
with lavender on her grave

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-24-2019, 04:52 PM
Rhyme carried Tana back to Abaven with haste, somehow his scattered brain had enough sense to realize the faster they laid her to rest the quicker they could return to seek out their revenge on the murderous cat. He was quiet despite Shaye being beside him, and he didn’t stop until his icy paws brought him to the site of Darilnor’s grave. He hadn’t told the pups about him yet, but now would be as good a time as any.

With the scent of Tana’s blood heavy in his nose the slate alpha gently lowered her to the earth. He pressed his forehead to her cooling body, one last good bye before stepping back. He wished he’d have been able to understand, to keep her safe, but in the end he had been unable to uphold his promises. All Rhyme could do was to try and extend it to their children. He had to.

With a heavy sigh Rhyme leaned back into his haunches, and softly called for Noir, Theory, and Verse. This would likely turn into one of the most difficult days of his life. His dark ears laid to his head as he looked for Shaye and her comfort. He wrapped his head around her neck and held tightly to her for a moment, seeking out her strength as he knew it would be needed in the following minutes. Quietly Rhyme turned and began to dig.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
06-24-2019, 05:24 PM
Rhyme moved quickly across the earth, and Shaye itched at being lead away from the tracks and the large cat that had done this. This wasn’t the first time a large cat had threatened them, and she could feel her blood boiling at the thought of it. Or perhaps it was guilt, whatever it was she felt, she pushed it all into that hatred, until she was a seething ball of fury.

She stuck close to Rhyme, despite her desire to turn around and hunt the creature, instead she followed him home and ensured he got there safely. He had his way to the grave of his still born and she followed him silently. She could feel his pain as he called for his children, and she leaned into him when he sought her comfort.

Likely he could hear the quick beating of her heart, the steady thrumb of anger and the promise for revenge that lay there. She and Rhyme had spoken little since finding Tana, but words weren’t important with the Alpha duo, likely they already knew the regrets and angers in each other's hearts.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



1 Year
Extra small
06-24-2019, 08:10 PM
It wasn't often their dad called for all of them. Verse had been secretly nosing through Vail's herb stash, looking for anything that might make her condition better. All she wanted was to be able to be seen as someone capable of doing what Rhyme did. All she wanted was to be exactly like her dad. Even if no one else ever saw the strength in her she wanted to at least try to prove it.

She sighed as she found nothing though, she'd kept her dad waiting long enough anyway. He wanted them all three for what ever reason. She exited Vail and Solor's den. They hadn't been in so she took it upon herself to look on her own, though she would never admit it herbs confused her and every single one smelled too similar. She bet that even Noir would of been able to do it but he had no interest. He was only interested in being in the spotlight, which she was okay with.

She approached slowly, unable to see at first what her father was doing. All she was able to see was Shaye and Rhyme cuddling. A soft sigh passed her lips. She had long suspected that dad had loved Shaye more than mom, but she wasn't about to say anything, she loved both her parents dearly. Shaye she was still wary of though, ever since that day on the border she had been. She cleared her throat, sure they would separate before the other two showed up. No reason to make them feel inferior to Shaye's own two children. She moved in then, her eyes finally finding the bloody red cloak. Inside was an unmistakable scent, her mother with the tang of blood. Her heart dropped, as her eyes went directly to Shaye first. No signs of blood there, it was not her handiwork then. Ears bent back as she stopped in her tracks over her mother's wrapped up body. A whine passed her lips. she had never blamed her mom for leaving, she knew the truth. Where was Alma? Basil? She looked up at rhyme her eyes pleading him to tell her where the sweet babysitters she had once known were. They had never left Tana's side, she knew that.

Tears spilled freely from her eyes as she came to grips with this truth. Tana had left yes but she was their mother. She couldn't even understand why someone would harm someone so small and frail. She could only imagine how her siblings might react, they who had been hurt most because they didn't know what she did. She sat down with her eyes on the bloodied cloak. She could smell the blood, and the scent of the perpetrator but she just didn't understand.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-24-2019, 09:10 PM
The chaos of the fire still seemed so recent, but with her paws mostly healed and her new raven companion, Alouette, Theory's mood had begun to improve. She felt closer than ever now to Rhyme and her half-sisters. In fact, Theo hardly saw the division any longer. With Tana gone for so long, Theory had felt detached from her for some time. Her life had a clear divide: before Tana left and after. The "after" was hectic and strange, especially with the recent fire, but Theory also guessed it was simply because she was growing older. Each day she grew taller and stronger.

As Theory grew, she noticed more and more how different she was from Verse. Her sister was still small, as if frozen in time. Theo knew that she took after their mother, and the thought pained her. Why was she so similar to their father? Was she truly Tana's daughter? How could such a small, frail female have given birth to her and Noir and survived? While she grew closer to Rhyme and Shaye, her questions seemed to double and triple.

Theo and Lou answered Rhyme's call as quickly as possible. Since the pack had regrouped by the rapids, it didn't take long for her to find him. As she approached, she knew something wasn't right - Rhyme was leaning on Shaye as if stricken, and the scent of blood was everywhere. And the cloak... red, colored redder by blood. Theory choked out a broken noise and rushed to Verse's side, trying to offer some small comfort by pressing her side against the small girl.

This was her mother? This dead, broken thing? It wasn't possible. In her mind, Tana was soft and full of life, quiet and smiling. Not lying beneath her cloak, flesh rent from her bones. "Who... what is that?" She asked, her voice wavering. Theo had gotten along fine without Tana, but the thought of someday reuniting with her had always been some small comfort. With that gone, ripped violently away, she was adrift. Alouette alighted on Theory's shoulder and tilted her head from side to side, trying to make sense of the scene; she could sense Theory's distress, though, and preened quietly at her ears. None of this made any sense.




Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
06-24-2019, 09:45 PM
Noir hadn’t quite felt the same since the fire. Everything in the world seemed to have shifted, if only slightly. He quite liked the change, except for the punishment he received after getting caught by Odysseues. He managed to gumble minimally, but he still didn’t understand the grievous nature of his act. This meant he had been on his best behavior, the sooner they thought he could be released the better. For now most of his time was spent with his raven Summer. The now cowed and quiet raven had no way to express her displeasure, and did as her master bid. Despite her fear and loathing of the pup the pair of them were becoming a formidable team.

”Summer, perch.” Noir commanded as he heard Rhyme’s voice. The raven landed gently on his hips as he looked to Ody for permission to leave. There was always an adult around now, and not having his privacy had been the worst part. He was dismissed, and made his way towards his father’s call. He hoped they’d be in for another training session, and there was a skip in his gait before he saw the rest of his family gathered. Noi’s brows knit as he slowed, taking in the scene before him.

The wind shifted slightly, bringing with it the tang of blood, fear, and Tana. Noir’s eyes widened as they fell on the carefully wrapped package. His mother’s red cape stained with her blood. Noir snorted, unbelieving as he loped forward suddenly. The boy stared hard at Tana’s covered form for a long moment before turning his back on the corpse. He wanted to kick dirt at it, but refrained. That wouldn’t help his lockdown time any.

He wanted to leave, he never wanted to see Tana again. Especially not now that she was dead. Noi started to run away, but Rhyme was suddenly in his way. They would see eye to eye very soon, and even as his father stood before him definitely Noir felt the tables turning between them. ”Sit down.” He took in a breath to fight, but Noir had never seen his father become so intimidating. His protest died in his throat and he returned to place himself behind his sisters.

Summer seemed to take comfort in her sister’s presence, and hopped from Noir’s lowered hips to Theory’s shoulder. She too offered Theory her affection before leaning over to groom Verse absently. Noir narrowed his gaze at the completely black bird, but said nothing.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-24-2019, 10:11 PM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2019, 07:21 AM by Rhyme I.)
Alma had crawled from the crevice of rock before they left the maw, she was still clinging to his back, forgotten as the pups appeared. Verse was first, and Rhyme removed himself from his work at the grave as she scooted up to her mother’s tiny body. He looked to Shaye and silently asked for her to finished where he left off as he went to comfort his daughter. Almost more of their young lives had been spent with out Tana. He had no doubt how much the loss would hurt, however.

Theo appeared shortly after, her distressed voice something Rhyme would never be able to forget. He gave her a quick nuzzle as Noir barged through. The slate alpha was unable to give an explanation as Noi tried to retreat as quickly as he had come. There was no running from this conflict though. With only a few strides he intercepted his son and stared him down. This tactic wouldn’t have worked if he wasn’t already in trouble. He could see the rebellion in his son’s eye. ”Sit down.” He warned, and before his hackles could raise Noir had turned to seat himself with Verse and Theory.

He returned to where he had been standing next to the red cloak. He looked back into his children’s faces with sympathy. They had lost their mom before, and now they were doing so again. This time with no hope of her return.

”Today, on the other side of the volcano, your mother was attacked.” He started softly as he tried to catch their eyes, but they were filled with mist like his own threatened to do. ”A mountain lion took her life, as well as Basil.” he couldn’t help but sigh again as his gaze fell to the ground. The senseless death liked to ty and destroy him within. Rhyme had to be strong for his pups. His voice broke, and he looked to Shaye to explain the plan to put the cat down.

If she began to speak he’d find his feet, and gently offer his support to his grieving children. Giving a tender nudge, or kissing away tears.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-01-2019, 05:28 PM
The children came, one by one, and would each reach an understanding of what they were seeing. It didn’t cool her anger, but it mixed it with a rotten sadness that hadn’t been there before. Seeing the little ones in pain, seeing their understanding that they would never see their mother again…

Noir tried to leave, but Rhyme stepped in, stopping his only son. Shaye understood that Noir felt hurt, and lashing out was generally his way of dealing with emotions, as they had learnt. Rhyme tried to find the words, but Shaye could feel him losing it, and his eyes trailed downwards.

The lead Alpha moved into position, putting herself beside him once more, and where she could look to all the children. From the quiet Verse, to the headstrong Noir, to her apprentice Theory. She could feel their grief, and wondered if she was intruding by being here. At the end of the day, she was not their mother.

She pushed aside her own feelings, and meet the gaze of each child if they looked to her. “Revenge won't bring her back, but it will stop this from happening to someone else. We go to kill the cat, who thought it could take a wolf without consequences. I won’t stop any of you from joining us, if you wish to.” she said, casting a glance towards Verse, so the smallest wolf would understand that Shaye would not stop even her from going. She would also assemble a few other wolves who wished to come, because a wolfs strength was in numbers.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



1 Year
Extra small
08-10-2019, 10:09 PM
It wasnt long and her siblings were there as well. She felt as Alma climbed down to her nape from Rhyme's back as he passed her to stop Noir. She pressed her ears. None but her and Shaye ever knew why Tana left, and she wasnt sure she should tell them. But for the moment she felt the anger Noir had, but hers was focused. Its victim was none other than shaye. Even if the alphess was innocent verse needed someone to take the blame other than herself right now.

As noir came to sit with her she leaned into him. She didnt know what to do with the anger, but she was shaking with it and her grief. Tana would of never left if it wasn't for shaye. She had made their mother feel unsafe, had attacked her. Verse had been there that day. She knew.

Tears pricked her eyes as both Rhyme and shaye spoke. It wasn't right. It wasnt even fair. Just like it wasnt fair shaye's children were better than them just because they were Shaye's. Tears fell and as shaye spoke verse bit back her growl. Her muzzle wrinkled and unlinked as she fought back the growl that she wanted to loose. She wanted to take out her pent up feelings on shaye as she looked at her. She could just tell they thought she was weak.

She needed to go, to get out of here. Before she let loose the anger inside or before she told her siblings everything that she knew. That she had made it to the battlefield that day, just following her dad, trying to be just like him. That shaye had blamed their mom, had attacked her even after verse having an episode. Shaye had cost them everything. She had cost them their mother. "It won't help." she bit the words out in her anger. Her eyes loosed tears but anger was there as she looked directly at shaye. And just like that she stood and looked to Rhyme with that same look, before running for the den. Rhyme should of went looking. He didn't though.

Because he didn't care, he didnt love her mother like he did shaye. She was the deep thinker. They should of known she knew alot just by observing but they didnt care. Because they weren't poem or motif.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.