
Knockin' on heavens door

Sirius, Deathbelle later?(potentially may join)


07-09-2019, 12:52 AM

It had been so long since the Klein had seen her brother, nigh her hero, fail in accomplishing what he had been sent to do. She had disappeared, unsure of her life now. She knew her siblings had been around though, it didn't take rocket science to know that. She was moving slow right now, her left forepaw was held close to her chest and her head was low. She'd been in a scrap a few days ago, which had left her with a very sore leg, possibly even broken. her forepaw was covered in dried blood and the rain was all that was remotely washing it right now. She had bruises everywhere and she was exhausted. She'd been walking for what felt like ages, but she'd be damned if anyone saw her like this that wasn't a trusted member of her family.

She gave pause as she came upon a border. She couldn't remember one being here before, but the scent told her everything. It was new and fresh. A patrol had been by maybe an hour ago, and if she knew that scent anywhere it was positively that of a klein's. So someone had struck out without their king and was starting an empire, but she was unsure on if they had sought out Hannibal first for his blessings. If he was not okay with this then she certainly wasn't. She glared daggers at the border as if it was offensive to her. Which in truth it was. The scent was too close to her own to not know exactly who's it was and in truth it hurt to know her sister did this without seeking her out at least. She decided it was worth it though to step beyond the border and find somewhere to sleep. if only for a little while at least. She limped past the border until she found an old fox den and moved herself inside. She was still close to the border but at least here she wouldn't be bothered by any but Deathbelle's warriors or patrols. In that case all she had to do was flash her Klein name, demand to see her sister and well see how things went.

Those were things for later though. Right now she was exhausted. She climbed into the den awkwardly and then let herself flop over and adjust herself so her body was comfortable. She tucked her paw to her chest and laid her head down ready for sleep. maybe the evening patrols would happen upon her scent but by then she'd likely be gone. She was after all the phantom of the kleins. She was so silent and calm that others never even knew she was there. She closed her half blind gaze and let herself drift in the thoughts that at least here when she trespassed she would likely be safe from harm.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-09-2019, 01:10 AM

The scent of a Klein caught his attention as he made a sweep of the borders. The slowly growing pack was yet to accumulate a healthy number of members, so well he considered himself first and foremost a slave, he also spent time patrolling. For the safety of Bee, and the Ashen Empire he served.

He stopped and sniffed at the scent trail, catching blood in the mix. He did not think of it as trespassing, for all he knew all of the Klein had an open invitation to the Ashen Empire, he had not been told otherwise. That aside, he was their slave, and unless directly ordered otherwise from Deathbelle, he treated all Klein as his Masters.

This scent belonged to Aeona, a Klein, of course, and full-blooded sister to his Mistress. He picked up the trail immediately, and followed it to the fox den. He could not fit inside of course, but he stopped before it, and bowed low to the ground before her bloody form, hoping she could see him from where she lay in the cramped den. “Your Grace, may I be of service to you? Lady Lucretia is in residence, I could fetch her for you, if you require medical assistance” the Titan asked, keeping his voice soft and gentle for this small, wounded Mistress.



07-09-2019, 01:31 AM

Apparently she had misjudged the patrols and her hopeful nap was cut short by the sounds of a giant's paws. The paws cam closer and she lifted her head, she recognized the steady sound as on of the servants in the empire. Strange, wouldn't all their slaves have run from them? Perhaps not him though, he had seemed to always be with Belle. Had she known either that he called her small she'd have set him right before the word ever left his mouth. She sighed as he poked about and came to sit in the entrance. No doubt he knew exactly who he tracked. He was after all familiar with the Kleins. Unlike the rest though she was gentler, even kinder.

Father had at a time ceased giving her slaves, for they all were treated fairly and she allowed them too much freedom. Step aside Sirius, I'm coming out. Her vocals were gentle with him, she'd not bark at him like she knew most her siblings would. She lifted herself gently and as soon as he was out of her way she pushed out of the den. She shook the earth from her pelt before she seated herself. He spoke of Lucretia, a name she'd yet to hear in these lands. A younger sister from days past. There's no need Sirius, I'll not be staying and my paw will hopefully mend on it's own. hopefully it's no more than a sprain and deep cut.She turned her dual gaze upon his blue one. The last thing she needed was a true Klein to see her wounded and think her unfit. They may decide to put her down since she had so many flaws as a Klein anyway.

Have you seen Hannibal as of late? Does he know of our sister taking the throne that should be his? Would Hannibal cut Belle down for treason? This was a game of chess she did not ever foresee nor did she think should happen. If it came down to it she hoped Deathbelle would abdicate the throne to Hannibal and do so without a fight.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-10-2019, 12:22 AM

“As you wish” He picked himself back up, and immediately stepped to the side, giving the Klein room to remove herself from the den without so much as brushing against his broad shoulders. Once he was a few steps back, he sat down again, so he did not tower over the other wolf. He was always obedient, but it seemed prudent to be especially prompt to the instructions of the wounded wolf.

She would not be staying? that sounded oddly suspicious, and yet he could not and would not remark against it. All he could do was obey her until she was gone, and then bring the matter to Deathbelle to see if she had in fact been granted permission to cross the borders of the Ashen Empire. If the wolf before him had not been a Klein, this interaction would be a thousand times different then it was.

“If that is your command” he said, instead of voicing any of his questions. “If I can be further assistance to you, I am yours to command, always.”

When she asked of him a question, he was able to provide to her an answer. “Yes, Hannibal is aware of Deathbelle’s actions here, and well I would not dare speculate on the nature of my betters, he and Deathbelle have spoken recently.” he left it at that, telling her nothing else of what he had learned when Hannibal had come to Deathbelle’s den.



07-11-2019, 07:08 PM
She secretly was loathe to hear that he thought she was commanding him. Never once did she like to be thought of as a master. They were just servants that needed to do as asked. And that's what she had done is ask. "Its not an order Sirius, if you feel you need to do something then you do that. I'm not your master, deathbelle is. I'd rather you think of me as a friend." she was honest with him as she hoped he would be with her. This wasnt the first servant she had told this to though. It was honestly one of the reasons some servants were more willing to be with Aeona than the elder siblings. One could only imagine if a servant disobeyed or offended Jekyll. That would be a horrid picture in itself.

So hannibal was here. Which meant he had like her resurfaced in the world. Her heart soared to know that he was alright. Though she had to wonder about his children and if his mate had done the same. "I think I should like to find him eventually then. Perhaps deathbelle should be talked to then as well." she made comment about what she should do, though it wasnt directed at sirius. She wouldnt make him do anything. He was not hers to command.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-11-2019, 07:19 PM
Aeona was not one who commanded him often, and he could see that she regretted the phrasing of her words as he took everything she said as an order. Well some masters where ones you scurried to obey, waited until they where gone and hoped the damage they left was minimal, Sirius had never been one to shirk his duties. He respected the Klein, and 9 times out of 10, was happy to obey them to the best of his abilitys.

However, it was for Aonas gentlest, that when she spoke next he let a smile creep into his voice. "Of course your Grace, as you wish. What would you have me desire to do?" He asked her, both truthfully, and with a hint of teasing.

When she spoke her desires next, they where much more carefully worded. They where nothing but an outspoken speculation of her desires, but Sirius, faithful as ever, obeyed the heart of her words and not the letter. "I know where Deathbelle resides, if you wish for me to take you there?" He offered his services to her, his gentle tone soft so she would not get the mistaken impression that what she desired was a burden to him.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-12-2019, 04:34 PM
”No need, Sirius.” Belle spoke lightly as her royal frame appeared through the grass to come before her sister’s form once more. She’d caught her scent at the border on accident, having just visited Lucretia for another check up. Deathbelle lifted her crowned head above her shoulders and stood comfortably beside her fanged guard. Ivory tail swayed gently at her ankles as the Klein Empress smiled warmly at her littermate.

Belle turned to Sirius, her gaze lowered slightly as she offered a heartfelt, ”thank you.” The Empress didn’t let her attention linger on Seer for more than a moment before magenta gaze was returned to her sister. ”Ae, you know I can’t let you back past my borders looking like that.” Her gaze was sympathetic as she closed the distance between her and Aeona. ”Come to my den, I’ll get you fixed up. Then Luce can look over my work.” she chuckled lightly, turning to position herself at her sister’s shoulder.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.


07-13-2019, 12:18 AM
She looked to Sirius a smile upon her dainty form as he spoke again. He really didn't get it huh? She didn't want for servants nor slaves, merely friends and those that were faithful to her as she was to Hannibal. She shook her head and laughs lightly at him continuing to act as a servant would. "First I'd have you stop with the master slave speak Sirius. You should do as you like not as I like, Deathbelle is who you serve not I. I am merely her younger sister, you need not take orders from me." She was completely serious with him. He was more a family member than servant anyway. After all they'd basically all been raised together.

When Deathbelle appeared Aeona turned her gaze to her elder sister, Her gaze searching. There was a scent about her and she could place it well enough but there was nothing to be said. She knew well that if she was pregnant Belle would tell her what she needed to know in her own time. But then Belle spoke more after seeing Aeona's form. Her ears fell. Luce, a true Klein, would look over the work Belle did. It was everything in the Klein ways to have an image of themselves be near unbreakable. But here she was the weakling of the Klein, going to be looked over by one of Hannibal's siblings. If that happened there was no doubt that the word might get out and around to Hannibal or one of their worst siblings. "I'd prefer if we not get Luce involved, not even Roman." Who knew who fell in line with the new Klein empire and how they viewed things now. She'd really prefer not to be seen as a burden or a weakling anymore than she already likely was. She wouldn't voice her concerns with Deathbelle nor Sirius, they were after all private matters of her own mind.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-13-2019, 06:41 PM

It was in his nature to give deference to the Klein’s, he had been raised to it, and moulded by it. He was not about to give up this large part of who he was, not easily and not without a fight. Something Deathbelle herself knew well, as she was denied her hearts want by him, and his need to embrace his duty.

He heard Aeona, he truly did, but he simply smiled at her. “Your grace” he said, which was neither agreement nor disagreement to her words. Very diplomatic of him. He was saved from having to answer her any further, for Deathbelle appeared behind him. He turned promptly, and bowed deeply to the Empress. “Your Imperial Majesty” he said, rising from his bow, and turning himself into furniture as he stood to the side and let himself blend it with the background, so the two high born wolves could speak. He would offer to help Aeona move her injured body if they decided moving her was best, but otherwise he would lapse into silence.




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-13-2019, 08:22 PM
She wished desperately to reach out and touch her nose affectionately to Sirius’s cheek, but even in private she could not allow herself to succumb. She gave Seer a smile, only able to show her love through tiny gestures. Resolving to focus on her sister she listened to Aeona’s request. ”As you wish, sister.” She pledged softly. ”Can you walk? Should Sirius or I help you?” She couldn’t know the extent of her sister’s wounds with out more closely inspecting the wound. ”You know Lucretia will want to look you over as soon as she knows you’re here. I wont be able to stop her.” And it was because Luce loved her siblings, and was slightly anal about newcomers and their health. Not that she would mention that to her physician’s face.

”Will you be staying with me, Aeona?”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.


07-26-2019, 07:45 PM
She could say she was growing exasperated by her sister's servant for certain. He just couldn't come to terms with what she asked of him. It was exhausting beyond her already present exhaustion. She shook her head, there was no use with trying really anymore.

Her attention on belle had saved him anyway. Not that she could have ever done anything but maybe cuff his ear. That or she could have bit his ear and told him off. Though he was so tall it was near impossible for the shorter Klein. Her sister asked her if she could walk and the look she gave at even the suggestion of her being carried or aided by either to belle's den could of froze rivers. She despised being seen as weak. Like hell she would allow someone to even think it of her. "I'll walk myself." Lest hannibal or another of their half siblings see her as weak.

Her ears pinned as she spoke more of lucretia looking at her. Oh how she would loathe any of that attention. She doubted hannibal or belle would undergo any of the attention from lucretia like she would. She of course could just tell lucretia that she was fine and didn't need any of the babying or check ups she wanted to give Aeona. But then she might risk the ire of Hannibal.

Her sister asked if she would be staying and honestly Aeona wasnt sure herself. "I'm not sure. Honestly I don't have anywhere else to go but I also do not wish to risk the ire of Hannibal if he is not happy with you taking the throne. He is the rightful heir as is his children, even if everyone else has forgotten it or sees otherwise, I see it the way father intended still." she had to be upfront with Belle even if it made her angry. She'd only made it over the border originally for sleep.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-29-2019, 07:33 AM
Aeona was a proud wolf, despite her refusal to use their servants as intended. Belle couldn’t quite predict her sister, she was just as mysterious as Pandora. Even if they were full blooded siblings. She made known that she was indeed going to walk herself, and make no further comment on Luce. Belle nodded quietly, accepting the answer but giving Sirius her own look. If her sister faltered, he needed to be there to catch her.

”Our brother supports me fully, Aeona.” She told her softly, not angry or surprised by the answer. ”Hannibal was the heir to the Klein throne, but Ashen has remade our Empire anew. I think father would have been proud of my accomplishments.” She took nothing from Hannibal, and had he won his right to rule she would have stood supportively beside him. He hadn’t though, and the Klein needed their place carved out in the world. When he left her, she took up the reins and steered the family here they needed to go. ”You are welcome, always, sister. If you wish to speak with Hannibal before committing, I would not complain.”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.