
Because that's what I'm supposed to do, silly



1 Year
Extra small
06-09-2019, 08:10 PM
Ooc: because of my daughter posts are slow so please only post if ur ok with snail paced threads
Verse had long been wrapped up in her studies. Of course no one wanted her to do what she was interested in but she did what she was told. She had been so happy to hear poem was made heir, but she doubted that she was going to be able to ever become the Wisteria or the liana but she at least was interested in that sort of stuff. She just hadn't even told anyone. And her dad probably had never noticed. Even with the way she shadowed him when she was little. No she was here studying the plants her mom had left behind but she was doing so with a perplexed expression. Not only that but she was only half interested. The plants weren't as fun as patrolling and mind game stuff.

She sighed as she gave up. Dad hadn't come back yet tonight and Noir just seemed to be smug. She knew there was something wrong in the thicket so she did what she was supposed to and stayed near the den. She stood from her "studies" and bounded up the den entrance and sat outside. She missed her mom still but she unlike her siblings knew why momma had to leave. Mom was scared and it was made worse staying there so she had left. It was still her fault though, for following Rhyme to the battlefield that day. Then for having a seizure too. If only she hadn't been born sick. The mostly albino girl was unable to sleep tonight though. Dad wasnt there and Noir, even though he was a little nicer to her now, wasnt the best to snuggle up with. She watched though for her dad to come back. Maybe poem would visit though. That was always the best visits. Even if her and her sister didnt talk, she liked watching everything. In truth Verse was just a silent watcher nowadays.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.



4 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
06-10-2019, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2019, 04:17 PM by Motif.)

Winter had found Verse in her den and informed Shaye at some point in the night, Motif had heard the exchange, and after her own excitement had died down, the young girl would make her way to the quiet of Verse’s den. She needed a break from the rushing around of the wolves, of her mother fussing over her. Her burnt feed still stung, along with the singed spots in her fur and tail.

Happy to escape it all, the young girl crawled into the den and looked at Verse, who was smoke free and healthy in a way that most of the wolves in Abaven where not. “Hey, can I sleep with you for a little while?” she asked sleepily, blinking dual-toned eyes at the other girl, which were clearly leaden and struggling to stay open.


[Image: IdzUBSO.png]



1 Year
Extra small
06-13-2019, 08:47 PM

Motif was the first to come this way, not her father like she had hoped. She wasn't shocked though. Rhyme sometimes was really late coming home. Her stubbed tail wagged a little as motif came close enough to see the swirled girl. Her ears stood tall, though obviously not making the tiny girl any bigger. Even motif dwarfed her. It wasnt a big problem though. Small things were sometimes even better than big things. She was able to after all sneak around and follow Rhyme more than her bigger siblings.

She gave a smile at motif as she asked her question. She didn't really see a problem with her half siblings being here. Though she did have to wonder. "I dont see why not, though should we find dad or miss shaye and make sure they dont mind a sleep over?" ever since her "incident" she had been pretty anal about following the rules and doing as she was told. Though she couldn't always help it, she sometimes crossed the borders of the pack lands into the other lands the pack claimed. That was the adventurer in her though. She did notice motif's rougher shape but she didnt make mention of it, she wouldnt want some one to mention it if she did so why should she be so rude?


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.