
Panic on the streets of London

for eris


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
07-06-2019, 08:13 PM
Sota was admittedly panicking.

He hadn't even known Balsam had been taken prisoner until he'd been approached by Valkyrie.. and how could he be expected to know? He occasionally tried to redirect himself toward where Balsam had gone, but staying hot on his trail wasn't exactly a priority. He was practicing this thing called being independent, which he wasn't all that great at, but it was a whole lot easier with some decent company.. which he'd found a lot of these days. He hadn't even noticed he hadn't smelled Balsam lately until a rather strange, abrasive woman approached him - quite bluntly announcing that she'd taken his friend captive, though would part for him for a fair price.

Sota had nothing. He struggled to think of what he could possibly provide her that would be of any worth, but he came up empty-handed. The Songa, after all, weren't the bargaining type. They were the type to take what they wanted, when they wanted... but then again, they weren't used to the world of these giants and Sota couldn't help but feel wildly uncertain about what to do next.

His panic was directly inwards, and he struggled to maintain a calm composure around her. No, he had nothing to trade, though he'd call for her if he came up with something. Trading wasn't exactly what he had in mind though, no. The thought of trading anything for his friend seemed insane - a wolf's life wasn't something to simply be taken and bartered with. No, he'd find some way to get Balsam out of this mess if it was the last thing he did.

But to do that, he needed help, and his mind immediately drifted to Eris. He had no idea if she'd be willing to help, or what even she could help with... but his mind was whirling as he struggled to come up with a plan. He'd tracked her scent this far, and Sota could only hope she might offer him a helping paw. Surely she would, right? If he was going so low as to ask for assistance? Cringing slightly, he lifted his head to the sky and called for his new friend - if she could be considered that.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-07-2019, 12:23 PM
Eris hadn't been back to this region since her run-in at the pitfall. Although it had been a near disaster, it had brought her Oxide, and for that she was greatful. Today, the little shadow was out on her own. Her ferret was riding comfortably astride her neck, still recovering from its near death experience. Once it regained more use of its vocal chords, Eris hoped to learn its name, or something to call it. The little thing had been such a help since they had been brought together. The ferret made a reliable pilot, steering Eris to and fro as needed once her sight failed her as the sun went down.

As the season stretched into autumn, the days were growing shorter and her hours of visibility had begun to shrink. It was all the more important now to have such a handy companion, and she was sure their relationship would be mutually beneficial. After all, she had already saved its life.

When she heard Sota's call, she was a few kilometers away. Eris hoped that his call would last long enough for her to catch up - and it was, just barely. She had run doggedly the whole way; he had sounded distress, and she desperately wanted to help him. They had shared a special moment weathering that summer storm and Eris made a point of always being useful to her friends. When she arrived, it was breathlessly. The ferret clung to her neck and hid just out of sight, having steered her through the knotty mangrove roots with some degree of skill.

"Sota," she panted, struggling to catch her breath. Eris gathered herself and took a long drink from the stagnant waters that surrounded them. "Is everything alright? I came as quickly as I could."

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
07-07-2019, 03:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2019, 03:37 PM by Sota.)

Asking for any sort of help was something Sota was wildly unused to... and he hoped he could somehow frame this favor as more of a mutually beneficial exchange. Surely if she helped free Balsam, Balsam could help come up with some means of repaying her? While the Songa could be selfish, they were honorable, at least when it came to their own rules... and Sota had no doubt that Balsam would make sure any friend of his, a friend who had helped untangle him from this giant mess, would be well taken care of.

He breathed a sigh as he veered between the mangrove trees, waiting for her to answer his call. Who knew if she'd even bother? She'd seemed sweet enough, and in a way he'd felt like they'd been kindred spirits of sorts... but she owed him nothing and he knew it was as likely she didn't show up at all. But still, he was hopeful, because he had to be. Leaving Balsam to be sold as a prisoner simply wasn't an option. If he couldn't recruit help to save him, he'd have to rethink his plans entirely. He surpassed Valkyrie in speed and tree-climbing abilities, surely, even if she was leagues stronger than him... perhaps he could sneak in and find a way to free his friend?

Luckily for him, she didn't take long for Eris to answer her call, and before long she was loping in, panting and... with an animal clinging to her neck. He cast the creature a curious look before returning his attention to Eris, hurrying to lower his head in a respectful bow. "Eris," he greeted her. He truly was glad to see her again, despite the circumstances, and he allowed a small grin to sneak across his muzzle. "I - I'm sorry to call you like this," he started, sounding a bit nervous as he lifted his head, shifting his weight from one side of his body to the other. "My friend - Balsam, the one who I came here to chase after - he's been taken. By a woman who intends to sell him. And.. I have nothing to offer him," he concluded, sounding slightly defeated, despite his best efforts not to. "I think.. I need help. I don't think I can do this alone."



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-07-2019, 05:00 PM
Eris was moved by his words. His friend was captured? How truly terrible. Her heart ached for him, although she kept a respectful distance. The Ademre in her yearned to physically comfort him in some way, but she had learned that perhaps that wasn't always appropriate. There other ways she could help.

Struggling to formulate a plan, Eris remained quiet while her thoughts raced. How could they rescue him? They were both so small, even if Sota was a skilled fighter it was likely that the two of them together wouldn't be enough of a match-up for this fearsome stranger. "I'll help, of course," she assured him quickly, realizing that she had been silent for too long. Helping him wasn't the question, it was how to help that eluded her. "What did you have in mind?"

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
07-07-2019, 05:40 PM

His own mind was racing, but - like Eris - he wasn't so quick to show his emotions. On the inside he was an uncertain wreck, trying to figure out just how he'd get Balsam back, but on the outside... well, he didn't seem completely okay with the situation, though he was making an effort to stay relatively contained about all of this. But the way he fidgeted and spoke made it obvious that he was upset about the news, and how could he not be?

"I don't know exactly where he's being held," he started hesitantly, furrowing his brows.  "But I know where that woman was when she found me, and I've noticed her scent around there... so I'm willing to bet that's where we can find Balsam." Obviously he couldn't just send Eris blindly into danger - he wouldn't be that reckless. But, if she was willing, maybe she could help distract the woman? Just so he could find an opportunity to slip into her territory - if that was what it was - and search for Balsam. With her failing vision, he'd be even less likely to suggest a dangerous plan for her, but this one seemed... relatively safe, all things considered. 'If we can find her again, maybe you can distract her for a short while, while I see what we're dealing with? Just... be careful. If she's captured Balsam I'm not sure what she's capable of," he admitted with a sigh.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-07-2019, 06:32 PM
She pondered his plan carefully. If she was no longer of use to fight, maybe this would be the next best thing. Eris wasn't so sure that she would be a good "distraction," but if it would help Sota, she would do anything. Friendship came second to none, and their people shared a unique kinship. "I pledge my service to you," Eris said earnestly, stepping forward to press her cheek against his shoulder for the briefest moment. "I know you would do the same for me." And she believed it.

The Ademre were an honorable people, and his sounded the same. If only Lament were here - he would be able to offer much better advice. All she could do was trust her heart and let the lethani guide her. When a wrong was done, it was her job to correct the balance.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
07-07-2019, 08:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2019, 08:54 PM by Sota.)

Though worried she wouldn't go for his plan, she seemed beyond eager, and for that he was grateful. He released a sigh he hadn't realized he'd been holding, feeling a bit of relief touch him. He wasn't sure he'd be able to recruit any help here - back home, this would be a different story, but he was now in a land of strangers. Sota was grateful he'd made at least one friend, one wolf willing to help him. "Thank you," he breathed, his voice quivering slightly and his eyes wide with sincerity. "Consider this a favor that I will someday return. Whatever it is - you call me and I'll come," he spoke earnestly, nodding as if to accentuate his words.

He hoped he was speaking the truth, but he had to do what he could to save Balsam. No matter the cost.. though surely Eris wouldn't be a means to an end, but her efforts would hopefully help save Balsam. Hopefully. He couldn't help but teeter still as he stood there, hoping he was making the right choice. Why couldn't it have been him that had been captured? Surely Balsam could find a way to wrangle him out of the mess, but he wasn't so confident he could do the same, but he had to try. "Here, I last caught her scent this way," he jerked his muzzle toward the center of the mangrove, toward the ocean. He hadn't yet caught Balsam's scent yet, but surely he would soon enough. "Once we find a fresh scent trail you can try to find her and I'll go looking for where she's kept Balsam. She's a giant, brown female with blue eyes.. can't miss her," he explained hurriedly as he started off, hopefully with Eris in the lead.

- exit Sota! -



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-08-2019, 08:57 AM
Eris shook her head briefly as he mentioned returning the favor. Nonsense. This was what friends did - they helped each other, they didn't seek compensation. Her favors would always be freely given. In order to correct the balance, there was no length she would not go to.

"Okay, I'll go ahead. Stay hidden, I'll try and distract her. I'm a powerful warrior, right?" She joked. Eris stuffed down her nerves into a deep, dark place. They wouldn't serve her any purpose. As she strode purposefully forward, tracking Valkyrie's stale scent, she finally channeled her Ademre training: her expression was blank, her eyes sharp and focused.

exit Eris