
Never not beautiful




12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
07-10-2019, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2019, 10:30 PM by Hymn.)

Hymn had spent a decent amount of time on the island, away from his family and the man still couldn't fight the guilt he felt having jumped so quickly after Eisleif and he knew he couldn't persue anything any further before he checked in with his children, he needed to know if they'd seen their mother recently... and much as they didn't get to make choices for him he didn't want them to be left in the dark or left uncomfortable.

He also knew he needed to check in on the pack his mothers had stayed in... somehow he already knew they'd passed, maybe it was simply his own understanding of his and his mother's age... or maybe it was an emotional understanding. Still he needed to confirm it for himself. His first stop would be his children though. He'd spent some time learning the geography, learning of which packs were nearby. Rumor had it a pack with his extended family in charge, it seemed likely that's where at least one of them would be, if any of them settled down. The man was making his slow way towards Abaven.

The sun was setting and he found himself in a familiar setting. The rumbling of the falls reaching him before they appeared before him. The man allowed a lazy smile, he felt at ease visiting these old lands. With night starting to fall he knew he'd need a place to stay and he was more than comfortable here so he set about trying to find easy shelter near the falls.


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3

Novel iii


6 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
07-11-2019, 12:04 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2019, 06:46 AM by Novel iii.)
Night was falling and that's when she made her way out of Abaven territory. She avoided everyone now more than ever since she discovered what the extent of her injuries looked like. Her brothers knew about it, and they would be the only ones to know until the bandages came off for good. She had fresh bandages wrapped around one side of her face, and she was still coming to terms with how she would look for the rest of her life. Or she was trying to, anyway. She avoided looking at her reflection whenever she drank water, unable and unwilling to see her scarred face. She would have to get used to the partial blindness that now plagued her right eye, but at least it wasn't worse. She could see shadows with that eye, silhouettes of the world around her. She was luckier than most, she supposed. She still had good sight in her left eye...but it didn't make her feel any better.

She walked quietly as the sun went down and the moon started to come up, her left ear was folded tightly against her head while the right was still painful to move. Not that she could move it much anyway, it was bound and pack with a poultice that would hopefully take the edge off the burning sensation she still felt. She wasn't sure if it was her mind playing tricks, making her feel ghost pains or if the after effects of the fire would forever remain. One thing was certain...the scars would remain. She was no longer beautiful, and she felt like anyone who saw her now would think her a freak.

With a deep breath, she limped along towards the falls. The sound of rushing water which normally would have been soothing reminded her that even this place would always be more beautiful than her. No doubt she'd struggle with insecurities when her wounds were finally healed as much as they could be...she hadn't really stopped crying since the other night. But her tears wouldn't fall anymore and all she could do was sob quietly when the world was sleeping. But tonight? Tonight she needed to get away. She could hardly sleep with the night terrors that plagued her dreams now...

Her head lifted slightly when she heard something up ahead, causing her to freeze and stop in her tracks. Up ahead, she could smell the water Guilt and apprehension started to eat at her. She hadn't seen him for what felt like forever, but she couldn't mistake that scent. What would he think of her? Not only had she been badly burned, but she bore a permanent limp as well from the night that mother wolf tried to kill her for accidentally killing her child...that secret would likely go to her grave, but oh how the guilt of that memory ate away at her soul every passing day.

Afraid to confront him, she slunk forward until she could barely see him through the bushes. She slid onto her belly, pushing her way beneath the foliage until she felt she was hidden enough. She missed her father dearly...she wanted nothing more than to run to him and cry in his fur. But she was so ashamed of herself and how things had turned out, she was afraid he would be disappointed in her...and she couldn't stomach that thought.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
07-11-2019, 12:03 PM

Hymn wasn't exactly powering along so while his daughter caught wind of him first, moving quick enough to hide herself but he did eventually catch whiff of his daughter, her scent drifting towards him on the lazy early fall wind. Hymn stopped, his ears twitching, and slowly turned around. His cerulean eyes narrowing as he peered into the growing dark, trying to pick out his daughter.

"Novel?" He called out softly, something about how silent it was aside from the falls made him hesitant to be too loud. He started towards where the scent of his daughter was coming from, wondering why she hadn't come out. Novel had never been overly shy before and a sense of dread rolled over him. He paused for a moment, sniffing cautiously, was it possible that he'd mistaken a scent? No it was Novel, different than he was used to, under the heady scent of herbs and carrying a pack scent he didn't recognize (though he caught Allegro and Octave in there and he was briefly glad to know his children had stuck together) but it was Novel nonetheless. "Honey, please come out." He spoke louder now, wanting to make sure she could hear him. Hymn would settle onto his haunches now, he knew he could track her scent to wherever she was but if something was wrong, and the smell of herbs had him worrying something very much was, then he didn't really want to push her. But Hymn still wanted to see his daughter and his tail wagged weakly along the ground.


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3

Novel iii


6 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
08-17-2019, 12:39 AM

He could smell her. He knew she was there. She knew he wouldn't miss her scent. Much less with the strong smell of  fresh herbs. As he called her name she wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and have him hold her as if she were a pup again. But...she didn't run to him. She was so afraid that he would see her and see nothing but disappointment at how she looked. Mind, Novel was never a vain creature before, but now she felt incredibly self conscious about her injury. She was a blemish on the world, and felt it was her karma that had finally caught up. A broken leg hadn't been enough, no. The world wanted to take more from her after what she'd done, and although she hadn't paid with her life, she certainly still paid a heavy price.

He coaxed her to come out, and no matter how much she wanted not to, she wanted her dad. Wanted to feel his touch. Wanted his comfort. She felt her body begin to shake as she fought with herself, but in the end...she slowly crawled out from under the bush, gaze averted from him and ears flattened tightly to her head. She kept the injured side turned away so that he would only see the side with the gold strip beneath her eye. The side that was still beautiful, unburned, normal. She swallowed past the lump forming in her throat, the girl unsure what to say. She felt like a pup in trouble...only...she wasn't really in trouble this time. "H-Hello father..." It was all she could manage in a quiet voice, an almost whisper. She didn't want him to see her like this...


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!