
Winter is Coming

Open joining thread for Winterfell


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-09-2019, 12:22 AM

At last, he had secured himself a pack of his own. It had been unfortunate that Ignatius hadn't shown...Ace would have liked to fight the man to see who truly would come out on top. A true alpha. But as it was, he had technically won it fair and square. It was an alpha's duty to answer any challenges presented to them, and Ignatius had not answered his. He briefly wondered if he was okay, or maybe he decided to return to the land he had come from and left on a whim like some alphas did. Whatever the case, he had more pressing matters to think about. After leaving the battlefield, he immediately headed North until he reached the pines that sat just on the other side of the wall. He had been here before, and he quite liked the location. It was close to other areas that might be suitable for a pack, and close to the wall so they could potentially keep an eye on any that came crossing from that direction.

He felt a swell of pride in his chest as he stood in a clearing that seemed to have been used in the past, and upon finding a felled log at the far edge that rested against a boulder. He decided that would be where he called together those who had pledged to follow, and those who might consider it. With his foxes at his side, he briskly walked over and effortlessly jumped onto the boulder, the fallen tree serving as a backdrop as his titanic frame stood in the foreground. Tilting his head back, he let loose a powerful call for all to hear, claiming this land as his own, and shouting to the world that he was now the new Alpha of Winterfell.

speech action



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-09-2019, 12:59 AM
Fracture had watched while the white titan made his challenging call within the Battlefield, and couldn't help but be disappointed that the reigning alpha chose not to show himself and defend his throne. Unfortunately he'd decided before the battle had defaulted that whomever was to walk away victorious would have the opportunity to earn his loyalty. Fracture- being a man of his word -was not going to turn from that path now. It was not Acere's fault that he'd not been able to show his prowess in battle, nor that the other alpha turned cowardly enough to give up his pack.

He kept his distance as he followed the new alpha north. Fracture probably would have been better off not following at all; he didn't want to appear as some creepy stalker but he was brand new to these lands and would have struggled to navigate this far north without following Acere's trail. Eventually a towering wall began to appear in the distance, and by the impressions of paws in the ground, that was where the northern alpha was headed.

The clearing loomed before him not too long after he'd heard the powerful howl ahead. It seemed that Acere was ready to bring his followers in, and Fracture hoped his presence there wouldn't be unwelcome. After all, what sort of brand new pack would turn away a potential member? He strode into the expanse with confidence, gaze fixed intently upon the alpha and the boulder upon which he stood. Fracture was the first to show, but he wasn't surprised seeing as he'd all but stalked Acere here.

"Congratulations on your victory, Your Grace." He let his head bow deeply before the King. Fracture didn't feel the need to explain himself or his presence; he figured his intention to join was obvious. He sat and made himself comfortable, and then turned to the south to see whom else might soon arrive.


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-10-2019, 12:11 PM
"Talk" Walk

His uncle had won the pack, so to speak. He didn't get the chance to fight but since the challenged alpha never showed up, then his uncle had laid claim to the Northern pack. He followed his uncle, though took his time as he waited for his sister to catch up. He didn't want to leave her behind, but instead wanted to walk into their new home alongside her. Having been through everything together, he wanted to start this new life with her at his side. She was his armor, and he was her sword. With clear excitement, he trotted along with his companions and her, the odd group hearing his uncle's call on the horizon. "Ha! Guess he's just as excited as we are!" He grinned and glanced to his sister before hurrying along.

When the crimson boy arrived, he shook out his coat and smoothed it down a bit so he didn't look all raggedy, and strolled into the clearing his uncle had chosen with his head high and a more determined gait. Crimson gaze first found his uncle, and then a stranger who greeted his uncle, calling him "your grace" and bowing before taking a seat. Huh...interesting. He was so accustomed to being casual with his uncle that this was completely new to him. He nodded a greeting to the stranger and sauntered closer to his uncle, "Your Grace, huh? I kinda like that sound of that. Has a nice ring to it," He mused. "Do we gotta call you that too?" A hint of humor was there, of course. He wouldn't mind at all if there were new titles that went with the new pack. It was different, after all. In fact, he wouldn't mind being called something neat like that too. He turned and sat down with his sister and waited for more to arrive, or for his uncle to speak.

Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-10-2019, 12:32 PM

She had lingered at the battlefield for a little while longer, discussing some things with Dragon. She knew Ace, and had honestly been debating if she wanted to join his pack, or a pack in general. But when she heard he was laying claim to lands in the North, her curiosity and hopefulness grew. Her home had always been in the North lands. She had been born there, and that was where she intended to die. As old as she was, she made the short journey from the battlefield, past the wall, and to her great pleasure, found Ace standing in the clearing she had used and that her father had used before her. She found a few others here, though she didn't recognize any but Acere. Two carried scents similar to his own, and while they looked completely different, she could tell they were related to him. She approached the small group and dipped her head to the alabaster male. "Congratulations, Acere. I look forward to seeing what you have planned." That was her indication that she was joining, so she carefully settled on the ground with Tan sitting in the familiar trees above them. She was home again.

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
06-10-2019, 02:27 PM

He arrived at the pines, his coat sleek and his eyes bright, a faint smile on his features as he approached his uncle and bowed his head, a blind and squealing pup held loosely in his jaws while his larger children followed closely behind him. Cloud and Paradise would be there soon with the other two newborns and his larger children in tow as they made their way to their new home.

With the utmost care Tyranis laid down and gingerly set the small child down on the ring of his arms where the small red bundle squirmed and writhed its way to the thick fur of his father’s neck. He nosed the pup over checking for any sign of potential injury before he raised his head to look at his uncle.

“Acere.” He greeted seriously. “I come here on my knees, asking that me and my family be allowed to stay in your pack.” He spoke with caution but didn’t hide how his hackles raised even from his prone position. He knew very well that he could be turned away and would have to stake his claim out as a loner if his uncle denied him a place in his pack, but he refused to allow the fear of that possibility show on his features.

"Talk"  Thought "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-10-2019, 04:46 PM

He carefully followed after his brother, keeping close to his brothers newest mate with a pup between his jaws. Alongside him trailed his brothers older children, and he made sure to keep an eye on them as they traveled. It was a long journey for the young pups, but he was confident they were strong enough to make it. When he heard his uncle's call in the near distance, he knew they were close. He wasn't too far behind Tyranis, though his pace was slower to accommodate the children. He carried one twin, while the other was carried by its mother. The boy in his jaws was a strong one, he could tell by the feel and look of him.

When they finally arrived, he looked around at those who were gathered before his eyes fell on his brother, bowing to their uncle with the pup clutched against him. Ears perked forward at his words as he drew closer, settling next to him and gently lying down so that he could put the pup on his forelegs instead of the ground. He turned to look at his uncle and dipped his head, waiting to see what the verdict was. He knew of the strained relationship between Acere and Tyranis, but he wondered if they had worked it out. Surely his uncle would let bygones be bygones? After all, the hatred was geared more towards Elias, wasn't it?


art by Risketch



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-10-2019, 10:38 PM

She had been with Tyranis since the night they reunited in the cave. He was there when she had their children, and she would be there with him when he decided he wanted to go North to his uncle's new pack. She walked alongside his brother and his other children, the exotic woman keeping careful eye on them and made sure they were able to keep up. She wasn't jealous that he had kids with another woman, not at all. That would be rather childish of her, wouldn't it? The past was the past, and she didn't fault him nor them. She gently held her daughter in her jaws while Cloud carried one son and Tyranis forged ahead with the other. They were beautiful children, and she knew they'd be strong when they got older. She welcomed the sight of the North. It was where she had finally decided to go forth and explore the world rather than sit and rot away in the South lands. The scents of those gathered infiltrated her nose, and she was a little apprehensive. She hadn't really been around so many very often, but it was something she knew she could get used to and welcomed it. She hated being alone.

As the group came to view she stopped at the edge for a moment as she gazed at those who were already present and then at the alabaster Male that stood at the front of them. Her ears pricked forward when she heard Tyranis' voice and found him near the center with his brother and her two pups. Without further hesitation, she walked along with her head held high exuding confidence before settling down on Ty's other side and gently placed the pup on her forelegs as well. It was quite the journey, but her excitement overrode her exhaustion and she briefly offered her mate an affectionate nuzzle to his neck both for his comfort and her own.

"Talk" "You" Think
If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-10-2019, 10:49 PM
He followed his family without question to the North. While he didn't particularly like the long journey, he was glad at least that he could be with his father again. He hadn't seen his mother since they had left her in the pack that had kidnapped them, and she hadn't come to seek them out, either. He trailed after his uncle and woman that had the colors of fire and he was very much intrigued by her. He didn't know much about her, but to his knowledge, the pups the adults carried were his younger siblings. He still wasn't sure how that happened...he had thought mom and dad loved each other, but maybe they didn't. He wasn't even sure if mom loved him if she hadn't come to see them...

Those thoughts didn't have long to distract him, however, because soon a bunch of wolves came into view and he looked at each and every one of them. There was a boy that looked like he was covered in blood, and his eyed widened at the sight of him. The others were impressive too, but nobody was as impressive to him like his father. He quietly followed his uncle over to where his dad was and seated himself next to him, looking up to the biggest wolf he'd ever seen. He had tons if scars and looked downright scary looking down at them all..



8 Years

Trick 2019
06-10-2019, 11:18 PM
Gryphon had been laying fairly well low since the raid he'd agreed to help his mother's friends on. The events of that battle had left him troubled - seeing the depths that other wolves could sink to in their thirst for revenge. In one swirl of the battle he had seen one of Valentine's sons slaughtering the children of the slavers who had taken the former alpha of Imperium's mate and their son. Before he could confront the monster about his actions, the battle had moved them away from one another, and he'd not seen him again. It was hardly the only atrocity he'd seen that day, performed by these wolves that his mother seemed to feel she owed her loyalty. It left him feeling empty and troubled, and he'd avoided interacting with even his family, though he'd made it a point to stay where he could keep his eye on his mother. Now she'd followed a stranger north, and Gryphon followed to hover at the very far edges of hearing distance, his brow creasing as he heard her speaking words that made it... while not clear, at least strongly implied that she was joining him in a new pack.

Gryphon stood still, deathly still, with his gaze on his paws. Others came after her to speak their own piece. Gryphon, however, remained at the very periphery. The last time he'd followed his mother's lead to a group like this - He couldn't help the memories that welled up to choke him, the sights and scents and sounds of a massacre that had no justice. But he couldn't abandon his mother to follow her friends to this pack, to maybe another massacre, to whatever soulless injustices they could drag her along to, without anyone to watch her back, to guard her and to guide her. His mother, he knew, had never been particularly good at making good decisions. The massacre she had joined in upon had only cemented that belief in him. He didn't yet have enough information to know if she was making the right decision this time either, but she'd made it, and he wouldn't let her go alone into whatever consequences came from it.

So, he dragged himself from the fresh horror of memories and padded through the gathering group to sit beside his mother. "Where you go, I go," he assured her, then glanced around. The north again, of course, and he gave an exaggerated shiver. "But this time, maybe I should get a coat before winter hits." She didn't need to know the depths of his uncertainty right now, or how haunted he'd been. Let her think he was just the way he'd been before.



3 Years

Valentines 2020
06-11-2019, 07:32 PM
Theta was growing a resentment towards the life her family was making her lead. First it was getting dragged to that pack where the only decent wolf was Noir, second it was giving up owning the pack, and third it was coming up here in the freezing cold so her father could potentially live up here. Theta wasn’t even a year yet and she had lived in two different places and she wasn’t about to call a third place home. Sure she loved her father, but it was time for all these shenanigans to stop. Pick a place and stay there, at least until she and her siblings were full grown adults. Theta could not care less about these new so-called siblings, she had heard that they were related but she wasn’t buying it. She didn’t care much for her own mother nor did she care for this new woman that her father seemed to have gotten ahold of. All these new wolves and change could go jump off a cliff for all she cared.

Upon arriving so her father could ask to live there Theta stood as far away from any of her known relatives as possible with a gaze saying that if you dare talk to me you’re getting your butt kicked. Theta wasn’t about to take anything from anyone. As soon as she could hide away from everyone she would, no-one here was gonna get on her good side, her bad side, or any side. The world was getting shut out and this time she meant it. No getting soft with anyone like she had done in Abaven, she was older now and knew better than that.



7 Years
Dire wolf

1KPride - Pansexual
06-12-2019, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2020, 02:27 PM by Souzan.)
"Talk" Walk

To say Souzan was dissapointed would have been an understatement, really he was hurt, he was lost. He was determined to continue living. He trusted Ig had a good reason to leave but it still left him reeling. He's lagged behind where the man that had called for his brother unsure what he was going to do but as he turned northward, Souzan knew he had to make a decision. He needed to try and live his life, he was better in a group and he wasn't built for the southern climate so he guessed this was the world giving him his next chance.

Souzan skirted around the gathered wolves, settling himself silently by himself though clearly chosing to be here.

Image by Ulfeid3



4 Years
06-12-2019, 04:14 PM

speech , Farai speech

Wyvern trotted after Acere as he moved his progression northward, her head held high. Farai stalked behind her, the big cat's head slung lower and swinging from side to side as if assessing everything around them as a threat. But Wyvern had long since learned to ignore her companion's more defensive nature, it seemed for whatever reason the cat was defensive of Wyvern and seemed to distrust most over wolves that weren't her family.

Wyvern approached the growing gathering, walking with all the grace she had in her body, summoning ancient bloodlines each having ruled the north in their own time, she was marching into her element. Slowly Wyvern roved her gaze over those gathered, noticing it was mostly others from the challenge including the strange tall blue and red striped stranger. Her gaze hitched slightly as she spotted the older woman she'd seen hanging around a few times before; she had reason to assume she was related in some way, she and her father shared a surprising resemblance and she had a vague memory of being told about a woman matching her description but Wyvern really didn't remember much else, she hadn't really been paying that much attention, her attention was also briefly stopped by another similar looking wolf a younger male this time with the older woman.

"I'm at your service." She said to Acere, dipping her head gracefully and then moved back to settle among the majority of the group, settling on her haunches and waiting for her family who she knew were on her tail.

Art by MementomoRIN
Wyvern's companion Farai is a Pibald Leopard of the same age and is always with her unless explicitly stated otherwise.  

[Image: xcqB3Q8.png]

Linart by Pimsri
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
06-12-2019, 08:00 PM


Things on the battlefield had not lasted long giving her ample time to observe the faces that had shown up. She was anxious to figure out where her uncle would decide to settle, wanting to get her herbs moved as soon as she could before there was a chance that they would get harmed. Actaea remain close to her brother, even as they got up and moved on from the battlefield. She had gotten distracted there for a little, but was quick to catch up and walk along side her brother into the new lands. The north had been lands she had yet to experience, but her bloodline was built to survive and she was open minded that she would easily adapt. Her molten eyes would look back behind her and around them taking in the other wolves that fallowed her uncle to their new home.

She wouldn't admit it nor did she outwardly look it, she was anxious. Her brother's mood seemed positive and happy and hers remained neutral and unreadable. Lorenzo rode within one of the bags strung on her back, poking his pale head out to see where they were going. Her uncle's call drew her attention, sparking the excitement of the beginning of a new chapter. How far could she go here? She couldn't help but grin at her brother's words and happily picked up her pace to hurry with him. She showed up at Ignis' side to the clearing where an unfamiliar wolf was greeting her uncle. Her face washed away with emotion once more even with her brother's words this time. This dark male unfamiliar and so close to her uncle. She returned to her neutral observing look and watched everyone that would appear. The only familiar faces were her half brother's and Theta, the other pups she had not met.

Everyone else was unfamiliar, but she internalized her uneasiness. Instead she continued to look over the faces that would appear, taking everything in.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



4 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
06-12-2019, 10:37 PM


Well, the challenge had been pretty anti-climatic, but that didn't matter. He trailed after his sister, adamant on going where she went. Though he wouldn't admit it, he had attachment issues...especially after the way their mother treated them. He didn't know of his sister still thought about those days, but he did. He occasionally had nightmares, and while he could sleep in his own den, there were times he wished he had someone other than his companion sometimes. Sometimes he snuck into his dad's den, and his father didn't seem to mind. If he did, he never said anything, but Drake hadn't told him about his troubles, either. He shook his head to keep himself from thinking about that now. Now, there was a new beginning. He was eager to get to where they were going and start down a new road, and when he heard the white male's call to the world, Drake's excitement grew.

He glanced over his shoulder to check on his father who offered an nod of encouragement. Grinning, Drake bounded ahead with his companion to try and catch up with his sister. It didn't take him long thanks to his all too enthusiastic running to get there in time, and when he arrived he noticed there was a group that seemed to be growing larger by the minute. He had seen them ahead of him, and could smell more on the wind. Yes, this was going to be exciting. He plopped down beside his sister, enthusiastically bumping her shoulder with his own as he looked up at the alabaster beast. "Me too," He grinned. He couldn't wait to see what the future held from here on out.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Elara I


7 Years
06-15-2019, 08:12 PM

The challenged had not shown up and though she was more then happy to see more of Acere's fighting style, she was relieved that he actually would not have to fight. Acere was victorious and finally the pack he had been preparing to raise would rise. She willingly fallowed along, fallowing a good distance behind the two younger and colorful wolves. She was quiet as she moved, though she was excited to actually talk to Acere alone. She knew right now there would be no chance, he had business to attend to now that he was claiming his lands. As they headed towards the north she found herself smiling, feeling at home in the more northern part of Boreas. She was happy that he had decided to claim land in the north and she knew she would have no problem with settling in, depending on the territory she might already have an old den there.

She would pick up her pace hearing his call, as did the two in front of her. She found the excitement growing within her, looking forward to making this next step and joining a pack. It was a new adventure and she was more then ready for it. She slowed as she reached the meeting spot going past the two younger wolves and going over to Acere.

"Congrats and I have to say, great choice in territory," she would give him a playful wink and a smile before moving back to take her seat.

She would let her blue eyes scan over the other faces as they arrived, fairly impressed at all that showed up. It made her even more interested in the ideas that Acere had and how pack life would be compared to her family group.




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
06-15-2019, 11:18 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2019, 11:19 PM by Dragon.)

He came with his family. Specifically, his mother and his kids. He was unaware that one of his brothers had planned to come along as well until he arrived, and he was very surprised when he scented Gryphon among the group. He didn't immediately go to him and his mother, however. Instead, he trailed after his two kids and chose to sit with them. Shielded face turned towards where the alabaster male stood, nodding to him in respect as he wore a small grin. Ears perked at the sound of his kids already voicing their intentions to join and offer their services. If they were, then he would, too. He knew his mother was without a doubt, likely because this was and always had been her home. This is where she would die. She had always told him so, and despite their travels from land to land to avoid the worst of the weather, her heart had always brought her back here. She had lost a lot in her long life. So too, had he. Not nearly as much as she had, but enough for him. His sight. His pack. The only wolf he had ever truly loved...Iskra's abandonment once again, tore his heart up. And he dared not seek her out again. It was clear that her heart didn't lie on the same path that his he gave up on trying. It simply wasn't meant to be. Instead, he chose to devote his time and energy to the family he already had. And start a new life here with them. His companion Jaguars sat with him, both staring intensely at the new leader.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-16-2019, 02:20 AM

They followed him. Strangers and those he knew alike. He watched them arrive as he stood there tall and proud, crimson gaze watching each one. "Congratulations on your victory, your grace." The first to arrive and speak was a stranger, a male he had never met before, but he had noticed him at the battlefield. He nodded, and couldn't help the small smile that showed. Your Grace... It had a nice ring to it, he had to admit. Perhaps something he'd have to get used to now. Ignis arrived next along with Actaea, his enthusiastic nephew commenting on what the stranger said and he chuckled. "Perhaps," He winked before his niece and nephew took their own seats. Actaea's expression, he noticed, was unreadable. He figured she was likely trying to process and get used to their new life here, especially among strangers. He hoped that they wouldn't all be strangers for long. He wanted the pack to build and grow together, after all. Gaze rose to find Avalon approaching, a warm smile on her face as she congratulated him as well. He had met her before and had a nice conversation with her, and he knew some other members of her family as well. He had fought beside her blind son against a tiger, and had met her granddaughter as well. "Thank you, Avalon. I hope I don't disappoint." He respected her as an elder, and even more so for her wisdom. He was sure that she had a lot to give to the younger generations.

A familiar scent carried on the northern winds alerted him to the approach of someone he hadn't expected to see here. Gaze quickly turned up to find Tyranis approaching, a young pup in his jaws and his expression grew serious. He had heard someone challenged for his position, but last he had been aware...Tyranis had won. If that were the case, why was he here? He watched as his eldest nephew lied down with the pup, “Acere.” Ears perked forward as he tore his gaze away from the child to look at his nephew instead. “I come here on my knees, asking that me and my family be allowed to stay in your pack.” He stared at Tyranis, his expression unreadable as he stared at him. He wasn't sure what his motives were...or if he even had one. He knew Tyranis' record. The way he thought. Yes, he respected him for successfully defending his pack not once, but twice. He had witnessed his ferocity and tenacity in battle during the fight against Hannibal, and though he didn't get the chance to witness it a second time, he was sure he had done the same then, too. He knew Tyranis might be a valuable asset to the pack, but the conflict he had was...could he trust him? He was thinking long and hard about it. And during that time, several more figures arrived and placed themselves beside Tyranis. His brother, and a woman both carrying two more pups. Not only them, but most of his nephew's other children were with them. He looked them all over, and though he didn't lose the seriousness in his gaze, he quietly sighed and nodded. "You and your family will be allowed to stay." While he wanted to say more to Tyranis on the subject, he would not speak it in front of everyone, no. Those words were better left private. He just hoped he was making the right decision...

Another Male arrived, sitting beside Avalon and judging by scent and sight, it seemed to be another son of hers. seemed that family was close. At least, from what he saw. But he couldn't be sure. It wouldn't take long for Wyvern, a girl he'd met before show up along with another who also seemed to be related. He was pleased to hear that they both wanted to join, along with their father, the blind armored wolf with the Jaguars. Of course, he hadn't missed thr exotically colored blue wolf...a wolf he determined had been in Fyri before this. He nodded to each of them and let a few more minutes pass before Elara showed. He gently wagged his tail at the sight of her, She approached him and congratulated him, unable to help the smile as she drew close. Her personality was contagious, and he looked forward to getting to know her more in the near future, and perhaps they'd even get to fight alongside each other once again. When he was sure nobody else was coming, he cleared his throat and stepped forward.

"I welcome you all to Winterfell. I must admit, I did not expect such a large turnout. I am glad you're all here, and I hope I get the opportunity to work alongside you and learn from you." There were a couple faces he realized, that had not yet shown. Tana for one, but he couldn't wait anymore. "For those who don't know me, my name is Acere Praetor. I was a member of Abaven until recently, before I challenged for alphaship of Fyri. For those of you wondering, I had hoped that Ignatius would show...but unfortunately, he did not." He paused for a moment, his gaze falling for a moment on the blue wolf. His condolences were with the stranger, and he hoped that Ignatius was alright. Wherever he was.

"This is a time for new beginnings. A new life. No matter where you came from, or what brought you here, you're all here for a reason. Whatever the reason may be, I trust it'll be figured out. Winterfell will be a pack for those of strong will. Strong mind. Strong instincts. Loyalty. Ties that bind. The determination to persevere against all adversity. Serving justice where it is due. We claim our home in the North, this forest and the ship belong to us now. Protect your home, and protect each other." His gaze moved over those gathered as he spoke, "Everyone will be given time to adjust and learn the ways of the pack, laws, structure, and so on. We are only as strong as our weakest link. Help one another out. Train hard, work hard, and I promise you, we will thrive and survive." He went on to explain the laws and ranks and everything else he could to the best of his ability. When he was done, he quieted for a few moments to let it all sink in. "Now, before we all get settled and get to finding a place to rest, I'd like to find out where your strengths lie and rank you accordingly. If you don't have a particular area of interest yet, or don't know which rank you'd prefer, that's fine. You can let me know later."

He took a deep breath and gazed proudly upon his new pack. It was his job to lead them now. But he wouldn't just be a king. He'd strive to be a teacher, a warrior, to help them find their potential and get them on the right track if they felt lost. And he hoped they'd do the same for him when he needed it.

OOC// Assume Ace talked about the laws and ranks. They will be up on the pack page very soon. If there's any questions feel free to dm me! Second rounds are required, pups don't have to unless they want to. Please try and have them in by 6/23! Until then, feel free to start posting in pack lands! There's no posting order for this round. Ace's next post will place each member in their respective rank, etc etc.

speech action



4 Years
06-19-2019, 05:58 AM

Tyranis was the first to speak, looking over his brother and newly found mate. “You know my strengths already uncle.” He spoke “Place me where you see fit.”

Tyranis was eager to prove himself and rise through the ranks with little intention of staying in a low rank for long. He doubted his uncle would be so eager to place him in a high rank so soon but he hoped he could at least make a name for himself here with a rank his children could proudly admire.

He had made amends with his uncle and now hoped the tribulations they had endured could be put behind them and the lightning king could finally prove his worth.

"Talk"  Thought "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-19-2019, 05:03 PM

Fracture listened intently to the King give his speech. The values of Winterfell seemed to coincide with his morals perfectly, and that pleased him to hear. When he drew to the end of his speech, Acere began to invite his new pack to choose their ranks. In truth, when the King was going through that part of his speech Fracture had trouble keeping up. He knew that was normal, though, as most packs gave their ranks unique titles and names.

When it was his turn to claim, he spoke up. "I do not know what you will call it, but I would feel most comfortable in a position of battle. Soldier, warrior, however it is referred to is fine." Having said his piece, he'd sit back down to see what the others of the pack would choose- this was the first step in meeting his new family, after all.


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-21-2019, 02:39 PM
"Talk" Walk

More than he expected had arrived, gathering around his uncle and he couldn't help but be curious as they came one by one. He was surprised to see that his eldest brothers showed up, head cocking to the side and he spared a glance to his sister for a moment as he watched them show up with a bunch of pups. His former alpha brother requested to join, and to Ignis' surprise, his uncle was allowing them to stay. He wasn't really aware that the situation between them was mended, so he sat there quietly until his uncle began to speak. He already knew about his uncle's vision for the pack, so when it was requested of them to speak up about what field of interest they wanted, Ignis wasted no time. After two others spoke up, he turned to his uncle and said his own piece. "I want a rank similar to what I had in Abaven," He knew he didn't have to say it, his uncle already knew. He was a fighter through and through, and if the gashes across his face weren't evidence of that, he didn't know what was. He sat tall and proud, ready to start getting out there and continue his training so that he might try to climb the ranks.

Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.