
Autumnal Bounty [Valhalla Pack Hunt]

Loners invited, too, and allied pack wolves



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
07-01-2019, 02:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2019, 10:37 PM by Aurielle.)
First round due July 10th, group will travel to lake from Druid's Moor and hunt will proceed, and hopefully we'll see it through to the kill.

* Ahrm. Just realized I said June instead of July. Oops. Add lorry guys xD!

Aurielle Adravendi

She’d ventured out, scouting for prey. She’d been noticing the shift in the seasons more acutely, and as the first leaves changed colors, she made the decision that it was time for a pack hunt beyond the wall, as was the new custom.

It had been tempting to take the pack on a bison hunt, but she knew the Knolls, the most likely place to find them, were claimed. But she was in luck as she was on her way back from her eastward circuit. She’d come across a trio of moose—a cow and two calves that hadn’t parted from their mother’s side yet. She’d spent several hours watching them, keeping out of sight and downwind.

It would be tricky. The cow was sure to be coming into estrus soon and was already making her calls to males—a bull might throw the hunt into chaos, and she wasn’t certain they had enough wolves to effectively bring down more than one of the calves if it went wrong.

If they could maneuver the animals in such a way that the shallows would impede their long legs and kicks enough, there was a good chance, as long as the attacks were swift, and they avoided the front end.

She’d been mulling over the possible strategies as she made her way home, and stopped at the wall, standing in the passage as she sent up a howl for the pack, calling for the able-bodied. They didn’t have enough specified hunters to leave it at that.

There was also an invitation to those who were not of the pack at all—loners, invited to hunt and lend a helping paw in return for a meal to compensate for their effort. With their numbers as small as they were, and so few experienced hunters, it would hopefully kill two birds with one stone—her pack would have extra help, and there was a possibility to fostering connections that might help in the future.

She stood, waiting patiently just beyond the wall.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



4 Years
07-01-2019, 04:48 PM


Abaven needed food. Valhalla needed food. it was like hitting two proverbial birds with one stone. though he may not be aware of Valhalla, he was close enough to hear the call and wandered toward the wall. the request was for hunters, and Benedict was a hunter. he hoped to represent his pack and work together with this... other wolf who had called out. the heavy pack scent was on her coat as he neared, though he did hover back a bit. the alabaster woman was clearly in charge.

dipping his head to her as he made the decision to close the distance, he'd go on to explain his intentions. "m' name is Benedict, hunter o' Abaven" with a very basic ranking, that is. he hoped he could lend his aid to these people regardless. blue eyes looked at the woman, noting her regal posture. so she may be the alpha in charge here. "I'd like to participate, if I may?" though this was neutral ground, she had the right to chase him off if she didn't want him sniffing around.


to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent



Expert Fighter (190)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019
07-16-2019, 09:20 AM
Artur had no interest in learning the specialized skills of a hunter, but Gwen had made certain all her children were competent enough in the skill to provide for themselves and for the small pack as needed so when Aurielle's call rose from a land outside the borders Artur was confident in his ability to participate. He left off his solitary patrol to move at a brisk lope towards Aurielle's call to find that he was the first to arrive. Well, the first of Valhalla's wolves, anyway. He eyed the Abaven wolf with a carefully-concealed hauteur, knowing as he did the rules Aurielle had put into place regarding their allies. He dipped his head curtly to Aurielle, and settled to wait.



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-16-2019, 11:22 AM
Justice was resting after her patrol by flopping down in one of the sentry tents. While she was technically off duty, the pack was too small to afford for her to take the rest of the day doing nothing, so she had voluntarily decided to take her break as an extra sentry instead of goofing off, as much as she wished she could forget about duty for a while. Duty was exhausting. Damn but they needed more active members, or she was going to go stark raving mad by the end of the year. It seemed like all anyone got to do anymore was the day to day boring grind of patrol, hunt, patrol, sentry duty, sleep. No one had any time or energy to socialize anymore since Gwen died it seemed.

Her ears pricked at Aurielle's call, and she sat up with a grumpy groan. Duty called, again. At least it was more interesting than the usual numbing rotation. A pack hunt outside the borders. She was no hunter, though she was as capable of feeding herself as anyone, so it was of little benefit for her to participate except that it would be a nice break from routine, and they might get something to break up the otherwise bland diet that plagued a pack without a bunch of hunters to consistently take down larger game.

She tracked the call to find Aurielle sitting with Artur and a stranger who smelled like Abaven. She gave the stranger a curious glance and a nod of greeting before turning to Aurielle. "So what's for dinner, Boss?" she inquired with her usual casual irreverence.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020
07-16-2019, 12:24 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2019, 12:26 PM by Viviane.)
Aurielle's summons caught Viviane napping, and the girl had to shake herself awake before she could comprehend what the call was for. As soon as she did apprehension set in. Competent she might be as a hunter, she still didn't care for the excitement and ferocity of a group hunt. It was different with just her siblings, since they had trained together since they were young. Hunting with the pack was different and frankly nerve wracking. She was constantly afraid of messing it up for the rest of the pack, and honestly some of the adults in the pack were quite intimidating. Artur might get grouchy if she messed up a hunt and she didnt want to bother any of her other siblings, but it was difficult to be really scared of someone you had nursed beside. Not so for someone she only saw once in a while when their paths crossed on patrols and hardly ever spoke with. Most importantly, pack hunts meant larger, more dangerous prey than she and her siblings would dare by themselves, and she feared for her pack members' safety, and especially for her littermates who she knew would also be there for the mandatory hunt.

But despite the worry that gnawed at her, Viviane was quick to answer the call, and when she slipped quietly into the group only Artur and Justice were there with Aurielle, and a stranger from Abaven. Viviane gave the stranger a welcoming smile and murmured a polite "good morning" to Aurielle and Justice before sitting next to Artur to wait for the rest of the pack.



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Intermediate Hunter (50)

5 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
07-17-2019, 09:22 AM
His encounter with the Valhallan alpha had been very much on his mind lately, troubling him. He had never been made for wandering, not really. Oh he loved to travel around the lands he had grown up in, and visiting the lands outside his family's territory, but he had always come home. It was a constant. Now he had no home. He didnt blame his brother - it was the right thing for him to do, to leave so that his twin could rule without the confusion and malcontent that he would cause simply by being there. But it felt uncomfortable to have nowhere to put down his roots, to stop drifting. Yet to choose to give his loyalty to the first pack he encountered in these lands seemed foolish. But was not one pack as food as another, in the long run? If it were not ideal, he could help them change, or he could leave, or he could learn to accept the way it was. Spirits knew he didn't always agree with his father's policies and he had been happy there. But he had held himself back from giving his loyalty to Valhalla and Aurielle though he longed for the comfort of a home, because it seemed the more logical thing to do.

Now he was surprised to hear her howl brush his attention, and he stopped to listen. She called a pack hunt for Valhalla - no, not a pack hunt, he realized with curiosity. She called for her pack, yes, but she called for her allies and rogues to join them. He wondered at that. Was it generosity or necessity that drove the invitation? Either way he found himself pulled to answer the call. If nothing else he would help provide a meal for them all, and he could learn more about this pack that had built walls like humans and whose alpha spoke his birth tongue so fluently.

He came into the group with a casual disregard for the fact that they were all strangers, and cast a curious glance and a friendly smile around at them all. Others may have seen a rather poor group - only Aurielle, one other Valhallan female and a male from another pack at full maturity and the others both yearlings, one long legged and taller than him but still gangly with youth, the other a petite, slim little girl - but he saw potential, the connections between them and the possibilities. "Dia duit, Aurielle," he rumbled, and dipped his head in greeting to those he didn't yet know. "Good morning, everyone. A fine day for a hunt."



5 Years
07-17-2019, 06:58 PM

He had been sleeping in for once, having patrolled and did a night hunt last evening he had gotten to bed fairly early in the morning. So he had taken the morning as a break to catch up on sleep and he would be very glad that he did as Auri's call stirred him awake. It took him a few moments to get to his feet and stretch, waking up the muscles that had been so still moments ago. Once that was done he moved from his den and quickly headed to the call. When he arrived he was glad to see some new faces along with Artur, Viviane, and Justice.

The scarred hunter would dip his head in a quiet greeting to everyone before taking a stand beside Justice. He looked to Auri and waited to hear her reply to Justice, wondering what kind of game they would be up against today. He was hopeful that no one would get hurt today and that thier hunt would be successful.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



2 Years
07-17-2019, 09:27 PM
Geoffrey lifted his head as Aurielle's howl went up. His expression quizzical, he tilted his head to the side and considered the command. Aside from the small, self-sustaining hunts he did, Geoffrey didn't hunt. He wasn't a hunter, he didn't spend anymore time doing it than was necessary to stave off hunger. But if Aurielle wanted him there what could he do besides go?

He arrived on scene and after considering the small gathering moved to stand with his siblings, but said nothing and simply waited for instructions. After a beat he remembered his manners and gave Aurielle a polite nod.

[Image: jqslMGb.png]

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
07-18-2019, 12:38 PM
Cairo Lanze Adravendi

Cairo perked his head up as is mentor and leader’s how reached his ears. A hunt! If he was right, this was the first of her new custom of hunting large game beyond the wall, and his heart thrilled with excitement. His mind raced as fast as his paws as he dashed toward her howl. He might have gotten there first if a thought hadn’t occurred to him that brought him skidding to a stop.

Had they brought anything to carry the kill with? It wasn’t that far from the territory, but what if she was leading them far from Valhalla? What if she even led them east?

Decision made in the blink of an eye, Cairo whipped around and went bolting to the cave system that his cousin resided in with her family. He nearly crashed into a huge red shape, yipping in surprise as his claws scraped the stone and he found himself nose to nose and staring into the deep sapphire eyes of Regulus Adravendi. He was surprised, but kind of pleased when the great, aged male smiled at him and stepped aside, nodding to the pile of hides and long shaved saplings.

Paladin looked up from the herbs and smiled before he ducked his face into the crook of his foreleg to cough. It was a rattly, phlegmy thing, and Cairo gave him a sympathetic look. Paladin surprised him by saying, “I’ll come with for this. Kyode and Ime made me this mask. It won’t work for long stretches of time, but I’ll be hanging back to care for anyone injured. If we’re lucky, this won’t turn into a healing lesson on how to stop arterial bleeding or suture gut wounds shut.”

The great red male ambled over and bent, and Cairo realized the old man was offering his back for the harnesses and hides that would carry the equipment for travois’ and saddlebags. Two aging mountain lions stalked forward and took their share of the supplies while the two primates strapped Paladin with two bulging bags of herbs, poultices, bone needles, salves, and many other things Cairo didn’t get a good look at.

He felt a sting of envy as he looked at the companions of the two males. One day, he hoped he would have friends like those—always at his side. It was with a nod from Regulus, and an encouraging smile that Cairo led the way out of the dens, though he caught the longing, sad glance Regulus shot toward the alcove he shared with his mate. Cairo knew Solveiga was ill. He knew it was bad, by the grim glance Paladin threw in the same direction. Regret and resignation. There was no cure.

It was this whole trip, plus leading an ol male who needed to stop from time to time, that made the trio some of the last to arrive. Regulus was old, older than he should have been, in some ways. Aurielle had often said that her father and she came from a bloodline that had been known to carry longevity. But life didn’t always foster a long life.

He looked around as he arrived outside the wall, eyes going first to Aurielle as he said, “Sorry I’m so late—but we brought supplies to carry the kill home.” He nodded his muzzle toward his own back and to Paladin and Regulus, grinning as he moved to nuzzle his little sister on the shoulder, smiling at Geoff and Artur.

Almost everyone was there, though he noted a couple who were yet to arrive. Eyes turning back to Aurielle, he waited to hear her plans.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



12 Years
Extra large
07-18-2019, 12:43 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus couldn’t stand it. Watching the woman that he loved wither and fade away from him with each passing day. So, when he heard the distant howl of his daughter, he pulled himself to his paws with a quiet groan, disgusted with how…. Old he felt now. He was still unwell, and he doubted he would ever truly recover to his full health—he was too aged now.

Paladin popped from his alcove and bustled around, coughing and hacking as he went. While Paladin worried that he was contagious, Regulus knew the healer wasn’t going to pass up being there if someone was hurt in the hunt. “Good day for a hunt, I hope. I wonder what she has planned.”

His own voice was a rumbling crackle, softer than it had once been, but still carrying and rich. Most of all, it was tired, tainted with an inescapable flavor of sadness and grief. Grief for what had once been. Grief for what would come. He knew illness. He knew his mate wouldn’t beat this sickness. It was a raw ache in his heart he would live with for the rest of his life.

But he wanted, so badly, to live long enough to see his only children find love. He wanted to see the faces of his grandchildren before he slept for eternity. He wanted to take the memory of their faces to share with Solveiga when they found each other again in the afterlife.

He’d stacked up the poles and hides the pack would need if their hunt was successful, and he turned to pad out of the cave, intending to find and fill one of the cleaned stomachs to take water along on the hunt, in case they needed it.

A young form nearly crashed into him as he rounded a turn and he jerked back in mild startlement, then smiled as he recognized Cairo. No doubt the boy had been sent to gather the equipment, and Regulus nodded toward it. As the two males chatted, regulus gathered the last of what he needed and went to offer his back to the supplies.

Minutes later, they were on their way. When they reached the group at last, he gave an apologetic smile to his daughter, eyes roving to survey the gathered wolves with interest. He was so out of the loop. He nodded easily to the rest of the Valhallans as his two companions settled at his sides after they greeted their son – Aelloshir – in typical cat fashion, head butting and rumbling affectionately before moving apart.

Calmly, he stated, “I am old, make no mistake, and I am not as able as I once was. However, I do know hunting and can provide my knowledge, and the help of my companions. And, should we need to heal anyone, I can stand guard, since we won’t be within our own borders.”

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-18-2019, 12:48 PM
Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

Paladin felt like utter…. Manure. He couldn’t seem to stop coughing, but he was pretty sure he was getting a handle on how to stop it. The mask Ime and Kyo had made him had a rabbit fur lining, stitched lovingly into place by nimble fingers with sinews. They had made a salve that could be inhaled, which soothed the irritation in his lungs.

In fact, they had made several, from different materials, all experimental. They all made him look a bit odd, but they all had their uses.

A howl lifted his head away from the sorting he was doing of dried packets of herbs, roots, and various medicinal plants. A hunt? A smile flitted onto his face. They needed the meat, certainly. He wondered what she’d singled out. Quickly, he rose to start packing his supplies into his various packs and satchels. He was surprised when he popped out of his alcove, jaws carrying bags of healing supplies, and saw Regulus up and about, and clearly gearing up for the hunt.

He understood the need to get away from the den. Solveiga wasn’t faring well. And it was eating Regulus alive to see her as she faded. This hunt was good for the old man. Maybe it’d be good for Paladin, too. Perhaps Aramis would be among the hunting party—he was proud of the boy for beating back the illness, but he knew that he wouldn’t find a cure. Paladin had already spoken to the Nomads and tried everything he could. There was no cure.

Paladin smiled at Regulus’ words, nodding. He’d been out for a walk, in hopes of clearing his lungs, and the weather had been decent. “May this hunt fill our larder but well.”

Several minutes of companionable preparation later, he turned at the scrabble of claws on the stone floor, grinning as he saw Cairo nose to nose with an equally surprised Regulus. As the other two sorted themselves out, Paladin smiled at the boy, then had to shield his muzzle against his leg as a fresh round of coughing struck. When it finally passed, he wheezed for a few breaths, then announced to the boy, clearly surprising him, “I’ll come with for this. Kyode and Ime made me this mask. It won’t work for long stretches of time, but I’ll be hanging back to care for anyone injured. If we’re lucky, this won’t turn into a healing lesson on how to stop arterial bleeding or suture gut wounds shut.”

He gestured to the mask where it lay on the stone floor, and Ime grabbed it up, tossing it to Kyodele, who disappeared into Paladin’s alcove, reapplying the vapor salve they’d made. It would quiet the cough and provide a barrier to keep less of his cough from reaching other wolves.

Paladin slipped his muzzle into the mask, breathing in deeply as Ime fastened it behind his ears.

Once the supplies were all gathered, the three wolves set out, slowly making their way to the call. When they arrived, his eyes shifted to find Viviane and Geoff, giving away the smile on his features with a sparkle—the mask hid the rest of his face. He gave his sister a wag of his tail and a brief brush of his side to hers before he slipped away.

He moved to Aurielle and said, slightly muffled by the mask, “I’ll be setting up a camp at the edge of the hunt – as it seems we have enough hunters – for the healers, and anyone who gets wounded by whatever we’re hunting today. If Viviane and Geoffrey wish to stay back with me, I welcome their help. It’ll be a chance for them to learn a bit about what I we might end up using.”

He stood off to the side, stifling a cough as he studied the rest of the wolves. Almost the whole pack. Only two remained absent, and he hoped they were coming soon.

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
07-18-2019, 08:11 PM
Caelia was late, but it seemed she wasn't the only one. Though she hesitated in immediately jumping to action when she heard Aurielle's call, she didn't intend to ignore it by any means. She was quiet as she made her approaching, watching as the others were trickling in too - she came up just on the heels of Cairo and Regulus.

She was used to hunting with her siblings, despite the fact that some of them had been rather distance as of late.. but hunting with the entire pack was different, and Caelia wasn't sure she was currently in the mood for it. Not that it mattered. She was still present, and would participate regardless. She offered her siblings a curt nod as she moved to settle beside them, twisting to face Aurielle and wait attentively.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
07-22-2019, 01:30 PM
Aurielle Adravendi

It wasn’t a member of Valhalla that showed up first – though his arrival was prompt, indeed. The Spirit smiled warmly at the male, muzzle dipping respectfully as she responded, “Welcome to our hunt, Benedict. Valhalla welcomes Abaven’s help. I’ll provide you with a means to carry back your share for yourself and Abaven, should we be successful. I am Aurielle Adravendi, Spirit – or alpha – of Valhalla. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

And then there was a lull. As the minutes slid by, she frowned, head turned away to mask the expression from her guest.

She had almost decided to press on with just the two of them when, at last, the pack began to arrive. Artur was first, and she returned his nod with one of her own and a soft, “Well done, Artur.”

Justice was next, and Aurielle grinned at the older woman’s nonchalant query, smiling at Viviane and murmuring, “Good morning, Viviane. How are you?”, her voice warm. Out of all of the siblings, Viviane was the sweetest, her innocent a shining star among a jaded world. If only such innocence could last forever.

A surprise came in the form of Red, and as the large male greeted her, ‘Rielle smiled warmly, head dipping in welcome as she responded in kind, agreeing, “Welcome, Red. It is that, indeed.”

A surprise followed Red—Laisren. Her uncle’s activity had been so lacking in reflection to his high rank as Predator. No hunts had been called since his installment. No lessons for their young members. She’d had a hard time even finding his scent. She gave him a hard look that said she would be speaking with him after the hunt, and it would not be a pleasant chat.

Geoff was next, and she smiled gently at the young male, nodding and greeting him with, “Hello, Geoffrey, how are you this morning?”

Several more moments passed, and she was almost about to start laying out the plan of the day, when Cairo arrived, and her eyes flicked wide with slight surprise to see her father and Paladin following after the boy. Cairo’s apology was accepted as she said easily, “No, no; it’s good that you thought to get the carrying equipment. Our prey isn’t too far off – just in the lake – but anything to make the process easier is a boon.”

Her eyes turned to her father, looking him over and nodding as he stated his words. His knowledge would be a wonderful advantage, one she hadn’t been expecting to have on this hunt. Their eyes locked, and he doused the kindling spark of hope that his arrival at the hunt meant that her mother was rousing by giving a near-imperceptible shake of his head, clearly knowing what she was thinking. Solveiga would not rise.

She masked the stab of pain in her heart by turning to Paladin and giving him her attention as he announced his plans for a healer’s base beyond the hunt, her eyes flicking to Viviane and Geoff. They had looked the least enthused and confident, and this would be a good learning experience. She knew of a good rise above the lake—out of reach of the action, she hoped, and close enough that the two yearlings could still watch the hunt and learn from observation, as well as the plans Aurielle would lay out once she was absolutely certain everyone had come that was going to show up.

Her eyes drifted to the Moorland, searching for movement in the mists—a dark shape, or a light-colored frame. Caelia, she saw, had just arrived while her head was turned, and she gave her a smile, before her eyes lifted away, seeking and not finding the inky black-based frame of her twin.

It had been long enough, and as her custom stated, only hunters were truly mandatory. As it stood, they had more than enough, she thought, to bring down at least one moose today. So, she straightened her shoulders and directed her gaze to the gathered wolves.

Firstly, she addressed Benedict and Red, greeting for the pack at large, “Thank you, Benedict of Abaven, and Red, for joining us on this hunt. I welcome your assistance, and you are welcome to a share of the kill if we find success, this day.”

Her eyes swept the group at large as she announced, “Our target today are a moose cow and her calves. These calves are old enough to cause trouble, but the real danger will be if the cow draws a bull. She’s not quite into estrus, but she’s already calling for a bull. Now. Paladin, as he said, will set up a camp with the transportation supplies and will be available to heal anyone who gets hurt. Viviane, Geoffrey, it’s up to you whether you wish to participate in the hunt itself or stay back with Paladin and watch the hunt. Either way, you’ll learn quite a bit.”

Her eyes turned to Benedict, Red, Artur, Caelia, Justice, Laisren, Regulus, and Cairo. “They are located in Wolfpaw Lake, and my hope is to surround them, perhaps cut off one of the calves, or the cow, and bring it down. If we can take two of them, all the better, and we will have more meat to store away for the winter.”

She rose to her paws, moving to take some of the travois supplies herself and nodding to the implements before she moved to take point of the group. “It’s a bit of a walk, and I feel that plans will be clearer when the playing field is laid out before you. If you would all gather some of the bags and supplies and follow me, I’ll lead you to them.”

Once the supplies had been gathered, she surveyed the group before setting out at an easy trot – brisk, but slow enough not to tire her father or anyone else. They moose would still be there, and they’d looked content with their location.

It was a good hour before they came upon a rise that looked down upon the lake. The moose were there, alright, still browsing and feeding on water plants.

Her eyes scanned the surrounding area, and she was glad not to see any sign of a bull, though even from here she could hear the calls of the cow. She nodded to the group to edge forward enough to get a good view as she settled onto her belly to keep a lower profile on the horizon.

In a low, soft voice, she laid out her initial plans.

“Our strongest wolves will be the ones who deliver the attack. I would like you to stay at the haunches of whichever moose ends up getting cut out from the trio—if it’s the cow, then we’ve got a challenge, but with a good reward if we win out over her. Avoid her front end, try to slash her hind legs to immobilize her. Wait until the moose if cut out from the group and in the shallows of the lake. Be swift in your attacks, don’t hang around to get kicked or trampled. Once you’ve dealt the first blow, the coursers will take the next, and we will alternate until the prey is down.”

Her eyes shifted to Benedict and Red as she added, “You two may choose whether you will be the coursers that cut them out and drive the target into the water, or the ones who help bring it down, as I’m not familiar with your strengths.”

Her head turned to Paladin as she said, “This is where you will set up camp. We’re downwind here and you’ll have a good view of the hunt and some forewarning of any wounded that will need your skills.”

She turned her eyes to the rest of the group, nodding toward Caelia and Artur. She knew Gwen’s children generally hunted together, and she wanted to help them be as comfortable as possible in their first big pack hunt.

“Caelia, Artur, I’d like you to go with Laisren to the north side of the lake and circle around. He’s experienced. Let him take point and watch him. Once you find a good position, and the other teams are in place, Artur and Laisren should take the first strike, and let Caelia strike third."

Her eyes shifted to Cairo. “I’d like you to go with Justice and Regulus around the southern edge of the lake. Da,” she added as an aside to her father, “You’ve likely the most experience of anyone I know on hunting large deer with few wolves. I’d like you to take point as long as you’re able. Justice, once you’re in a good position, you and Regulus strike first out of your trio, then let Cairo get in a bite while you spot him.”

She settled lower against the ground, eyes shifting to Geoff and Viviane. “If you choose to stay back here to set up for after the kill, or to tend any injured hunters, that’s fine. You’re playing one of the most important parts of a hunt by mending anyone who gets hurt. In fact, you can also keep an eye out for any incoming threats that we in the hunt might not see coming. If you see a bull moose or another predator coming, howl as loudly as you can. Let us know.”

Her eyes shifted to sweep around the group before she asked the group at large, “Does anyone have any questions or alternative ideas? I’m open to them. Red, Benedict, do you have any ideas or preferences which team or role you would like to take?” Perhaps the group might have a more effective plan.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



4 Years
07-22-2019, 05:11 PM


“s’ good to meet ye, Spirit Aurielle” Benedict responded politely as he dipped his head once more to the woman as she introduced herself to him. “thank ye, Abaven appreciates t’ food.” He would wait like her for the rest of her pack, wondering if anyone else that wasn’t affiliated would join them. He was not surprised they had to wait long, for everyone seemed to be off doing their own thing. The silence was comfortable, a simple meeting between strangers, and he did not speak any longer. Then, one by one, the people of Valhalla appeared. He could go into a tangent about them, yet he would only focus as the alpha spoke once more. Once everyone was gathered, that is.

He’d turn to face the woman as she laid out her plan for the hunt. Aurielle asked for the items and supplies to be gathered, and he plucked one up at random to follow. Once they were at the lake, he would look around. This region of Boreas was not somewhere he had tread often. It was all new to him. “I can ‘elp with the kill” he spoke quietly when the alpha addressed them once. He may not be a giant, but he knew the usual ways of bringing down prey. If he was representing Abaven, he wanted to be one of the ones to help bring down his share of prey. “though I can go ‘here ye need me.” He added in, allowing this Red to choose first.


to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent