
Learning curve


05-25-2019, 06:36 PM
The young wolf was caught in a rare moment of concentration, small frame held poised over the water’s edge. Bellamy’s large ears were pricked forward in absolute focus, bright hazel-green eyes scanning the running water for telltale flashes of silver. Tension showed plainly in the female’s body language, jaw clenched firmly and tail slowly flicking back and forth as an outlet for her irritation. Fishing was one skill that she’d rarely harboured the patience to learn within her formative months, and she was paying the price for her inattention now. Still, she was determined to succeed. How hard could it be, right?

Flash! Bellamy’s muzzle darted into the crystalline water, a wince rushing over the female as cold water invaded her face. She felt her teeth close in on her target, rubbery and slick, and she clamped down on it as it flailed chaotically. Carefully, carefully, she lifted her head, heart thudding with excitement, until the little creature managed to escape from her grip with a violent twitch, falling back into the river with an unceremonious plop. Bellamy let an exasperated groan escape her lips, water dripping from her narrow muzzle. She reset her position tensely, leaning on her front paws over the riverbank so the tip of her nose almost grazed the water’s surface. Her green eyes glared at the water with a cold vengeance. There was no way she’d let a stupid fish beat her.



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-26-2019, 12:15 PM

Things had been calming down as of late, but the tension wasn't quite gone completely. His brothers kids were back with them. Hannibal seemed to have disappeared, and whatever threats lurked before seemed to have gone, too. Though he couldn't be sure, so he made sure to stay aware about the goings on around him. To ease his mind he decided to take a day off and go fishing, an activity that often helped him forget the worries in his life for a day. Then again, everytime he hunted was an opportunity to forget everything else and just focus on the hunt.

His osprey screeched above him, alerting him to the presence of someone else along the river. Bi-colored gaze rose and searched ahead of him until he spotted someone that appeared to be focusing on the river. He watched her as he continued walking, realizing that they were trying to fish and...seemed unsuccessful. They almost did have it though. "Slippery, aren't they?" He chuckled. He stopped a few feet of comfortable distance from her.



05-27-2019, 01:12 AM
[wasn't sure about the bird placement, i.e. if he's still flying around or just chilling, so bear with that hehe]

Bellamy was in the zone. Her chocolate-tipped ears were pricked forward alertly, nose twitching ever-so-slightly and eyes focused intently on the patch of water in front of her. Through stubborn determination, she’d tuned out all other distractions, all senses focused on her one goal.

Until, of course, the air was ripped apart with a piercing screech, causing the she-wolf to practically jump out of her skin. Front paws previously balanced carefully on the riverbank’s edge, her position slipped, almost tumbling her small form into the water until she scrambled backwards in awkward haste. Her gaze jerked upwards to look at the bird with a mild scowl, frustration flashing on her delicate features. The whole thing must’ve looked slightly comical from another’s perspective.

Her eyes trailed down to regard the wolf below it, a large black and white male who seemed rather amused by her failings. Belle rolled her eyes in a typical teenager fashion, but couldn’t hold back a snort in response to his laughter. “I know! It’s like they don’t want to get eaten, or something.” Bellamy responded with mock indignation, shooting another pointed glare at the river itself.

Belle’s eyes settled back onto the unusual pair, tilting her head.“Why do you have a bird?” She asked in a blunt tone laced with humour, eyeing the thing off warily with raised eyebrows.



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-27-2019, 10:04 AM

She was more focused than he thought. She had nearly fallen in the river when his companion screeched and he couldn't help but feel bad. Luckily she hadn't though, and if she had then he would have likely jumped in to pull her out if he had to. “I know! It’s like they don’t want to get eaten, or something.” Her response made him chuckle with amusement. "Haha, yeah they usually don't." Heck, if he were a fish that was trying to be dragged out of the water he would certainly try to get away, too. Or any other prey for that matter. He could only imagine what his prey was thinking about when he was running it down. What they thought and felt when he had them in his grasp. Wolves were usually at the top of the food chain here, so he never felt the need to worry about being hunted.

She asked him why he had a bird, and it was a question he could answer easily. "He helps me hunt, and he's my eye in the sky." His companion had been quite useful within the pack, ensuring things were okay and informing him if things weren't. He was useful in helping him patrol the borders, tracking prey, and alerting him to potential dangers before they reached him, especially if they were out hunting. Almost as if to prove himself, his Osprey circled the river a couple times before diving down. Talons extended as he hit the water with lightning speed and causing quite a splash. Before the water could even settle, a fish fell on the ground with a dull thud right between him and the girl. Not a moment after, his Osprey landed on his shoulders and Cloud noticed the smug look on his face. "Show off," He muttered, though his tone was clearly amused.


art by mochiimomo


05-28-2019, 11:55 PM
Bellamy couldn’t help but let a small half-smile twist on her maw as he chuckled at her joke, always satisfied to make others laugh. “He helps me hunt, and he’s my eye in the sky.” “Psh, I could use one of those,” The young she-wolf said as the watched the bird, brow furrowed with a mixture of slight disbelief and intrigue. Her hazel-green eyes tracked the osprey’s motion, jaw opening ever-so-slightly as it circled the river then shot down towards the water like a feathery bullet and triumphantly emerged with a fish grasped in its talons. “Woah!” Belle exclaimed, both impressed at and jealous of its prowess; she would not like to see the end of those claws. She rolled her eyes as it dumped the fish on the ground unceremoniously and smugly landed on its owners shoulder, as if taunting her for her inadequate fishing skills. “Show off.” Bellamy snorted at the wolf’s comment, nodding in agreement as she eyed off the fish, mouth watering at the thought of the tender, fresh meat. The female was hungry, but she wasn’t about to snatch someone else’s kill; besides, she still wanted to catch her own meal. Belle had already put enough effort in; anyway, she couldn’t stand being shown up by a bird.

Still, Belle was curious about this individual. She couldn’t help but notice that the wolf’s scent was intertwined with others’ signalling that he was likely not a loner. While she wasenjoying her travels, she did enjoy hearing about others’ pack lives; the gossip, the drama, the intrigue. “You’re a pack wolf, right? Are you all bird-wielding weirdos?” She asked in a teasing, light-hearted tone, plopping her butt down and swirling her river-side paw in the water absentmindedly as she awaited his answer. Belle found it hard to sit still for too long, always finding something to keep her occupied.



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-21-2019, 03:26 PM

He chuckled at her response and noted her amazement and excitement at his companions display. He also noticed her reaction after his Osprey landed, and he couldn't help but to shoot a grin over his back at his buddy. She eyed the bird, and of course, being who he was...offered it to her. He pushed it towards her with his paw, the gesture clear. "Here, you can have it. I'm not too hungry," Not totally true, but he was sure he ate better than she did since he was in a pack. And with her appearing to be no more than a yearling, he was likely the better hunter. He offered a smile as he sat down, shaking the bird off his shoulders so his claws didn't dig into him.

“You’re a pack wolf, right? Are you all bird-wielding weirdos?” Weirdo? He laughed a bit, a smile lifting his mood. An acceptable question, really. "I am a pack wolf, yes. And not all of us have birds, just me and my brother I think," He wasn't sure who else in the pack might have a bird..."My brother has a Raven, not as good a hunter as my bird, though." He joked. Of course, his brother probably wasn't as good a hunter as Cloud, either. He prided himself on his hunting and tracking abilities, just like Tyranis was proud of his prowess, he was sure. "My name's Cloudburst, expert fisherman." He winked. Maybe if she was interested, he could teach her how to fish. That was, after all, the reason he came out here. It would be a win-win for both if she was still hungry.


art by mochiimomo