
Cats don't dance




7 Years
Extra large
07-08-2019, 11:42 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 07:28 PM by Torin.)

The desert was an unusual place to find such a creature, Torin had spotted the smaller red cats around before but never anything like this. Torin was standing stock still, his limbs rigid and tail raised high above his haunches, dual-toned eyes locked on the dull brown cat, it's long tail flicking in agitation. A desert was no place for a cougar. His call for back up was still echoing in the air, his patrol all but forgotten when he'd spotted the large predator wandering towards his parklands. Torin might have normally beat a strategic retreat, choosing to chase the cat away if it got to close, but with his children newly out of the den, he knew it was too much of a risk to allow the cat get any closer.

So instead he stood his ground, his loud call both to summon someone to come and help him deal with the threat on their borders but also as a warning to the cat, who'd paused, flattening round ears against her skull and hissing at him. Torin was very much aware that he alone would likely not stand much chance with the cat, though she was shorter than himself she had the build of a hardened fighter, powerful muscles bunching and releasing visibly beneath her short coat as she continued her approach, though slower now. It seemed the two of them were sizing each other up, and Torin silently prayed someone would come to help him soon. The cat was clearly not about to back down and he wasn't about to let her wander right into his home. Torin shifted his weight, bending his knees slightly, and lowering his tail to align with his spine, giving him a rudder for balance. The man spread his toes, ears, and lips pulling back in tandem. Finally, he lowered his head, tucking his chin slightly to protect his vulnerable throat, and narrowed his eyes as he watched the cat. She paused for a moment, sensing his aggressive shift, then adopting her own fighting stance she took another step towards him, nearly along the scent border of the pack and Torin growled and launched himself at the cougar, hoping to slam his weight into her. All the while he continued to silently pray he wouldn't be left to face this threat by himself.

WC: 390

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Hagon
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
08-27-2019, 01:02 PM

I call from his son drew the old giant from his den, blue eyes narrowing as he listened to the call. It sounded like there was trouble of some sort, and he'd not hesitate to answer his sons call. Large paws carried him across the ground, the breeze bringing the scent of his son and...a mountain cat? Hackles bristled as he hurried his pace until he spotted Torin and the would-be intruder already in a tussle. A growl slipped from his throat as he sped up, aiming to come towards the predator like a locomotive. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a reddish streak heading towards it as well, and realized Kairi was on her way to aid her brother. As cocky and as confident as he could be, he was doubtful of his abilities. Blind in one eye and age catching up to him, he was relieved to know that there would be three of them fighting off the attacker. Maybe with that knowledge, the cougar would back off and leave. And if it didn't leave then they'd just have to take its life to send a permanent message to it, and any potential trespassers in the area.

He charged the Cougar, a snarl ripping from his throat just before impact. He used his bulk to slam into the creature, knocking it away and sending it rolling to the ground. He stood there with hackles raised and teeth exposed while the feline did the same. He watched with a single eye as its tail lashed, and despite his effort and three of them there, it seemed to take that as a challenge and did not run off. It cried it's own challenge to them, its gaze moving from one wolf to the other as it debated who to go after. Kairi stood on his right, her own growls added to his. He glanced at Torin for a moment before his gaze lingered back on the cat. "We're just one happy family," He joked. They would fight this thing together to chase it off, or kill it. Whatever the cat preferred though perhaps it was the latter. He would have no problem killing it. After all, it would mean one less threat to his grandchildren. "Ready?" Without waiting for an answer, he charged at the cat head on to try and keep its focus on him more than on his kids.

WC: 404


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
08-27-2019, 02:16 PM
Her brothers call got her attention, unfortunately she wasn't even in pack lands when she heard it. She had been a territory over looking for little knick knacks or trinkets she could bring back home. She had found a few interesting things, but she immediately abandoned them in favor of going to her brothers aid. She would come back later and get them if nobody else had swiped them, but for now she had more pressing matters to tend to. The russet marked woman raced across the land until she crossed into Lirim territory, but she didn't stop there. She kept going, heading straight towards where she thought she heard her brother call for help, and as she drew near she also saw her father heading over too. She flashed a smile at him, and she kept some of it even when the cougar and her brother came into view. So, this thing thought it wanted a fight? Well hell yes she'd give it one! Torin had already started the assault, and her father seconded the move by slamming his weight into it and sent it rolling across the ground. She skid to a halt beside her father, the woman panting from all that effort to get here.

At her dad's words, a grin split her maw as she braced herself for an assault. The feline was pissed, but it had started this dangerous game when it decided not to back off. If they killed it, maybe she could use its teeth for a nice little trophy or something. "Ready bro?" She winked at Torin, the girl feeling all too eager for this. Finally something was happening that made her rank worthwhile! Her eyes sparked with excitement, and without waiting for instruction, she charged at the beast. She did a wide circle before turning in and aiming for one of its back legs. The cougar was slow to react with its attention fixed on her dad and brother, so she managed to sink her teeth into the tendons which caused the cat to cry out in pain. It whirled on a dime, claws outstretched as it made to slap and rake its weapons across her face. Kairi's eyes grew wide and she skittered back, but barely. The tip of a claw sliced across her nose which drew a surprised yelp from her. She shook her head as her nose stung, but it didn't deter her from wanting to still fight it.

WC: 410




7 Years
Extra large
08-28-2019, 03:40 PM

Torin wouldn't be left to fight alone for long, with a few quips both his father and sister would join him. He grinned despite himself, though it was quickly replaced by a grimace as he connected with the cat, she snarled, hissing and spitting though it seemed she was confused as to who to focus on, lashing out at Torin then rounding on his father. Torin for his part tried to dart out of the way of her slash, feeling her claws dig into his cheeks but they were only shallow scratches, it still stung though so Torin took in a sharp breath.

He almost didn't even see Kairi until the cat swung around, flashing out giant paws and raking the air with her claws. He heard Kairi yelp and a flash of fury went through Torin. Growling he lunged forwards, jaws parting as wide as he could as he attempted to grab at the back of the cat's neck, desperately trying to get the cat's attention back on him. He'd succeed in his second goal, not that his attack was successful. The cat spotted his movement, swinging around towards him and meeting his lunge with one of her own, her fangs meeting his muzzle. Torin wrenched his muzzle free, feeling teeth pulling at his fur and flesh, the warm sensation of blood on his face. Still, it was giving him a good idea of how they could fight this threat. "All at once!" He roared above the roar of adrenaline in his head. "She can't fight us at the same time." He'd lunge back in again, angling his head down to try and grip at the upper part of the cat's left foreleg.

WC: 284

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Hagon
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3