
storm on the horizon



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
05-25-2019, 09:44 AM

Eris Pyre

The sea had been easy enough to find without help. After all, there was nothing like the acrid scent of salt water. Eris tracked it easily, although she missed the comfort of her siblings at her side. They had enough to worry about without her bumbling. Although their condition wasn't her fault, she couldn't help but bear a thick, overwhelming guilt. It choked her. To see Ballad lost without her rituals was akin to having her own heart misplaced.

Figuring she might as well acquaint herself with the area, Eris approached the coastline at a steady clip. Her eyes were narrowed against the salty air. Something else was on the rise - she could smell it. Beyond the horizon, a storm was brewing. Even if she couldn't make it out with her eyes, she could feel the pressure in the air beginning to build, desperate for some kind of release. Any moment now the sky could open. Eris welcomed the cleansing rain, although it sometimes made it difficult to navigate. She stopped at the edge of the beach, settling down into some scrubby grass to observe the coming storm.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
05-25-2019, 02:52 PM

To say Sota had been thrust outside of his comfort zone would be a vast understatement. Life in Boreas was not at all like life back home, when life had been full of rigid structure, when he'd always known exactly what was required of him next. This life was a new and unfamiliar one, but though he was slowly growing accustomed to the endless freedom that each day provided him with, the keyword was slowly. It wasn't a welcome adjustment by any means, and he felt restless without much to do. Trying to keep tabs on Balsalm was about his only real self-assigned responsibility right now, and when he wasn't doing that he was instead occupying himself with wandering aimlessly, and getting to know these southernmost lands.

The tiny wolf missed spending most of his time in the trees, where he had lived most of his life, but being on the ground wasn't so bad.. right? That was why he'd been trying to convince himself as he padded uncertainly on the damp ground, moving tight against the sparse cypress trees, zooming from one to the next for cover. These trees were different than the ones he was used to, with thin branches that reached toward the sky rather than ones that ones that grew parallel with the ground. One look at the slender trees and he decided against it, though they still provided decent enough cover as he traveled.

Moving toward the ocean seemed like a decent enough idea, until the sea of grass shifted into a wide stretch of sand - and when Sota lifted his head to peer into the horizon, he noted that the once clear-blue sky had grown dark and cloudy. It was a sure sign of a storm to come, and almost instantly he began to feel panicked. There was no shelter here, unless he tried to climb one of the larger trees he'd passed, and while he could maybe wedge himself in there to avoid the rain, it wouldn't be a comfortable stay by any means.

Furrowing his brow as he scanned his surroundings, he was admittedly relieved when he saw a stranger who - for the first time, since coming to this place - wasn't a damn giant. It was hard to get a good look at her from his distance, but he inhaled a sharp breath of air and tried to summon up some courage that he felt he'd been seriously lacking. At least this one wasn't a giant who could squash him under her paw, and he was certain enough of his own speed to know he could get away if need be. "Uh - excuse me?" Sota called out warily, his voice ringing clear even over the sound of the waves lapping against the shore nearby. He padded a bit closer, and when he was within reasonable distance he lowered his head in a deep, exaggerated bow. "You don't happen to know anywhere someone might.. seek shelter around here?" He finally asked once he raised his head, looking a bit bewildered as he faced her now, letting his pale gaze dart briefly to the sky to watch the darker clouds rolling in from over the sea.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
05-25-2019, 03:58 PM

Eris Pyre

Eris enjoyed lifted her muzzle to the sky and inhaled deeply. The unique scent of the sea rooted her more firmly in her surroundings. It wasn't often that she had a distinct sense of place. The world around her was growing fainter, and knowing exactly where she was... well, it was becoming a strange sort of luxury. Especially in these new lands. If she could learn the secrets of the local weather patterns and travel routes, her surroundings would begin to reveal themselves in a new way. Eris tried to comfort herself with this though - her world would not end when her vision gave up. She never allowed herself to believe there was a cure. Acceptance of a fact was one thing, while "hope" was an entirely different, finicky beast. Hope could really hurt her.

The wolf closed her eyes and began to meditate, trying to sense the barometric pressure shifts as the storm gathered its power. She was young yet, with no old injuries, and couldn't quite feel it in her bones. There was a certain pressure in her skull, though, that she felt was important. Or maybe just a headache.

Lightning flashed and a crack of thunder split the sky, louder than anything she'd ever heard. Eris cowered slightly, her ears flattening against her skull. The light illuminated the sea before her briefly - it stretched out before her, longer and further than anything she'd ever seen. Her breath caught in her throat. All of a sudden she felt very, very small. But I can make sense of this, she thought as the rain began. It wasn't soft at all. The driving rain dripped off of her for a few moments before flattening her fur to the skin. Eris shook herself out and turned to make her way towards higher ground, or where she thought she could find higher ground. The female turned in circles for a moment in the heavy rain, struggling to get her bearings. The thunder was so loud, it was difficult to think.

"Um, excuse me?" Eris yelped and jumped to face Sota. It was difficult to make out the stranger in the rain, and even harder to smell him with the salt and rain filling her nose. His outline was hazy and it was impossible to determine if he was large, small, male, or female. The amount of variables in the situation made Eris a little nervous. She had finally figured out where she was, and now between the storm and the stranger, darkness was creeping in again. Although not naturally suspicious, she had developed a healthy mistrust of strangers as her vision worsened. If you couldn't read body language, judging intention was a nightmare. "Shelter?" She chirped nervously, curling her tail up in alert. Her ears were pricked forward and she was facing slightly to the right of Sota, not quite able to feign eye contact due to the present conditions. This was her usual fail-safe. Cursing Tor for the hand she'd been dealt, Eris laughed nervously. She had never mastered the Ademre stoicism, and it often slipped when she was distressed. "These parts are new to me, but I'm sure something could be found. I came from..." Her brows furrowed. "I can't tell which direction I came from, but there was a deep, earthy smell - and there were trees. I think one of them had an old den in its roots." If it hadn't flooded by now. "Perhaps we can look together?" She wouldn't be able to find her way out of the storm without his help, anyway. Tor, please protect me.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
06-02-2019, 07:29 PM
All at once Sota too could feel the pressure shift, and as a breeze rolled in from the sea he felt a shiver crawl down his spine. The way the wind made the grasses ripple only seemed to intensify as an invisible barrier broke and a wall of rain began to pour down relentlessly onto the earth. With the rain came a loud crack of thunder that made him twitch, wishing he had a large tree to climb into. Sota had witnessed enough lightning storms in his short life to know that perhaps trees weren't always the safest place to seek shelter, but that didn't stop him from nervously fidgeting and searching the horizon for any trees that might be suitable. Of course, there were none, and so his attention turned to the nearest thing that might have an answer... a stranger who just so happened to be nearby. One who, hopefully, wasn't completely terrifying.

Though he'd been briefly able to make out her silhouette, the rain only seemed to increase in intensity, and obscured most of her features from him. He squinted hard at her, but it was hard to make out much, and he took a few cautious steps closer, his ears pinned against his skull - both in an attempt to shield them from the rain as much out of nervousness in her presence.  "Shelter," he repeated in confirmation with a nod, once he finally lifted his muzzle from its bowed position. He was struggling hard to make out her expression from the heavy ran that had arrived, to little avail. Truthfully, Sota was unaccustomed to traveling near the ocean and he wasn't quite sure what to make of the storm that had rolled in so suddenly. It seemed more intense than the weather he was used to, so finding shelter now seemed imperative.

Luckily, she caught on, though admitted she was new to these parts as well. Unfortunate. However, she also explained she'd passed a den, which would definitely work as shelter. He could only hope there would be room for two. Sota nodded in understanding. "I - yes, let's look together," he agreed hesitantly, understandably uncomfortable at the thought of asking for help. Balsam would never let him live this one down, if he were here. Framing it as a joint effort was definitely preferably, and made him feel less uneasy. Nodding yet again, he loped a bit closer to her, tilting his head as if inviting her to lead the way.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-02-2019, 08:23 PM

Eris Pyre

Eris couldn't recall a storm like this in recent memory. The pelting rain stole her sight completely, which wasn't as comforting as she had hoped. It was a terrifying portent of the future. As much as she tried to be at peace with her inevitable blindness, moments like this still took her breath away. The stranger agreed to look together, which was good. Even if she didn't know them yet, another warm body was a good thing to have nearby. There was an characteristic chill to the biting ocean air, even though it was summer. With her pelt plastered to her sides, it was only a matter of time before she caught a chill.

"I... I can't see," She meekly confessed, but the wind stole the words from her mouth. "I can't see!" Eris yelled, trying to make sure he heard her. "The den is just beyond where the sand starts and just a few moments east - keep me on route," She added, approaching Sota directly as he inclined his head. Up close, she was surprised that the bulk of his body was smaller than hers. It was a sight to behold, and the first time it had happened in her young life.

"Follow me, and please nudge me if I get off course," Eris said, lowering her head to the ground and slowly putting one paw in front of the other. Slowly, she made progress towards the line where the scrubgrass turned to sand. Strong winds buffeted her from both directions, but she lowered her body and braced herself to stay upright.

After some time, Eris felt the ground beneath her paws change slightly. A few paces past the sand's end, she paused to reorient herself. Thin trees were being pulled by the wind - she could somewhat sense which direction was more densely covered by the breaks in the wind. Eris headed towards the small copse of trees she had passed by following the less intense gusts of wind. The ground was churning to mud beneath her paws, but she had a good feeling about the den - she just hoped that she was right.

Eris happened upon the den by accident. She placed her front paw into the opening, falling down and bashing her chin on a root as half of her body crashed into the den. The female yelped, surprised at the hot taste of blood in her mouth. She had nicked her tongue on a tooth in the fall. Eris struggled a bit, trying to push herself up out of the den using one paw and scrabbling for purchase with her back legs. "Found it!" She yelled into the den as lightning flashed above. Luckily, inside of the den, it was relatively dry. As she had thought, it was deep enough that the bottom was cool, hard-packed sand. It wouldn't turn to sludge if it got wet, and they could form some kind of sand and dirt barrier at the mouth of the den to keep water from rushing in. The network of roots meant sturdy, well-constructed walls and a protected entrance.

In this case, their sizes worked in their favor. It wasn't an exceptionally large den, but a good (if a bit snug) fit for two of their stature. With some effort, Eris wiggled and fell into the den. Sand and wet dirt fell on her from above, but it was surprisingly dry within. "Come on in, there's room!"

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
06-04-2019, 06:58 PM
Storms were not the worst thing in the world, as far as Sota was concerned... though for a moment the rapidly increasing strength of the wind made him wonder if he might be swept up and blown away completely. His fears were fleeting, replaced by fierce concern when the stranger begin to speak, admitting over the roar of the storm that she couldn't see. Neither could he, at least not well, but her voice had a frantic tone to it that suggested she really couldn't see. Sota gulped hard, nodded as she explained the directions to him. Just past the sand and to the east. Finding shelter was seeming more and more imperative with each second that passed, the storm showing clear signs that it wasn't about to let up any time soon.

Quickly the distance between them lessened and Eris was dishing out instructions that he likely wouldn't question, even if in any other scenario. He made a quiet noise of understanding as he too moved to crouch to the ground, hunkered down from the pelting rain and strong wind. Even despite her declaration that she couldn't see, she didn't seem to struggle too badly, and only once did he have to nudge her flank - vaguely aware of just how uncomfortable he was touching a stranger - in order to keep her on the right course.

It wasn't long before sand shifted to grass, and what he could see of the landscape behind the downpour seemed even more chaotic. Trees seemed to flow sideways, whipping dangerously as stray leaves and branches were sent into the unknown, and Sota felt his ears pin a little more tightly to his skull as a large branch whizzed past his head. His heart was beating a little faster, but he was intent on keeping pace with Eris and ensuring both of them found shelter, and soon.

He wasn't sure whether he was more surprised by Eris's noise or the fact that suddenly she disappeared, though a quick survey of his surroundings found her stumbling into the roots of a tree, which opened into a small den - exactly as she'd explained. The flash of lightning illuminated the area a little better, though only for a second, and Sota had to hope desperately that the movement he'd seen shifting behind her was simply her own shadow and not something more sinister. Either way - he didn't have time to figure it out, and warily he moved forward and lowered himself down into the dug den. The muddy ground shifted into much less offensive dirt, and before long Sota was gently shaking water from his coat and realizing that he was much closer to this stranger than he'd expected he'd end up... but he was dry, and that was good. "Are you okay?" Sota asked after a moment, furrowing his brow as he tried to get a better look at her in the dim light, her features only occasionally illuminated by a flash of lightning outside.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-04-2019, 07:42 PM

Eris Pyre

She shook herself thoroughly in the den, glad to find the ground was pleasantly solid. Although it was cold, it was dry, and that was more important. The taste of blood in her mouth was unfortunate, but she knew superficial wounds like this would heal quickly. The storm outside was still raging and showed absolutely no sign of stopping. It seemed like they would be stuck together for quite some time.

If they pressed their bodies at opposite ends of the den, there was less than a foot of space between them, and that was being generous. Eris was absolutely used to this kind of closeness - with the Ademre, they were often piled one on top of the other, especially in cases like this storm. Logically, she knew that she needed to respect the stranger's personal space, but she still craved physical touch. "I'm Eris Pyre of the Ademre, and I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances," she laughed softly. "I hate to ask, but... " She looked suitably embarrassed, but she couldn't help herself. "You're quite small, and I've never met anyone your size before. Where did you come from?" As soon as she finished speaking, a thin trickle of water began at the mouth of the den.

Eris groaned and keened in the back of her throat. This was very troubling. She had hoped it would keep the water out, but it seemed to need a little bit of intervention. "We could try to build a wall..." she mumbled as more water began cascading in. Using her skull, Eris pushed dirt and sand up from the bottom of the den and towards the mouth, trying to raise a lip on the outside of the entrance to prevent water from flowing in. "Or we could dig a moat, before we become the moat."


[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
06-09-2019, 08:39 PM

Sota couldn't help but remind himself that there was a reason he didn't usually come to lands like this often, or at least hadn't in the past.. and this unpredictable weather was just another reason to stick to familiar terrain. At least they'd found shelter, and Sota felt a little less bad about accepting anything like help from a stranger since she'd sort of been leaning on him on the journey here.. quite literally, as a matter of fact. It definitely made their proximity much easier to deal with, which.. really wasn't much given the fact that Sota wasn't at all accustomed to physical contact in general. Pressing against the wall of the makeshift den as if trying to get as far away from her as possible seemed rude, so he tried to be relaxed while maintaining a comfortable distance, relatively speaking.

His eyes widened slightly when she introduced herself, interest shining in his eyes. Her question was more honest than he expected, though it earned a faint smile nonetheless. She was small too - at least compared to the wolves he'd met here - though she was considered on the larger size of average when it came to the Songa. "I'm.. Desota," he introduced himself quickly in response. The Songa were just beginning to explore Boreas more, and spreading the name of their people wasn't really something they did. They were often sneaky and elusive, and personally he preferred to keep it that way - and he knew the same went for the rest of his people. But saying where he was from wouldn't hurt, right? "I'm from Auster. The land across the sand bridge, if you've been there?" He wasn't totally sure whether Auster was known in these parts as such, so he waited for her reaction as his ears flicked slightly on top of his head.

As soon as Eris realized that water was trickling into the den, so did he, and he began to assess their surroundings carefully. "You're right," he agreed with a nod, twisting his body around to use his back paws to kick some of the dirt toward the entrance to the den. One thing Sota was good at was staying calm in the face of uncertainty, at least outwardly.. even if his emotions felt turbulent on the inside. After a few moments he spun around, squinting as he examined their sloppy work. "Do you think this will work?" He used his nose to pack down some of the dirt so it looked slightly more like a wall, but he wasn't sure how well it would work- he was even less accustomed to being underground than he was to being at sea-level, and this whole digging underground thing was wildly unfamiliar to him.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-09-2019, 09:15 PM

Eris Pyre

"Hello, Desota," Eris smiled, blinking balefully in the dim light. She couldn't see much more than his outline when the lightning flashed above, but it wasn't necessary. There was something very earnest about his voice that put her at ease. That, coupled with his size, had her hoping that they could be fast friends. "I haven't heard anything of this Auster... what is your home like?" Eris asked, for the sake of conversation and also to ease her own homesickness. "I'm quite far from home myself... and because of some, ah, unusual circumstances, I'm not sure I'll ever make it back," she confessed. It was a strangely intimate thing to say to a stranger - in fact, Eris was embarrassed after the words left her mouth, but something about their confined space and similarities had her feeling strangely at ease. Nothing to bond you like similar histories and a dash of shared trauma from a sudden summer storm!

Eris diligently assisted Sota in creating the barrier. As the dirt and sand took on more water, it seemed to hold up well. The storm grew in intensity, if that was even possible - the wind had now become such a sharp whistle across the entrance to the den that it almost hurt her ears. Eris cowered slightly, pressing herself closer to Sota instinctively. The Ademre comforted each other by piling on top of each other and offering physical reassurance; it was in her nature to seek this kind of contact, although she knew that most strangers didn't enjoy having their space invaded. "I'm sorry," Eris muttered, hiding her face underneath her paws. To herself, she tapped the Ademic for embarrassed on her snout over and over again. She had to be brave, otherwise Lament and Ballad would chide her for running off again. If she could come out of this safely, then they would have no need to worry.

With some luck, their barrier seemed to hold. The more severe rainfall only held for a few moments, then it seemed to pass on. "The wind must be blowing the storm inland. What's the worst storm you ever saw in Auster?" She asked, scooting away from Sota carefully. Was the weather really that different there? Eris wasn't sure, but it would be good to find out.


[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
06-13-2019, 07:31 AM

Her greeting earned a gentle smile, and his ears flicked attentively at the top of his head. "My friends call me Sota," he offered after a moment, deciding that even if friendship wasn't something obtainable that she had already earned a fair bit of his respect from helping guide him here at all out of the storm. "My home?" He repeated, wondering just how to explain Auster to someone that had not visited. It was all he had ever known - making it difficult to really describe it. "It's not much different than here, though the climate is a bit... milder," he settled on describing it that way, his soft smile hardly wavering. "And it's.. less inhabited. Quieter." He'd been born long after the sandbridge had emerged from the sea, connecting Auster to the continent to the north... and he'd heard tales of the giants that lived in these parts since he was young, even hearing rumors about them trickling into his beloved home.

Somehow he'd ended up here, though admittedly he was very grateful that he wasn't stuck in a hole with someone much bigger than himself. She explained she'd ended up far from home as well, and she wasn't sure if she'd make it back. Showing anything like pity was something that had been ingrained in him as being of poor taste. Lessening anyone's dignity wasn't kosher - and so despite the ache that gripped his heart at her words, he merely nodded in understanding. "I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever make it back home either," he commented, as conversationally as he could muster. He couldn't shake the feeling that he'd follow Balsam to the ends of the earth, and he would likely follow Velvette just the same. Perhaps this was his life now... though that really wasn't such a bad thing, was it?

He was caught off guard by the way she pressed herself to him when the wind picked up in intensity, and his ears flattened against his skull. Physical contact wasn't something he was used to, at least not of this sort... he was used to chasing his friends through the treetops and seeing who could climb the highest, and in playing swift games of tag. Even with Balsalm, his closest friend, he'd never been overly affectionate... and he couldn't remember his parents bestowing upon him much more than the minimal amount of physical affection necessary. His eyes widened, almost dramatically, but he quickly shook his head in response to her apology. "No- no apology needed," he assured her quickly, not moving away from her. He wasn't uncomfortable, persay, this was just... different, and the brief contact left him feeling as though his heart was racing a bit faster in his chest.

He let the silence settle over them, moving to shrink down to his stomach, still not far from Eris. Her question was a welcome distraction from the sudden awkwardness he felt gripping him tight. "I always lived further inland, but I remember some bad sea-storms," he admittedly, his voice somewhat wistful as if pulling memories from his childhood. "We were near the sea once when a bad storm rolled in. The waves were so high - almost as tall as the tallest trees I'd ever seen," he breathed, his lips quirking into a grin again. They'd been terrifying, and made him feel even more minuscule than any of the wolves in Boreas possibly could. "What about you?



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-14-2019, 08:51 PM

Eris Pyre

Oh, if only they were in a more mild climate. She grinned ruefully at his description of his homeland. "Ah, if only we were in your homeland, Sota!" Eris bemoaned, a bit dramatically for effect. The small wolf was always glad for friends. She immediately took up his nickname once he gave her permission. "Quieter, though... that sounds nice." Although she used sound to orient herself, it was another thing that sometimes got in the way. Scent was paramount for her. In her head, Eris pictured herself strolling along a forest, so quiet that she could hear squirrels breathing in the trees. It was a fantasy, of course, but a fun one. The dream didn't last - it struck Eris that even if she was able to travel to Sota's homeland, she wouldn't be able to see it at all. Whatever she made up in her head might as well be the truth.

Silence stretched between them, a quiet communion of orphans. They were both adrift, but they had managed to find each other in this storm. That had to count for something, right?

Although she wouldn't have been able to make out the whites of his eyes in the dark, Eris could sense the tension in his body. It was a shame, because her entire being cried out for the comfort of physical touch. Back home, wolves had been piled sometimes three, four to a den, curled up on each other in one big warm, soft ouroboros. He insisted that there was no apology needed, but she still felt the sting and shame of rejection. Eris followed suit when he sank to his stomach and settled her chin on her paws, listening as he described storms from years past.

"Oh," she gasped, imaging waves as tall as trees. They were frighteningly vivid - with every crack of thunder outside, another wave crashed inside her head. With the pressure building in the air, Eris felt the hair on her hackles rise on its own accord. "Where I'm from, there is a special tree called the Sword Tree. It's beautiful," Eris murmured, closing her eyes as she recalled its fiery branches. "One summer we had a freak sun shower - you know, those wild rain showers where it pours while the sun is still out? Well, it knocked all of the bright red blossoms right off of its branches," she laughed quietly. "The poor tree was totally naked for the whole rest of the season!"


[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
06-16-2019, 06:29 PM
"If only," Sota sighed wistfully, though he didn't sound too completely downtrodden at the fact that he wasn't there still. Not because he didn't feel that way, he simply didn't feel like it was such a great idea to whine about it in front of someone who was largely a stranger - not that Sota was the type to really sulk in general. He'd made his choice to come to Boreas, and now he had to live with it. "I didn't exactly leave entirely of my own accord," he explained after a moment of thoughtful hesitation. Perhaps he was saying too much? Oh, well. The mood was a peaceful, serene one and he didn't see any harm in talking with her. "I - my friend came here chasing someone, and I didn't think it wise that he go on his own," he admitted tentatively. Surely Balsam knew exactly why he'd chased him, but he'd never admit why: that he thought his friend a touch too reckless, and on top of that he wasn't quite sure exactly who he was without him. Balsam bolstered him up when he needed a surge of confidence, and likewise he liked to imagine he kept Balsam from leaping before looking. At the end of the day, he knew the decision was one that laid entirely on his shoulders, not one he could blame anyone else for.

Briefly he thought back to when Eris had helped him navigate here, his mind landing on one thing she'd said - that she couldn't see. The storm had been strong, but even with the wind and rain whipping in his face he'd been able to see enough to get them to where she'd described. Apparently she'd needed his help to orient her, but he wouldn't dream of asking her what she'd meant by her words, not in a million years. Pointing out flaws wasn't something that settled well with her; humility was the Songa way, and making her somehow seem lesser wasn't something he dared do.

He sighed almost dreamily, lowering his head to his forepaws and peering at her through the dim light that filtered in. Though it wasn't yet night, the dark storm clouds that littered the sky made it appear as though it might as well be. She began to describe something from her own homeland, a tree called the Sword Tree that lost all its red leaves in a storm. A naked tree sounded like quite the sight, honestly, and Sota found his grin widening as he watched her speak. "It sounds beautiful," he murmured softly, instinctively wondering if this Sword Tree that she spoke of was suitable for climbing, or if it was like so many of the spindly trees he'd seen as of late. "What was so special about it? If you don't mind me asking, that is," Sota quickly clarified. It was hard for him to imagine any one tree being more special than all the rest, though he certain knew of types of trees he'd rank far above others...



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-18-2019, 09:10 PM

Eris Pyre
Eris listened to him carefully, unable to restrain herself when he said that he hadn't left of his own accord. Ah, the universe did have a way of balancing itself. She met him tonight because she needed to meet him. Perhaps, by sharing their similar stories, they might find comfort. It was a difficult thing to go through alone, but knowing someone else was familiar with your particular brand of suffering was its own special balm, stronger than most medicines.

"I didn't leave on my own either," she blurted, laughing softly. "How strange! I was also following someone, my family, and it turns out it wasn't so wise for them to leave me behind either..." Eris trailed off, since her siblings were still fighting regain their memories. It didn't seem like a fair sentence, but it was true. They'd gotten into a world of trouble by the time she found them. All told, Eris was just greatful they had been reunited. "Where's your friend now?" She asked, brow furrowed.

When he asked about the Sword Tree, Eris smiled dreamily. It was one of the few things she could recall with perfect clarity. "The Sword Tree was where the warriors of my people fought to prove themselves. To better yourself was to overcome the wolf who currently guarded the 'stone' you are angling for. A warrior of the first stone is a skilled novice, but you can only rise up from there," Eris explained, hoping that her words made sense. Although it had taken some time, she was realizing that she had to account for the customs of others. What was second nature to her might sound strange and unclear to someone from these lands. It was her hope to spread the message of the Adem - with more warriors in their ranks, they could bring glory to their people and encourage more to take the Oath of the Star.

"I hope that made sense," she said nervously, shuffling her paws. Depending on Sota's roots, he might not agree with the Ademre warrior culture. Fighting was noble in its own way - and something she sorely missed - but not all wolves viewed it as such.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
06-22-2019, 09:23 PM

Eris quickly spoke up, admitting she hadn't left of her own accord either. How strange indeed! The truth was, he'd never blame Balsam for his coming here. If he'd even told his friend of his plan, surely he would've assured him that he'd be fine on his own, and that Sota should stay home where he was comfortable. But he'd felt a nagging need to follow him and make sure he was alright - and now he was learning that others had left, too, including Velvette and her brother Ramesh. The choice had been his and his alone, and he certainly wasn't about to lament over it with a stranger.. especially not when things were going pretty well for him so far.

It was somewhat comforting to know Eris had been following someone, too, though it sounded as though she'd been left behind. In a way, Sota probably would've been left behind too... Balsam had been more interested in following Velvette than anything, and he wondered now if he'd even thought to invite him. Would he have left him back home, too? It made him feel better to think that maybe Balsam had just known he'd always follow him. "He's... around still. Chasing a girl," Sota explained, grinning slightly. He wouldn't explain their tradition of collecting trophies, that would certainly be too much information. "Trying to impress her," he added hastily, wondering if his explanation sounded foolish. He understood why Balsam was doing what he was, but... he just couldn't relate to his feelings for her. He had friends he'd gladly chase after, but not to win their affections or any sentiment like that.

He was far more interested in this tree she spoke of than in sharing any of his woes, and his eyes widened as she began to describe it to him. "It sounds like a wonderful place," he admitted, his smile soft and appreciative. He couldn't fully relate to focusing on just one single tree so heavily - trees were an integral part of the culture of his people, but he knew now that most wolves didn't feel the same way. So for Eris to admit something like this, he couldn't help but feel like she might be sort of a kindred spirit.. and the mention of warriors only further proved that. The Soundless were a different sort of warrior, though, far from the traditional type.. but it was something, wasn't it? "It makes sense," he told her, nodding gently. Perhaps he couldn't understand the intricacies of her culture, but he got a general picture of it, and he couldn't help but want more. "What sort of warrior were you?" He asked her curiously, raising a brow slightly. She was young, sure, but he knew that didn't mean everything; perhaps she had started some kind of warrior training before leaving home?



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-24-2019, 02:59 PM

Eris Pyre
Chasing a girl... Eris laughed softly. What a thought! To waste your days chasing after one wolf seemed like a foolish waste of time. If you had to chase, then the balance was off - there was a reason you weren't meant to be together. She wondered if there would come a day where sense would fully vacate her brain and she'd scamper head-over-tail after a vanishing shape. Would there ever be someone who had so much power over her that wasn't her family? To cross the earth for the Ademre: that answer was simple. But for love? What was love, anyway?

Eris lifted her head and smiled, her ears pricked forward in excitement. It was a special thing to be understood, and although she and Sota weren't of the same kin, there seemed to have a mutual understanding bound by their similar cultures. She was sure that they'd be good friends, especially when he agreed that the Sword Tree and the island were a wonderful place. If only he knew! Eris wished she could show him, and her heart twisted in her chest; it was likely she would never see that place again.

What kind of warrior - oh, what a question. It stirred early memories of tussles and spars with Lament and Amaretto, always losing. The bruises and scratches. The bone deep, tired tired tired feeling she'd get in her paws after a full day of lessons. Back when she could see the sun rise every single morning and name every color. Although she tried to fight it, Eris felt tears well up. "Being a warrior is one of the single greatest things to my people. When my vision began to fail... I had to stop training. That was a little more than..." How many full moons had come and gone since then? "Four months ago, now. I can see shadows and on bright, sunny days I can still see colors as well as shapes. But I'm no fighter any more." Eris tried to ignore the feeling of worthlessness that always seemed to creep up and smother her when she thought too long on the matter of her sight. I will not, I cannot be a burden, she thought, closing her eyes tightly. She would not cry tonight.


[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
06-30-2019, 06:26 PM
Even if Balsam's goal of finding a mind-blowing trophy just to impress a girl seemed like a foolish feat to him, it was far from laughable. At least he had something to work toward. Sometimes Sota couldn't shake the thought that he was a bit too aimless for his own good. He hadn't even truly wanted to come here, and now here he was.. and for what purpose? Would he spend the rest of eternity chasing after Balsam? The very thought made him grin, despite how ridiculous it sounded. Chasing him sounded like one thing, but a girl? Or.. well, anyone else at all? Highly unlikely, he thought to himself.

The smile lingered on his face for a long while too, feeling suddenly quite dreamy at the thought of the Sword Tree with bright red leaves. He wondered still if the branches were suitable for climbing, and he decided even just frolicking among the scattered red leaves on the ground might be enough to warrant a visit.. though it didn't sound possible, judging by how she spoke about it, and Sota wouldn't press her by asking further about the circumstances. "Sounds like my people, in a way," he admitted gently, regardless of the fact that their cultures likely were wildly different. It didn't matter much, and Sota hadn't felt like he'd met a kindred soul since arriving in these lands - so he felt even more at ease in her presence now, feeling his body relax further as his head sunk deeper onto his paws.

But she continued on, admitting that her failing vision had caused her to stop her training. His expression betrayed no outward signs of sympathy - though he wasn't sure now if she could see the finer details of his features or not. Showing sympathy wasn't something that the Songa did - it was disrespectful. Even if he felt sorry for her, he wouldn't show it, he couldn't. "Perhaps you can still be one. If you wanted to, I mean," he added hastily, not wanting to offend her in any way. It didn't sound like it had been that long since she'd begun to lose her sight, and even now it sounded like she had fully lost it.. perhaps she could learn to live without it, albeit with a bit more effort. It didn't sound like such a stretch to him. "I've heard tales of warriors who had begun to lose their sight, who were still very quick on their feet, and who could steal an ear from you if you weren't careful," Sota explained with a soft chuckle.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-02-2019, 08:33 PM

Eris Pyre
Eris sputtered a laugh at the thought of a blind warrior besting others of similar skill. Would something like that even be possible? Maybe for someone braver than her, or more clever. There were days that she wandered the same well-worn trail in a circle around the orchard, her own personal ritual. She could follow certain routes in her sleep - wouldn't it stand to reason that she could still fight? There were certain movements and lessons from spars that she could recall with perfect clarity, but she was hampered by an intense insecurity stemming from her reduced eyesight.

"I'm not sure I want to," Eris mused. "I miss it... desperately. But part of it feels like a huge relief," she whispered, admitting it out loud for the first time. There had been this ravenous urge to prove herself - in some ways, it had divided her from her family. A constant struggle to be faster, better, stronger. Although she missed the tussles and spars, she was much happier this way. She was closer to Tor, closer to the Ademre, and all the more powerful for it. There was untold strength in unity, and she found herself feeling much more at ease as part of the fold rather than leading the charge.

"But yes, I think our people are very similar!" She agreed heartily. "I've been spending most of my time in a grove full of old fruit trees, if you ever want to come find me after this. I think we should be good friends," Eris asserted. With all of their commonalities, she was sure that Lament and her sisters would take a quick liking to him, just as she had. "After all, if we can weather this storm together, we can do anything!"


[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
07-13-2019, 07:27 PM
Eris laughed, and though Sota's tone was lighthearted, he was being completely serious. The mind could adapt, and even those like Eris who lost their sight could bounce back in remarkable ways. She didn't seem like she believed him as much as he hoped, but it wasn't his business - he just hoped she didn't rule out something she'd always aspired toward simply because of it.

"A relief?" It was hard to completely understand where she was coming from, but the truth was that Sota had never had the overwhelming urge to show off to his peers like so many of his friends seemed to possess. He lived a certain way, and followed a specific moral code... but he knew he'd never be the greatest Soundless warrior to come out of Auster, and he was okay with that. He nodded, trying to understand as best as he could. "'Well.. that's good, then!" He spoke up again after a moment, offering a gentle smile. It was hard imagining abandoning his own family's ways, but if she was happy with her situation - and he knew her failing vision wasn't the end of the world for her, even if it did probably seem rather bleak - then that was all that mattered.

He let out a content sigh, letting his muzzle drop to his paws as his smile lingered for a long moment. "Old fruit trees," he repeated, as if implanting that into his memory. He had no doubt he'd seek her out again someday, though he had no clue how soon that someday would be. Thankfully she'd chosen to live in a place full of trees - maybe he'd catch her by surprise this time rather than meet the way they had today. "I agree, it'd be hard to sit through a storm like this and not end up friends," he chuckled softly again, tilting his head to watch her with an undeniable fondness in his eye. "I'll come visit you soon, I promise."