
Lurking in the shadows



2 Years
05-07-2019, 12:59 AM
The landscape that the young pup would continue to dwell upon when she first came to these lands continued to snap at her form. The cold was definitely something the child was not used to, but, at least it would not be too far when she happened to take a glance of a stone structure. It seemed rather secluded, but, at least she would be safe from the elements. The frozen ground from where she walked continued to crunch upon her weight, the cold nipping at her paw pads, causing them to bleed a little bit due to the cold as well as for how long she had been walking and trying to stay up above the ground. Some snow mounds were rather large enough to swallow her whole, so Altair would have to use almost all her energy at this point.

At least it wouldn't be long now until she could rest and stay warm. Her eyes happened to take a glance from the large formation. Some paintings were scattered upon the wall as her eyes widened. This was truly different, but held beauty in its own way, a beauty which left the young pup in awe as she looked around before lying down upon the ground, curling into a ball to keep some of the heat from her body from escaping. Her celestial gaze focused heavily on the walls, wondering what could have possibly made something like this. She had never heard stories of anything like this, so this was something completely new to her as she continued to think about what made the paintings, and what stories could possibly be told here.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
05-12-2019, 09:37 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2019, 09:42 AM by Dominus I.)

The warm weather in the east was making even the mountains a bit uncomfortable for the dark beast; though it was still in his nature to take the high-ground. The mountains to the North had become a goal of his, and he was pleased to find that the weather here was much more suitable for the thickness that his coat had grown into. The colossal teen was halfway through his second year, hardly appearing like a child anymore at all yet there were still certain... things about him that made it very noticeable he was immature.

The first thing he'd done when arriving at the northern mountains was scout every nook and cranny, and that task alone took him a couple of weeks. He didn't want to be setting up camp on top of someone else's home and become caught off-guard, but once it was all cleared he made his way back to the caverns full of intriguing art. When he was young, he'd witnessed his older brother craft a collar; the concept of creation not being too terribly far out of his ability to understand. He knew something had painted these walls, something had attempted to secure their footprint on the world by locking their creation in history.

He knew these paintings were old, very old; and whatever left them behind must think themselves a legend for creating something so immune to age and elements. He snickered to himself, a muffled sound barely audible past the body of the hare snug tight between his teeth. Blood dripped along the cave entrance's floor as he nearly skipped on his way down the halls, today he planned on fucking all that up.

Legends die- his did. His father's madness consumed him and turned him into a man Dominus didn't recognize, hardly the legend he was supposed to be.. that was for certain. Whoever left these paintings would be getting a deserving lesson, it didn't matter if they were in their grave. According to Ruina religion, after all, surely they were still watching. He hoped they rolled as he dropped the hare on the ground in front of his first target of vandalism, immediately ripping the stomach of the hare open to reveal it's bloodiest parts. He didn't want it to dry too fast, so almost immediately he began snapping his behemoth head up toward the wall with enough force to send the rabbit's insides slamming against it, creating splatters of blood in chaotic mess on what had once been carefully planned out artistry.

He failed to notice the young girl in his company admiring such art, it wasn't until one of his throws missed and was sent launched toward the pristine white ghost that was watching him that he noticed her. Immediately, he resituated himself and bared his fangs; his blue eyes wide and crazed as he looked past her, and then behind him... searching for others. This one wasn't threatening, but whoever might be with a child so young could pose a problem. Once he figured they were alone, he growled out a greeting... "Who the fuck?"



2 Years
06-27-2019, 07:47 AM
Elegant eyes were not expecting anyone to come into the cave a little after she had. The male was definitely much taller and robust compared to she, but, the alabaster femme watched onward. The smell of blood crawled into her nostrils as she watched the behemoth rip open the hare, smearing entrails and the crimson substance that was to keep someone alive all over the walls. Though Altair was a pup still and had a lot to learn, she could see ill deeds from a mile away, and she was raised never to do that sort of thing. Though...she may have stolen a few prey items to keep herself alive, though the pristine pup regretted that decision for quite some time.

Some thoughts quickly left her when she found out she had been spotted, even feeling something hit her but she didn't really seem to mind. The pup thought that being calm would be much more beneficial than showing fear. Her ears perked up slightly when she heard the swear from the male, sitting on her haunches as her tail curled around her bodice.

"Why do you have to swear?" She asked curiously, raising an eyebrow slightly. This sort of greeting was probably not something that the male was hoping for, she wasn't going to give him the time of day by giving him a satisfactory result of cowering in fear or showing she was beneath him. Age wise, yes, but seeing someone destroy something so beautiful made her feel a little more frustrated with the male; even if she didn't voice or show it. "Ruining something that was before us is wrong. But, to answer your 'question' my name is Altair. Do I dare ask who you are?"

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-01-2019, 03:18 AM

'Why do you have to swear?' Her question made his 'brow dots furrow and made his head shake just slightly as he visibly had trouble understanding why she would even question his speech. Clearly, he wasn't used to being around someone unused to strong language. He was raised in it, and it really didn't bother him any so it surprised him that it bothered her.

Before he had a chance to answer, she asked him for his name. He supposed it was only fair, considering he'd asked about who she was.. though that was more.. inadvertent and something that happened due to the surprise that there was even someone in his company.

"Dominus." She didn't speak of a last name, he assumed that meant he didn't have to admit his own either. It was probably better that way, anyway. The further he got away from his father's name, the better. He looked her up and down before his thoughts got the better of him, he couldn't let go of her initial surprise on his language.. let alone her questioning the motive that made him desecrate this old painting. His speech was wrong, his own painting was wrong... why?

"Why don't you swear? You want to live your life doing what you are told, and not doing what you want because.. what.. you're not supposed to? Swearing is just talk, isn't it? Who does it hurt? No one. The only ones who don't want you to swear are the ones who want you to surrender your pride. So why don't you swear?" Thick white teeth flashed for a second before he continued to his next point. The teen's neck turned as he looked up to the blood already beginning to dry on the wall beside him.

"What makes their mark any better than ours? Nothing lasts forever. They're not here anymore. We are. It's an update, to say the least. Isn't it nice?" He smiled, admiring his work that had absolutely no rhyme or reason. He painted in pure chaos, but that was exactly what he stood there admiring.

"Don't you want to help?" He put his large paw in the broken belly of the rabbit, dipping it in blood before placing it up against the wall and leaving his print. He then kicked the rabbit to her and slanted his eyes, his head lowering politely as he kindly asked her to join in.



2 Years
08-01-2019, 03:36 AM
Altair was not expecting the brute to answer her. She thought that her words may have been a bit too forceful and, after seeing the show she just witnessed, thought it would be the last thing she spoke. However, he did give his name to the young lass. Dominus. It was a unique and strong name, it'd surely be one the alabaster pup would remember as time went on.

He didn't really seem to have a problem with swearing, believing it to be someone was taking away their pride? She raised an eyebrow slightly at the thought of it. She was always told that swearing meant disrespect and was rude to use it in front of anyone. "It's not that pride would be taken away if I swore. It's disrespectful, and if used in the right way...very hurtful, Sir," she spoke, looking over to the painting as he offered for her to join him.

"I know you've more than likely been raised in a different way than I, but...what you're doing is destroying something that someone took a long time on. I know you won't listen to me, you're your own person but...I guess what I'm going to say is how would you feel if someone came up and destroyed something you worked possibly years on?" She asked him, hoping he got the message. "You can hate me for saying this but I would assume you'd probably be hurt by it." She walked over to the wall, her eyes saddening slightly seeing the messed up painting. "When I was looking at them, they were telling stories before we even existed."

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-01-2019, 03:54 AM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2019, 04:00 AM by Dominus I.)

Her first sentence showed him she misunderstood. He flicked an ear slightly out of frustration but kept silent as he continued to listen to what she had to say. His clear blue eyes watched as her own misted while she looked up to the work that he stood there admiring so proudly. He was a bit confused on her reaction, but he would do his best to answer.

"I don't hate you for anything, Altair. I don't even know if I am capable of hatred, as hard as that might be for you to understand. Swearing won't hurt you unless you let it. You only think it can hurt you because you've been told those words are bad and that they should offend you. If you never knew what swearing was, you wouldn't care at all." He grinned, covered in blood and acting 'disrespectful' in her own words, she likely didn't believe him... but that partly amused him.

"How would I feel..?" He hummed quietly.

"I would feel like a failed my responsibility to protect it. I'm not sure I would ever put work into something like these stories without expecting someone to eventually destroy what I created. It's in our nature to destroy and conquer, all packs want their pack to be the best of the best. All packs want to be the ones to tell stories, to train you which words are bad and which words are good." He scoffed. He was beginning to give up on helping her understand him, but he continued to rant anyway. It felt good, at least.

"It was dumb of them in the first place to waste their time trying to tell stories, rather than doing something more productive. It doesn't matter anyway." He was losing his forced charm that he'd tried to speak with before, a teenage bitterness returning to him as he stepped over the rabbit and started to make his way to the entrance of the cave.

"What are you doing out here all alone anyway, Altair? Where are the ones who told you swearing was bad, and what are they doing for you now?" He paused in the beginning rays of the light from outside reaching in, looking back to her with a piercing expectation within those bright blue eyes. Was she abandoned like him? He had a feeling she was, but perhaps that was his doubtful outlook on everyone causing him to jump to assumptions again.



2 Years
08-01-2019, 04:17 AM
His last statement rung in her head as she heaved a slight sigh. "I think what they created was nice, and that it was meant to possibly outlive them. I think that's possibly an idea but, I know my mother brought it up to me at one point," she informed Dominus as she watched him move to the entrance of the cave.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, I still have a lot to learn about others and about my life but, your words do speak truth when it came to protecting something." She spoke as she watched him for a little while as a slight smile spread across her face. Even though sadness was noticeable a little bit in her eyes.

" family was killed by an enemy pack a little while ago. I've been alone ever since and came across the area in hopes of starting a new life for myself and try to survive," she informed the dark-colored male.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-01-2019, 05:25 AM

They were killed. That word haunted him, made his whole body feel heavy and brought his weight immediately down to his haunches so he could handle the impact it made on him. He was a reckless teen without much to live for, without much respect for anyone else out there, but there was a reason he was the way he was.

Loved ones getting killed was part of that reason.

He suddenly felt a bit remorseful for what he had done, thinking about what others go through and what made them the way they were was something he was blind to in his youth. It was hard to see past his own life, at the moment.. but this was a reminder that he stood there trying his best to understand and listen to.

The silver backing to his ears was visible as they folded to the curve of his skull. The same silver on his tail curled around his hips as he sat and he thought quietly for a moment after she finished speaking.

"I'm sorry." He didn't know what else to say, he felt rather defeated and the temptation to remove himself from the situation was rather strong. He wanted to leave this behind him and tuck the memory away as something to learn from, but he wasn't a monster. His blue eyes revealed themselves to her again as he looked over his shoulder once more. The blood speckles across her white fur from where he carelessly flung his rabbit caught his attention and he let out a bit of a sigh.

"Just so happens, though.. I'm trying to survive, too. Want to be hunting buddies?" He lifted himself up once again, his tail shaking off the dust it'd collected from the cave floor as he waited for her answer.



2 Years
08-03-2019, 05:41 AM
The apology was not something that Altair was expecting in the slightest. She was kind of waiting on him to leave her in her own little sad bubble for the remainder of his visit as the young pup heaved a slight sigh. Though the apology was nice, it necessarily wasn’t needed. They had a rather rough encounter meeting one another, but the pup was willing to let everything that happened within the last couple minutes leave her mind. She wasn’t sure what this teen’s story was, so she couldn’t really judge him on one small encounter.

Hunting buddies? The thought did seem rather nice. The only small things that she was able to really get her paws on was mice and the occasional small rabbit if they weren’t really paying attention to her presence. But, she at least had a lot of room to grow and prove herself in a hunt; so it would be nice to learn new things even if she were to possibly be a horrible hunter compared to him after the situation with the rabbit she already knew he could handle himself with them.

Sure, we both have to survive somehow, and I wouldn’t mind taking notes from you,” She informed him, taking a small glance over to the dead rabbit that lay in front of her to prove her point. Her small tail wiggled slightly in happiness as she got up, “You’re welcome to lead the way. Not sure I can be much use to you at the moment but, even if I don’t catch anything it’d still be a nice lesson.” She assured, giving a small, playful grin in his direction.