
What goes up..



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
06-11-2019, 07:48 PM
Was Kai trespassing?


Did he consider it trespassing? Well.. not really. In classic Jarvela fashion he'd never really cared for the traditions of claiming land that most wolves here seemed to partake in. The fact that they thought it their right to take what belonged to all wolves struck him as innately wrong. Rules had never appealed to him, and the fact that they existed at all meant they needed to be broke.. or at least tested, right?

The trespassing itself was just an unintended side effect to the real purpose for his visit to these lands. As much as he loved the idea of causing chaos, what he loved more was the idea of visiting one male in particular.. and the scent trail that he'd grasped on to had led Kai straight here. Apparently he missed Ty enough to face the possible consequences of seeing him now, instead of later. Sure, he could call for whoever had claimed these lands, but asking permission to do anything didn't bode well with him at all.

Instead, he crept quietly through the pines, grateful for the cover of night. It was a cloudy night, fully obscuring whatever dim light might struggle to filter down through the tall pine trees, giving him the perfect kind of atmosphere for which to creep through an unknown pack's lands without being spotted. Hopefully. At least Ty's scent was growing stronger now, and his quiet pace increased as he veered around a thick pine tree, hoping he'd find him soon...



4 Years
06-11-2019, 08:03 PM


Without the mantle of leadership on his shoulders and under the protection of his uncle Ty could finally breathe easy and care for his children as he had always wanted to. His coat still smelled of Paradise and their most recent litter along with the scent of the rabbits and lemmings he had lined their den with. He was taking a much needed break, simply enjoying the sound of the pines rattling in the wind and the crisp cold air of the north with his head resting on his crossed paws. The wind shifted and all at once his head lifted, his eyes wide with hope and longing.

“Kai?” He breathed onto the wind, his fur standing on end with anticipation as he watched the thin cover of a group of trees expectantly. His heart thundered in his chest as he stood his eyes never leaving the treeline and hesitantly stepped forward. He largely considered Paradise his mate, but he didn’t love her, not like he loved Kai. No one else could send his heart thundering like a stampede of buffalo or make him feel completely weightless by brushing against his fur. No one had grounded him like Kai had, or could assure him like Kai could, he truly loved the silvery male with all his heart; but would he understand that he had taken a mate? Would he be accepting of the division he made in his heart between Paradise’s fiery spirit and Kai’s free nature? Would either of them understand that he loved them both in different ways?

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
06-11-2019, 08:29 PM

It'd been awhile since he'd seen Ty, but he'd be lying if he said the former king didn't cross his mind quite often. The last time he'd seen him, Ty had been in rough shape.. not only physically, but also emotionally. Kai wasn't the type to care too deeply about most wolves, but somehow Tyranis had woven his way into his heart, especially over the last few seasons. Though selfish, seeing the few he cared for hurting - truly hurting, rather than simply being overdramatic - didn't settle well with him.

What kind of man would he be if he didn't seek him out now? Consequences be damned. He wasn't sure just how far he'd go for Ty if he had to, but facing an angry alpha wasn't something he was particularly worried about. Instead, his attention was focused on finding Ty as quickly as possibly, moving with as much grace as his oversized paws would allow him to. It wasn't long before he saw him, sitting still among the trees - though even from a distance Kai decided he looked much better than when he'd seen him last.

He stood carefully, though Kai didn't bother to mirror his wariness. Any sense of hesitation he'd displayed, which had only been there at all in an attempt to sneak across the borders unseen, quickly fell from his form, replaced with an undeniable joy. "Surprised to see me again so soon?" He spoke softly, grinning cheekily - he hadn't caught scents of anyone who might be lingering nearby, but being interrupted didn't fit into his agenda for the evening. Without bothering to question Ty's own hesitance, he moved forward to press his snout into Ty's cheek, tusks grazing him lightly as his tongue snuck out to place a soft lick on the side of his face.



4 Years
06-12-2019, 10:57 AM

“Surprised to see you at all.” He said with a wide grin as his form relaxed and he found himself melting into Kai’s embrace. “Acere will kill you if he finds you here.” He said with a faint touch of reluctance although he stayed rooted to the spot his arm moving to rest his paw on the small of Kai’s back.

“Or maybe I’ll kill him for trying to take you away from me.” He added huskily, his voice dropping to a low murmur.

This is who Tyranis was, not the melancholy monarch he had been the last time Kai had seen him, but the passionate man who would lay down his life defending the ones he loved. He took a moment to take in Kai’s scent, the hairs on his neck lifting with elation and arousal more befitting a hormonal adolescent than a king. “Gods I've missed you.” He breathed into Kai's ear watching with satisfaction as the fine hairs moved with his hot breath.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
06-12-2019, 12:54 PM

If Tyranis had seemed at all caught off-guard by his arrival, his slightly tense demeanor seemed to soften as soon as he moved to close the distance between them. The suggestion of a warning, if he could even consider it that, earned a sly grin from him. "As if anyone's borders could keep me from you," he challenged, equal parts playful and serious. Perhaps another wolf might see his blatant disrespect for rules as unattractive, or childish - and maybe it was, in a way - but when it came to love he simply wouldn't let anyone stand in his way, or dictate what he could do. "And don't worry.. I can stand my ground. You've never seen me fight," he suggested under his breath, grinning as he remembered how well he'd done at the winter tournament. He hadn't won, but he'd gotten farther than he'd honestly expected to.

Ty's comment earned a pleased rumble from deep within his chest, his ears flicking. "Even if I get chased off, I'll come back. A little punishment doesn't scare me.." Maybe the thrill was half the fun. His voice was low still, intended for only Ty's ears - lest anyone actually be listening from nearby. He wondered briefly if what Ty was saying had some truth to it.. would he kill for him? Kai had never taken a life but he didn't doubt the lengths he would go for someone he truly cared for.

It was good to see his friend like this again. He felt him bristle with arousal at his touch, and the way his muzzle angled itself toward his ear earned a hum of satisfaction from Kai. "I've missed you too, rakkaani," he breathed quietly, tilting his own head to take in Ty's scent. "That means.. my beloved in my family's native tongue," Kai explained gently, content to bask in the moment that settled between them. His scent was subtly different than he remembered, though, and after a moment of thought he dared ask a question. "You smell of a woman," he breathed quietly, nipping at Ty's neck. His words were curious and thoughtful, far from accusatory. "Who is she?"



4 Years
06-13-2019, 08:09 PM

“Beloved” The word radiated in his soul and for a perfect moment the world in its entirety only existed in the fraction of space they shared. He listened to his lovers pounding heart and felt more than heard his question.

“A woman I can finally trust.” He said quietly, unsure if he should hold back or tell him the truth; that a minor fling when she was in heat and he was still a proud and noble creature, before his fall, had resulted in a second litter.

“A third litter.” His thoughts reminded him and he felt his spirits drop for a moment.

No more lies he decided then. No more withholding the truth from himself and especially not Kai. Kai had been his rock in troubled times, he deserved to know the truth of the man he had chosen. “Her name is Paradise…” He began. “We met last Winter before…” He swallowed a cold lump in his throat remembering the dark battle, his lapse in sanity, and his ultimate betrayal from nearly his entire pack.

“Well…We met in Winter.” He said with great finality. “She was in heat and I was…Me.” He grumbled the last word out hoping Kai would understand how much change he had been forced through. “We met again after my litter was taken from me.” “Your second litter” His mind howled but he refused to voice the thought in its entirety, and instead mentally berating himself for breaking his own promise so quickly.

“I told her what had happened, and she promised to stand beside me and protect our litter.” His voice seemed distant now. “When they were born and my other pups returned to me she continued to stay by my side. She’s…” He trailed off, unsure how the next words would impact Kai. “She’s my mate.”

He withdrew hastily, looking into Kai’s silver eyes before he fervently declared; “But I love you Kai, with all my heart, I could never repay you for all you’ve done for me even if I lived a hundred lifetimes and in each of those lives I would want nothing more than live my days out with you.” Without another word he crushed Kai to his body, sure that now he would vanish like a fine mist at any moment and he would be more alone than he had ever been in his entire life.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
06-13-2019, 10:14 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2019, 10:15 PM by Kai.)
No matter what could be said about Kai, no one could say he wasn't an honest man - especially when it came to those dear to him. He wasn't the type to hide how he felt about anything, and he'd never lie to Tyranis - he couldn't imagine being anything but honest. He couldn't help but wonder if Ty felt quite the same.. for all the time they'd known each other, somehow they'd avoided really discussing the terms of their relationship. But the question burned on his tongue and he couldn't help but ask, pulling back slightly to eye him and listen carefully to his words.

He began to explain, slowly at first, and he couldn't help but notice that he looked uncomfortable all the while. They'd met in Winter, during Ty's struggles, when his children had been stolen. He'd had another litter - with her. He felt his heart soar with delight at the news, though he held his tongue and let Ty speak, as curious about her reaction as he was eager to share his own. She was his mate - and likely lived here with him now, based on his words.

If it was jealousy or anger he anticipated on his behalf, he'd definitely misjudged Kai. He couldn't help but feel his lips quirk into a slow grin at Ty's words. Had they ever really admitted their love out loud? Said that they truly loved one another? Kai was used to displaying his feelings physically rather than verbally, but he felt his heart flutter in his chest at the admission. Perhaps words were useful, once in awhile. "And I love you, Tyranis," he breathed, his grin remaining despite his effort to dampen his expression.

The way he transitioned from answering his question into a declaration of love told Kai all he needed to know. His heart was torn - but it didn't need to be - and the way he suddenly held him tight was as if he feared Kai might slip away from him was obvious. Kai relaxed into his touch, feeling his heart beating loud, ringing in his ears. "And.. it sounds like you love her, too," he suggested, finally pulling slightly away from him. His gaze was probing, but mostly just curious, and that faint smile threatened to return. "You're allowed to have both, you know. Love.. it isn't some.. finite resource. It isn't lessened simply because you're giving it to someone else. Perhaps that only makes it grow," he assured him, leaning to nip a little roughly at his chest. Kai seemed far from upset - if anything the honesty seemed as though it had sparked a fire within him.

He'd been raised to think of love, and companionship, in a far more free-spirited way than most wolves in this land tended to.. and for a moment he wondered if Ty could really grasp what he was saying. "Does she know about me? I wouldn't mind meeting her. And these kids of yours," he added, though his voice had a touch of wariness to it. Perhaps he was being too forward? He didn't know this Paradise and couldn't begin to imagine how she would feel of her so-called mate stealing off in the night with him, let alone how she'd view her children meeting a man who had little respect for their pack's borders. He reminded himself that he was definitely trespassing, and that his presence here might not be quite as welcomed as he hoped. He had to remember that. "If.. that's what you want. If you truly want to spend eternity with me," Kai teased in a more wicked tone, letting a chuckle fall from his lips.



4 Years
06-19-2019, 07:25 AM

He found himself grinning boyishly at Kai’s response, his head moving to press his jaw against the steel colored wolf to press their bodies closer together. “Beloved.” He muttered softly, his heart beating a staccato tattoo against Kai’s ears as they held each other in silence.

“Before you meet my family, we should probably have you meet Acere.” He muttered, almost unwillingly. “He won’t like you slipping in and out of here without his knowledge.” He added reassuring himself mentally that his uncle would understand once he saw them together, basking in each other’s light, loving each other the way they did. But how could he say that with any certainty. He looked at the tear in Kai’s ear and felt his heart plummet. It was a minor injury but one that marred his otherwise flawless appearance. Would Acere add to those scars? Would he ruin him further to teach both of them a lesson in obedience? He didn’t want to think about that, he didn’t want to believe his uncle could be so cruel, but just how well did he know his uncle really? He felt his body grow pale, just from speaking of summoning his uncle to meet them, but would let Kai decide whether or not they would actually commit the act.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
06-19-2019, 08:47 PM

His words had been said with earnest, and he hoped Tyranis had been truly listening to what he'd said. It didn't matter to him that Ty had a mate, and children with this woman he'd spoken of. If anything, knowing more about who Ty was and the things that he valued only made his own affections for Ty deepen. He wondered though, as soon as he began to speak, what Ty would do if this Paradise woman disproved of their relationship. Would she care? Would she fight for her mate - or worse, would Ty choose her over him? He didn't want it to come to that, but the thought briefly crossed his mind, though was wiped away as soon as Tyranis began to speak again.

His grin returned, though wilted slightly at his next words. He sounded about as happy to speak them as Kai was to hear them. "The leader here?" Kai clarified, though he was sure he knew the answer, pulling away slightly. He watched the way Ty's gaze drifted to his ear, flicking it idly - he was surely noticing his newest scar, and the only immediately visible one he possessed. "Whatever you think is best." Kai had no qualms about flirting with danger for the sake of love, but did Ty feel the same way? If his children were here, surely he wanted to keep a safe home for them. Being punished for Kai's disrespect wouldn't do Ty and his family any good.

He sighed quietly, hoping his slight agitation didn't show. "I don't want you getting in trouble for me being a fool, so the choice is yours. I'll live with my choices, whatever you decide. And... if he gets upset, I'll make sure he knows you didn't know I was coming," Kai assured him lightly. If he was told no - that he couldn't visit Ty here - he wasn't sure just what he'd do. The thought of borders keeping him from someone he loved definitely didn't settle well with him, to say the least, but he supposed only time would tell - and he retracted a bit more from Tyranis as if expecting him to call for him now.



4 Years
06-24-2019, 12:51 PM

He embraced Kai briefly for a moment, holding him in case it was the last time he would be allowed to do so on familiar soil then tipped his head back to call for Acere. His stomach twisted nervously, afraid for what might happen if he saw them huddled together; Kai a trespasser and himself a doubtful recruit that he was sure his uncle still held resentment for. If all went well Kai would be granted permission to come and go as he pleased, and Ty’s reputation with his uncle would remain untarnished, but Ty knew better than to hope for all things to go accordingly.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-26-2019, 11:13 PM

Acere was sleeping alongside his companions when Tyranis' call woke him. Crimson eyes flashed open with confusion for a moment, but it faded almost as quickly as it had come. Likewise, his companions stirred beside him and it took them all a moment to wake up before slipping out of the den. It was late, and Ace wondered why his nephew was calling for him. Surely it wasn't just for a midnight It had to be something else. It didn't seem like there was trouble considering the tone, and if there was trouble then his nephew would be smart enough to call for the others in the pack as well. But this call was specifically for him, so he supposed he'd just have to wait and find out.

He arrived within a couple of minutes, but as his nephew came into view he noticed he wasn't alone. He paused a few yards from them, hackles bristling slightly as his gaze moved from Tyranis to the unknown wolf. An intruder by the smell of him. Not only that...but Tyranis was very, very close to the other male. He continued his approach until he was about two yards away, eyes narrowed as he looked between them. "What is the meaning of this?" He questioned. He was ready to fight if he had to, though he hoped that wasn't Tyranis' intentions...if it was, then he had been wrong in his judgment of letting him stay here.




8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
07-10-2019, 07:30 PM
Kai allowed the embrace to continue for a moment longer before Tyranis lifted his head to call for Acere. Unsure what his reaction would be - or even what Ty would even say about his presence - Kai wasn't going to guess. No, instead he simply leaned back and waited, though he was fully prepared to insist the trespassing had been his idea rather than Ty's.

The call didn't go unanswered for long, as after a few long minutes he heard his arrival - a pale, scarred male emerged from the cluster of trees nearby and came to face them both. For perhaps once in his life, he decided to hold his tongue, literally biting down into it as he teetered on his paws and waited for what Ty had to say. Consequences didn't frighten him, and even now he wasn't the least bit scared, though the thought of Tyranis being punished for anything he'd done didn't settle well with him. No, his actions were his and his alone, and he wouldn't sit by idly and watch anyone else be punished for them.  



4 Years
07-23-2019, 04:30 PM

“G-greetings Acere.” He said, his spine stalk straight as he addressed his alpha. “This is…This is Kai.” He introduced, wide eyed in his stress and nervous, his head subtly moving to block the steel male’s throat. “He’s my lover.” He added, the fur on his scruff rising slightly in fear. He couldn’t say with any certainty what his uncles feelings toward two males being in love were, but he doubted he would simply forget that Kai had trespassed to meet with him.

“I’d…I’d like permission for him to be allowed to come and go as he pleases.” He said, his ears pinning back and his eyes addressing the ground while what was left of his tail tucked inward as if to shield his belly.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-09-2019, 11:48 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2019, 11:48 PM by Acere.)

He waited for answers. Crimson gaze remaining on the pair before him as he felt the fur on the back of his neck bristling slightly, but it would go unnoticed. He had enough self control to keep his cool when he needed to, and while he had every right to chase the trespasser out then and there or even attack him or whatever else, he refrained. Not for his nephew's sake, but for curiosity sake. He wanted to know what they had to say first...but it seemed the trespasser had no words, and instead it was Tyranis that would speak. His nephew greeted him, hesitantly it seemed, and Acere didn't miss a single movement as he watched him. He would introduce the other male as Kai...“He’s my lover.”


It wasn't so much the fact that Tyranis had an interest in another man that had shocked him, but the fact that...didn't he have a mate?! The shock was somewhat visible in the way his eyes widened ever so slightly at the news. He always knew Tyranis was somewhat of a wild card...but this? But that wasn't what shocked him the most, no. It was the fact that Tyranis was asking him for permission to allow his friend...or lover...or whatever he was, to come and go as he wished. It was here that Acere put on an unreadable mask as his gaze slowly moved from Tyranis to Kai, and back.

"No." He said firmly. "It is one thing had he waited at the borders...but to deliberately trespass and completely disrespect my pack?" He growled, tail tip twitching as he tried to keep his face smooth while speaking. "I could force claim you here and now for trespassing, or attack you and scar you..." He let the threat hang in the air for a moment before continuing, "Tyranis, I am extremely disappointed in you. It seems I cannot trust where your loyalties lie, even after everything? have a mate whom you brought to Winterfell and have children with...does she know about this...this...affair, of yours?"

Would she care? Were they even in love? He had seen the way she looked at Tyranis once or twice, and couldn't help but feel that she felt strongly for his nephew. But...was the feeling mutual from his end? It seemed not. "Kai will not be allowed within Winterfell's borders to come and go as he pleases. He will be treated as any loner who trespasses the next time he attempts to do so." He fixed a hard gaze on the both of them. The urge to say more and do more was strong, but for now he would let those words sink in before saying anything else. Would they take him for a fool? He hoped not. If there was one thing he wasn't, it was a fool. He would not allow disloyalty nor distrust to breed among his ranks, family or not.




8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
08-13-2019, 09:30 AM
The two of them waited in relatively uncomfortable silence, Kai wondering what had gotten into him to let Tyranis call his alpha. Kai was a free man, and borders were meaningless to him, and yet... Tyranis's happiness still mattered to him, and if this was what his lover wanted to do, Kai would accept the consequences. He was still when Acere arrived, biting into his own tongue quite literally to keep himself from speaking. Instead of seeming nervous, as Ty visibly did, he seemed simply... blank. He wasn't quite sure what to do, or what to say, but he was far from afraid.

Tyranis boldly requested permission for him to come and go as he pleased. Kai didn't want permission. He wanted to do what he felt like, without anyone knowing, let alone allowing it. He tried not to bristle. "Ty knew nothing of my trespassing. My visit was a surprise, and he tried to get me to leave," Kai decided to explain - no, to lie - after a moment of thought. He didn't mirror Tyranis's submissive posture, though he knew he was likely foolish to not submit, caught in the act of trespassing.

He didn't expect Acere to say yes. He merely raised a brow as he spoke, listening intently and holding back from making a snarky comment that would surely get Ty punished even more than he already might be. "So be it," he said simply, though his words of warning were stewing in his head as a challenge more than anything else. Would he comply with Acere's wishes? The threat of being claimed or scarred didn't deter him as much as it would most wolves - or as much as it should - though the thought of making Tyranis's life any more difficult than it had been these last few seasons wasn't an appealing thought to him. Even more unnerving was the direct threat to his own freedom.

Perhaps he'd been lucky in that the strong urge to cross a pack's borders had never struck him, but suddenly the urge felt overwhelming, and being told he couldn't was rubbing him the wrong way. Even the way Acere implied he was being unfaithful to his mate was making him feel agitated in a way he didn't know how to handle. Would Tyranis tell her about Kai? He was all for living freely, but feeling like he was some kind of forbidden secret likewise didn't make him feel great. Kai wasn't something to be ashamed of - and if Tyranis wasn't being honest with others, was he being honest with himself? Was he living life to its fullest?

He wasn't sure he could express himself without further damaging Ty's reputation here. He grimaced, fighting the faint smirk that threatened to tug at his lips. "I apologize for the misunderstanding," Kai started, his gaze finding Ty's for a moment. "Ty - until next time, my love." He cast Acere a steady look and a barely noticeable nod before turning and beginning his departure.

- attempted exit -