
Deepest Instincts



4 Years
05-11-2019, 07:45 AM (This post was last modified: 05-11-2019, 05:04 PM by Moon.)

Silver light glimmered across the smooth stones surrounding the lakes and outlined the wet grass, the rain that had fallen throughout the day now made the world glisten beneath the gentle touch of the moon. The rain had carried on into the late evening before it made a retreat, now with no sun to cure the world of the dampness that it was left in... everything shimmered and danced with life.

Alone, a marble doll admired this with wide eyes of crystal to reflect every bit of the glittering light they took in while she waltzed through the marsh seemingly weightless. Frogs, avians, and cicadas worked together to create a welcoming orchestra to show their appreciation to all the unusual rain this season, and Moonlit Wreckage's ears were tall and tuned to it all. She loved summer nights, especially in the marshland where she could admire her prey the most.

The mallards were plump, delicious and slow-moving swimmers often floating along the shoreline of the lakes with their young during this time of year. It was a shame that such a beautiful night full of song and dance had to be interrupted by such a murder, but the rogue could not let the opportunity to hunt pass by. The thunderstorms seemed endless and this break's longevity questionable, so amidst the symphony was the sight of feathers flying and teeth snapping beneath the moon's spotlight.

What once was a mallard with dreams of watching her young hatchlings grow strong now lay limp in the jaws of an infertile wolf. Perhaps jealousy might have been a motive, perhaps not- a mother's unwillingness to leave her babies behind was a foolish choice that Moon could not pass preying upon. At least, that is what she told herself as she carried her dinner for one to the island that centered the Marsh, beneath the beautiful willow rooted at its heart. She'd grown fond of sleeping beneath the sound of its gentle rustling... though her chances to listen to the willow's whispers had been pushed fewer and farther between with how often she'd been forced to shelter the storm this season.

Between snow storms last winter and thunderstorms this summer, would Boreas ever give the lone wolf a break? She pondered this to herself while she nestled down at the base of the tree and began plucking the feathers of her meal delicately. All she had in the world was time, and precious time would be given to ensure that this mother's last gift to this world as a meal would be savored. Every feather would be plucked before Moon's teeth would dare start to pull flesh from bones, allowing every taste of delicious duck meat to be unobstructed.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
05-13-2019, 08:23 PM
Sota had never liked the rain very much. The way the moisture clung to tree branches had always proved hindersome to the way the Songa traveled, and thus he'd always viewed rain as a deterrent rather than anything beneficial. Of course he knew deep down just how necessary rain really was, but that didn't mean he couldn't be disappointed when a brief shower seemed reluctant to slow. Instead of remaining just that - a shower - the rain seemed to steadily increase, and with it brought the arrival of thunder and lightning that felt like it had gone on for days. The tiny wolf had sought shelter for as much of the rain as he possibly could, and once the drizzle outside slowed to nothingness he finally crept out of the makeshift shelter he'd fastened for himself and set out to continue his journey into the unknown.

Though Sota was far from what anyone could call a wanderer, he'd gotten quickly accustomed to these more free-roaming ways since his arrival in Boreas. As much as he would like to trail after Balsam forever, he knew he couldn't be chasing after him constantly like a pup would its mother - if he got caught sticking too close to him he had no doubt his friend would tease him mercilessly for it. It wasn't only that, though, but.. despite his traditional nature, and his strong desire to head back home to more familiar lands, Sota wanted to prove to himself that he was adaptable enough to embark on his own. Well, mostly on his own. Balsam couldn't be that far now, could he?

Tipping his nose to the sky, he took a long whiff of the night's damp air. The moon overhead illuminated the swampy marsh and made travel much easier than he'd feared. The ground seemed to glisten with moisture, and what once had been mostly solid ground seemed to sink lower and lower beneath his paws. The water he had begun to wade through didn't bother him as much as the rain seemingly had; hopefully by tomorrow the sun would come and begin to dry the lands once again. He found it hard to shake the feeling of vulnerability his position gave him, but he saw no signs of strangers who might interrupt his journey.

Only occasionally did he find his attention captured by the various wildlife, by the croaking of the frogs and the occasional rustle of wings of the birds that made this sanctuary their home. Just when Sota wasn't sure he wanted to sink much further into the marsh, he realized his paws had found solid ground again. Ahead of him a tall willow tree swayed in the night's gentle breeze, its boughs reaching low to the ground and casting eerie shadows across the marsh. The scent of a fresh kill touched his nose before that of a stranger did, as his paws found solid ground. His once-eager pawsteps slowed, unsure of what he was walking into - at the base of the tree he could make out the silhouette of a moving figure, and instinctively he froze as he tried to scope out the situation he might be inadvertently walking into.



4 Years
05-21-2019, 10:37 AM

Her pale white dress was quickly becoming a mess as she enjoyed the duck she'd captured, thankfully- it wasn't too bloody and she had every intention of washing up in the plentiful amount of water around her once she was finished. Unfortunately, she was interrupted before she would have the opportunity. The sound of his legs disturbing the water gave him away, despite his attempt to freeze and remain undetected. Moon's own body froze all save for her keen ears that rotated back in his direction so she could pay close attention to who was behind her.

He seemed reluctant to move, so Moon took the initiative.. her jaws lifting from her food as the thick fur of her neck twisted with her flexible movements. She craned her neck to look over her left shoulder, pale pink tongue washing over her top cheeks in an effort to cure the mess she'd made. Crystal eyes took in the sight of the ornate patterns on his coat and she couldn't help but smile in admiration once she had finished her cleaning. Respectfully, she stood up, dainty paws finding their footing as her back rose to meet the gentle touch of the willow's branches above her.

"Hello, friend. Are you hungry?" She cooed, tail swaying behind her in a benevolent manner as not an ounce of aggression came from her- only kindness and perhaps a bit of concern for his well-being. He was a small, adorable wolf and naturally brought out her protective maternal instincts- it was impossible for Moon to help herself. She hoped he accepted her offer, already stepping to the side to present the mostly intact body of the duck she had been indulging on.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
05-26-2019, 01:06 PM
As soon as he'd moved from the muck onto the solid island that stood in the center of the estuary, Sota's movements halted as he realized he wasn't alone here. He'd always been more timid than his peers in many ways, but only since arriving in Boreas had he started to feel truly panicked in the presence of others. Almost instantly he felt adrenaline flood him, like the walls of a dam that had been breached, making his limbs feel warm and tingly. Why was he so hopeless at staying quiet on the ground? He'd adapted to traveling effortlessly through the trees, moving so the branches swayed only slightly, but on the ground.. well, this was all still new to him.

He watched with comically wide eyes as she spun around, and he instinctively shrunk away from her - but it was too late. She'd seen him, and he couldn't pretend otherwise. The scent of fresh prey reached his nose now, and he could tell right away that it was a bird of sorts that someone was eating.. likely her? It was hard to tell under the pale moonlight, at least at first. The way she moved, gracefully and slowly, was entrancing, and he realized he was staring for a long while before he came to his senses and took a few timid steps forward.

"Oh - hello," he managed to speak finally, dipping his head in a low bow before raising it again and blinking, trying to focus on the female, noting that some blood did indeed stain her muzzle.  "Oh, no, I'm alright. But thank you," Sota answered - well, lied - after a brief pause. The Songa weren't quick to admit take gifts from anyone, even if it was just a snack, and they were even slower to admit they could use the help in the first place. But he wasn't opposed to company, even if she was quite large compared to the wolves he was used to... and he felt oddly faint when he reminded himself he'd seen even larger giants here already. Something about her put him at ease, though, and he hoped the feeling wasn't a fleeting one. "Are you.. from around here, miss?" As he moved closer, his gaze briefly found the body of the duck, and the rumbling in his stomach reminded him that he was, in fact, quite hungry.