


3 Years
07-04-2014, 09:13 PM
(keeping Sibelle's answer to the last thread sort of vague?)

He had watched her fight, fight hard - and despite how well she did, she had yielded to the ivory woman. She had lost her crown, and he had followed her but not had the gall to approach her right off of the bat. Watching others follow to support her had made him hold himself back. Seeing that she had others had caused him to hesitate, but despite that he wanted to see first hand that she was alright. That she was taken care of. When he had spoke of her change, she had told him that she was a Queen.

How would she introduce herself now?

She was close, but he would howl for her regardless - a request to see her, to speak to her even if she did not want to say too much. Staying away from her while he was here was nearly impossible, hopefully she would not one day completely tire of his presence. He couldn't vanquish the fear that today would be the day.


07-06-2014, 10:44 PM

It hadn't been that long since she had last seen him. But he seemed to know where she was. Had he witnessed her fight? It was a possibility. When his call rang out, her russet crown would lift from her den floor, eyes batting away sleep. She would rise, a little less reluctantly than before. Slipping from her den, she would head towards the border, a limp still in her step. Orchid had done everything she could and now only time would heal her wounds. Her pace remained at a steady walk, unwilling to move any faster and risk pain. He would wait.

Heavy paws pressed into the earth, her crown still carried high with confidence. Even without a throne she held herself regally. Vi had accepted her with open arms, and had placed her back on the council, though she was no longer head of it. Tail swayed at her hocks before the monchromed man finally came into view. He stood patiently waiting. Their last conversation flashed in her mind. He had gone in search of his sister. A soft sigh rolled off her tongue before she came to a halt before him. Verdant gaze would mingle with his duel toned eyes. Her expression was softer than before, though she still remained silent. She didn't know if this was his effort to insert himself back into her life or not.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
07-06-2014, 11:28 PM

Ekko never went too far away from Sibelle. She let her have her own den, the small beast sleeping outside of it. She didn't even know if her mistress knew about it, but she didn't want to go too far. At least not while she was healing. That way Ekko could go and get anything that she needed, water or even just company. So when a howl sounded for Sibelle, Ekko's one hearing ear moved towards the caller. Who could that be? Picking herself up off her paws, she silently followed the russet queen. She was unsure that she had even heard her start to come after her, but she didn't care too much. She was supposed to be unseen and unheard anyways, until she was needed that is.

Sibelle walked up to the strange male, her pale blue eyes quickly looking him over before she lowered her head, laying down on the ground beside the russet dame. She was not needed, sure, but that didn't mean that she didn't want to be beside her queen.

[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]


3 Years
07-08-2014, 07:15 PM
The brute would look her over with more than just curiosity. Worry would lightly pepper his features, before he met the russet woman's green gaze. She... didn't seem too upset today. It was a start, and Aeron would take the bittersweet realization in stride. He wanted to ask her so many questions, wanted to tell her so much - but... anything he had to say didn't seem to be the right thing. An ear would tick back as he made the realization, only for another wolf to appear. A friend of Sibelle's, someone she trusted - how long did it take for her to get on the Queen's good graces? And how many times could she vanish before she was no longer?

The little female was just that - little, and as peculiar as it was he did not come here to speak with her. He would tip his head in greeting, not sure whether she was interested in knowing his name - or introducing herself. "I saw your fight... you fought well." But she didn't win - she had gotten her jaw attacked, which Aeron hoped was the reason she wasn't speaking with him. "I knew you were fine but I wanted to see you. To make sure." He couldn't explain the urge well, but the feeling had died down a bit now. Of course, as always, he wanted to be near her - but she was okay, she didn't seem to have any permanent damage done to her and she would fight again just fine.

She had a pack to support her even after losing her own, and he was glad to see that. A part of him was admittedly jealous, but he was at least old enough to know that he really didn't have a right to be. Besides - it wasn't a stinging possessiveness, like when she had played nice with her father - it was more the wringing feeling of knowing he really had no place here anymore. "What is this pack's name?" He wanted to know where he stood, so that if he had to return he could be a touch more aware. These wolves were important, somewhat, because they were taking care of Sibelle. "I would like to visit you here, if this is where you are staying?" It would only take a nod, yes or no, similar to when taking care of his mute sister. Except Sibelle was either hurt or deciding whether or not he was worth her words.

Neither was good.

He wasn't sure whether she would want him in the pack itself - or whether he would be of much use to a pack. Everything he knew, skill wise, he had taught himself.
gorgeous table image by Trynx <3


07-08-2014, 09:10 PM

Ekko slide in beside her, immediately dropping herself to the ground and saying nothing. She hoped that one day the girl would ease up and relax a bit. But for now, her attention was settled on Aeron. She would see the worry that peppered his features. And his words only confirmed it. Brows lifted in surprise when he claimed to have attended her fight. "Thank you, I didn't know you were there." Her crown would tip to the side curiously. It hurt to spoke so her words were soft so that she moved her jaw as little as possible. She would smile at his sentiment, he cared enough to come and check on her.

He would ask about the pack, and a small part of her hoped that he join. But it was doubtful. "Covari. I'm close friends with the Queen, Viridiana." His forwardness would surprise her. He wanted to visit her. "I'll be here, or back in the forest hopefully." Again her words were soft, pain tugging at her jaw with each word. Her weight would shift in an attempt to keep some of her weight off her toes.

She fell quiet for a few moments, unsure of what to say. She had never heard him say so much before this. Was this his way of making an effort? Could she get her hopes without disappointment? "You could always join if you wanted." She didn't know where the offer came from, or why she even said it. There would be no avoiding him if he joined. She would surrounded by his presence. It was too late to take it back now.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
07-10-2014, 03:39 PM

The tiny fae said nothing, as usual. The male would dip his head at her but her body would remain still on the earth, her pale blue eyes remaining downcast. She was a slave through and through, it was hard to step out of her shell. The last time she did that, she was beaten and scarred. Even though she knew that Sibelle was a kind female, and a true master, she was unable to break put of her cocoon. No matter what, fear gripped her belly. Casting a quick glance up at the russet queen, she would whine softly when she could tell that pain was bothering her. A rare moment, Ekko spoke her soft, sweet voice. "Would my lady like some herbs from Orchid?" She asked, not meeting her face as she spoke out of line.

Ekko knew that Sibelle had never punished her for speaking out of line, but it was hard to get rid of that fear that was knotted deep within her brain. It was so difficult to look passed that pain that was her past story, the loss that she had suffered for no fault of her own. She had had a few masters since then, bit none like her sweet lady Sibelle. Downcast eyes looked ever so slightly up at the strange brute, wondering if he would lash out in anger for her speech. Her short tail remained ridged behind her, her whole body frozen as she waited. If Sibelle asked for herbs, she would leave for them and return as quickly as possible. If not, she was rather comfortable in her current position, albeit stiff.


[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]


3 Years
07-10-2014, 03:45 PM
He wasn't surprised that she hadn't noticed him - there were quite a few there, and he was just another rogue on the field to most. Aeron would note that Sibelle's words were spoken in a quiet manner. If it hurt her, he would rather her not waste her words on him - but she would continue to answer him regardless. He felt bad about voicing his inquiry as to where he was, because that was a question that needed her to speak - but it was good to know that she was safe here. Close with the pack's leader, she would be cared for closely. He would visit her as often as it felt right, and even more so if he wasn't given a hint or bug off.

It seemed that she wanted her forest back even still - one loss had not deterred her from her goal. Perhaps the next time, he could be of more use. Or win it for her. Fighting was not something that scared him, he wasn't known for feeling much outside of her anyways.

A few moments of silence would tick by, and the brute caught a hint of the awkwardness between them. He didn't mind silence, but he didn't like when that strange feeling settled and the two of them felt like strangers. Being hated would be better than being a stranger to Sibelle at this point - if she didn't know him, it meant that she had forgotten, didn't it? Yet when she spoke again, filling in where his doubts were starting to collect, he would be surprised at her suggestion.

Bi colored eyes would widen, surprised at the invitation to stay within Covari. He was positive that he would be a hassle - that she knew that he would be such - and yet she had been the one to casually suggest that he stay. "I vould like to stay." He said, perhaps too quickly - he should have given her a moment to take back her words, to think it over. He should have double checked, asked whether she was sure - whether she needed more time, or more space. But Sibelle had always been honest with him, always. He trusted her - and if she asked him to be here, then she really didn't mind. "It is vhere you are, after all." He nearly sighed with relief - acceptance felt good. But it didn't necessarily mean that she forgived him.
gorgeous table image by Trynx <3


07-13-2014, 01:42 PM

A soft voice would reach her ears, turning her attention to Ekko. She would offer the woman a smile but shook her head, "No, I'm fine." It would be awkward silence that she didn't know how to handle, but as soon as she spoke, he answered without hesitation. A smile curled her scarred lips, her verdant gaze easily resting on his. Part of her longed to think that he still cared, and little by little she was beginning to think he indeed did. "Come, I'll give you a tour." She would murmur quietly, turning away from him slightly, waiting for him to catch up before she began walking. Her pace was slow, and still a little stiff, but she knew walking was good. She would lead him away from the border, making a mental to inform Vi that he wished to join the ranks, she doubted Vi would turn away someone she recommended.

An ear tipped towards Aeron, her gaze focused straight ahead, she was still so uncertain of everything. She felt like she was drowning, overwhelmed by her own life. A quiet sigh rolled off her tongue. She kept a small space between them, unsure that she was ready to feel his warmth again. Ekko trailed behind them, silently as always. Memories of their time spent together flashed in her mind, the ship, the earthquake, quiet moments spent here and there. He had always been so shy, a man of few words and actions. Had he changed? Would he change? He had said more since his return than he had ever said before. But he still made no advances towards her, he made no moves to invade her space and her wrap in his warmth. Despite the quiet hope that he would, she knew it wasn't in his nature to be quite so bold.

The woman remained silent as she led him through the territory, half searching for Vi, half just walking. Every so often she would point out some significant place, but mostly she remained silent. It would not take for exhaustion to settle into her still sore and injured muscles, but she said nothing, continuing with her easy pace.

"Talk" "You" Think