
rise again



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-05-2019, 09:27 PM
The royal she wolf made her way to the rock formation by the lake, her decorated paws scaling the stage shaped rocks easily. Lilac eyes looked to the star strewn sky, the day was on the horizon but it was still very much night. A soft smile fell on the Empresses features as she brought herself up to her full height and looked out over the moon lit territory. She hadn’t expected to find herself here, this quickly at that. It had always been Hannibal who was the heir. She had only been there to offer her undying support. The Klein woman lowered herself to her haunches and pulled her ivory tail around her paws.

Everything had changed the night she’d met with Archon unexpectedly. Deathbelle let her eyes fall to her flat stomach as she placed a paw over her abdomen. Archon had been the catalyst that had changed her whole life. She resumed her royal pose and let thoughts of the future leave her. This was the first gathering of the Klein since their father had been King. She wondered if he might be proud of her now, taking his crown and resurrecting the Empire from the ashes. Ashen. They were the phoenix, forever fated to be reborn from the fire.

Belle threw back her head suddenly, as the first streaks of sunlight spread over the sky her voice called out loudly. She summoned her kin, summoned the Kleins who might not have found her side yet. As well as those who wished to serve a higher purpose. For Archon, if he wished to be an active member of her council. For Hannibal and for Banshee to show themselves and their support of her.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
07-05-2019, 10:15 PM
Archon was still nearby when Deathbelle summoned her following. It hadn't been long since they sealed their pact and Archon was, for once, in a celebratory mood. He knew he didn't need to prove himself further, but he felt inclined to go above and beyond for the woman who was to carry his pups. As God would have it, he found a nice woman who was keen on the idea of higher powers and he had convinced her to serve him. Now, she didn't know yet that he would be serving Archon my serving Deathbelle, but those details weren't important yet.

As Archon neared, he called out to Deathbelle before she would be able to see him.

"Deathbelle, in celebration of our pact and the future of our shrine, I have brought you a gift." Archon moved forward, gesturing for the woman to follow suit. As he came into view of Deathbelle, a cunning smile crossed his features. "Her name is Zeitgeist and she will serve you as you see fit," he said. "I thought, perhaps, you would be needing some assistance in the near future."

It would be good for Belle to have the extra help especially once the pups were born, and it would be good for the pups to see that even their mortal parent commanded weaker mortals.

Archon looked towards Zeitgeist, "Take care of her and God will surely find you in his almighty favor."



7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipExplorerOoh La LaWinnerPride - Bisexual
All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1OverachieverStudentCritical Attack!
Critical Dodge!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! HomebodyIce Bridge ExplorerLoserVengeance
Island HopperDouble MasterLegendaryHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave1KValentines 2020
VolcanoCritical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-05-2019, 10:38 PM

Zeitgeist followed behind Archon dutifully, head held high as she walked. Just because she had given herself away didn't mean the she-wolf needed to lack pride. It wasn't too far to travel, but the massive titan that led her had spent most of it delivering the 'good news' of his deity, Abraxas. Zee herself had no interest in whatever golden blood the beast claimed to have, but he had apparently conned more than a few mortals into believing that his family were the 'chosen ones' or something. That in itself was valuable to her, and hopefully whenever they arrived at his home she could make quick work on climbing the ladder to success - even if she had to do it by sleeping her way to the top. The man wasn't ugly to look at by any means.

It seemed they were following a call of some-sort, and as the pair came up on the lake it became apparent who had summoned them. "Deathbelle, in celebration of our pact and the future of our shrine, I have brought you a gift." Zeitgeist's head whirled to face him, an incredulous look plastered upon her face. It was wasted however, as the male seemed to have eyes only for the beauty before them. "Her name is Zeitgeist and she will serve you as you see fit." The male jabbered on further, but Zee got the point. She could smell that they'd crossed a scent barrier that this she-wolf herself had left, it wasn't difficult for her to put two and two together. This woman was an alpha, and Archon was giving her away. Oh well, opportunities were everywhere after all.

Zeitgeist stepped forward at Archon's cue, lowering herself into a very deep bow. "Lovely Deathbelle, I'm so very glad to offer myself to you." She held the submissive posture. "I live to serve." Her voice was nearly a purr, directed only towards the woman before her. Archon was far from her mind now, Zeitgeist needed to adapt. "Take care of her and God will surely find you in his almighty favor." Oh, God did she want to roll her eyes. "I will do my very best, sir." She said instead, finally rising to look upon her mistress. Was she laying it on too thick? Maybe, but she had no prior knowledge of this wolf nor how she'd prefer to be addressed.


Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.



8 Years
07-05-2019, 11:16 PM

A haunting howl swept across the phantom's form and two pale eyes flashed open in an instant. Hannibal and Banshee had been resting not too far from the lake in a temporary den. He knew they would need to scout out the region for a more suitable residence but he wouldn't be too picky. The male was much more concerned with the comfort of Banshee, who had seemed to be doing fine after the initial shock of reuniting. Hannibal hadn't had the chance to broach the subject of why he had left or what happened in their time a part and he wanted to allow his daughter time. There was no reason to rush things especially with how fragile everything was currently.

With a few moments to shake off the fog of slumber the duo were on their way to the meeting site. Anticipation was thick within the male's veins. Each step bubbled with an ample wonder that could only be driven by such a powerful moment. Belle's call was that of a Alphess. A Klein was back in power and that made the beast rich with pleasure. Of course the albino had always figured he would be the one calling forth the subjects at the top of a throne. But, this was not the time to dwell on his failures... It was time to do what was best for his family.

Hannibal slithered forth with Banshee waddled along not far behind. Upon arrival the male scanned those around him with a ravaging sweep. Belle, Archon, and a stranger. The slender ghouls gaze lingered upon his sisters before moving to Archon. A twinge of uncertainty filled his core as he eyed over the dappled holy roller. The last time they had been in the same clearing was when Hannibal lost his fight against Tyranis and before that Hannibal was Archon's slave. It was a mess of a situation and with seeing the larger male it certainly brought back some negative feelings.

His head was held high but not in an overly domineering way. Deathbelle was the Alpha and she held all of Hannibal's respect. But, the albino was never going to be some submissive whelp. Hannibal stopped in front of Belle, face to face, about seven tail lengths away. His head swept downward and eyes shut as the beast took the form of a gracious bow. After a moment his head raised once again and husky tones slipped from smiling pink lips. "The Empress of Ashes.." Pale pools poured into her vibrant optics, "My heart swells with pride to see a Klein atop a throne once again." Perhaps it had always been Belle.. She had more of Hamiclar in her after all. That dark seething pelt and her very principled ways. Hannibal glanced over his shoulder at Banshee, who seemed to think this was all some sort of nonsense, then back to Belle with a smidge of a grin. "If you would allow us to formally enter your ranks.. I would be forever grateful." Hannibal figured Banshee would have been accepted no matter what.. but would Belle want the broken Prince roaming her pristine new lands?


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
07-06-2019, 10:33 AM

But the devil always won...

Autumn's entrance was swift, the morning breaking cool with a smattering of clouds streaking across the sky. Harbringr welcomed the shift in the weather. It was a relief compared to the sweltering summers of western Boreas though he knew the tug of war between the seasons was only beginning. Stretching out across a boulder hidden in the shade of an outcropping, Harbringr was intent on catching up on his sleep. Constanza had come back to him, finally, and he could feel her warmth in the sunshine on his back and the soft breezes that would tickle at his ears. For now though she was silent, sleeping in the great beyond as he rested in the earthly realm.

His breathing slowed, but just as he started to sleep a call snapped his ears to attention. That was Deathbelle, and the call was one of summoning. Pleased to hear the luxurious tones of his kin Harbringr took to his feet, leaping off the boulder and heading towards the lake. He soon came upon his sister and the small gathering around her, including Hannibal with a young pup. Oh, there was so much to catch up on!

"You look as radiant as always, Belle. What are you up to dear sister?"



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
07-06-2019, 05:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2019, 05:28 PM by Hela.)

Ebony hacklers were calm, lowered as there weren't any reasons for stress. Hela was new to this land, arriving some few hours ago when the night was still in its fullest, and since then she didn't dare to sleep more than an hour and a half. And soon she was once again in her march, march toward an uncertain direction. Her facade was stoic, emotionless as usual, Hela wasnt a very expressive woman as there was never a situation that was worthy of it. As a child you would expect one with the typical cheerful nature, one with playful desires and that but Crow was different, she wasn't like the rest. And not only dry, she has also had some attraction to other's agony, seeing those fail under her was something she would enjoy as much as others would with candy.

Now as an adult, those old desires still remained but they upgraded as she grew up. She enjoyed stepping over others to obtain what she wanted. The feeling of getting higher than others was something she couldn't help but smile upon.

Leaving that to a side, the shadowy creature walked further. And there the scent of many wolves reached her ashed nose. In a confident way, she would march forward having her ears perked, head raised with pride, with pride of knowing who she was, of knowing her heritage. A heritage without equal. And soon her light pink eyes spotted some wolves gathered, and at first, none was known to her but all changed when she reached them. She did know almost all of them, they were her siblings. "Hannibal, Harbringr, Bell. I didn't expect to find you all here" She called form them in a calm voice looking around, and she could see two faces she didn't recognize. But she didn't feel the need to ask, her focus was more with her relatives. Takes a sit and falls in silence.


art and code by Cloudy



3 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-06-2019, 06:33 PM
Luce had never liked crowds, but it was hard to deny the fact that this was a gathering of Kleins, and thus demanded her presence. The summer hadn't been kind to her - her eyes were still reddened, as the change of the season was still new. She was looking forward to cooler months.

The thin Klein skirted the edges of the gathering, shiftily taking stock. This land had been properly claimed by Deathbelle, and although she was glad for it, she was still hesitant to rejoice. There would be time for celebrating after they had truly settled in. Lucretia had been travelling alone for a long time now, always avoiding the stink of rancid death. It would certainly be an adjustment to settle in to pack life - didn't they know to live in such close quarters was breeding grounds for disease and communicable illness? They would never survive without her help.

Spotting Deathbelle at the center of the crowd, Luce made an unceremonious beeline to her older sister's side. There had never been any "half" in her eyes. The way Belle carried herself was Klein down through the bone and into her bloodstream, and Luce had nothing but respect for her. Like a ghost, she appeared at Belle's side and muttered, "You'll need me." And it was true. If this pack had any hope of being healthy, Luce's expertise was required.



4 Years
Extra large
07-08-2019, 03:08 PM

Rosemary skulked toward the meeting, needle sharp eyes roving over his smaller siblings. He stood tall over them, his white tail a banner of his heritage as he stepped closer to his littermate. “I imagine you’ll need me as well.” He said cooly, feminine hips swaying with every step, like a cat as he moved to sit before his sister. “And of course you’ll need this.” He purred delicately placing his own crown of thorns down before her in a gesture of good will. “An empress should wear a crown.” He quipped boldly, his tail lashing silently behind him with excited glee.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-08-2019, 03:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 01:09 PM by Deathbelle.)
Belle took another deep breath as her call faded out over the cool of the end of the night. She steeled herself, unsure how some of her siblings might feel about taking what should have been Hannibal’s. The Empress wouldn’t allow the internal turmoil show within her, her features held a sculpted smile and bright observant eyes. Her fur was fluffed and she posed her royal form over the heightened rock. Her neutral grin warmed at the sound of Archon’s voice.

Deathbelle shifted herself to find him in her gaze, touting a gift along behind him as he came into view. She perked a lightened brow towards him, but couldn’t help the giddy way her ivory tail waved at her hips. There was no hiding the pleased grin as she patted herself on the back for choosing Archon. (Or being chosen for Archon however you wanted to look at it.) The Empress would eventually allow her eyes to fall on her new servant as she shuffled forward as introduced. A lovely little thing so far. She offered the girl a quick smile in answer as Archon gave her his parting words.

”Much help indeed, Archon. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful gift.” Belle offered the Abraxas titan a toothy grin as she shifted her weight and looked back to the girl. ”We’ll talk more after the meeting.. Zeitgeist.” Mostly about a shorter form of that name. ”For now, listen and pay attention.” She gave her another quick smile before her attention was taken swiftly to Hannibal’s elegant form.

His now bright eyes held hers dearly as the Empress brightened and resisted the urge to embrace her brother again. He bowed graciously and offered himself and Banshee into the ranks officially. ”Of course, Hannibal.” She wouldn’t have had it any other way. She gave him another loving gaze before finding Banshee. They’d traveled a lot the last season, and she wondered if the girl felt better about having a home to settle into.

”Harbringr,” she replied warmly as he praised her and asked what plots she had been up to. ”I’ve found us a new home. The Klein Empire rises again.” Her voice couldn’t contain the joy and relief she felt about gathering her family together again. Hela descended upon them, her dark form slipping past to greet the siblings gathered thus far. ”Finally back together.” She mused as she looked to each of her siblings, and Luce who had snuck up beside her. ”Indeed, Luce.” She offered as she leaned over to nuzzle her sister’s ear.

Rosemary appeared as well, a face she had hoped to see and wasn’t disappointed in the result. Belle had always envied his beauty, and she grinned as he offered his crown ”Yes, Rose.” She murmured appreciatively as she maneuvered the piece upon her head. She gave him a quick nuzzle before taking up her full height and looking to each wolf in turn.

”The Klein Empire rises again, through me. I won't be able to bring us to greatness on my own though.” She told them as she looked to Hannibal, their Heir. ”Hannibal. Will you take the honor of being my right hand?” No one could deny his special right to rule or rule at her side. ”I’d hear what rank you might prefer, brothers and sisters.” She again looked to each in turn so she might bestow their appropriate title.

OOC- thanks for being so prompt in posting! If you don’t want the generic noble rank reply again with your character’s preferred place in the pack <3 if there are disputes… we’ll get there IC - Also feel free to post late replies/write in you''ve been around the whole meeting! Posting order may be loose.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
07-09-2019, 01:04 PM

A feeling of undeniable pride filled the male's form as more and more Kleins piled into the clearing. The scents of his kin filled his dappled nose and pale eyes scanned each and every one. The first to arrive was Harbringr who was a handsome sturdy male with beaming mismatch eyes. A nod was seen from the albino to express his greeting before his attention was turned towards another. Hela, a black and grey babe with glistening pink eyes, made her entrance. Hannibal offered a little grin towards his younger sister as she spoke, "I am thrilled to see you, Crow." After allowed his eyes to roam over tall form his attention was swept away by another familiar face. The jugsaw-esque pelt and the deep Klein scent belonged to that of another younger sister, Lucretia. Her confident tones filled the air and the male's grin slipped into a smirk. The unyielding confidence of a true blood Klein was something no one could take away. Though, before he could greet his younger sibling another showed themselves. Another pink nosed black and white painted Wolf came forth but this one was much different. Rosemary was not only taller then the rest of them but he had such a way of walking that one may confuse he for a she at first sight. The flick of his hips and illustrious demeanor. Hannibal's gaze lingered while watching Rose place the crown before their new Empress. The male could feel his jowls salivating but in the midst of the meeting Hannibal contained himself.

As the crowd settled and Belle greeted each of the new arrivals Hannibal took a seat with a gentle exhale. Banshee was seated quietly at his right, beaming blue eyes flicking to each of her relatives. His mind lulled over the thoughts of what his rank may be.. Warrior? Would he even make a proper warrior after losing two major fights in a row? That being said he did do fairly well in the tournament before calling it quits. Advisor? The male was known and had a silver tongue. But, perhaps due to his actions in Erovrare some may be hesitant to speak to him on a political level..

Hannibal's thoughts were put at a pause as his leader's voice filled his perked ears. Baby blue and pink eyes flicked to Belle's own purple pools with a sudden intensity. ”Hannibal. Will you take the honor of being my right hand?” The question took him off guard.. Would she really want him to aid her in leading after his failures? A pang of panic filled his chest before he simply swallowed the feelings of doubt. "I would be honored, Empress." His tones rolled from his slippery pink tongue with a gentle luxuriousness. Hannibal painted a picture of his renown confidence despite the the mild panic he felt. The male may not have been able to take a crown for himself via tooth and claw but he would surely be able to assist his sister at the base of her ashen throne. Perhaps the mix of his experience and her raw intelligence would make a grand pairing.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



6 Years
07-09-2019, 01:16 PM


any unfamiliar faces filled the gathering it was rather overwhelming for Banshee. She and pa arrived almost earliest so they were able to watch all the others file in. Pink noses, blue eyes, and black and white pelts filled her vision. From what she could gather they all knew one another and after a while the pup understood that they were all related. These were her.. relatives? The only Wolf she had met before was Belle. Banshee's heart was racing but not out of panic but out of wonder. Pa had told her about their history but she never thought so many of her relatives would show up all of a sudden. It seemed Belle's important summons had brought them all here.

Banshee remained quiet for the most part.. The pup was usually rather open but it was not the time or place to verbally greet any of the new comers. As the meeting got down to business the blue eyed babe allowed her gaze to settle upon her guardian, Belle. Ban's jaw was slightly ajar due to her focus on her aunt. It was all so exciting. Deathbelle was an Alpha and.. Pa? He was going to help her at the top! She remembered when Tyranis' pups would tease her for not being the King's daughter. As if she were lesser. But, in a clearing full of Kleins, despite not knowing any of them, she felt like she belonged. She was royalty! Her earthy toned tail went wild as Belle finished speaking. Before anyone could speak up about their ranks the youth's squeaky feminine voice filled the air. "I want to be an Apprentice Healer!" Before having Belle around Banshee always thought herbs were just pretty flowers to be stomped on. But, lately she had really taken to liking learning about their healing and medicinal properties. Perhaps one of these relatives could help her learn.


[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]



4 Years
Extra large
07-10-2019, 08:53 AM
“I request a rank as your master of slaves and ceremonies.” He spoke, his voice gentle yet commanding as he addressed his sister. He cut an intimidating figure and felt he deserved an intimidating rank, he looked at the copper female with a wry grin, a malicious glint in his eye as he began to form plans for her and the other slaves they would acquire in time.

He sat back on his haunches, looking over the rest of his family; their empire their kingdom, the world would come to fear the name Klein and the gods themselves wouldn’t be able to stop them.

Speaking  Thinking you



3 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-11-2019, 10:02 AM
"You will need me at your side to ensure the health of the pack. I will prevent another wave of disease from decimating the Kleins or I will die trying," Lucretia said earnestly, meeting Deathbelle's gaze unflinchingly. She knew what she was good at, and she would be of great use to Ashen as their Shaman. "The next generation will come of age without ever knowing illness or an empty stomach!" Luce bellowed, overcome with emotion. How often did one get a real second chance in life? The Kleins would rise in glory, bathed in the strange glow of redemption that Belle had granted them.



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
07-11-2019, 10:32 AM

Silence took over her maw during this time, her piercing pink eyes contemplated what others had to say. She didn't want to talk for now, being and silent observant was part of who she was but when the times come she could change it as she saw fit. Her tail cloaked in shadows hugged her feet as a calm expression adorned her face. This was Hela's natural stage, a stage that Would make it difficult to believe it was just an illusion, the illusion of someone kind, someone with nothing wrong in them. But one shouldn't mistake her, those who do, those who take her on her bad side, will suffer the consequences, consequences that in the past had taken lives. She took the lives of those dumb enough who dared to fool her. But in situations like this, among family and other people, she dressed this mask, a mask which could hide a monster within.

When her sister (Bell) spoke again he explained this was the place she claimed for them, for Klein's name. A place where they will rise again, over the rest. She liked how it sounded, she liked what it could mean. She wanted a high position, a position where her name would rise again. But before she could take her pick, her brother Hannibal spoke to her. "I should say the same to you dear brother." Words like honey scraped her lips. She had her manners despite her ruthless nature. She had affinities with politics, with diplomacy. And hopefully, she could get a rank where she could put that to use. "I would like to put to use my politician's profile, I can say I am good at such camps and if there is any rank related to this I'll like to take it." She explained in a stoic way.


art and code by Cloudy



6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
07-11-2019, 09:23 PM

But the devil always won...

Oh it was good to hear not only his sisters voice but the very words she spoke. The Klein Empire was to rise again. "With you at the helm it will rise as glorious as the sun." She'd gathered the scraps of their misfortune and sought to build something magnificent. He looked forward to supporting her as best as he was able. That meant he better get to work polishing his skills.

He returned Hannibal's nod with a charismatic grin before a melodious voice caught his attention and he turned to see Hela. His smile held fast as he spoke, "Nor I, you! It is good to see everyone together again." Good to know there were more survivors than he had dared to hope.

Harbringr pondered what rank he was best suited for. He trained primarily as a warrior but he also had exceptional skill as a scout and how high in the ranks did he truly feel he belonged? Of course he had aspirations but he wanted to be sure that he would not let his sister down. After some time he stepped forward confidently. "Deathbelle, I have been sharpening my skills in the art of battle. I see myself as a Samurai and I am eager to prove myself to you."


07-14-2019, 08:36 PM
ooc note: As stated in signature Rapture's children will be played as NPC's for now until they are adopted.

For a while now the small group had been traveling in complete silence. In fact since the death of his mate, and mother to the pups that trudged behind him there had been a loss of words between them all. Only when they were curled up together in the den, away from the world did the father discuss things with the kids. Out in public he was teaching them to be strong and dignified like the rest of the Klein's. He started them out young with how they should act. Rapture had been lagging compared to the rest of his family, but with the events leading up to now there was good reason why he was behind. Having a small hoard of young pups to lead he couldn't move as fast and as long as he wanted to. He knew they were all tired, worn out, and ready to finally settle down, but they couldn't until they found the rest of the family.

His form would stop, ears perking forward to listen to the familiar howl. Behind him the tiny trudging of paws would stop and file in behind him. It seemed they had finally caught up to the other's and his kids would finally be able to fully rest. Looking back at the small eyes he would shoot them a smile before motioning his head to continue to fallow. Off they moved again at more of a quicker pace this time. When they grew close he gave a low huff, which his pups knew as take cover and remain quiet. They did as instructed and he moved forward a bit more, in front of where his kids were and close enough to be at the back of the gathering. His pink eyes would take in the wolves that gathered, looking over his family and..... strangers. The hair on the back of his neck prickled and his eyes narrowed seeing the unfamiliar bodies of wolves. He was not comfortable with the new faces, especially with his kids hiding so quietly behind him. He did not trust anyone who was not blood relation.

His sister, Deathbelle was head of the gathering, the one who had made the call. It was strange to see her with the crown, but it didn't matter as long as the family had a kingdom again. He would listen to his sisters words and take note of those who spoke up with what ranks they want. He was a fighter and a hunter, but seeing as though no one else wanted a hunter position he quickly decided he would start there. He would continue to further himself as a fighter, but he would start as a hunter. He had been quiet as everyone spoke up waiting until they were finished.

"I will help keep the family and pack well fed as one of your Rangers," his deep vocals rumbled as he remained within his spot.
