
Singing Songs with You



7 Years

07-03-2014, 02:13 AM

It had been a few days since he had left Wren, both of them rather at a loss for words. He felt a bit awkward about the whole thing, and he hated that they had left on a sour note. She had brought up feelings that he didn't even know were there, but that his body reacted to. Bass wasn't sure how he felt about this, but all in all he liked Wren and wanted to see her again. He was sure that they would be grand friends if they tried, and pushed away all that... none joking stuff. He rather liked to joust and tease, it was a part of who he was and it would most likely never drop it. Why would he? It made for some pretty interesting conversations.

The young Azat was careful not to tred upon Ludicael's land, he knew that it was ran by his grandparents but he still wished to be respectful. He was an alpha of a different pack, he just couldn't waltz right into their lands. So the pale brute was careful to stay on his side of the border, kind of killing two birds with one stone as he freshened up their markers. When Bass found a small rise in the landscape, he trotted up the slight incline and rested his bodice on the top. Looking up at the star filled night he just sat and thought for a little bit, his golden eyes shimmering as the lights above him danced. What was it that he had felt with Wren? It was never something that he felt with Cecily, but he cared greatly for that young girl. Was there something different between the two ladies that made him feel as such? Bass was unsure, and it was simply too much to put his mind on.

His pelt shimmering in the moonlight, the boy gazed over his grandparents land. Would the dame he sought even be awake at this hour? It was long past daylight, but he wanted to see her again. He did suggest that they meet and sing one time, and tonight seemed to be the perfect night for singing. Taking in a deep breath, the male's head tipped back as his own unique song. His howl rang out across the otherwise quiet lands, his deep bass notes flowing into the darkness. He called out for one being alone, asking for her by name. Hopefully Wren would hear his call, and Bass hoped that she was not awakened by it. Lowering his head into its normal position he waited, his golden gaze half lidded.


07-03-2014, 03:27 AM

It had been a few nights ever since they're first meeting. The one in which she had made the man feel uncomfortable...and the one where so much guilt just bricked her in the face. She felt so horrible...and the way the brute reacted just confused her. Although she was too young to understand. Yes, she wanted attention. And to think Bass, a man who was still her age, a year, would give it to her was a mistake. Instead she completely ruined what they called a normal friendship. Now it was all awkward, and now her feelings for the man were even more than exposed. Perfect. And Wren even wondered if he was still up to singing and meeting at the Hot Springs. If not...well, she wouldn't feel betrayed. She'd be less surprised then expectant. It was all her fault she had to pull that move, after all. But maybe...maybe the boy got over it? It'd be simply a miracle if he had.
Wren silently lay in her den, the only light that was provided were the rays from the stars and the moon. Her chin was shamefully tucked in between her ankles, her tail curled around her securely. Minty green eyes casted up to the moon, glimmering softly like emeralds. She wondered if she'd ever hear his summoning howl that night. If she would ever leave that den to go see him. She shifted her weight to the side and pressed her back up against the walls of her safe den, eyes still peering through the little roots that decorated the entrance to her home. Hope filled her currently empty blunt soul. A word just repeated over and over in her mind, please, please. Please forgive me. But suddenly her thoughts were cut off as a beautiful howl rang into the air. Immediately the girl had known it was Bass's pretty song, summoning her from the edge of the Hot Springs.
Immediately the sandy-hued babe scrambled out of the tree den, maw splitting to a soft yawn. But it was quicker than she had ever yawned. Her paws immediately began to carry her past the trees and over the thin streams of the mangrove, all the way until she entered the slightly warmer territory. Here, she slowed her pace, watching for the warm pools of water. Yes the water was warm...but she didn't feel like showing up looking like a wet rat. The woman inhaled the warm air and Bass's aroma was all over it. Smiling to herself, but still a little nervous, she arrived before him. Her tail whipped around like an excited puppy as she looked over his frame, grinning reassuringly. She wanted the pair to act like her little accident never happened...Wren dipped her head and sat soundlessly, tail folding over her paws as she started.
Hey...uh, I apologize again. But let's just act like it never happened, alright? A concerned look came over her as she apologized yet again, more focused this time and more sincere. Last time she was too focused on collecting herself and trying to find the right words to explain with. Usually when she was nervous or guilty, she crossed her paws and pointed them outward so that she could stare at them and have a reason if anyone asked. That's why she had done it so much...she was even doing it now. But pretty soon the girl just sucked in a breath and looked back up at her friend, leaning forward and touching her nose to his shoulder gently. But anyways, I was thinking we could do our duet here. I just hope we don't wake the whole pack up. Her eyes moved behind her, her head following. She did have many neighbors in the mangrove...but usually they didn't mind too much noise. Or she hoped they didn't. Wren turned back to the man and smiled weakly. What will we be singing, Mr. Bass?
It seemed like she'd never flirt again. Ever. What she had just said was but a playful teasing statement. Her tail patted the ground lightly and she awaited an answer, her minty eyes flickering with interest. He could pick the song. After all, he was the musical one. Surely he had some kind of song in mind that they could sing.




7 Years

07-03-2014, 10:25 PM

The night spread on, flowing passed the brute as he awaited his singing partner. He worried that she would not come, that his call would go unnoticed. They had left on such bad notes, and Bass couldn't stand that. He didn't like having anything off with people that he cared about, and he did want Wren to be one of his friends. He knew that it would be a bit difficult to see her all time time since they were in separate packs, but at least they shared borders. Huffing out a breath he watched it fog out before him, before he saw a her form appear before him. His tail thumped against the mound that he was seated on, his golden eyes lighting up. "You came." He breathed, a smile on his maw. So would they be able to repair what happened?

He didn't have to dwell long on that thought, she spoke about forgetting what had happened. Tilting his head to the side his eyes squinted as he looked at her questioning. "Forget what?" He teased, pretending to completely forget about everything that had happened. It wasn't that hard, he didn't feel much like dwelling on that day anyways. It was a strange day that had thrown both off of their game. She looked so concerned, and he chuckled ever so softly at the dame. Everything seemed to be softer within the moonlight, his speech included.

He chuckled once more when she suggested a song, he had one in mind. Softly he began humming the tune, slowly before he picked up his song. His deep vocals carried into the silent night, filling the still air with his deep notes. It was a song with two parts, and her's was first. So on he hummed, waiting to see if she knew her own part.


07-04-2014, 12:56 PM

Once the woman had arrived, he didn't give her any strange or awkward looks. He just smiled, and she could see his little tail patting the ground with excitement. This came to her great relief. It seemed the two had pushed the little event aside, and decided singing together now would be much more important than thinking over the action the woman committed. "You came," The man had said to her once she arrived. Wren smiled and released a soft bit of laughter, tail thumping noisily behind her settled frame. She lifted her chin slowly and puffed out her chest with a single exhale. He said nothing about not doing what she had done before- or anything like that. The man just seemed surprised to see her before him. It was indeed good to know that they were still good friends...even after her slip up. Adjusting her paws into they're normal position, she moved her tail back over her small paws and awaited his response to her suggestion.
His reaction didn't seem to take to long. Immediately his expression became a puzzled one. He squinted and cocked his head to the side as if he had not clue what she was talking about. But she knew he was all in his personality. A joker, and a boy full of amusing humor. She loved it. "Forget what?" Wren smiled and soon, chuckled softly, her own laugher combining with his. After the laughing had ceased a moment of chilling silence filled the air. Not a noise erupted in the moonlight but the pair's soft breathing. Suddenly, Bass began to hum, breaking the silence. Thinking he would of instead told her the song first, she immediately came to his attention. She registered the tune and the sound of the humming. It was familiar...and quickly the woman began to sing at the final bit of humming that was performed. She adjusted her chin upward and she allowed her spine to stiffen up nervously before beginning, "I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go...and help us to be wise, in times when we don't know..." With each verse, the babe's voice slurred into a beautiful note. She tried her best to tune her voice with the original music to make it sound perfect. To make it sound like the moment was really worth something. Her expression remained a weak smile, before continuing her part of the song. "Let this be our prayer...when we lose our way. Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace, to a place that we'll be safe..." Finishing her part, Wren inhaled slowly and collected a lot of oxygen, butterflies filling her stomach. What if Bass stopped and told her that her singing was horrid? What if he decided not to do it anymore? Or, what would happen if she was singing the wrong song. The woman shook the negative thoughts off her shoulder and smiled to Bass, waiting to hear his voice ring out into the silent night air.



7 Years

07-04-2014, 04:18 PM

Everything else faded out when her voice lifted into the once still air. He hummed along with her words, trying to be stunned by her lovely notes that swirled around him. She really did have an amazing singing voice, he would have to see if his sisters would let her come to their little song nights. The melody and lyrics twined around them, entrapping them in its sweet sound. It seemed to lock them in the moment, even the wind in the trees stopping to listen to their song. It was almost like magic, with the steam from the hot spring rising up and the moonlight dancing off the clouds. The light shone through the haze, billowing and moving with the rhythm of the song. It was like the whole earth stopped for this two friends to share a moment, to dwell in the beauty that was singing.

As her part came to a stop, Bass did not waste a moment. Drawing in a breath his eyes closed as he lost himself in the song. "La luce che tu hai," he began, his deep bass voice flowing to match her beautiful supprano, perfect Italian flowing from his black lippids. "Nel cuore rester?, a ricordarci che." His pale appendage tapped on the earth in beat, the sound of drums in their sweet lyrics. "L'eterna stella sei, nella mia preghiera, Quanta fede c'?."" Drawing out the last line his golden gaze opened, finding her minty one.

Bass paused there, leaving the English part for her. The next half was in Italian as well, and he was unsure if the dame knew it. If not, he would lead her with his deep booming voice. As he breathed the last line he went back to humming, to accompany her in the next part of the song. His golden eyes twinkled in the dim light, and he appeared to be much older than he was in the dazzling light of the moon.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-04-2014, 05:28 PM

A second or two passed after Wren's part had finished, and Bass began. His voice was indeed a beautiful she could sit and listen to all night. It matched the tone of the real song and brought a fluttery feeling to erupt in her heart. Pure perfection it seemed. Italian words would slither into her ears like a snake and make her heart throb with so much emotion for the melody and the feeling to the whole thing. The babe also noticed how his eyes rolled shut, and he drifted into the song completely. She would of done the same...but she was a bit nervous. Now she felt different.
Once he had finished the first verse of his part, it took a few moments for Wren to snap back into reality after experiencing his beautiful voice. But once she did, she immediately inhaled and exhaled the responding lyrics to his Italian ones. This time her eyes slowly rolled shut, and she drowned into the feeling and rhythm of the song with her parts. I pray we'll find your light... With every verse they switched out, and she took a deep breath with each. But at the same time, listened into his beautiful voice that caused the whole world to pause and listen...
"Nel cuore rester?, a ricordarci che." Italian words weaved it's way through her flesh and bones and into her heart. It skipped a beat way to many times, and gradually quickened each time his voice rang into the night air. She immediately parted her lips again and responded to him in a verse, And hold it in our hearts...when stars go out each night, Her own voice would fill the air and seem to collide with his own. It was all perfect, that very moment. Luckily the girl was taught Italian and a few other languages as a pup, and with that she could sing Italian with him...once they got to that point. "L'eterna stella sei, nella mia preghiera, Quanta fede c'?."
Let this be our prayer, when shadows fill our day... The tricolor woman concluded the last verse of her 'short parts.' But she prepared to sing out yet again, for they both were supposed to go back an forth in English within the next part. But she didn't worry, considering he'd start and lead her all through it...



7 Years

07-07-2014, 03:08 AM

After his song had danced into the night, he had opened his eyes and fazed fondly at his singing partner. She seemed to be a bit tongue tied, making a low chuckle flow from his musical lips. He hadn't thought that his singing had been that bad after all. He did now say anything, just softly hummed softly. He kept going over the last two lines, not wanting her to rush into it. In no way did Bass make her want to feel pressured, this was something that the two of then were to enjoy. He knew that she was a taf bit nervous, but he didn't condemn her for that. It was a rather odd thing to be doing with someone you just met, singing songs into the spring night. He didn't mind though, it was something that had always been such a big part of his life. To Bass, this was np different than singing with his sisters, it wad just the two of them and the notes that they shared. For this musical boy, there was nothing that he would rather be doing in this moment. It was rather perfect, and he was glad that he was able to share it with his new friends. He hoped that this made them closer, he needed some friend outside the pack. That way he would have someone to talk to without having to worry about being their alpha. He knee that it could happen with his sisters, but still. This was nice and refreshing.

Wren began to sing again, his vocals following her own as he sung in flawless Italian. They matched vocals so well that it seemed flawless, the words coming from their memory as if they were born to sing it. It was natural, easy. There was no thinking involved, just the music flowing through them. It took over the landscape, creating a bubble of notes for them to dwell in. With golden eyes shimmering, he opened his mad and let his next line flow, allowing her time between his own vocals for hers. They would sing a few more lines before their harmony started, until Italian words overwhelmed the English, until their voices truly became one. "Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace. Give us faith so we'll be safe." He began, before he gazed at her once more and smiled softly. It was time, their lyrics were to become one as they sang the same part.

Bass found it strange to look st her while he sang, so instead he looked up st the millions of stars, thinking about the meaning behind the words they were about to sing. Taking in a deep breath, his ears awaiting to hear her intake before he let out his deep baritone one more. "Sognamo un mondo senza piu violenza, un monda di giustizia e di sepranza," he paused, awaiting her to lead then into the next half, waiting to hear the confidence in her words. He wanted her to grow, to shine, just like anyone would want for their friends. His head did not move, his golden eyes locked on the twinkling stars.

OOC : Sorry, poopie phone post!



07-08-2014, 01:16 PM

The woman's eyelids slowly rolled open and she smiled weakly as he began to sing in that lovely baritone. That boy didn't seem nervous, anxious, or anything. He looked almost free. Like he had not a care in the world. She wished she was like him- singing into the air and drifting into the music as if he were air. The babe, on the otherhand, was always nervous that she'd mess up or humiliate herself again...maybe if she were to relax her voice would really sound beautiful. Better than it already sounded. Although- no wolf could beat Bass' voice. His was a beautiful flow like a calm shallow stream- and it made her heart flutter with a strange emotion. Like a butterfly had taken the place of her heart.
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace. Give us faith so we'll be safe... Their two voices became a perfect harmony in the few English lyrics. But mainly, as the boy started the Italian, she was working on releasing herself. Letting her spirit rise with the beautiful music and humming of her friend. She watched his eyes drift to the sky- and she mirrored him, minty green eyes scanning the stars. But finally the man paused- and she continued for him with a smooth open of her maw. Ognuno dia la mano al vicino, simbolo di pace, di fraternita, Wren released herself in the music, smiling and shutting her eyes as he awaited him to follow in so that their voices could become ring out into the air and shake the earth.



7 Years

07-10-2014, 01:03 AM

Bass tried to lift Wren with him, to bring him up onto the level that he was. He knew that she had opened up since they had first started, but he knew that she was still holding back from him. So he rose his voice up, increasing his volume to lift her up with his notes, to force her to fully uncurl herself to match his tones. He wanted her to be comfortable, to let the world just simply slip away like he had. Singing made him a whole other creature, it made him glow in the shimmering moonlight. It was almost as if a curtain had been drawn back, revealing some for of evaluation of Bass. It was Bass 2.0, here to shine his words on all those who would listen.

It had come time now, it was about to happen. Her vocals stretched out in Italian, and he picked right up. Both had their noses to the sky, sweet music pouring from their inky lips. "La forza che ci d?," He started, waiting for her perfect harmony to match his. Their voices stretched out to the midnight air, alighting like their own fireflies. "? il desiderio che." He paused, resting in his music. A big yawn snapped him out of his music trance. He chuckled softly, slightly ruining their little song. He couldn't help it though, it was getting late.

Bass hoped that she had not heard him, his head lowering to take a quick peak at her as she sang her part. Swiping a paw at the air between them, he softly began to sing his part once again, his voice soft now, hardly a whisper as he sang the Italian words. He waited for her English ones until he sang once more, nodding to keep the beat after his little interruption. "Ognuno trovi amor, Intorno e dentro a s?." Their song was almost at an end, and he found himself growing even more tired. Would his grandparents kill him if he slept just along their borders tonight?

"Let this be our prayer, Just like every child." He whispered, taking a step closer to Wren as they drew their song to an end. Again he waited her parts until he went on, his vocals growing into an almost heady whisper. "? la fede che, hai acceso in noi, sento che ci salver?." His voice went up, higher octaves as he matched Wren's tones. It was done, their song was now over.

Other yawn snapped open his jaws, this time lasting longer than the other. Flopping onto his side he chuckled, looking up at the dame with half lidded gaze. "That was amazing Wren, you have such a pretty voice." He said, playfully swatting her flank with his tail.


07-10-2014, 06:48 PM

After several verses and the colliding of voices- the song had finally ended with a single exhale of exhaustion. It had been a long beautiful song and the night was beginning to grow old. She nearly laughed when he had yawned within the middle of the song, for she had wanted to do that all along. But her voice sounded pretty scratchy even when she was trying her best. Yawning would make her look pretty stupid. But truly the two together sounded like something she's never heard before. And his voice...the way he expressed those Italian, again, made her heart beat faster and to flutter like a butterfly attempting to flutter away within her chest. It made an ember of emotion rise within her. But she couldn't exactly understand the expression. So she brushed it off and refocused.
Silence surrounded the night atmosphere as she finished, and she allowed a loud, exhausted yawn to drive her jaws open smoothly. Her chin tipped up and her ears rested back against her skull. Once she finished with her yawn, he mirrored her but chuckled happily afterward. A large fluffy tail swatted lightly at her rump and her own teasing giggle emitted from her parted lips. "That was amazing Wren, you have such a pretty voice." This cute little comment caused the heat to casually rise to her cheeks. Her chin slowly tucked into her chest in order for her to hide her slightly embarrassed blush, until she sucked in a breath and regained her focus. Again.
Your voice was also the most beautiful I've ever heard. She admitted, a smile stretching across her inky black lips. The woman brought her tail over her cold paws slowly and released yet another loud yawn. She was cold...and tired. But she didn't want to leave Bass just yet! Maybe he could spend the night here at the border...she only hoped Dutiron wouldn't mind. If he did- well she'd be screwed. But either way she'd take the blame. Uh...well, I guess we are both pretty tired. She began, swallowing and suddenly growing concerned. Would he feel uncomfortable with her offer too? After all it was only being friendly! She didn't want to have to see him walk all the way back to Abaven! Would you like to spend the night here in Ludicael? I wouldn't want to see you walk all the way back to Abaven while you seem really tired...and I don't think Dutiron will mind. After all, he is your grandfather.
