
watch those teeth



3 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
05-15-2019, 04:44 PM
The season was cold this time of year and Velvette’s coat had fluffed up nicely in the chilly weather. Shee lounged quietly in the tree, it was just a bit past noon and she had worked hard thta morning during training. The training was easy, making Ramesh to keep up with her was the challenging part. He was so contradictory at times, yet he said that he wanted to train and get back into shape.

Holding his attention could be difficult if there wasn’t some huge dangerous monster in front of them. That saltwater crocodile they took down had been impressive but she couldn’t be expected to entertain him while they trained. The Barkpaw woman huffed heavily as she rolled to her feet, slipping off the upper branch and landing elegantly on the branch below. Her rear foot landed on a dead branch and snapped it, causing a havoc below her.

She wouldn’t have thought anything of it, but movement caught the corner of her eye as she looked away from the forest floor. She was able to move just in time as an angry male jaguar leapt towards her from the heavy foliage below. Velvette was already at a disadvantage, the element of surprise was gone.

”Ramesh!” She called out, abandoning her soundless nature as she danced over the limbs and away from the cat that persued her.



2 Years

Treat 2019
05-15-2019, 06:01 PM
It had gotten colder over Tsarvix's journey to this strange new land. If he had known that to drag himself this far south would put him through such unusual weather, he'd never had followed the whispers that brought him here. His next destination was to the woods just north of him, having heard that strange beings lurked amongst the trees. It was said to be a maze, however unlikely that had to be. No forest could be so difficult to traverse that Tsarvix could ever lose his way. Regardless, he'd decided the night previous that such travels may be better suited for the daytime where he could follow the direction of the sun. The warm-hue'd male searched until he found a small ground-level hollow within the trunk of a lightning-struck oak and made himself comfortable amongst the cool bark. It was cramped, but sheltered him well from the swirling winds and damp fog outside. It was here that he would rest, replenish, and ready himself for his continued journey to find a home.


One verdant eye shot open, sharply tipped ears pulling back against his skull in distaste. Someone had disturbed his rest! A heavy snarl was torn from the male's mouth, expressing his annoyance to the chilled air around him rather then any other. It was daytime now, perhaps around noon. He had slept too long anyways, it was time to investigate. Tsarvix crawled awkwardly out of his tight makeshift den and shook himself out before trotting swiftly in the direction of the sudden call.

There was a loud flurry of sounds just ahead of him, panicked footfalls mingled with the harsh snarl of a large cat. Tsarvix backed himself into the concealmentin the trees, ducking down to hide himself from view. What reason did he have to put his own life in danger? The male was torn, paws stamping forwards, then backwards, then forwards again. He wriggled with indecision. With a loud sigh, he tore from hiding towards the noises.

Above and away from him, a female was flying across the thick branches, an angry cat in hot pursuit. The pair were high in the trees, and Tsarvix didn't know how to climb. It wasn't hard to keep up with their movements as he could run full-out whereas they had to watch their footing more carefully above. He followed below them and slightly behind, watching the jaguar carefully. The large cat stepped down to a thick branch just below the female's and stalked towards her, cutting off the quickest path to the ground in a likely attempt to force her to remain in the trees. Tsarvix saw his chance as the jaguar was now in reach.

He got the most height he could by running up a small fallen log, leaping off of it towards the predator. He could not reach it's body, but his teeth were able to get a small hold on a part of the jaguar's rear left paw. The momentum of his jump and subsequent fall was enough that although he could not keep solid hold on the cat and bring it down with him, it did dislodge it enough to cause it to lose his footing, turning away from the female with a growl.

"Hurry, get down from there!" He called to her, fluffing up his fur as he faced the jaguar, hoping to hold it's attention long enough for her to get to a position more in her favor.
PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.



5 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
05-15-2019, 06:23 PM
Ramesh! the sound broke him from his revere, and the.. Fit, energetic man who never napped, opened his eyes and pulled himself from his sleeping position. He had only closed his eyes for a moment, Vel had been driving him hard lately with all these training exercises. He pulled himself from the base of the tree and looked about himself wildly. He was sure he had heard his name, and Vel never sounded stressed, only grumpy.

The tree-dwelling wolf moved to the edge of a thick branch, listening intently, until he heard the sound of crashing through branches, the thud of paws landing on tree branches. He saw a flash of her brilliant brown coat, and then the sleek black of what chased her. Oh shit he thought, leaping from his tree.

The proudly 18” nothing wolf landed lightly on the next branch, his tiny, limber body easily build for tree tops. When he finally reached his sister, leaping with reckless abundance through the familiar woods, he would find that someone else had gotten there first.

He let out… a manly squeak at the giant wolf that stood below them, using his monstrous size to attempt to pull the predator down from the trees, and potentially saved his sisters life. He didn’t stay starstruck for long, only briefly enough for his mind to go these are the giants of Boreas! before the Songa wolf leaped past his sister and, realising that this stranger haven't managed to fully pull down the predator, he leaped past it wildly, nipping at its side before his coiled hind legs propelled him onwards. The Jaguar snarled at turned at him, and Ramesh prepared to leap to the next branch the second it came at him, expecting Vel to jump in on their usual harrying tactics.

Accumulated word count: 1117



3 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
05-15-2019, 08:16 PM
Velvette dodged huge clawed paws as she did her best to navigate the branches. She was at a disadvantage, but at least she was familiar with the canopy. The cat had yet to land a hit, but it was only a matter of time. She tried to keep her breathing even as she fought the urge to panic. Ramesh surely would be here any moment to jump in and help her. That wasn’t exactly how the next few moments would play out.

She didn’t notice either male appear from behind her, but she didn’t miss the sudden removal of the cat’s paws. It about had her, but its foot was suddenly removed from the branch it was perched upon. Velvette turned, eyes huge and bright as she watched the cat regain its balance and return its attention to Ramesh.

Ve couldn’t help but to give a nervous glance towards the giant, but she felt safe enough in the tree. He had seemed to help her at least. She couldn’t give him much thought as she ran at the cat again. She nipped at its tail and retreated with grace, giving Ramesh enough time to reposition as the cat’s attention shifted to her.




2 Years

Treat 2019
05-15-2019, 09:10 PM
Tsarvix was beyond perplexed. These strange wolves would rather remain stuck in amongst the tree branches with a jaguar then on the ground? They weren't stupid, were they? Of course the first souls he'd seen in a season, and they were stupid. The other male then joined the brawl, and Tsarvix was prepared to yell out to him to get out of the fucking tree when he paused, noticing the practiced way the pair danced upon the branches. They did know what they were doing, even if Tsarvix couldn't understand it. There was something else off about them too, but it took until now for him to see it clearly. They were both small. Very, very small.

The jaguar was wheeling back and forth as the duo one by one took it's attention, the other using the opportunity to do as much damage as they could before retreating, and letting the other take their turn once more. It was a strange dance that Tsarvix watched with interest, and although they seemed competent in their fighting styles he wasn't comfortable simply abandoning them to take on the creature alone.

Once more he clambered up the fallen log below the trio, waiting for an opening. The cat whirled back to the female, and he took the opportunity to strike while it was mid-turn. He launched himself upwards, fangs sinking into the jaguar's rear haunch. This time he did his best to maintain his grip and the predator lost it's footing. It's back paws slid down and off the branch, though sharp claws grappled into the bark for it to hang there. Tsarvix didn't have the might to pull the thing off of the branch, and his back paws scraped uselessly against the fallen tree trunk on which he stood while the upper portion of his body hung in the air- for as long as he could hold onto the cat, that is.

"Kill it." Tsarvix hissed best he could through clenched teeth, hoping that by holding the cat in place for them that one of them could deliver the killing blow.

[OOC: Word count is now 1660. I figured Ramesh could kill it, but if either of you would rather continue and not end it, feel free to god mod my guy letting go of the jaguar so it may continue to freely harass the tiny ninja wolves (:]
PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.



5 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
05-15-2019, 09:28 PM
The giant-wolf thing was a beast. the funny proportioned man might have been stuck on the ground, but he sure used it to his advantage. In between one of his bouncing attacks, Ramesh would pause and lay witness as the powerful grounder launched himself into the air. Not quick, elegant and agile like the Songa wolves, but heavy and powerful as he caught the jaguar on the rump.

Momentum won out this time, and the ground-wolfs grip was a good one. The jaguar went crashing downwards, but managed not to fall all the way by the tips of his claws. “Gee whizz!” Ramesh huffed, impressed. He jumped to one of its powerful forpaws and lashed out, forcing it to give up its grip.

Vel was already there with him, striking at its second paw, and without its grip the jaguar began to finally fall. “Look out below!” Ramesh yelled in warning, with way too much excitement in his voice as he jumped on the Jaguars back, narrowly missing its teeth, and riding the creature to the ground.

He was positioned just behind its neck, and as it fell, heavily, its body hit the ground, and its head hit the log, with Ramesh’s additional force, there was a resolute crack, as its neck broke and the beast slumped to the ground. “Bags the materials!” he hooted to Vel, before the tiny wolf looked up, directly into the face of the giant.

He had almost forgotten that crazy sized man was there, and Ra yelped in surprise, fur bristling like a startled cat. Oh god, it was going to eat him wasn’t it?



3 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
05-17-2019, 04:57 PM
She and her brother worked in perfect unison, both of them playing their part like the well trained Songa they were. She was thankful Ramesh showed no sign of his lapse in responsibilities and at that moment Ve knew that despite his laziness she really could depend on him. She grinned widely as the spotted cat returned its attentions towards her. She readied herself, but the retaliation never came.

Surprise flashed across her features as she watched the giant jump back into the fray, his efforts enough to completely disrupt the advance of the jaguar. The beast scrambled against the branch, not wanting to be forced to the ground and leave its advantage. She hesitated little before going after the paw to help it down while Ramesh had a completely different plan. He leapt on the feline’s back and rode its body to the earth.

The landing did its work and killed the creature for them. Ve watched amusedly as her brother used the animal as a surfboard, but felt her hackles rise again as she watched him come face to face with the giant. She didn’t leave her perch, but coiled her mibs to spring should her brother have need of her. Her bright gem like gaze drilled into the stranger, amazed at his size but wary of his threat level.



2 Years

Treat 2019
05-17-2019, 05:29 PM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2019, 05:32 PM by Tsarvix.)


There was definitely something weird about these two. Any normal wolf when presented with a near-pinned foe would go for the throat to end it's life. Instead, the pair each attacked one side of the cat, forcing it to relinquish it's hold on the branch and come crashing through the underbrush and onto the forest floor. Tsarvix received Ramesh's warning loud and clear and released his hold, slipping off the log and clambering out of the way of the jaguar's flailing decent. That's not all that came down, though, and Tsarvix looked on in awe as the tiny male rode atop the predator. He looked like he was having fun. The two of them hit the log with such force that the cat died near-instantly with a sickening crack.

The little male hooted to his companion, and then whirled around to face him. The chocolate male watched in absolute confusion as the other fluffed himself up, looking quite... well, the opposite of fearsome. Tsarvix lifted his paw to his chest and away from Ramesh as if the small male was contagious, wondering if it was worth while to shoo him away. From the corner of his vision he saw the female- still treebound -coil as if to spring.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He offered in bewilderment. "There wouldn't be much sport in hunting..." A pause, and Tsarvix fluttered his paw in their direction, struggling describe the duo in the most inoffensive way possible. "...whatever you are." As he finished, he passed his gaze between the two of them. Maybe he should have just left them to the jaguar.

PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.