
wheels of fate

seasonal prompt, fracture



2 Years
07-01-2019, 07:58 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2019, 08:00 PM by Heloise.)

It had been an entire season since she had joined Winterfell. Well, not entirely a whole season. It was more like she had come mid-summer and entered these lands. Finding the pack was something, though. She didn’t know if she would still be here if not. Boreas was a strange land full of strange people. Some were nice. Some were cruel. Often, they were inquisitive. Heloise realized she didn’t know many things about many other things. Especially the packs outside of Winterfell and the northern area. She hadn’t traveled at all since her joining and sought to remedy that as soon as possible. For now, she was content to continue roaming the woods around Winterfell.

Being so closed off from the world had advantages. She was unaware mostly of the problems the lower packs and the loners had. Especially with the large felines roaming around. Heloise would say she was quite unlucky with finding them; the first time was an accident. The second? Well, she was trying to be a good Winterfell pack member. Perhaps it was half accident and half blessing. If you could even count it a blessing. Or maybe, just maybe, it was the same cougar looking for revenge. Spotting the large feline at the border, the ivory woman would sound the alarm. She let out a gruff howl, short and to the point, before rushing at the beast. There was no look of intelligence in its eyes. This was merely a threat. And she would deal with it accordingly.

More experienced now, she charged boldly at the cougar and collided with its side. It hadn’t spotted her before she made the contact, and now it roared in anger. Twisting its long body, the cougar lashed out with powerful claws. Heloise knew there were children in the pack; children that liked to wander the lands that belonged to Winterfell. She would make sure they weren’t harmed by this beast looking to make an easy meal out of wolf pups. "Get out!” she’d snap, pushing back against the blows and trying to direct it to the border. She was unaware if her fellow pack mates would show up. Right now, she wasn’t going to let it go further in.

ooc; 370 / 1500 words

art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag



2 Years

Treat 2019
07-03-2019, 12:41 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2019, 08:35 PM by Fracture.)

Fracture recognized the brisk howl immediately. Heloise. The dark male stood quickly from the rabbit he had been feasting on, kicking the fresh corpse aside and throwing himself forward towards the call.He was built for agility - slender yet muscular - and appeared at the border just in time to see the ivory female wrestling with the cougar. He took a moment to observe, body swaying in time with the pair's movements in the tussle. It was like watching a dance, and Fracture had to find the perfect moment to join in. The cat sidestepped and backed a step, preparing another slash towards Heloise. Fracture moved to dash into the fray, snapping his jaws to catch the back of the cat's hind leg and yank it back away from his pack-mate.

The cougar spun on him - furious with the intrusion - and lifted it's upper body to swat with both paws towards Fracture's face. His ears pinned hard to his skull for protection, and he tilted his head sharply downwards to hide his vulnerable throat beneath his scruff. The cat's blows landed hard on the side of his skull, and Fracture was forced to sidestep away with a low snarl. It's attention was still on him, and he wanted to keep it there until Heloise could find an appropriate opening. His jaws spread once more as he gave one last bite towards the cat. His head rang from the heavy hits and a trail of blood began to seep down from above his eyes; the male couldn't judge the distance perfectly and he came away with no more then a tuft of fur from the cougar's neck.


647 / 1500



2 Years
07-03-2019, 08:25 AM

She wasn’t sure who would answer the call. It could have been someone entirely new to her for all she did know. But when she spotted the ebony pelt of the man Fracture, she had a split second to think how ironic it was. They had wanted to spar between them, yet here they were, fighting a cougar instead. Not each other. Fate was amusing sometimes. Though this thought was gone in a flash as the feline was yanked away from her, twisting to battle the man instead of the ivory beast. Heloise took the time to catch her breath and recover from the bout. She had earned a few scratches, but none penetrated deep enough for there to be heavy blood loss. It seemed she was getting better at fighting after all.

Watching as the ebony man dealt with the cougar, Heloise would wait for an opening herself. She paced around to the back of the feline as it landed blows to Fracture’s head. She could smell blood coming off him. That was the moment to strike. Letting out a vicious growl to get the cougar’s attention, she’d jump and land squarely on its back. Digging in with all four claws, she’d cling as the beast howled in pain, flailing. The woman bent her head, trying to grasp the back of the cougar’s neck and hold. Trying to control its movements. She succeeded with her goal, teeth penetrating and blood beginning to well up. Her eyes found Fracture’s, and she silently gave him an option. He could land a few blows now.

But that was up to him whether he wanted to or not. She could feel the cougar’s resistance waning, it getting weaker as her hold. Perhaps it thought there was no sense in fighting these two wolves now. Perhaps it just wants to flee. Heloise would leave it up to Fracture what to do. She could jump off and let it go, but it also needed to be taught that sniffing around their border was a bad idea. Or, she supposed, they could kill it.

ooc; 995 / 1500 words

art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag



2 Years

Treat 2019
07-03-2019, 08:50 PM

The cougar's attention was torn from Fracture as the ivory woman threw herself onto it's back. Fracture was impressed at her bravery, and even slightly amused at the irony of a cougar falling victim to it's most infamous method of killing. He had a firm hold on it's neck, and Fracture had the opportunity to circle the beast as it flailed beneath her. It's neck wrenched upwards as it tried to loosen the grip the woman had on it's scruff, and Fracture took the opportunity to move in to securely latch jaws around it's throat. He held it hard, but not with enough power to crush it's trachea. The dark male adjusted his grip, and then threw himself forward to cause the cat to rotate under his hold. It landed hard upon it's back, and Fracture let out a ferocious growl to tell it to stay put. The cougar flailed beneath him, and so he lifted a paw to press down underneath it's ribs.

With the woman at it's back and Fracture completing the pin, the cat's flailing slowed. It seemed to understand it's fate, chest puffing hard with the exertion. "Y'ur thind, y'ur kill." His gruff voice came out slightly jumbled as his jaws remained around the cat's throat. It was only fair - Heloise had found the danger, she should be the one to claim it's life. It hadn't even crossed Fracture's mind that they could allow the creature to go free, in his mind the cougar had sealed it's death warrant the moment it crossed onto Winterfell lands.


1254 / 1500



2 Years
07-03-2019, 09:07 PM

Fracture was quick on the uptake. He moved in the union to her jump, securing the cat with efficiency. Heloise grunted and slid from its back, keeping the back of its neck in her jaws. It occurred to her that she may let it live. The sad state of the once bold cougar was enough to wretch her sympathies. But this feline was not a female. There was no cub scent on it. This was a lone male, and she knew he’d return for revenge. The dark man told her to end it; it was her prize. She could line her den with its fur too, making the winter a bit more bearable despite her own thick coat. It was a good thing that it was pinned, for the ivory woman felt conflicted. Taking a life was no simple task.

She sent a silent prayer to any god who may be listening. Then she crushed the windpipe of the cougar. It jerked violently as blood sprayed from its neck, a muffled cry echoing the quiet pine woods. Heloise closed her eyes, uttering prayer in Latin as the beast finally left this mortal plane. Her neck and belly were soaked in its blood. She opened her eyes just in time to see the cougar’s eyes flash defiantly with life before they were dull. It was dead. Panting lightly, she’d look up at Fracture. “it was… a male. No children. No cubs I could smell on him.” and if she allowed him to go, he could reproduce. Then the cougar may be more inclined to breach the border for the sake of his hypothetical cubs.

Winterfell came first. She knew that now. Even if it sounded like she was trying to convince herself what she did was right. “We should take the body to the camp; our packmates could have a use for it." Heloise went on to say, nudging her muzzle under the corpse’s arm to lift it up a bit. Waiting for Fracture to assist her or deny her, she was obviously dwarfed by the size of the beast. She needed help getting it back to camp.

ooc; 1500 / 1500 words

art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag



2 Years

Treat 2019
07-04-2019, 04:08 PM

Heloise bent down to crush the cougar's windpipe and Fracture stepped back. He heard a hushed mutter from her lips, but could not make out the words. His head tilted with confusion, but he knew the woman liked to keep her secrets and he'd already agreed to leave her to them. She looked up at him then, and Fracture could see what looked like sadness or regret in her eyes. “It was… a male. No children. No cubs I could smell on him.” The dark male scoffed quietly, it mattered little to him if it did have a family. Cougars seemed to be everywhere as of late, and it had made it's bed when it crossed their scent border. "It's just a cat." He told her, taking a step towards her. "It was what was needed to be done." Hopefully she'd understand, and not think badly of him for wanting it dead.

Heloise leaned down to put her muzzle under the cat's arm, and Fracture moved in as well. However before he'd help her hoist the cat he'd move with the intent to press his nose against one of the scrapes she'd earned - if she'd let him. "You okay?" Not wanting to intrude too much into her personal bubble, Fracture wouldn't let the touch last long. Moving around the cat's other side, he lowered himself to the ground. His muzzle shoved hard under the cat's other armpit and he wiggled his body to force the cat over his head and onto his back. It was lopsided and awkward to carry, and so the man shifted his body weight so that some of the cougar would move towards Heloise's side. Together they'd be able to take the prize back.

It didn't make sense to him however that she'd not want the coat for herself; Heloise talked of taking it back for their pack-mates to use. Fracture's brow furrowed in confusion. "It will not harm Winterfell if you kept the trophy for yourself. It is cold here - this pelt could warm your den at night. The bones can be used in crafting or even traded to other wolves. Our pack-mates will survive without; there is no shortage of cats lately if they are keen to earn their own." The more Fracture got to know Heloise, the more she confused him. What kind of warrior gave away their spoils? If the pack as a whole could make use of the corpse he'd understand, for it was their duty to help Winterfell thrive. But to give luxury items to random pack-mates, who would likely never return the favor? Fracture shook his head.




2 Years
07-04-2019, 05:08 PM

it was obvious that the dark man saw the cougar as only a threat needing to be put down. Heloise saw a bit different. why was a wolf different than a cougar? they both had their own lives, their own freedoms. they both suffered and cried and even loved. they could reproduce and raise families. why was a cougar less than a wolf? why was a wolf less than a cougar? why did... they have to be different? or at war? why couldn't they get along? perhaps she was more sympathetic than a warrior should be. but she could not help but offer the prayer to the cougar all the same.

it was as they said; one dies so another life lives. she must be thankful for the life given, no matter the circumstances. "I will live" Heloise's voice was stronger as she determined her own fate. turning to look as Fracture pulled back from her, she'd mentally check his wounds. she was unaware if Winterfell had healers and attempted to go over what little she knew before continuing. "what about you?" he seemed to have gotten the blunt of the attack.

her wounds would heal quickly but she was not sure if the man had suffered serious damage to his head. her head would shake, Fracture not understanding her intent. she had met many children in Winterfell so far. they needed the fur more than she did. "the children go before me" she'd insist softly "I will divvy up the pelt to the young so they can warm their dens." whatever was left over, she'd take.

as the pair went to transport the cougar's body, she'd shift to look at him once more. "I only want one thing" Heloise went on to say, her icy gaze dropping to the front of the cougar. "one of the fangs, to fashion into a necklace. so I am reminded of the day I fought side by side with a friend for our pack's life."

ooc; 1500 / 1500 words

art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag



2 Years

Treat 2019
07-08-2019, 07:04 PM

Fracture offered her a warm smile as she spoke of sharing the spoils with the youth of the pack. That was honorable to him, and she'd not find disagreement in his eyes. "Very well." He rumbled, back aching slightly beneath the weight of the cat. "As soon as we get home you can extract the fang. It will suit you well." It was about time that the ivory woman found an accessory to wear that might distract from her various scars. A cougar's tooth would be a thing of pride to wear around her slender neck. She asked of his wounds, and Fracture nearly wanted to ignore the question. However to do so would be incredibly rude. "I'm fine, it's just a flesh wound. More blood then pain." The dark male said cooly. He'd see a healer at some point probably, but as it stood now he wasn't even sure if Winterfell employed any.




2 Years
07-08-2019, 07:10 PM

hopefully, for she was not a creature that needed materialistic items to thrive. the fang was enough for her. it was simple and she could see it on a leather string, settling nicely against her chest. Heloise gave a nod, beginning to walk further with Fracture at her side. he proclaimed he was fine - and she wondered if there were any healers in Winterfell like him - and since he was an adult, she did not pester him for details. he seemed a strong man anyway; a little bruising never hurt anyone even if there was more blood than black and blues right now.

still, she resisted the urge to tell him he should get it looked at. if he made no fuss over her, she was not going to make a fuss over him. it was not her place when he had been respectful of her secrets. settling into a comfortable silence, she'd continue on to the makeshift 'camp' that was the blunt of the den site. a bloody trail followed after them as they walked along, but as the cougar's body became rigid so too would the blood fade away. but just in case, Heloise would return and clean it up so no other predator came to their borders.

ooc; EXIT & END

art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag