
fight or flight

seasonal prompt



2 Years
06-12-2019, 03:17 PM
However it happened, it had happened. Perhaps she had been reckless and careless; no matter. She would pay for it soon enough. Stomping about the brush like an ox was not a good plan. She had tried to find food but somehow forgot to use sense. Again, she wasn’t quite sure what happened or how it happened. One moment she was finding food and the next she had succeeded in waking up a rather angered creature. Heloise would look up to see a cougar rushing at her. The feline had been awoken by her less than graceful attempt at trying to hunt. Panic and instinct took hold as she dodged the sprawled attack by the large cat, feeling claws wisp through her thick fur. She’d snarl, snapping her jaws as the cougar withdrew its paw.

Weary from travel, Heloise attempted to play it safe. Going on the defensive was easily done when one was tired, and she was easily an intelligent fighter. She’d swing her body to meet the cougar’s, hackles raised and trying to appear larger than what she was. Her thick fur fluffed up not unlike a house cat. Sleep still showed in the feline’s eyes as it went at her again. The beast was as sloppy as it was tired, and she’d dodge again. But this time as the claw was retracted, the ivory woman tried to sink her teeth into the retreating limb and hold on. Her canines met flesh and the cougar yowled in pain. It tried to drag its paw back by force, throwing out another off-balance that Heloise took to the side of the face.

Forcing herself through the sudden sea of stars, she’d clamp her teeth down harder. Another hiss of pain came from the cougar, jerking its paw back more forcefully. Loosening her touch, Heloise let the limb slip through her jaws. Blood soaked the ground in a simple flow though it was an easy thing to ignore, that injury. But it made its due and mark; the cougar was now off-balance and limping. The ivory woman advanced, lowering her head and growling in a threatening matter. She wasn’t in the mood to play around with her life, and this cougar picked the wrong woman to attack. Heloise surged forward, rushing at the beast and turning at the last second to throw her weight against the cat’s flank to wind it. Staggering backward, the cougar’s claws flashed out after a moment of vertigo.

Caught on the shoulder this time, crimson blood soaked the woman’s white coat. She was barely aware of another’s footfall sounding nearby as she calculated her next again. If someone had come to join or hinder her, she would attempt to take it with grace. That was all she could hope to do at this point. Outweighed and outclassed, she was trying to survive against this brutal predator. Regret was not a thing; she had been hunting in order to eat. No matter how graceless it had been.

words; 500

[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
06-13-2019, 04:38 PM
The alabaster marked Klein was drawn by the scent of blood on the wind. Decorated paws carried her through the brush and dodging thorns as her brilliant lavender gaze fell on the battle. Deathbelle hadn’t made much noise recently, she was unsure with having lost track of her brother. Harbringr was close enough to summon with a call, Roman the same. Her other siblings however, she wasn’t so sure of. Belle did her best to banish thoughts of them, her focus on the scene in front of her.

Amethyst eyes observed for a moment the snowy she wolf threw herself into the cat’s side. Deathbelle didn’t often see mountain lions boasting such impressive weights. As crimson welled forth from the wounds opened by cat claws, the Klein girl decided to step in. The she wolf seemed ready for her, though for an attack or help she wasn’t sure.

There was no hesitation as Deathbelle placed her larger form between wolf and cat. Dark hackles raised as she stood with bent joints. She snarled fiercely at the puma with ivory tail flying as a banner behind her. With her white marked left leg she lashed out with her decorated paw, aiming to scratch as the cats eyes as it attempted to recover from its previous flight in the air caused by the ivory she wolf. The cat squinted back at her, revealing its own impressive canines as it hissed. The beast lifted its own right paw and swatted at Deathbelle.

The girl balanced on her toes, and as the cat stuck it only grasped air as the ivory splattered woman retreated out of the way. Hopefully the stranger had already found safety or at least a better place to attack from. Belle couldn’t know the extent of the other woman’s injuries, and made sure she was prepared to finish this fight alone. So far the mountain lion decided it could continue to take on the two wolves and attacked again.

Deathbelle continued to dance to the left as she avoided a similar injury to the stranger. Her body twisted back around as she parted bloodthirsty jaws to rip into cat flesh. Belle sought out her prize from the cat’s shoulder, but knowing she wouldn’t have much time to gain a mouthful the woman bit and retreated. She nipped hard at the mountain cat’s right shoulder, and felt victorious as red blood started to stain fur.


Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



2 Years
06-13-2019, 05:03 PM
She did not expect another being to join the fray. Oblivious to the footfalls as blood rushed through her head and adrenaline surged her forward, Heloise concentrated on the cougar. Only when a dark shape placed itself between her and the predator did she back slowly up. The new wolf was a woman that appeared to be around her age, if not a bit older, and her skill in combat was more than Heloise’s. everyone had to start somewhere even if the ivory being was loathed to admit the incompetence of her own skills. She had done good so far without learning more, fighting off predators such as this cougar and battling other wolves for dominance. In other realms, that is. She was a newcomer to this one. She did not even know the name of this realm. How pitifully unprepared she was. It was her own damn fault the cougar caught her like this.

Watching and waiting for a chance to strike, Heloise would circle around the cougar as the dark woman did combat. She did not aim to cut off its escape, only to apply pressure where needed. With luck, the feline would see the error of its ways and flee the scene. She could only hope. Rearing up as the cougar lashed out at the other wolf, she aimed to dig her claws into the back of its hind, teeth finding flank just as the other wolf aimed a blow to the shoulder. Blood sprayed the floor from the combined attack and there was panic in the eyes of the cougar. It began to retreat, swiping at Heloise as it turned their back on the wolves. The ivory woman felt her jaws snap in retaliation, the ghost of a snarl upon her lips as the beast took one more look at the wolves before retreating.

Only when the feline was out of sight did Heloise turn gratefully to the other wolf. There were a few scratches to add to her already collected scars, though they were not so deep to worry over. If she found a healer within a few days and kept the wounds clean, she would be fine. ”Thank you” her tone was breathless and weary. The result of her travels and this sudden brawl. She could not hope to repay the other for their assistance. It had been her life on the line. With luck, she would find this one again so she can properly thank them. Heloise just did not want to remain with the stranger when she was weakened like this. It was a show of how drained she was. Looking at the direction the cougar had fled, the ivory woman would turn to the opposite area and begin to walk away.

words; 460
total words; 500 + 460 = 960 (plus 404) = 1364
left; 136

[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
06-13-2019, 07:11 PM
Deathbelle felt her attack land, and her amethyst eyes didn’t miss as the other she wolf took her opportunity to jump back into the fray. The Klein woman hadn’t seen her circle around, but she was glad she did. With both attacks combined the mountain lion felt the odds shift away from his favor. Blood fountained into the air and fell on Belle’s form. It stood out against the white of her ear in a macabre decoration. She shifted gracefully, avoiding another close call with their heavy opponent. The cat did not wish to see an encore presentation. With all haste the beast regained its large paws beneath it and raced away from the wolves. Belle followed after a few paces, her teeth snapping before she halted.

The Klein woman returned her features to the snow wolf who had been in a bit of trouble when she had arrived. Belle watched her from atop her sculpted nose. The she wolf thanked her, but turned to go. Deathbelle couldn’t help but to scoff at the behavior. ”I saved your life and all you’ve got is a ‘thanks?” The alabaster splattered woman drew herself up, having no difficulty looking down her nose as she eyed the stranged. ”Not even a name to call upon when the favor needs returned?” Ivory tail twitched in agitation at her ankles, not as impressed with the stranger as she had hoped.


Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



2 Years
06-13-2019, 07:29 PM
"you are obviously a woman of pride" Heloise slowed, swinging her head to meet the indignant gaze of the stranger "so you may understand why allowing another wolf to see me so beaten insults my own." she did not blame the other. her own tone was quiet, matter-of-fact. if the dark woman had bothered to check, she would have noted the thinner frame of the ivory beast and the weariness that haunted her eyes. not even a few days into this realm and she had been assaulted. no proper time to keep her strength up; her ego stung.

"however, I admit it was rude of me to leave so suddenly. for that, I apologize." her head felt quite heavy and stars still passed by her vision. she would not say the other had 'saved' her, for Heloise had planned to flee should the cougar be too much to handle. and it was not like she had asked for such help anyway. however, she kept her words civil and pushed the biting remarks to the back of her mind. why would this woman come in, assist her... if only to demand she be repaid for her efforts? so not a woman of much decency, Heloise would suspect.

if this being only helped her to gain something out of it, she would get nothing. the white woman had nothing. "I am called Heloise" she would have offered to catch something for the other woman if she had the strength.

words; 246

[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
06-16-2019, 04:23 PM
Her words managed to stop the snowy wight and she turned to look back at the waiting Klein. She spoke of pride and of an unwillingness to show weakness, Belle couldn’t deny the logic. The woman admitted fault and went on to offer her name as well. The Ivory splashed she wolf gave a quick nod of respect, ”Deathbelle Klein.” She offered with an obvious pride on her voice. Decorated paws carried her just a bit closer to the stranger as alabaster banner wagged at her ankles.

”Follow me and I can patch you up,” She offered as her magenta gaze looked the scarred stranger over again. ”Free of charge.” Belle added with a smile as her body turned the opposite direction towards her stores.

-exit to new thread for heals?-

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



2 Years
06-16-2019, 05:38 PM
it seemed logic would win today. between the fight with the cougar and the woman's brief coldness, Heloise would get lady luck on her side again. her words swayed the other wolf and she was just grateful the woman - Deathbelle - was more agreeable than she assumed. her head would dip in gratefulness at the offer to heal her.

"I -" she had not expected that. "I thank you, Deathbelle Klein" she would add as the other turned away. the ivory woman would follow after her, eager to get rid of the cougar's stench both on the area and off herself. she did not want to walk around smelling like feline. it would surely give the wrong impression. "lead the way."

ooc; thread end! new thread yes.

[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag