



10 Years
07-02-2014, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2014, 08:47 PM by Kaprasíus.)

This will never end 'cause I want more.

Oh, how the darkness embraced him, swaddling him in its familiar arms and holding him tight. The air was warm and damp, brimming with life and the promise of imminent redemption. How deliciously near he felt the gods to be, watching his every move with their unforgiving stares. He felt vulnerable and unprotected, open to their influence and power. Thrilling was the nakedness he felt, the utter devotion with which he worshiped and loved them. He had strayed from the path he was destined to, and once again he had redirected himself, walking a path of faith that he was determined to stay on.

More, give me more, give me more.

The viking's gait was uneven as he went, but his obvious determination did not falter. Lithe limbs carried him forward, guided by naught but instinct and the faint light of the moon and stars above. The eyes of the gods twinkled and shone, lightning his path, giving him hope and strength to carry on. Every other step was unsteady, a precarious step into unfamiliar territory. The journey was not easy, as his hind left foot had been badly mangled during the earthquake that had befallen the lands, a punishment from Thor himself for his digression from what mattered the most. All that hung from the limb was a mangled paw, which he dragged helplessly behind him, unable to support himself on its fragile bearings.

If I had a heart I could love you.

The snow had begun to melt, the dead foliage slowly returning to life. How gracious the gods were, giving life to all things. The winter had been a season of reflection and patience, and he was grateful for the warmth to creep back into the earth. It was time to find them -- his family -- for it seemed all other creatures had lost faith. A low rumble resonated from deep within his chest as his paw caught on a fallen tree limb, body twisting as he sought to maintain his balance. Only recently had he fully recovered from the incident, both physically and mentally, and he was growing agitated being alone. Family was what was needed, what he wanted the most.

If I had a voice I would sing.

The air was heavy with the scent of an unfamiliar pack, but it seemed muted and dull, as though a large group had resided here once. Where had they gone, he wondered? Ebony nose twitched as he sniffed at the cool night air, tasting it carefully. Something familiar was in the air, though his memories were hazy, as though in a dream. It was not Jaeger's scent -- that one he could distinguish from miles away. The mere thought of his brother made his stomach twist and turn, longing filling his chest, twisting painfully at his heart. How cruel the gods could be, though so loving too; they were testing him now, testing his resolve and his spirit.

After the night when I wake up,

But this was not one of Loki's pranks. He felt no jest from above, no taunting glimmer in the sky. The scent was his mother, he suddenly realized, and he felt a knot build in his chest once again. Seasons had passed and he had grown older, and though he had missed her once, the yearning for her maternal touch had grow dull with time. But now he felt it once again, suddenly feeling very much like a child. Paws would push himself forward, eyes gazing through the darkness to search for her. "Mutter? M?ssen meine Sinne t?uschen mich?" Sultry voice would echo through the near darkness, quivering with anticipation and hope. If she truly was near, he knew the gods must be pleased with him.

I'll see what tomorrow brings.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


07-02-2014, 10:01 PM

She had missed her children deeply. She was never on good terms with her sons. Though, they were her babies. They were her prides and joys. One son was ebony and alabaster, marked with such a delightful pattern and bi colored eyes. The, Kappy who was spread with more earthy hues. They were her babies forever. The gods blessed her with such bundles of horror. Little demons. She had such a fondness for her sons it went to a taboo level. The Gods cursed her for such relations, but she loves Jaeger just so much. Yet, she had not seen them in such a long time, it nearly brought tears to her firm eyes. Yet, the lady would never cry. She was a brick, usually her muzzle was voice of real emotion. A cocky smirk was very common. One that breathed an aura of confidence. She did not care what others even thought about her. Why would she? The lady was seven years old with not a single care within the world. Though, as she caught a scent, the lady went wide eyed.

He was at her lands and the lady panicked. She raised her head and tail at the same time. Her son? Or was her mind going numb? Was it old age? Already? The girl panicked slightly, taking a few moments to breath heavily. Her claws dug into the ground as a shiver ran down her spine as if she had seen a ghost. Though, his form was not within her sight. Svan looked around for a moment before a call was heard. "Mutter? M?ssen meine Sinne t?uschen mich?" The lady went even more wide eyed. Her heart nearly fell when she heard the sound of her long lost sons baritone voice. The woman stepped from the shadows and let forth her luxurious vocals. "M-mein Sohn? sind Sie das?" The girl went to run up to him but her paws paused in their place. "Ich habe Sie so sehr mein Sohn verpasst." The lady gasped softly. She could not believe her eyes.




10 Years
07-06-2014, 09:15 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2014, 09:15 PM by Kaprasíus.)

The bright light of Baldr would shine above him, guiding him through the darkness and clearing a path for him to follow. They had never misled him, of this he was certain -- not even once. They were his backbone and his source of strength, forever pushing him forward toward the path of righteousness and faith. He knew they were pleased with him now; he could nearly taste his mother now, her scent heavy in the air, laden with the odor of other wolves she could not distinguish. It was intoxicating to him, and suddenly he knew that the rumors of Jaeger's relations with their mother had been true. The gods had not struck them down for their adultery, no; he knew they themselves had indulged in such primal pleasures. Had not Freyr and Freyja themselves been known to prefer the company of one another? It was not sinful to him, no -- how could the union of blood family be anything but holy and pure?

The darkness seemed to lift slightly as the dark form of his mother came into view. Her outline was hardly visible, but she was there, and he was certain of her presence. Slender chest would begin to heave as his breathing increased, taking in her scent as though it was water and he was a fish and might die without it. Instinctively he would move to embrace her, as any son would their mother, reveling in her familiar presence and craving her maternal touch.

"Ich bin es, im Fleisch," he began breathlessly, letting his head press against her back, silently thanking the Aesir and the Vanir for their guidance. "Sie k?nnen nicht anfangen zu verstehen, wie sehr ich dich vermisst." Even he had not expected to feel such sadness upon leaving home, and such wholesome joy upon reuniting with her again. He couldn't help but wonder why she had left their group; was it to find Jaeger and himself? Or to escape from the bitter accusations of incest, of the misguided condemnation that she certainly had been threatened with? Either way, she was safe now, and he would tighten his embrace, thankful he had found her.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


07-07-2014, 10:28 PM

The man had lifted her spirits completely. It was her son. The creature of her creation. He was in the flesh. Earthy toned furs and emeralds eyes. The form of perfection, just as perfect as her darling Jaeger. Whom she missed just as much. Tears welled within her eyes as she feasted upon her darling offspring. He ran up, embracing her quickly. Their chests bumped, the feeling sore from previous spars, but who the hell cared? She had her darling, Kapras?us. The lady had truly had a thick love for her sons. Some may deem such a love taboo. But, she did not care. The lady had a connection with her offspring, one that was pure. To create creatures of her image, that were perfect in every way, was her single thought. Why should she be infected by an impure bloodline when she had a true Finnvi right before her. One that could offer her babies of pure blood. Yet, she would not jump into anything. This was merely the start of a lovely phase.

His baritone song filled the air, "Ich bin es, im Fleisch." The lady nodded and let her tongue snake from their alabaster cage to slither around his ear. It was a simple kiss of mother and son. Her body was flooded with all sorts of delightful feelings. She was reunited with one of the creatures that made her existence meaningful. The lady sighed softly before she listened to him once again. "Sie k?nnen nicht anfangen zu verstehen, wie sehr ich dich vermisst." Svanerna shook her head and embraced him tighter. "Mein Sohn, Sie wieder zu mir gekommen." The lady shook her head before taking a hesitant step back to take in the sight of her offspring. "Bist du in Ordnung? Wo bist du gewesen? Wo ist Jaeger?" The lady did not let her eyes leave his. She couldnt. It was just to good to be true.




10 Years
07-11-2014, 10:50 AM

Kapras?us swore he heard the gentle thrumming of Thor's heart in the very earth, a dull reminder of why he was here and what his purpose was on this earth. To serve -- to worship without abandon. The dull throbbing of pain in his lame paw was enough reminder that he had once strayed from the gods, and that he needed to turn his sights to them once again, fully and completely. He felt soothed by his mother's warmth as she pulled him close, and he felt his tense muscles relax, his head burying into her thick fur. Svanerna's tongue caressed his ear, and he felt himself pressing harder against her.

Her inquiries came quickly, as he had expected. She wanted to know where Jaeger was and if he was okay. Slowly, hesitantly, he would let her pull away, his green eyes full of fire and adoration for his mother. He knew now that the rumors of her relations with Jaeger were true, and yet he was just as surprised to not feel poorly towards her because of it. He craved his brother so badly himself, and he knew such feeling could only be pure and holy, despite how others looked down upon them. He wanted to know why she had left; if she had been chased away by the others, or if she has simply left of her own accord.

"Ich habe gesehen, Jaeger," he told her carefully, his words quivering slightly. It pained him to be away from his kin for so long. "Aber er will nicht bei mir bleiben." Why, he did not know -- but he believed it was the gods testing his resolve, toying with his patience and seeing how truly devoted he was to them. "Ich war in Ordnung. Nur einsam. Ich vermisse es, mit anderen wie uns. Diejenigen, die glauben." He had heard talk of gods, but they were never the true gods, the Aesir and the Vanir.

"Aber was ist mit euch, meine sch?ne Mutter?" His head would tilt, a smile playing at his features. "Haben sie jagen Sie aus? Du riechst nach einer Packung immer noch .." He wouldn't ask her whether the rumors were true -- just as she had not asked him if he had seen what truly had happened to Einvir and Freyleif. It might always be the elephant in the room, the little bit of uncomfortable ground that would separate them, a question that did not need to be answered.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


07-14-2014, 10:40 PM

The woman once only wanted what was best for her kids. They all left her, suddenly. Then randomly two of her prized offspring pop up. Her darling Kapras?us and beautiful Schon. Her two babies who dont even know each other exist. Which, she did not even know either of them were alive. The lady was overwhelmed by the entrance of her daughter and son. Their beautiful forms. Schon was a vain, divine, beauty. Kappy was a perfect angel. They were hers, but to connect the puzzle pieces she required. Yet, she could not see such happening any time soon. But, the world seemed full of surprises lately. His baritone vocals suddenly snapped her from her train of thought. "Ich habe gesehen, Jaeger," her heart instantly swelled. The lady went wide eyed. But, his next words made her frown. "Aber er will nicht bei mir bleiben." The Viking frowned but did not dwell. "Nun, lassen Sie uns nicht wohnen, wenn ich eines meiner Babys haben hier richtig." The babe stared into the emerald eyes of her son. She would focus on him in those moments. But, she did want her daughter to meet her brother.

Another long line of vocals filled her ebony ears. "Ich war in Ordnung. Nur einsam. Ich vermisse es, mit anderen wie uns. Diejenigen, die glauben." The woman could understand what he was going through. She went through a lonely phase. But, the woman would lean in to nip at his lip contently before more of her German words filled the soft air. "Nun, Sie sind jetzt hier, mein Junge." The beautiful creature watched as he spoke some more, "Aber was ist mit euch, meine sch?ne Mutter?" She thought of an answer. The lady rolling through the options. Yet, her words easily left her jaws. "Ich habe vor kurzem in Kontakt mit meiner Tochter, Schon zu kommen. Sie wurde von mir vor einem Jahr ?bernommen. Es ist seltsam, dass Sie beide zu mir kommen so pl?tzlich, aber ich konnte nie gl?cklicher sein. Ich w?rde gerne f?r Sie sie zu erf?llen. Mein Baby." The girl would watch for his reactions. Each word she spoke was the exact truth. But, mor eof his vocals were let out. "Haben sie jagen Sie aus? Du riechst nach einer Packung immer noch .." The vixen smiled broadly, she was happy to tell him the following. "Ich bin der Kaiser von einem Rudel jetzt. Ich habe gerade an der Macht herauskommen. Seltsamerweise ist der Name Walhalla, nicht meine Beute. Ich vermute, wir waren nicht die einzigen, die Gl?ubigen in ihrem herrscht." The lady was proud and obviously she wanted him to join with her daughter. But, she did not know where he stood.