are to emerge as superior beings -- incontestable strength she seeks to harbor beneath the protection of her wing. And thus, her skull tips back, a harmonic litany infiltrating the air in beckon to those who seek power-----those who pursue glory. And she -- Hades who collects battered souls into her fledgling underworld, w e l c o m i n g upon her chariot of bone.
[ hover for text. ]


07-04-2014, 08:01 PM

His body quivered with excitement, as he followed his sister loosely from the battlefield, back towards the forest- towards their home that she had reclaimed. Artemis had not failed them, the battle hungry Queen had stripped the undeserving russet bitch from her throne. He emerges from the shadows of the forest, as his sister sings, pride and triumph clear in his crimson gaze. As he approaches her, he lets out a near purr, of satisfaction- a rumbling noise in the depths of his chest. "You made her break." He acknowledges, his tone almost gleeful as he drew to a halt. His dark eyes danced around as he looked at the disrupted forest that was their home. He could scent the rank of the wolves who had resided here, though it did little to bother him. Elysium would rise. He wondered where his dearest Nephele was, was she close behind him? Was she ready to be home?


-points to gleeful stitch below- this is how cerb feels :D



07-05-2014, 09:51 AM

the gods sung to her

The woman was extremely delighted. Her sister had won with such ease. The picture of her kin taking down the pitiful crimson whore ceased to excite her. Nephele was quite happy. She was going to help rule along side her darling Artemis and her beloved Cerberus. Her two favorite people in the world. Yet, she would wonder if Novo would join them in their reign. The reign of Elysium. It would be a pack of power and complete control. The members would have to be strong and the leaders stronger. Nephele would do anything her lovely sister wanted her to. Just because she looked at her sister as if she was a prodigy. Artemis was the only one to actually impress Nephele so much she would not envy her, but stride to be like her. Yet, with all the other worthless females the nymph would merely brush them away. Neph was horribly confident, and it showed. She had heard her new queen's call and ears would perk up. Her perfect body bounced up and her eyes went wide. They sparkled with cyans and purples as always. Yet, she would let her dainty paws mash down against the forest floor. The scent of her brother and sister was fresh, yet the faint scent of the previous pack members still invaded her nose with each step. Though, she would continue on, her tail was slightly erect and her head held high. The woman was small but in those moments her ego was enormous. Nephele slithered into the clearing. Glistening eyes fell upon her darling sister, Artemis. Her words would slip from her jaws as she took a few steps forward. "I congratulate you, my darling sister." A little smile would slip across her beautiful lips before her attention was turned to Cerb. The temptress sauntered up to him and aimed for her right shoulder to bump into his left. Her tongue would slither from her alabasters and attempt to dance across his muzzle. "My beloved." Her voice was that of a hiss yet, once again, her attention would turn to Artemis, waiting for others to arrive.

"speech" ?



5 Years
07-05-2014, 10:37 AM

Spectacular! D?gmar could only be impressed as she'd watched the femmes rip into each other. Both were skilled fighters but in the end it was the white phantom that had claimed victory as well as D?gmar's desire to serve under her. She'd been impressed by this yearling ever since she was first ripped from the phantom's sister when the fools had carelessly trespassed on Arcanum territory. But of course? it was Arcanum territory no longer. D?gmar's eyes lingered on her shoulder, bearing the scars from her previous encounter with the new queen. A smile graced her maw. She would seek to learn from this woman and to serve under a queen dripping with violent grace? of course, if the phantom would still have her.

It was not lost on the mottled wraith that she was once this woman's enemy. An Arcanum wolf serving under Cataleya. But D?gmar's loyalty was fluid, and after being more or lest dumped by Cataleya she saw no reason she couldn't embrace this new queen who had so vividly captured her attention. And she would serve just as dutifully as before, and rip apart those that trespassed into this new pack.

D?gmar heard the call of Artemis ring out through the mist. D?gmar lingered on the border for a moment before tipping her own head back to give a short howl in answer in an act of respect. As she moved into the terra she soon came upon the small gathering of wolves. Artemis and two of her siblings, the snow-stained beasts she'd battled with.

Dipping her head in greeting she spoke. "Congratulations. You're victory is undeniable. I am D?gmar Thyre. I crave and practice the arts of battle and I desire to serve under you if you'll have me."



07-05-2014, 11:57 AM

Elysium. Yes...this is the pack she wanted to join. It was new, taken over by a new white beast. And though she hadn't made it to the challenge...she had followed the aroma of blood. And the admirable smell of this new queen. Artemis, she had been told her name was. Perfection painted the very name. Catrix would join under her rule...and obey what the white goddess commands of her. And hopefully, just hopefully this white mistress would think good or her. Even though she hadn't join her previous pack before it had been challenged for, or watched the fight and cheered her on.
The sooty woman huffed and lifted from the floor of what she made her very home...the Saratoga Wood. If only she could kiss the ashes lingering within the beloved area. So she could say her goodbyes, for her home would soon be made the Elysium lands. How would she fit in to such perfect lands? She'd have to visit her old home every once and awhile...turning her head and snapping at the air with frustration, the woman began to walk toward the beautiful echoes of a howl nearby.
Before her whole home faded beneath her paws, she parted her lips slightly and whispered, ?Goodbye...? Then, she twisted her head back around to set inbetween her shoulders, before continuing her travel toward the Soulless Forest. Seconds turned to minutes, and finally, the babe had arrived. This forest was massive and dark. She could see thorn bushes nearby, with no life growing around it whatsoever. Hopefully she'd get used to this place...fortunately it reminded her a bit of her old home. With darkness, with leafless trees littered here and there...and most importantly, the silence.
The babe drank in the clear air of the forest, and smiled. This air was clear and thick...unlike the conditions of her old home. The white queen's fresh aroma was combined with others, and she assumed others had already arrived. Eh. Catrix followed the trail all the way until she came to a clearing where four wolves sit and stand. One in particular, a snowy hue with a milky white eye and the other eye, a pretty purple. The queen. The young temptress came a little closer, before bowing her head to the older woman and speaking softly. ?I'd like to thoroughly congratulate you for your victory, miss.?
Catrix lifted her head and tipped her chin upward in pride, chest extending a bit. Then, she addressed herself to the new victorious queen. ?My name is Catrix Vonnatai. I'd like to offer my loyalty and strength to you, and follow under your rule...if, that is, I am welcomed.?


07-06-2014, 04:02 PM

The woman had heard little of what had happened but she did know that the leadership had changed once more and so when the call came, she answered it. She ran to the site and saw a woman she had never met before. She introduced herself and once again pledged herself to the pack. "I am Aaliyah Olympia. I was a medic under the past two leaders and I offer you the same skill set and loyalty to the pack." She offered as she dipped her in respect for the new female. She could feel her heart beating against her rib cage.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-07-2014, 09:31 AM


Hati's heavy form stalked once more into the lands he'd once resided in, following the scent of Daegmar and the call of the new queen. He had his doubts, serious doubts, about rejoining this pack. It had been nothing but trouble for him, with Cat abandoning them to Sibelle who had been in his eyes no more than a puppet and then Sibelle losing them to this girl anyway. And she, the wolf who had created and abandoned the pack to be claimed by Cat before he'd joined, the wolf who had led him to seek out the pack to begin with. The wolf who had joined again under Cat's reign, only to turn on them when her idiot siblings trespassed and fought her own packmates to protect the invaders. How could they possibly trust such a bitch? But Daegmar seemed to, at least as far as joining, for he could see her there now as he moved into view of the meeting.

He hadn't discussed either his doubts or his plans with Akemi. She would have to make her own decisions and do what was best for her. He wouldn't lead her back into a nest of vipers but he couldn't really bring himself to truly push her away either. She'd figure out one day that he wasn't worth her affection, but he just could not make himself straight up prove it to her.

His black pelt rippled restlessly as he shrugged. He trusted Daegmar - she was like him only she was clever, cleverer than Loki. If she thought it was a good idea to join the pack under this new queen, hell, he'd do it to. But yellow eyes stared mistrustfully at the white bitch as he came up to Daegmar's side. He ignored her equally pale family members, caring nothing for them since they weren't the ones who had claim to the pack. "Hati Hroovitnisson," he introduced himself as the other's had done, albeit in a rather more surly manner. "I was one of the Marquis of Arcanum under Cataleya. You might remember seeing as you were part of it and all. I quit when the last bitch took over for her - I won't fight for any pack that's no more'n a pawn for a bigger pack." He bared his teeth in a grimace of remembrance. But enough backstory, she wouldn't care. Besides, he only really wanted to know one thing. "Figure if I'm going to fight and bleed for someone they'd better earn it, and you got that since you actually cared to fight for it. I'll fight for you if you'll take me. But what says you aren't going to walk away like you did when you made the pack to begin with?" His tone was matter-of-fact rather than accusing, a rarity for the hellhound who more often as not reverted to snarling. Maybe it was because he did trust Daegmar and he didn't want Daeg to think he was questioning her decision, but he really did need to know.


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


07-08-2014, 02:38 PM
suuuuper sorry for the length -- i want to wrap the meeting up quickly though because meetings are mundane yet essential so! please just reply to this with a short post of acknowledgement or if your chara has questions/something to say add that i guess lol. once you reply i'll set your chara's rank to student and you may start a private thread for art so she can give out tasks <3
i'm making my final art post on the twelfth of july.
Restless --- the phantom deity is fueled with uncertainty as she reclines upon her perch, poise IMMACULATE despite the haggard quality of her battered form. She knows not who will flock to Elysium?s domain in pursuit of a competent sovereign; and yet, she is undeterred by the possibility of arousing little interest with her fledgling reign --- the wraith can only presume Elysium shall congregate prestige with time as she governs with a firm and callous hand. Her crusade is to acquire infamy alongside her prospective advocates --- to lay waste to the subservient dregs that dare oppose her or her { thriving } family; her greatest desire is to conquer, to prosper beneath the limelight of victory, and to bathe in the blood of her adversaries ----- and it is within her pretentious beliefs that she believes she SHALL.

It is first that her favored hellion emerges from the shadows of their cryptic realm, offering her a spine-chilling sentiment which derives the upward curl from frayed lips --- a bedevilled grin she adorns wickedly upon sullied jaws. Decadent incisors protrude from bloodied gums with her wry smirk as her attention diverts from her brother and unto her only sister, mismatched violet and silver gaze indulging in her nubile physique as she elegantly maneuvers into her proximities --- breathtaking and enchanting all the same. ?Thank you, little dove,? the malevolent queen croons affectionately in response to her sibling?s praise, pupils trailing off after the petite deity as she retreats into the embrace of Cerberus, gifting him with a salacious kiss upon his jaws that the Elysius monarch remains impassive to; who more suitable to lust after than the GODS of their own family? And yet, the phantom is left with little room to contemplate the { twisted } relationship between her youthful half-siblings as the familiar dappled form of her sister?s former assailant sidles into her proximities, respectable enough in her approach to earn the Elysius? indifference; surely she is not daft enough to assault her siblings in the queen?s presence. ?Oh, how could I forget you, Miss Thyre. I will have you on the condition that you bring no harm to my siblings ----- unless I ask of it.? The faintest trace of amusement flickers upon her marred countenance and yet her words are given with utmost sincerity; the dappled soldier would need to discard any ill intent she harbors towards the Elysius family if she is to truly thrive within her ranks.

Next approaches an unfamiliar { yet evidently vigorous } youth, lavished in various scars that the Elysius wraith finds herself enraptured with, attention wavering from Daegmar and unto this Catrix of whom she offers the brief tip of her sloped skull in greeting. ?I will not shun strength from my ranks; those who pull their weight will earn their place here, blackbird,? she informs the girl with utmost certainty, muzzle inclining towards the slight gathering before her in gesture of welcome as a pallid form approaches her, introducing herself accordingly. ?Aaliyah -- perhaps you and I should meet in private after this,? the tyrant muses aloud as she ponders her injuries that evidently deserve medical attention; perhaps Aaliyah could tend to them and earn her title as Nurse? However, the phantom is unable to ponder the state of her own wounds as her final acolyte strides into the gathering, harboring a slightly curt tone that extracts amusement from the paladin --- ah, so he had known of her previous victory and failure? ?When I took this pack from the Valhallan queen, I had a crown but no purpose --- an empty title with little to show for it. My purpose resides in providing for my family--? she briefly gestures towards Cerberus and Nephele, ?--and I do not intend upon abandoning them when I am needed.? Her speech is laced with sincerity and yet she is uncaring to the fact that her word may not be trustworthy enough to a complete stranger; he may take her words for their worth or he may scorn her for her former negligence --- she would not beg for anyone?s forgiveness.

When it becomes apparent to the phantom that no others wish to thrive beneath her rule, her pupils scan the premises of the clearing, lingering upon each form of her potential acolytes with acknowledgement before velveteen nostrils flare with the deep intake of oxygen. ?Perhaps few of you know, but I am Artemis Elysius --- fledgling tyrant of Elysium and usurper of the former Arcanum queen. I once held this pack and yet ABANDONED it shortly afterwards-----though today I stand before you, determined to redeem myself for what was lost. Elysium will not be a pack for the faint at heart, I must warn you, and it will certainly not be a pack whose members laze about bearing titles they have not yet earned. I secured this pack for my family and yet they are not entitled to prestige; all hold an equal opportunity to rise in the ranks if they sweat and bleed for it. For now, you all will bear the title of Elysium Student --- a trial period that will end in your promotion or demotion, depending upon your effort. For those who seek promotion from Student must meet with me in private, and from there I will assess your skills and assign you with a task to perform within a certain time frame. Should you successfully perform this task, I will promote you accordingly; failure, however, results in a demotion to serf for your lack of effort. You do not want to uphold this title; I promise you.? It is with this that a wicked smirk chisels her porcelain features, chest inflating as she inhales yet again before proceeding with her prolonged { yet paramount } speech. ?You will all be expected to relentlessly train in combat to sharpen your skills; I will be holding battle-training sessions for those who seek guidance in the art of war. Ambition is another essential asset to Elysium --- those who seek glory must earn it through bloodshed, and yet, you must confide within me of your desire to challenge for a rank before you do so. If your challenge goes uncontested, you will be expected to fight me. All ranks may be challenged for --- though prodigy { heir } is reserved for family and family alone.? Though even they would be forced to fight for such a title. ?Elysium will be strong, and we will make it so.? Confidence flares within her chest cavity at this statement, cryptic gaze yet again sweeping the crowd in search of any who desire to share their input --- any who harbor questions they wish to slake.



5 Years
07-09-2014, 09:02 PM

They trickled in like leaves in the wind. Soft and silent in the fog. D?gmar was pleased that the new Queen had decided for the pack to remain in this place that was both beautiful and deadly. Silent? cold? and yet more alive than many might presume. Another femme, Catrix arrived followed closely by Hati and D?gmar grinned slightly. Well, well, so the brute had decided to show up after all? This was certainly a delight.

Artemis spoke, her airy tones caressing D?gmar's ears with just the slightest threat. "Rest assured I will guard your siblings with my life. I seek to perfect myself in the skills of battle no matter how many times I must rip myself apart to build myself stronger. I desire to learn from you and so I serve the Queen. You are the Queen. On your command I will render the flesh from the bones of your enemies. Even Cataleya and her whelp if you so wish it." D?gmar laid it out on the line. She would serve Artemis until she was defeated and then she would serve the next Queen and so it would continue until she died. The mottled wraith had personally reasons for her goals and while she did desire power she had little taste or ambition to run her own pack. No, those who ruled walked with a target on their back. They would march directly into light be it the warming light of the sun or the bitter beams of the moon. She was a beast of shadow and shadow only and so she would content herself to serve under the most dangerous of illuminations.

D?gmar would listen as Artemis continued to speak. She'd heard of the previous Valhalla victory but had no idea that the new Queen was the victor. So formidable did this ghostly femme seem that D?gmar decided to forget about the previous abandonment. The Queen seemed determined to rule this time and D?gmar felt herself practically salivating at the prospects. Discipline. Rigorous and beautiful violence this was exactly what she was looking for. "It will be as you say, your Eminence." And D?gmar Thyre would see it done. She turned a grin toward Hati. Neither of them would have to worry about their violent streaks in this pack and hopefully the members would not be quite so lax in their training.



07-10-2014, 12:39 PM

the image of Aphrodite herself

The woman and her brother stood side by side. She made sure all the whores around her knew that Cerberus was hers. No one else. Neph let her ash dipped tail dance across his softly as her sister replied to her congratulations. "Thank you, little dove." Nephele smiled and nodded. The little creature was an image of complete perfection. Yet, as her sister spoke to the others she knew she had competition. The golden marked Princess was to make her mark. She would not settle for some rank that they gave her. No, she would challenge. She would work. Sweat, bleed, and hurt. The woman may look like miss prissy, but she was not just some pretty girl. She was a warrior at heart. Born to be a Tyrant like her mother and her darling Artemis. Yet, as she listened to the Queen, her eyes did not waver from Arts. Nephele leaned on Cerb a little more, her head held high. The lady had no time for some student rank, but she knew she would have to take it. She had already been practicing. She won her first spar, like the champion she was. The girl had confidence, but she was no where near as infamous as her sister. "My Tyrant, you will never see slacking from me. I will bleed for you. You will see." The girl was firm and serious. No one would see her slack. No one.

"speech" ?


07-11-2014, 09:29 PM

His darling Nephele would emerge from the shadowy land, speaking words to their sister- before bumping into him. He would attempt to push his weight against her, nipping at her as she kissed at him. More would come- answering the true queens call and he would disregard them, his crimson gaze critical as he glanced at each who dared approach. He would listen as his sister spoke, saying nothing as a strange woman- the same who had attacked his beloved Nephele spoke though he gave her a dark look. He said nothing, as Nephele spoke, his crimson eyes searching for Artemis's as he gave a slight, curt nod. His acceptance of the terms his sister- his tyrant had laid before them. Already he would wonder what rank- what title he would challenge for. What title he would earn- he would be great... of that at least, he was certain.

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07-12-2014, 07:14 AM

The woman nodded when the queen asked to see her after and Aaliyah started to assess her wounds from afar. "Of course your grace." She said with the softest smile on her muzzle. It was a chance to prove herself and her healing capabilities. She looked to the last arrival before turning her attention to Artemis. She listened intently to the queen as she spoke of a glorious empire they would become. Every wolf would earn their ranks one way or another and they would all be required to fight to maintain an excellent physical condition. She stayed silent after Artemis has finished because her face said it all. She was so in.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-14-2014, 02:59 PM
Hati listened and watched with burning eyes as the would-be tyrant welcomed them, responding to his words not with anger but with reason, giving her family as the reason she would not falter again in her rule of this pack. Well. Fair enough. His eyes trailed over her siblings as she spoke of them and he gazed unimpressed - no wonder she felt the need to provide for them. Artemis began outlining her plans for the pack, and though he made note of all she said his mind wandered. The meeting was well under way, and he was both relieved and disappointed that Akemi had not appeared. It was better for her, and yet... Artemis ended her oh so rousing speech, and his gold eyes came back into focus. She had bid them meet with her after if they were interested in a higher rank - right now he wasn't sure if he wanted one, not after the frustration and annoyance of last time. He would consider it, but for now... he was joining the pack, which was already more than his good sense wanted him to commit to.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!