
What am I going to do with you?



7 Years
Extra large
06-07-2019, 05:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 07:41 PM by Torin.)
Torin knew he couldn't put it off any more. He had been dreading this since the moment his nephew had talked to him before he left. He'd seen the fear in Célestin's eyes as he spoke about his mother and Torin couldn't help but wonder what the boy had seen. In truth this was the reason he was hesitating on calling a meeting, he couldn't yet indanger her by removing her caretaker from the pack... but he also couldn't be any softer on her or her son... Blaise hadn't come to ask for help, simply disappearing so far into becoming the caretaker for his mother that Torin had thought he'd gone again. But more than that Torin couldn't help but feel some anger that he'd been forced to at all, he'd always made himself indispensable for the pups if Blaise hadn't come to him for help that was the boy's fault but his mother should never have allowed it. Blaise had been a child, much too young to be forced to carry the burden Célestin had implied and he couldn't help but feel frustration at his sister. If she wanted to protect her children this was not how to do it.

But more than that he dreaded that he'd not be able to do anything for her, Torin couldn't put Jewell above everything else, he had to manage his time and if a wolf proved they weren't willing to help themselves first he couldn't pour his energy into a dead-end project. He worried that's what he'd find.

Sighing Torin slowed as Jewell's den rose up on the horizon, wondering what he was about to walk into.

walk "Talk" think

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