
Cleaning Day

Elara I


7 Years
05-09-2019, 12:59 PM

She had finally made her way down from the north into the more comfortable weather of the east. For a while the northern wolf had wandered, picking through each territory before she would find one suitable enough. She found she had to be careful, three packs lived nearby most of the territories she had gone through. She did not want to be crossing their borders or getting anywhere close enough to them. After a while Elara had decided that the Nook was the best spot to settle for now. It had been a more central area to the three packs and she still felt she was close enough to the battlegrounds. For a few days it took her to work out a suitable den, to hunt and gather some comfortable pelts. When she had finished she had managed to make a rather comfortable temporary den. She had settled in fairly well and for the most part hadn't been bothered by other wolves the first few weeks of staying there. It also gave her winter coat proper time to shed, slimming down her fur a bit then it had been before.

She had all the essentials she needed nearby and found she really liked the pretty trees within this nook. She had plenty of things to keep herself busy, but no matter how busy she had been her thoughts would always drift back to the man that was her only friend so far since she had arrived. The only reason she had moved down here was because of him, to join him when he raised a pack. She had been more then happy when he had offered on his last visit, now she hoped he was getting very close. She wondered where he decided to settle, if he was continuing from scratch or overthrowing another alpha to get what he wanted. she had also found herself wondering if he had fought anymore animals lately, something they seemed to have in common.

Today she was washing herself off in one of the streams near the edge off the nook, cleaning out the dirt and debris from her fur and washing up the minor wounds she got from the other day. She was lightly humming while doing so, remaining in the shallow part of the stream and clensing herself.



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-14-2019, 11:19 AM

The alabaster titan had been doing a quick and albeit quiet, patrol. It was perhaps the first time he had bothered doing one since the incident at the battlefield. His foxes were off hunting, so he had plenty of quiet time to himself so far. When he reached the edge of the territory that was by redbud nook, however, he paused when he smelled a familiar scent. He gazed out towards the nook, wondering for a moment if his mind was playing tricks. When he realized who it really was, he wasted no time in crossing the border and heading out to find her. He couldn't help the small smile that started to grow. He also hadn't expected to find Elara down here instead of in the North, either. He liked the alabaster woman. She was fun to be around, and she was good company. Never a dull moment so far...and he wondered what she was doing down here.

It didn't take him long to find her in the stream, and she appeared to be cleaning herself off. He offered a soft bark to announce his presence before approaching the rest of the way himself. "Elara, I never thought I'd see you in these parts." He moved to sit a couple feet away on the bank, "What brings you this way?" He truly did wonder. Last he knew, she preferred the Northern lands. But perhaps there were blizzard's up there and she simply wanted to escape them for a time.

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Elara I


7 Years
05-14-2019, 07:53 PM

It didn't take her long to clean off and had just been finishing up when the familiar voice barked out to her. Her blue eyes looked up to spy the familiar form as he moved to sit near the bank. She would smile and shaking herself off before moving the rest of the way through the stream and onto the bank where he sat all while he was speaking to her. She was pretty happy to see a familiar face and gave her something different for once within her day. Plus she may be able to find out if he was any closer or if he had decided on a territory yet. She had been stewing over the thought of herself being within a pack, thinking about how her life would be changing. There was always a chance that the wolves within the pack she didn't form bonds with, but Elara felt that the pros outweighed the cons. Plus if it meant seeing her friend's face more often and getting to know him more that was a bigger plus then anything.

"I thought it would be better to find a more centralized area to settle into until your call your pack together. I don't wanna miss hearing the call," she would say with a slight smirk.

It was true, she really feared missing the call from where she had been living and she did not want that to happen. She had been getting excited for this opportunity and if she had missed it she would be consistently kicking herself in the butt for it.



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-18-2019, 11:43 PM

"I thought it would be better to find a more centralized area to settle into until your call your pack together. I don't wanna miss hearing the call," He nodded in understanding, not missing the way she smirked. "Fair enough," He offered a smile of his own before turning his gaze to the water. "Warmer waters to bathe in too, eh? I imagine the northern waters aren't very comfortable to take a bath in." He teased, chuckling softly. Things were coming along so far. He had spoken to a few who were interested, and he hoped they had been serious about it. He knew starting a pack from the ground up wasn't easy, possibly even harder than just challenging for one. But he was determined to do it regardless.

"I must admit, it's nice seeing a familiar face that isn't a pack mate. It's...refreshing, I think." It meant something new to talk about. New things to learn. New chances to be had. He liked his packmates, but alot of them were younger than he was, and more often than not busy with their own duties, just as he was. Though he had taken a bit of a break from...patrolling. He wasn't the head warrior anymore, and he felt like he was at a standstill.

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