
several ways to die trying



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-22-2019, 02:33 PM
It had been so long since she’d thought of resting. Vera often forwent sleep, instead choosing to nap in snatches during odd hours. All she thought about was reuniting with her family and establishing their empire in this strange new land. She’d been tailing Balerion’s scent for the past few weeks, but he must have been in much better health than her - no matter how hard she pushed herself, she was always half a day or more behind him. The fire, though distant now, still seemed immediate in her mind. Her tail, now marbled with bright white fur from where she’d been singed to the skin, was a constant reminder of the horrors they’d experienced. They had been baptized by flame and lost everything for it.

Vera was mostly ribs. She had forgone even basic nutrition for the sake of keeping pace with the fading scent of Vaelnaris blood. A bystander could count her ribs with ease, and her winter coat hadn’t fully shed out due to her lack of food and attention to herself. All that could wait - her mortal body meant nothing without the grace of the empire to support it. She was destined for something bigger than this.

She had made landfall in the morning and slept in dizzy snatches until early afternoon. Vera could hardly stand without her head aching and her throat stung from the saltwater she’d accidentally swallowed during her swim. Restlessly, she began to pace the shoreline. The scent of the ocean was powerful stuff; it obscured Balerion’s trail entirely. Frustrated, Veraxes tipped her head to the sky and called for her brother with all the strength she could muster. If I wait exactly between those two black rocks, he will come, she thought, sizing up the distance between the rocks before choosing a spot to wait. With her sunken eyes, bedraggled coat, and obvious malnutrition, she was something out of a nightmare. A spare and hollow thing.



5 Years
06-23-2019, 10:59 PM

Normally a rather hefty beast Balerion was only a wisp of his former self. Mountainous shoulder bones and a bony chest exposed that of the cruel truth of being a refuge. Loner life was not something anyone within his immediate family had ever experienced or prepared for. Balerion was no clueless cocky lad with a god complex but he really never imagined himself outside of the kingdom's walls. The Bloody War happened before he was trained to be a proper warrior and besides that he hadn't experienced much hardship. The pain of losing a mother and many loved ones within the war was something no one could discount, but he had never fought for his life as he was doing now.

Balerion had washed up not long ago with hopes of anyone following his scent. Any Vaelnaris should be able to spot his smell for it was foreign to these new odd lands. The musky smells of his natural aroma were now blended with the sea. Salt water clung to a very dark pelt and tangled normally thick and rather fluffy fur. The once divine Prince of Vaelnaris, Balerion was catching the rotten ends of being alone.

The sweet scent of a sibling fell into a pitch black nose. A fierce pang hit the back of Balerion's throat and traveled down to his heart. A sudden heart welled within the pit of his belly and the beast raised his head to head the glimpse of what may be his sister. The sight of a black and white painted Wolf standing between two rocks came into view as the male padded forward. A little rumble formed in the behemoth's throat and he set off in a glorious trot to close the distance between them.

Immense pad falls quieted as the male stopped at about three tail lengths away from Veraxes. Sharp jaws parted as a husky and cracked voice came forth, "Sister.." He stood tall with lips in a fine line but such a joyous moment could hardly be lost on the skinny Wolf. Balerion took a step forward in attempt to run his muzzle along the salt stained fluff of her neck, "You survived." His voice was deep but held enough emotion to tell a story of sorrow.




3 Years

Treat 2019
06-24-2019, 04:20 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2019, 04:20 PM by Veraxes.)
When he appeared, Veraxes could not believe her eyes - and then cursed herself for ever doubting the efficacy of her own ritual. She had performed it, and so he had come. Of course he had come. Their blood called to each other across all obstacles, even oceans. Veraxes stood shakily to her paws as he approached and was still wavering by the time he had closed the distance.

"Sister..." When he spoke, Vera realized suddenly how long it had been since she'd used her own voice. Without her family - without her people - there had been no reason to speak. She swallowed over and over again, but no words came. Veraxes leaned into his touch, relishing the affection. Tenderness had almost felt like a myth. Their days of carousing around the empire and glorious spars had seemed so distant as to almost be a dream. There had been days that she questioned whether it had ever even happened. How could her own history become so ethereal? Perhaps they were both ghosts and she had died swimming the last channel.

"Di - " she croaked, her throat still stinging from salt. "Did I? Am... Am I dead?" Vera smiled uncertainly, genuinely unsure. Everything felt so distant. But Balerion was here, and he was warm. If this was death, she would take it. Veraxes huddled closer to her older brother, her body still wracked with shivers. They both needed some food and rest if they were going to recuperate.



5 Years
06-26-2019, 12:31 PM

Waves crashed and sprayed a salty mist into the air. Balerion could taste it upon his dark tongue. His eyes stung from the water caked around his tear ducts. The male was more then ready to part from the beach and find shelter, fresh water, and food. Though, the relief of finding his sister felt better then anything else. Veraxes was an interesting femme and Balerion never really knew how to feel about her oddities and superstitions, but she was a Vaelnaris. Blood was wha mattered. The family you were born into were to be of the most loyal allies one could have. Growing up as a unit and loving one another like no other was their glue. No friendship or mating could match the simple kinship the Vaelnaris shared.

As they met with nuzzles and thrumming hearts Balerion let forth a long sigh of relief. Her stuttered and cracked words were music to his crimson ears. Her question was insolent but rich with wonder. Going from a life of royalty and being at the top to being completely alone and witnessing your loved ones burn in a raging fire.. it did nothing but harm to ones mind.

The behemoth took a step back and allowed his deep vocals to lift into the salty atmosphere. "We are alive, Veraxes." Black eyes poured into her sisters gleaming silvers. The melanistic beast lowered his muzzle and offered an endearing look, "And if we are to live beyond this day we must leave this beach." Perhaps they would not die on the morrow but there was nothing but dehydration and a forsaken chill about the cove. Balerion slowed his pacing mind to allow his gaze to wander over her porcelain bodice, "Are you injured in any way?" The male would mentally map out the priorities of what they must do within the next hours. Hunt, forage, explore, etc. It was all important but if Veraxes was injured then he would also need to find herbs to tend to her.




3 Years

Treat 2019
06-26-2019, 08:18 PM
"We are alive, Veraxes." The words flowed through her veins like an intravenous spiritual balm. She felt herself lifted from within and struggled to her feet, a wisp of a smile on her face. "Oh, so we are," Vera considered. What had happened to her once strong, lithe muscles? All she had left were whatever her body hadn't already cannibalized for energy.

She rolled her shoulders in a tired shrug, wondering if it was worth living at all. If they were to survive another day - what for? Their empire had been razed to the ground. They were orphaned and homeless. Who knew if anyone else had survived. Veraxes met his gaze without wavering, trying to absorb whatever energy he was emanating. She had to strength her resolve. If their homeland had been reduced to ashes, they would make a new home in these strange lands.

"I am not injured. My soul is just tired," she murmured. "Let us go inland then, yes? Look for food?" It had been so long since she'd considered her bodily signals. Hunger had become her constant companion, not just a feeling, but a creature that lived in her stomach. That's where all of the noise had to be coming from, and the horrible cramps. Something was scuttling about in there, causing a ruckus. Suddenly, all she could think about was food. It made her feel a little more alive.



5 Years
07-02-2019, 08:27 PM

The femme's response was taken in with a sweep of his black gaze. He knew she was not as.. focused as Meraxes but Balerion was not blind to Ver's strength. The behemoth was content with having his younger sister in the new lands, alive, and well. To have familiar company was all that he wished and one Valenaris heart to beat with his own. The male seemed to be almost at a loss for words when staring at his kin, as if he was plainly use to not having anyone to converse with. Though, he understood that they would probably need to catch up and he was curious to hear about her own journey to the new lands.

Balerion nodded in response to her mentions of food. His belly rumbled ever so slightly as hunger pains struck through his large form. The life of a lone refuge was not for Balerion in the slightest and thinking of which just amplified the gratitude he felt for having his little sister. The dark male moved in to run his muzzle through her scruff before moving inland with slow and steady steps. Assuming she would likely follow the beast carried on with his deep vocals, "Did you see anyone else on your travels?" He wished to know if anyone turned on Vaelnaris in their time of weakness or perhaps she had smelt family members on the way but was unable to follow their tracks. He wanted to know anything and everything.




3 Years

Treat 2019
07-04-2019, 02:57 PM
The younger female soaked up her brother's affections like a hummingbird to sugar water - it gave her strength and energy that she hadn't known she was capable of. Vera gave a soft sigh as Balerion ran his muzzle along her neck, then slowly began to follow him. He was here now. That was all that mattered. The gnawing ache of her stomach could wait just a little bit longer.

"Once I hit the water and came up on the other side, I lost all track of scents. There were days when I wasn't sure how long it had been since the fire... I have nightmares. I am haunted," Vera murmured stoically. She had always been a little superstitious and cryptic, but the stress and trauma of the fire and subsequent loss of her family had pushed her further towards her rituals and superstitions for comfort. It was a way of survival. "You are the first Vaelnaris I have come across, although I once tracked others." She followed behind him a few tail lengths away, too tired to pretend to be able to keep pace with him.

"And you? Have you found others?" There was a hint of desperation to her question. Veraxes needed to believe that they were not the last of the Vaelnaris. She had to, if she was going to survive this strange new world.