



4 Years
05-06-2019, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2019, 08:47 PM by Aramis.)

This was the farthest he'd traveled so far. After he'd left Valhalla for a short while the other day, Aramis had come to realize that time away was exactly what he needed. He had spent too long shut up in the darkness of the dens with his mother. He needed to stretch his legs and push his limits a little bit. He needed to feel alive. Of course, he'd never disappear from Valhalla for more than two or three days at a time. He wouldn't want to worry his family, and besides, his mother was ill and in need of his help. But it felt wonderful to run off and explore from time to time.

This place... he'd been here before, as a pup. His father had taken him here. He remembered tumbling around on the rippling terrain with his sister. It had been a far less complicated time, and he was grateful to have such happy memories of it. But he was able to appreciate the beauty of this place on a much deeper level now. Aramis stood transfixed, his blue eyes tracing the wild curves and ripples that lay ahead of him. Like an ocean made of stone.

After several moments, he began walking again. But he kept his pace slow, giving him time to look around and really soak things in. It was therapeutic, being alone with his thoughts like this. It gave him ample opportunity to process the events of the past, and look ahead to the future. Aramis felt a smile spread across his face as he caught sight of a tall, magnificent rock formation up ahead. His blue eyes grew brighter as he approached it, wondering how such a monument could have been created. How many years of wind and rain had sculpted it? How many more years would it continue to stand?



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
05-06-2019, 09:01 PM

Lament Pyre

He moved West from Legion territory, crossing the lazy stream that meandered through a dozen other lands. The chilled water tasted sweet on his tongue, and refreshing against his fire-toned legs. He didn’t linger, but moved on into lands that grew barren and dry, and he was thankful for that last refreshing sip.

He found the harsher territories of Boreas a sight for sore eyes, and thought often that somewhere in his lost memories he would find a home that carved out a living in rougher lands. He didn’t slow his pace, but rather enjoyed the feel of the heat on his dark fur, and the exhibition in his quickly moving limbs. His lips parted in pants, regulating cooling air to his body. This was the finer things in life, the freedom of movement, the open air, the hard-packed dirt beneath his paws. With every run he felt a little closer to what he had lost. He knew his memories lived on, somewhere in the remnants of his mind. He would find them, one day.

He moved from flat surface to rocky terrain, and leaped nimbly to the first set of hard sandstone, and would pause, lengthening his stride as he looked down at the swirling patterns of reddish brown that swished like liquid tones across its surface.

He hadn’t come this way before, and it was definitely a sight to see. He hit the rocks, leapt to another, and let his pace fall to still silence. He panted a little more as he looked about himself in curiosity, and his eyes would alit upon the colors of deep blue, like deep water. He almost matched the waving patterns, but his rich coat stood out among the browns like a beacon.

This man looked to be of equal age to Lament, through he stood a few inches taller. Lament stretched out his well-worked muscles, his lean, fit body falling into the rhythm with easy so he wouldn’t cramp after exercise. His motions where fluid and strange, fitting the rhythms of his peoples martial arts, even if he could only remember them through familiar motions. His body remembered, even if his mind did not. “Morning greetings.” Lament murmured gently to the blue-toned wolf. His voice soft, pitched low so it would carry no further then this man. His paw, curiously, twitched beneath him, even as his face stood wiped of all emotion. Curious greetings, friendly smile his paw whispered in the language of his people.




4 Years
05-07-2019, 07:41 AM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2019, 07:43 AM by Aramis.)

Aramis stood admiring the proud pillar of stone, wondering what stories it could tell if it were able to speak. Surely it had already been here hundreds of years, and would continue to stand for hundreds more. He was fascinated. And this wasn't even the grandest formation! Another, a massive arch probably fifty feet high, stood in the near distance. Aramis lifted a paw, about to leave the stone pillar to get a closer look at that arch, when suddenly the wind changed and he caught an unfamiliar scent.

He tensed a bit involuntarily when he looked over his shoulder and saw the stranger so close. He shouldn't have let his guard down like that. What if some of these wolves were unfriendly? What if they were like his kidnappers? But Aramis temporarily shook away the thought and turned to greet the young man as he approached. He looked to be about the same age as Aramis, painted with impressive tongues of fire. His greeting was soft-spoken and brief, to which Aramis smiled softly and lowered his head in respectful greeting. "Greetings," he replied.

He saw the way his paw moved, and wondered if it was a tic of some kind. Either way, he was careful not to stare or ask any rude questions about it. "My name is Aramis," he said. Because the polite thing to do was introduce yourself, right? Aramis was never much of a conversationalist, and honestly he didn't know what else to say. His next choice would have been commenting on the weather.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
05-25-2019, 04:53 PM

Lament Pyre

Lament would glance at the pillar beside the man. This seemed to be what had caught the blue stranger's attention, before Lament had come along. It was a strange formation, the height of the stone impressive. If he held the ability to climb such things, no doubt he would scale its length to view the world from its advantage.

Lament turned his eyes back to Aramis, and was well able to contain his shock at the free emotion that ran across his muzzle. He was growing accustomed to these barbarians, with their freely shown displays. They lacked the refinement he knew, but he could not judge them for it. They knew no better here.

Aside from this, the curiously blue man was polite, offering his name and returned greetings. “A pleasure to meet you, you may call me Lament.” he responded, his gentle voice still carrying only the short distance between them. He wished he could offer further names to the wolves he meet, he knew there was a lineage he was proud of… but he had no recollection of it. He itched to find the missing links, to identify the dream that called to him in his dreams. Each day, his journeys brought him no relief from the mysteries.




4 Years
05-28-2019, 12:52 PM

There was an odd energy in the air as the stranger received his smiling greetings and introduction. The smile was not returned in the slightest. Still, Aramis had always had a knack for reading others, and somehow he knew this stranger was not angry or hostile. Perhaps he was just the stoic type. And that was fine. Aramis wasn't a bouncing ball of energy or anything, so he had little problem adjusting his demeanor.

This was something he was used to. From a young age, he'd been polished and primed for the public eye. Of course, his parents had never been so strict as to take away his enjoyment as a pup. He'd still been free to play and explore, just like any other pup. But the expectations had been there. He had always been made aware of the fact that the eyes of the pack were on him. Aramis took that responsibility very seriously. On top of that, he greatly valued the comfort and happiness of others. He had no qualms with changing his demeanor to fit the situation and make others feel more at ease. His father used to say that this trait would make him an excellent diplomat.

His smile loosened until his face was nearly unreadable, but his body language remained friendly and welcoming. He nodded a bit to show he'd heard the name of his new acquaintance. Lament. An interesting and rather poetic name.

"Lament," he repeated, knowing that would help him remember the name later on. "Have you been to this place before?" Aramis let his eyes wander back to the arch he'd seen in the distance. Now that he felt more sure that this man was not a threat, his interest was ignited once more. He wanted to see what else this area had to offer in terms of amazing stone structures. Perhaps Lament would be interested in joining him.