
13. Specialties



07-11-2019, 09:20 PM

Once a wolf reaches Master in any given skill, they are able to select a single Specialty to unlock special perks. Specialties are not permanent, so stay tuned for how they are able to be changed.


Berserker - This fighter uses a vicious, all-out attack style that also lowers their defenses. Provides a 30% Attack bonus to all fights, but also gives a -10% penalty to Defense score.

Bodyguard - This wolf specializes in protection and may choose one single wolf to protect. All fights except pack challenges directed at their chosen wolf may be answered instead by the bodyguard, with any negative results of the battle going to the bodyguard instead of their chosen wolf.

Brawler - When the odds are down, a brawler reigns supreme. This wolf specializes in multi-opponent fights! Gain a 30% total score bonus in all melee (multiple opponent) fights.

Defender - Loyal to the end, this wolf protects their group at all costs. Provides a 50% Defense bonus while defending their pack against a Siege or Raid.

Juggernaut - A fighter who aims to crush anything in their path, their fighting style is brutal and unforgiving. Provides a 20% Attack bonus in all fights.

Knight - A fighter who has sworn fealty to a group or pack. Provides a 40% Attack bonus when fighting for a pack or band that they've sworn loyalty to.

Marauder - One skilled in the art of raiding, this wolf will stop at nothing to get what they want. Provides a 30% total bonus score when participating in Raids (must be on the attacking side).

Saboteur - Someone who infiltrates enemy strongholds to cause mischief. Provides a 30% total score bonus when trespassing.

Slave Master - A ruthless wolf who is adept at turning others into their prisoners. Provides a 30% total score bonus in all ownership challenges that they initiate, and allows them to keep one slave at a time as a loner

Weaponsmaster - One who is adept at using weapons and tools in their battles. Allows a battle accessory to be ultra effective, giving a 30% additional boost to Attack score in all fights.


Beast Master - One who is finely in tune with the animals around them. Unlocks a third companion slot which can be used in fights.

Ranger - A wolf uniquely attuned to the local wildlife, giving them the ability to tame larger creatures. Allows one companion to be oversized (30" tall, or 60" long for reptile length or bird wingspan).


Anatomist - One who is an expert in anatomy and knows how to hit where it really hurts. Provides a 40% Attack bonus in all maim fights.

Field Medic - A battle-hardened healer who knows how to provide aid in the fray of a fight. Allows one member of their pack or band, if knocked out during a raid or a siege, to get back up and fight one more round.

Poison Master - One skilled in the art of poisons. Allows a character to poison a single Offensive Battle Accessory, adding a 30% Attack bonus in all fights that they initiate.


Daredevil - Against all reason, these wolves seem to show up whenever things go wrong! Daredevils are permitted to enter Random Events, even after the stated character limit has been reached.

Escape Artist - One who is good at getting out of tricky situations and not afraid to run when they know the odds are stacked against them. Allows one extra chance to flee fights.

Fleet-Footed - One who is quick on their paws, excelling in speed above all else. Adds a 30% Agility bonus to all fights.

Houdini - Now they're here, now they're... gone? These wolves are elusive and evade capture easily. Adds a 30% total bonus score when initiating a freedom challenge.

Infiltrator - A wolf adept at sneaking into places they definitely shouldn't be. Receives a 10% chance of going undetected when trespassing.

Scout - These nimble wolves are able to get into places most wolves can't. Gives the ability to post to any skill-locked land, from Boreas to Auster.


Bard - A wolf who exudes charisma and whose presence is a great benefit to their allies. Provides a 10% total score bonus to all comrades in a siege or raid.

Caretaker - Under the watchful eye of a caretaker, a birth is bound to be successful. Extra pup passes for this character only are free!

Dreamwalker - One who walks through the dreamworld as easily as the physical one. Can communicate with any wolves in Somnium, regardless of relation.

Merchant - An experienced trader that knows the real value of an item. 50% off all purchases that apply to that character only.

Professor - A learned wolf who is able to conduct lessons in any skill discipline. Wolves participating in their lessons will gain double skill points for receiving lessons in the applicable skill.

Seer - One who has some extraordinary insight into what the future holds. Reduces cost of Immortality passes to 100 Gems per, and allows character to live one year beyond the normal purchasable limit.

Tactician - Quick on their paws, these wolves use their minds rather than their strength to gain an advantage over opponents. Receives a 30% Perception bonus in all fights.

Traitor - One who has betrayed their family. Receives a 50% Attack bonus in all fights against blood relatives.