
bring the fire to the world [ABAVEN PACK HUNT]



3 Years
07-03-2014, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2014, 02:26 AM by Bass.)
Alpha Edit - First round is due by July 6th. This has been extended until July 8th

Mira let out a deep breath she had been holding. So. She was to start a pack hunt, was she? Not the best thing, by far. Mira had always been a weak hunter, and that will be quite obviously proven in this hunt. She closed her eyes, ignoring the sick feeling in her stomach. She really, really, did not want to do this. But she would - no matter what. She would try her damned hardest too, even if that wasn't much. "I will do this," she whispered to herself. Sucking in another deep breath, she let it out in a long howl - a summoning howl, to summon all the wolves of Abaven.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



4 Years
07-03-2014, 09:34 PM

The howl was an unfamiliar one, but that wasn't much of a shocker these days. Serra was in a new pack, and she knew few of its members save Quelt - and his girlfriend. Her ears twitched in slight irritation at the thought, but it passed as soon as it had appeared. The girl calling for Abaven members was definitely not Irune, and for all Serra's grumpiness about her brother growing up, Serra honestly didn't mind Irune. The girl was nice enough for someone who was stealing her brother's affections. Ah well. There wasn't much to be done now, was there? And at any rate, there was a howl to answer.

Serra stretched lazily before loping towards the source of the howl, legs extending to carry her smoothly across Abaven territory until she spotted the wolfess that had summoned her. A multishaded brown and russet thing - rather pretty, if you were into that kind of thing, she supposed. "Greetings," Serra offered the other a slight inclination of her head as her blue gaze scanned the area, picking out the others that had arrived before her. "My name is Serra Arrow." The casual introduction was second nature to the girl, who had been taught from a young age to be polite to all. Still, she was casually dominant as she stood there with her head held high and her plumy tail extended easily behind her. "What causes you to summon us?" Faint curiosity tinged Serra's tone, though she didn't sound too worked up over the call.




10 Years
07-04-2014, 07:57 AM

A call sang throughout the lands, just as the dame was organizing her herbs. She always was so paranoid about a wolf accruing a venomous snake bite, and not being able to cure them quickly enough. She was at least a rookie in the healing art, having trained with many Alacritian healers, amongst them her own cousin, Novel. A summoning call found her auditories, as she retreated from the den. The hunt was on. Her frame moved smoothly through the plains, as she carefully stepped, avoiding the bodices of possibly venomous snakes. In her jaws was a bundle of herbs should any wolf become injured in the hunt for a feast. A chocolate coated figure materialized in the distance, becoming most familiar as Mirabelle, the newcomer to the pack. Already, a slate coated tempest had joined her, also a new member. A soft smile formed upon her lips as she introduced herself. Serra Arrow was a beautiful and strong name for a lady such as she. Obviously she was older than she, her voice deeper than her own. "If you have not heard of my name yet, I am Harmony, the healer of Abaven. This is a pack hunt." Already, her mismatched orbs were sweeping across the lands for a feast. Rarely did large game roam the plains. The only object truly apt to hunt was the serpents that slithered across the grasses, hidden from view of an unfortunate canine. Her gaze shifted toward the calling female, as she gave a dip of respect toward her, a warm smile upon her maw. "I will partake in the hunt, but will depart before the take down of whatever prey the group has agreed upon, to get herbs ready to patch up any injuries." There always were some injuries in the end of the hunt, as she would prefer to be ready for those when they come, the lesson learnt in Ahlon, in her first hunt. Luckily, she had escaped the wrath of a bestial buck with a mere scar, hidden by her luscious locks. It stained her pearly underside with blood until it had finally closed and healed slowly. It did not affect her movement too much, but she still never showed it to any wolf, just as her fur would not allow the blemish to show onto the surface. "Speech"


07-06-2014, 12:57 AM

He had been lying in his den, wondering what his next move would be. Still debating whether or not to bring his sister here. He was still unsure about the pack, still unsure about what the true intentions were, for even Alpha's were manipulated and he was sure there were plenty out there who would try. Thoughts would begin to swirl through every crevice of his mind, and it was then a summons would rise. Icy blue eyes would rise to the sky as birds flew from the trees at the sudden commotion, and so with a sigh, he would rise to his feet and make his way slowly but surely.

There would be a few already gathered, none of them he knew and one he recognized but didn't know all the same. He remained quiet, sitting near the edge of the group beneath a small gnarled tree as he listened to them speak. So one was going to bail before the takedown? Who the hell was going to get injured on a hunt? Surely no one would, unless of course none of them knew how. Well...this will be fun... He would utter within his mind, soundless words laced with sarcasm. He wondered if any others would show, and even so, this hunt shouldn't be too difficult...unless they were a bunch of inexperienced bufoons, then Hansel would have thought twice about joining.




7 Years

07-06-2014, 01:47 AM

He had heard the call, he had been the one who had asked Mira to call the pack hunt. He was testing her, and was unsure if she was aware of that enough. She had been trying hard ever since she had joined the pack, already she had been bumped up to Bjundi. So yes, he was putting her up for a test. After several moments passed Bass slowly made his way to the group, his white tail flowing behind him with ease. It was easy enough to pick his way towards the call, he could smell the trails of others who had headed that way already.

When Bass came up behind the group, a frown sat deep on his lips. Was this all of his pack that had showed up this far? Just four wolves? He heard Harmony saying that she will not partake in the take down, and he made his presences known by taking to her. "We might need you to help if this is all who bothered to show." He said, the usual cheer gone from his voice. He nodded at Hansel, who was the one who was sitting closest to him. He was grumpy, irritated that only four wolves bothered to get off their butts and come and feed their pack. A growl rumbled out of his throat, huffing as he fell onto the ground into a seated position beside Hansel. "We shall wait a few more moments, I know that Motif is coming." He knew that she wouldn't pass this up, she was probably off sparing someone. That brought the slight shimmer into that golden gaze.



5 Years
07-06-2014, 02:37 AM
Irune Ezra Armada

She had been dozing off in the shade of a tree, curled up happily. When the call rang out she almost didn't hear it. Lifting her head up she blinked a few times confused for a moment on where she was at. And at the same time panic hit her, where was Quelt? But of course as she stood up and shook out the sleep from her foggy brain she remembered everything. She had joined Abaven with Quelt and the small group. Stretching she yawn and set out to look for Quelt. She didn't want to go alone and she was getting used to having him at her side.

But time was clicking by and she still couldn't find him. Maybe he was already there? She sighed and trotted off to the caller. By the time she arrived Bass was there as well as Hansel and Serra and a wolf she didn't know. She shifted uneasily, she was sure she was on Serra list of favorite wolves, Hansel seemed grumpy but she could care less, and Bass seemed upset. And more importantly where was Quelt? "Um..sorry for being late. I was looking for Quelt.." She looked towards Serra wondering if she knew where her brother was. But then she turned to Bass and the unknown female, "So what's going on?" Ears perked up and tail was held parallel to the ground. Yes she was dominate, yes she didn't care because she could still be respectful.


07-06-2014, 01:32 PM

The male would hear the summoning howl, and judging by the duties he had selected it would only make sense to answer the call, would it not? Besides, he had come to this pack to be useful, not a deadweight, and any and all summoning howls, even for the healers, would be answered. Head would lift, dark forest green eyes scanning the unfamiliar territory as he moved forth. It would take time, he knew, to get used to these new lands, but he was determined. Though the snakes that made part of their lands their home were a bit... Troublesome. Already he?d had to take care a couple of the blasted things, severing the heads from their bodies to avoid being bitten.

The calico male would march on, gaze seeking the forms of those already gathered. Serra, she was one who knew. Irune had joined with them.... and of course he knew the alpha. The lady who had called, however, was one that he did not, and Allen would look upon her quietly, analyzing her before he dipped his head respectfully. ?Good day to you all. I do hope you don?t mind if I join in this hunt?? A smile would grace his features, at ease as he looked at those around him.

"Speech", 'Thought'

Motif I


4 Years
07-06-2014, 04:43 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2014, 04:44 PM by Motif I.)

The call would ring out, soft and distance in the background of her mind. She heard its summons and would turn with a swirl, the soft flourish of her tail would dance behind her as she turned from her run from the lands and now with a laugh she would recover the ground and make her way back to familiarity of her brothers pack. Naturally, she would arrive late to the called hunt with many others already assembled about her brother and the caller, waiting for the last stranglers to arrive.

She would dip her head in apology and a friendly smile to Mira before padding over to her brothers side and flicking her tail against his rump. She would move her muzzle close his ear and whisper a quick apology, no doubt it didn't look fantastic for a high ranking wolf to give such a tardy answer to a summons. She was ready now however and front paws would outstretch before her as she readied herself for what was to come.




07-06-2014, 10:04 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2014, 10:18 PM by Xae.)

When the far-distant, very unfamiliar call reached his slightly floppy dark ears, Xae wasn't sure, at first, if he should go to it. He wasn't certain if the call was even from a member of this new pack, and even if it was, he wasn't certain if he was even supposed to answer the call. Besides, he was trying to... Xae flushed, colorless eyes gazing at the collection of herbs between his two front midnight paws. He had already managed to remember the most common herbs, and he was currently working on recalling the names and uses of the more rare herbs, though those he had yet to collect. That had been what he was doing when he heard the summoning howl. And, though he would tell everyone that he was only working this hard because of his almost obsessive need to understand things, the truth was, he was doing it in an attempt to impress a certain brown and white female, with a name that could only barely explain her beauty. Though Xae had met the Abaven healer only once, when he had initially joined Abaven, he'd be lying if he said she hadn't made an impression on him. He had later discovered that the Azat and the Vor were siblings. Xae understood then why Bass had seemed suddenly so upset at him.

The russet wolf shook the memory from his brain, expelling the rest of his uncertain, even slightly anxious energy out through the ends of his dark fur. He took in a breath, inhaling the scent of herbs that would surely cling to his coat even after he abandoned the small pile. Lowering his narrow skull, Xae scooped up what herbs he could in his black jowls and deposited them in a freshly-dug hole. Other flowers and herbs lay in the hole, more evidence of Xae's search for herbal information. Making up his mind to check out what the call was for, the yearling turned on his heel and did what he did best - he ran. Large nostrils flared as he took deep breaths, filling his lungs with oxygen. Xae started at a swift pace, sprinting in the direction of the call. As he drew closer, he slowed to a trot, jaws parted, tongue hanging out as he panted. The scents that rose up to meet him told him that all wolves gathered were Abaven wolves. When he was finally able to see the group, Xae instantly felt shamed. Was he really the last one to make it?

Well, that was fine. It wasn't like he was out goofing off, anyway. He was working to learn, to bump up in the ranks! At least, that was part of the reason. Like magnets, Xae's grey gaze slid smoothly to a lithe, tri-colored female, with interesting markings beneath duo-hued eyes and a black strip on her muzzle. He hadn't meant to look at her, but now that he was, he couldn't look away. Xae continued making his way closer to the group, but he headed away from Harmony. He caught the word 'hunt' and was finally able to tear his gaze away from Harmony, to look at Bass. Carefully making sure to avoid the Azat's light-colored sister, Xae made his way toward his leader. Of course, that meant that he had to switch up his direction, and head close to the spot Harmony was sitting. Xae was proud of the way he managed to keep his eyes on Bass. As he paused in front of the white beast, his head cocked. "Is it common for all members of a pack to participate in a hunt? I apologize for my ignorance, Azat Bass, but I am unfamiliar with the inner workings of a pack." Dull eyes flicked for only a second to Harmony, hoping that she didn't think too poorly of him for not understanding pack hunts. He was quick to return his gaze to Bass, silently hoping that his leader missed the glance, though also smart enough to know that there was hardly a chance Bass had missed it.




07-08-2014, 02:25 PM

Why was she even here? She didn't know, specially with Hajime around it made her fur prickle with the memory of her mother. Emma knew she couldn't hold a grudge for long, but it still annoyed her that her blood was being pushed away like garbage. Quelt hadn't been feeling well, so instead Emma came to the hunt, and Hajime was too busy trying to settle his children, specially the ones who were more than upset with him and wanting to run back to Ebony. Which she said, good riddance, let them run. It would mean less of others for her to worry about at the moment. It wasn't like the pups couldn't almost handle themselves, but regardless she trudged over to the wolves with a less than happy attitude like she usually was. A hunt then? That was what she was filling in for.
"Sorry everyone, Quelt wasn't feeling well so he stayed in his den. It's nothing to worry about though. And Hajime is trying to take care of his young." why was SHE apologizing for them. They should have beenn pulling their asses here to do it themselves. Emma flicked her tail in an annoyed manner and sighed. Oh well, that was how things went down. "Well, at least this hunt will be good exercise." she said with a grumbled sigh.




3 Years
07-09-2014, 06:03 PM

Mira nodded at the newcomer. She was just about to answer the wolf's questions when Harmony appeared and answered for her. She gave the healer a wolfy grin. "Good idea, Harmony. Especially with a lot of members who probably don't have experience with pack hunts." Like herself. She glanced at Hansel who arrived and gave him a nod, dipping her head slightly more than she did for the new wolf. HE was a higher rank after all, the same rank she was.

When Bass appeared and expressed his displeasure, her pricked ears flattened and her upraised tail lowered as she sank down into the ground. "I'm sorry." It had been a good few minutes and only a few had showed up. IT made her feel ashamed,, but not ashamed enough to stay down when wolves lower ranked than she was began to appear. She was a higher tier than them - she had the right to be dominant, and she wasn't going to relinquish that/. Her limbs straightened, her tail lifted, and her ears pricking forward as far as they possibly could. This stance was maintained as each straggler appeared, pausing only for a brief moment when Motif appeared. Motif was one of the few higher ranks; one of two that actually was higher than Mira. Bass being the second one, and he was the Azat. It returned, though, as the last member to arrive came in, explaining why the rest couldn't show up and grumbling. Mira fixed the femme with a glare momentarily before speaking.

"As Harmony said, this is a pack hunt. The Azat asked me to call and lead the hunt. My name is Mirabelle Talos. I'm a Bjundi of the pack." In other words, I'm a higher rank than all of you. This, of course, was not said out loud. "The hunting strategy that will be utilized has two teams. The first is the more agile and is compromised of those with less experience. This team, led by me, will find the prey and chase it back here to the second team, who will be lying in wait for it. This team will be composed of Hansel, Motif, at least two more experienced hunters and two inexperienced hunters. The rest will come with me." She glanced at Bass, both for approval and for the request she would make. She lowered herself into the position of submission, murmuring, "I would ask of you, sir, that you accompany the first team in choosing the prey." Hopefully he'll say yes. Ig not, she didn't know what to do. She wasn't asking because she thought him inexperienced, but rather that he was experienced and she would feel better with the Azat with her, helping her and so she could protect him. The only reason she even ahd a strategy was because she once overheard the hunters in her old pack discussing strategy. She didn't even hear if it worked or not.

Oh well. Hopefully it would work.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



4 Years
07-09-2014, 08:24 PM

When Irune arrived, Serra twitched her ears, listening to her comment about Quelt and fighting the urge to retort snappily. It rose on her tongue but faded just as quickly when Serra thought of how upset her brother would have been if he'd heard her say something rude to his lady friend - and her parents would have been ashamed as well. To the family oriented girl, this thought was just enough to keep her mouth firmly shut, though she inclined her head towards Irune easily enough. She didn't deign to reply to her comment about Quelt - her brother.

Serra twitched her ears as she listened to the others arrive, sinking back on her haunches as she listened to the one who had summoned them speak. Mirabelle, hmm? It was a pretty name. A pretty name for a pretty girl. Serra approved, she had to admit. "I will go with either group," Serra spoke, lifting her voice slightly, "I am a fairly experienced hunter, but I know that I am not the most skilled." Not the easiest thing for Serra to admit, but she was not one to lie, and it felt like a lie to call herself a good hunter. She could feed herself, but it had been some time since she'd hunted with any others. "I suppose it would be my preference to travel with the second group, but again, I will go with either." She didn't want to come across as an impolite wolf, not when she was this new. Serra wasn't as dedicated to Abaven yet as she might come to be, but she still enjoyed the pack and wanted to make a positive impression on its members.




10 Years
07-10-2014, 07:38 AM

She would give a respectful dip of her head to every wolf that arrived, as a thanks for coming, watching Mirabelle switch from her dominant posture to submissive for whatever wolves were higher or lower in rank than she. Soon, when the visitors pooling in slowed, Mira spoke of the hunting strategy. I can tell there will be some injuries and wounds. Her head would dip in respect to Mira's plan, as lyrics would chime in. "I will go and prepare my herbs for the hunt's wounds. This will be a good experience and practice for all of Abaven's members who are participating today, I hope." With her speech, the healer would turn and stride off toward her den, to prepare a large bundle of herbs for any cuts, bruises, and wounds. Hopefully not too many wolves would get injured.

- Exit Harmony until Take down


07-10-2014, 06:38 PM

Allen?s gaze would shift to the leader of the hunt, Mirabelle, as she spoke of their strategy for the hunt. Not necessarily a bad idea, and it gave them all a chance to fully participate in the hunt. The male would dip his head as he spoke, his dark gaze shining a bit. ?I could participate well in the second group. I?ve done a bit of hunting in my time and could help those who are less experienced with it.? The male would say softly, turning his gaze to look at the rest who were gathered.

Really they were more unfamiliar faces, wolves that he had yet to come to know. But over time he was sure he would. There was honestly a sense of relief in being a pack wolf again, and Allen was sure that it was better for Hajime?s children as well. He had meant to sit and spend some time with them, to gather around and speak with them of days past and of the future. He didn?t want them to give up, or feel like they wouldn?t be wanted in this pack either. Time... It was a funny thing... And if there was one thing the calico male knew it was that things would always change, and there was little any wolf could do about it.

"Speech", 'Thought'



07-12-2014, 02:15 AM

Quiet frankly, she didn't care about a single one of these wolves. Bullshit or not she didn't know them, maybe names and scents but she was here because of the favor Quelt did to her mother. That was the only reason she was here, in Abaven after shaking off her shackles of those idiots in the northern camp. And due to her experience with working with others, this would be easy for Emma, if they didn't mind a rude attitude from the girl. But hey, that was who she was, it wasn't like she was going to go changing herself for a bunch of strangers.
"I'm fine with doing whatever, I've broken bones before trying to catch caribou for a bunch of mutts who had no clue what they were doing." she snorted. "My name is Emma by the way." The white and black saddled girl would shift a little in her uncomfortable feeling. Eyes shifting towards Allen, her actual relative.



07-12-2014, 03:06 PM

It seemed as though Xae was the last to arrive. Instantly, the leggy male felt ashamed of himself, but he brushed the feeling off almost as quickly. He had been trying to better his knowledge in the field he was actually involved in - healing. Hunting was vital to the pack, too, he knew - it's why Xae stayed, why he wasn't bothered by the fact that his learning had been interrupted. This way, too, he could learn more about hunting. Whether Bass actually responded to his question or not, Xae turned away from the Azat when the female who had called the pack hunt spoke aloud, addressing the entire company. Bjundi Mirabelle, as she had introduced herself, set about explaining their strategy. It was clever, and should certainly have worked perfectly. He waited, listening to the others as they introduced themselves to the pack and chose their desired team. One member in particular - a black and white female who called herself Emma - seemed to hold quite a nasty temper. The russet male mentally reminded himself to steer clear of her, desiring no conflicts.

He took a couple paces forward, closer to Mirabelle so he could address her, though not so close as to seem like he was speaking only to her. He raised his voice loud enough so that others could hear, so there would be no confusion when the time came to disperse. "I am Xae, a Kruni. Bjundi Mirabelle, I believe I shall be of most use to you on your team, seeking out and flushing the prey." He didn't bother explaining why he would be most useful for the first team - after all, it had to be obvious; he had a lean runner's body, and had little experience hunting for a pack. For himself was one thing, but an entire pack was a whole other game. Grey eyes moved away from the dark female, gazing at the rest of those he would be working with.




5 Years
07-15-2014, 08:12 PM

Between Serra and Emma, Irune felt uncomfortable around the two girls. Both obviously could not give a damn about her. But non-the-less Irune did not flinch. She was after all an Armada and dominance was bred into her. She eyed Emma for a moment with a look of disapproval at her attitude but didn't say a word. As the female who had called everyone spoke up, showing off her dominace Irune could not help her body react in return. Ears perked up, head held high and chest out but tail remain flat on the earth behind her. Amber eyes gleamed in the acknowledgment that this girl was a high ranking wolf but she did not cave easily. Irune did not submit to anyone, they had to earn it from her, prove they deserved her submission. But that did not mean Irune was disrespectful. She could easily take orders and follow, just don't be surprised if she spoke out.

She nodded at the plan for the hunt. She had never really been part of the taken down team of a hunt. And though she wished to be, so many were already offering for it."I'll take part to the cutting and driving of the prey. I'm swift enough for it with my small size." She said softly tipping her head to the female and Bass. For the moment she would remain silent till spoken to directly. Her mind kept wondering to Quelt, swearing she'd go find him right after the hunt.


07-16-2014, 12:50 AM

He would sit and wait as others arrived, none taking his interest besides Bass...just a little. He nodded to the alpha, the bored expression still clear on his face. Remaining there even as others arrived and said their empty apologies. Does everyone have a stupid excuse for this? Geez, maybe this pack isn't all that it's cut out to be. He would think in irritation, heaving a sigh that was clearly agitated. He would remain silent, however, up until Mira spoke and he would wait for others to speak their part. Clearly, most of them were indecisive. He would shake his head, glancing at each one as he then looked at the sky, mouth opening to speak. "Unless we plan on hunting a boar, an alligator, or something along those lines...there's a very slim to none chance of anyone getting hurt...unless of course someone here twists their ankle like an idiot and needs their momma to take care of them." He gazed about pointedly at some of the younger members, his bluntness way out there. He didn't care if someone got offended, it was who he was. And if they didn't like it, tough.

"Anyway, I'll take Emma, Allen, and Xae...and whoever else wants to join. Name's Hansel for those of you who don't know, though I don't expect you to remember my name, nor do I care if you do or don't. The choice is yours. I want wolves who will not hesitate, but will obey on command like working dogs. IF I say jump for a certain part of the animal, you do it. Understood? Any problems? Take it up with me later. Get your asses in gear, let's get to work." He would rise, nodding to Bass in slight apology for his blunt words. But hey, someone had to say it.


Motif I


4 Years
07-24-2014, 11:12 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2014, 11:13 PM by Motif I.)

The chase and the wait, a fairly routine strategy, used for its effectiveness and Motif would nod her head in approval and agreement of the position she had been asked to go in. She was to lie in wait, and well she adored and was made for running and the chase she would just as happily lie in wait, she could find the patience for it she was sure.

She was however offended that she would not be taking the lead, as the second most high ranking wolf here it would have been her right and she was yet to show her hand at leading these wolves yet. She hadn't been certain at first if Mira meant for Hansel to take the lead but the boy was quick to do so regardless. Motif cast a short look of hurt to Mira, conveying her feelings in not being given that task before falling wordless into place with the second team and waiting for them all to finish readying themselves, it seemed this hunting trip would not be that fun.



07-24-2014, 11:37 PM

{ "speaking" } { actions } { "thoughts" }

Abigail, too, was a healer ? below Harmony, yes, but supposedly a healer. But a hunt? This was a valuable skill, definitely, and passing up the opportunity to learn this skill would be rather pathetic. Abigail was used to working as a simple supporter on a two-wolf group hunt; operating with a larger group to take down prey was outside of her knowledge.

So, then, it was obvious that she should participate. ?I-I am Abigail, K-Kruni. I?ll be in the ambush team,? she stated, well, more like stuttered. She was small, standing 26 inches when at her full height, but with her legs bent and body tucked nervously she definitely looked at least an inch shorter.

But she wanted to be on the kill team ? odd. She really wanted it, truthfully, to break out of her mold of being the ?support wolf? on her previous two-man team. Time to make at least one move towards the ability to take charge, damn it.