
about last night

ft hannibal



4 Years

Critical Fail!
07-16-2019, 12:15 PM
Dutch wasn't exactly sure where to find Hannibal, but she had an inkling she should start with the cave he had found her in. to say that the dwarf was a bit nervous was an understatement. she hadn't even told Valkyrie yet; she had no idea if the band was big enough to accept her unborn pups. what then? would she go back to her homeland with Thoren and raise them there? maybe. but first, she had to make sure the father knew of them. her culture boasted of healthy family relationships and she was going to at least try to make this as normal as possible.

she wasn't mated with the piebald man, and she had no illusions of their 'relationship. it had been a casual lay that resulted in her pregnancy. if Hannibal wanted to be in their lives, she'd accept it. if he didn't, she could accept it too. she didn't feel it was fair to let him go on his way and be unaware of the children though. Dutch also wasn't sure if she could live with keeping the secret from him despite their hook-up and lack of established friendship. she didn't know him. he didn't know her. but she was trying. peering into the cave, the light from the sun rose behind her as the morning was met. his scent was here, but faint. maybe he didn't pass by this way.

sitting down, she'd try to plan something else. Deathbelle was the empress of the Ashen and the Kleins. Hannibal was a Klein. maybe she should have gone to Ashen first. but she didn't quite feel like a welcoming party and everyone sticking their nose into her business.


dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.



8 Years
07-18-2019, 11:09 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2019, 11:09 PM by Hannibal.)

Hannibal was curious as to what had come of his little cavern dwelling fling with Dutch. The nordic pigmy with a spunky attitude and cute pink nose. Perhaps she had moved on elsewhere like the North or even Auster. Maybe she found a real adventurous male to make her heart flourish or she is continuing to eat male's hearts with that precious pink gaze. Nontheless, Hannibal was rather interested to reconnect with the babe and see where their fling could lead. This led the beast towards the cavern in which they had met and.. had a grand time. If he didn't find her there he would have to resort to calling upon her.

As he arrived Hannibal took in her supple scent with a growing grin. It seems she had truly claimed the rights to the cave. Did she live here now? The male raised a brow as he slipped into its depths. The sight of Dutch's beautiful petite form filled his vision. Hannibal slinked in with a lowered head and a devious grin. "I thought I'd seen the last of you.." His voice was low and gentle. His words were not meant as an insult but as touch of yearning. His eyes roamed over her form as he stopped his steps. Hannibal stood about three tail lengths away unless she moved. The hauntingly pale gaze lingered upon a round belly and his head seemed to cock to one side. Perhaps she had a large dinner? Though, the strength of her feminine scent was something that she, Belle, and Circe shared. Was the little viking pregnant? "How are you?" It was the only question he could manage in his flurry of thoughts.

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years

Critical Fail!
07-19-2019, 08:28 AM
the guy seemed to have a similiar mindset. go back to the cave they had met at, hope to find each other again. but he could just be passing by... he wasn't seeking her out. he was here though, and Dutch's blood pumped at the thought of what she would have to tell him. but if Dagfinn had guessed, and if Thoren knew... then there was no reason for Hannibal not to figure it out on his own. "can't get rid of me that easily" she tried to joke, to make this lighthearted even though her insides squirmed uncomfortably.

his eyes rolled over her frame, focusing on her belly. she shifted her weight as she turned to face him, trying to return to her usual bold attitude. her chin lifted as her eyes focused on his face. he still remained handsome, like the moment they had met. "I'm pregnant, Hannibal" Dutch finally said after a moment's lapse of silence. her eyes were firm and determined "and they're yours" she knew this to be true, for she had laid with no other Boreas man since coming here. "I didn't think it was fair to not tell you."

she sighed, chuckling with a shake of her skull. what would he say now? maybe he already knew. maybe he was going to flee and never look back. she wouldn't blame him.


dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.



8 Years
07-19-2019, 09:25 AM

"I'm pregnant, Hannibal." A wave of shock flew through his system as pale eyes went big. Was his seed so very strong? He had managed to knock up all three females he slept with in Boreas. This would be his third litter in two years.. Likely not the last either.. The male looked over the small babe before him with his gaze lingering shamelessly along her plump belly. After only a moment did a sweeping grin slip across his pink lips. As she chuckled he laughed as well, their silly sort of nervous joy becoming harmonious. How would Deathbelle react to such a thing? Or even Circe? Would the two believe this litter was an insult to their own? Hannibal internally shook those thoughts for he mentally reminded himself he was an Alpha. Despite not being an Emperor the male had nearly as much say in things as Belle did. This litter would be just as exciting and welcomed as his other, otherwise he would raise hell. Hamiclar was known for sleeping around and having multiple mistresses. Who knows how many litters his father had. Therefore, Hannibal felt no shame for his actions and only impending joy.

The male moved forward to close the distance between them. If the pregnant female allowed, he would attempt to nuzzle her neck before moving to press the side of his muzzle against the side of her belly. Hannibal inhaled the sweet scent and a smile never left his lips. As he raised his head once again the male would aim to stand in front of her with eyes pointed down into her own. Their size distance was rather evident. "You should have called upon me as soon as you found out, Dutch." His voice was not negative but merely of mild concern. "I co-lead a pack to the West called Ashen. I would love nothing more then to invite you to share my home for the time in which you are carrying the pups and the months after to ensure the safety of our offspring. We have good healers as well as plentiful warriors to protect our home from any negativity." Hannibal looked her over for a moment, "You carry royalty within your belly. You will be treated with nothing but respect if you were to come with me.." The only reason the male was asking was due to how Neph had reacted when he told her to join his pack. Perhaps a more gentle approach was a bit better with hormonal faes. Though, he was not going to take no for an answer. His children would prosper in his pack no matter what.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years

Critical Fail!
07-19-2019, 10:18 AM
She didn’t really know what to expect. When Hannibal started to chuckle too, she felt relief wash over her. It wasn’t a condescending laugh but one of joy. He’d move toward her, nuzzling her neck affectionately. Dutch allowed him his reaction, not knowing he had other litters with women before and just assuming he was glad. And if she did know, well, she couldn’t be mad about it. He was a grown-ass man. He had the right to stow his seed wherever the hell he wanted, just like it was her choice to keep these pups regardless if he wanted them. It still made her a bit shocked someone would be this tender toward her. Maybe it was less shock and more surprise. Outside of her family, all her interactions were rough. She allowed herself to feel a bit stronger for a moment as he pressed his slender snout against her growing belly.

He was still smiling too, but he also had an offer for her. Dutch listened with a slight frown, understanding that he wanted his children – no, their children – to be safe. Within a pack’s lands. Not with the band she was with. Valkyrie frequently made the Hjarrandi travel, and she could only think this was not good for the pups when she reached a point. And if she chose to be a loner, she could not hunt properly after a while. That would endanger the children, not getting substance. It wasn’t fair to ask Hannibal to leave his pack’s land and come to this cave to do things for her either. He led a pack and that was his responsibility. The dwarf knew responsibility well. “I have to tell my band leader first, Hannibal” she squeezed her eyes shut at the idea “the Hjarrandi… I’m not part of them. Not really. I’m just a woman who chose to go with them to Boreas. If I leave them high and dry…”

Dutch sighed, shaking her head again. There was the manner of going to collect her armor too. She has almost finished it for Deathbelle. “I’m going to give them the same respect I gave you. I’ll tell them then… I’ll leave with you to Ashen” she didn’t give a shit about ‘royalty’ – these pups were her kids and they’d still be her kids. Royal or not. “I’m not abandoning these kids. I’ll be there for them, in the safest place I can be.” so yeah, she was saying yes but she also had the good graces to let Valkyrie know she was leaving.


dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.



8 Years
07-22-2019, 08:29 PM

Hannibal could understand her struggles but admired her overall decision making. Leaving the Band high and dry to join a pack would leave a bad stain and burn bridges. Dutch going and speaking to the leader face to face was a much better way of going about things. He did not desire issues between another group due to his lusty actions. Of course, the albino would always deal with whatever consequences may come of his impulses. Circe had joined the pack to give birth to their offspring and he expected nothing less of the little viking. As that thought filled his head a wave of doubt swarmed him. What if she never returns? Hannibal would not settle for his offspring to grow up in some nomadic band being left for the cold of winter.. Though, since the thoughts were mere mental doubts he did not voice his concern.

As her words stopped the male moved to sit in front of her. Lowering down on pale haunches and rolling his shoulders ever so slightly. It had bit a bit of a walk to get to the cavern and he was tired from a day's duty. The male offered a lasting smile to the babe to perhaps radiate a little positivity towards the situation. "Ashen will be awaiting you with a warm den and welcoming members." The male tilted his head gently, "I want to know more about you, Dutch." She is the mother of his spawn after all. "Where do you originate from?" Boreas? Or maybe elsewhere like himself.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years

Critical Fail!
07-22-2019, 08:39 PM
she uttered thanks, a grumbling grunt but acknowledgement that she'd at least have a den now. her previous encounters with Ashen members hadn't been all good. Sirius was a good man and she liked teasing him, but that bitch Zee... she didn't know what crawled up her ass. maybe she didn't like Dutch teasing Sirius - it was quite clear the woman was infatuated with him and was a jealous cow. the little dwarf didn't mean anything by calling Sirius 'handsome'. she didn't even know his name until they spoke it at the last meeting. 'Handsome' seemed like an acceptable thing to call him.

shaking such thoughts away, she'd focus as Hannibal lay nearby. the dwarf chuckled at his insistence he wanted to learn more about her outside of their little fling. "well, my actual name is Durin Ahlberg" if they were to share children together, the albino deserved to at least know that. settling next to him, she relished in the company. all she had for it so far was a bunch of tall Vikings. she made a face at admitting her name, never liking the name 'Durin' her Ma had chosen. "I used to live underground. in tunnels and caves. never seeing the light of day. my people were tinkerers, crafters. we made weapons and armor and sold them to the surfacers."

which is where the Hjarrandi came in. "left to see the world, have adventures... end up pregnant. y'know, the whole nine yards" Dutch smirked easily, joking that becoming pregnant may not have been her goal. but she was prepared to accept it. "and what about you? what's the summary with Hannibal Klein?"


dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.



8 Years
07-22-2019, 08:58 PM

Hannibal laid in a lounging position with his head raised and front legs crossed. That black and white tail flicked along the earth and near his hind paws idly. The male had a 'regal' but also rather relaxed look about him. A lazy King enjoy the company of an interesting femme. His pale eyes flicked along her own gaze and every now again to her tiny form. He tried to imagine what their pups would look like. Pink noses and warm toned fur. Maybe some albinism. He couldn't imagine their offspring would be huge for the Kleins weren't known for their sizes to begin with and she was a tiny thing.

As she revealed her full name his expression did not change. Durin Ahlberg. The true name of his spawn's dam. Would she desire their children to share last names? Ahlberg-Kleins or did she even care? Hannibal got the impression the babe was not one to dwell on such things. She seemed like a free spirit and he liked that. Perhaps her company would allow him to wind down a bit. Though, the truly interest bits came as she explained her previous home. Underground and riddled with crafting types. He came from an Empire of rather militaristic and cold Wolves. It was quite the contrast to her upbringing. But, that proved to him that she had a good brain to match her looks. Intelligence and physical health came first when it came to picking a good gal to carry a brood. "I can only hope our children will be blessed with your skills then." He was not flattering but merely spreading a bit of hope and joy. Setting a positive tone to their relationship.

Dutch's next questioned caused the male to raise a brow. Had anyone here asked that before? The summary of his own life. The beast allowed his tongue to slither across his own teeth before he began speaking in husky yet gentle tones. "I was born heir to the Klein Empire. A famine swept through our homeland and I fled to find a new habitable land for us." The male shrugged, "I joined a pack when I got here and had a litter with a gal named Nephthys who is now missing in action, as well as two of the three pups." Hannibal spoke matter of factly. He spent months dwelling on his failures and sulking over his sadness. Now, his tale was nothing but the past. "After a lot of.. bullshit. I have come to be the Right Hand to Empress Deathbelle Klein, my younger sister."

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years

Critical Fail!
07-22-2019, 09:14 PM
ain't he the charmer? "ha! maybe!" Dutch snickered, knowing she'd try to teach them how to weave bracelets and necklaces before they were old enough to see. she wanted her culture to pass onto the next generation for sure. but she hoped their kids had more sense than their mother. flings were great and all, but she hoped they could settle down. do better than her. not to say Hannibal wasn't a catch, but they weren't even exclusive. it was a miracle he had even accepted the pups. "you hope better than I do; I just want them to be born with at least half a brain."

though she was amused, she shut up for Hannibal's explanation of his life so far. it was a crash course, and lucky for her she was good at studying. her eyes turned to face him as he admitted he had another litter with another woman - and honestly she wasn't surprised by it. from his vigor, she suspected he had more experience than he let on. "when I'm less round, I can help ya look for your other kids." Dutch offered boldly and unashamed. she didn't know if he had tried to look himself - assuming he did - but the thought counted right? the fact was two children were missing from their parent. it had to be hard for him.

"sounds like a lotta bullshit" she went on, even if he hadn't given specifics. she sympathized, she supposed, with his bullshit remark. he didn't seem the type to be all crass for nothing. "but, Hannibal... if ya ever want to or need to talk. about that bullshit. I mean, I'm here" Dutch added in, nudging him softly "I may be carrying our kids alone, but I can carry a little extra." she grinned at the albino, naively offering her listening services to him.


dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.



8 Years
07-28-2019, 03:39 PM

Hannibal was appreciative of the viking's offers of help. It was more then most had offered. Pandora and Cannival aided him in getting back on his paws and Belle had taken care of Banshee in his time away. But, other then that his hardships were swept under the rug and the rug was becoming a sore. Hannibal was slowly able to pluck away at his insecurities and problems but they were still very much relevant. Missing children and the oncoming of new litters. He could not let go of his past failures as a father and sovereign. But, this Dutch's help perhaps he was on his way to being a tad bit more stable.

The albino lounged with a flicking tail and wandering eyes. He was growing fond of the round babe and that was evident. He never spent time with Wolves he didn't enjoy. Hannibal cherished his time and would resent spending it with those he did not enjoy. More often then not the male would pad away without a second thought once bored or annoyed. - The male finally nodded to her, "With the compassion shown today I believe you will make a fine mother." Hannibal smiled before getting up from his laying position, "I thank you, Dutch." He moved to land a tiny lick on her head before moving towards the mouth of the cave. "I must get back to my pack and inform my Empress of our talk today. We must prepare for the arrival of a new promising litter of Kleins." With a flick of his hips the beast turned while speaking, "Come to our borders when you are ready to join. Also, I expect to be called upon if there are any complications." He was referring to both physically and with her band. - With that, the male padded away with haste.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years

Critical Fail!
07-28-2019, 04:42 PM
she really didn't know what to say about that. that it was in her blood to raise kids for the future generations? but that didn't make someone a good parent. it was through experience that made one a good parent. Dutch had her younger siblings to add to that. being one of the rare females in her parents' litters, it was expected of her to help the family babysit. it wasn't sexist; for both women and men worked to improve their skills, and Dutch was often crafting to make coin for the family. men couldn't produce kids, after all. it fell to a woman's help for that.

"I'll be at your border by the end of this season" she vowed, closing her eyes briefly as he lapped at her head. she wore an amused expression, not used to such treatment from anyone other than her own family. she could get used to it, but she wasn't invalid. she could still do stuff until her pregnancy reached a climax. Dutch hoped Hannibal wouldn't place expectations on her - or stress over her - due to his old partner and their litter. Dutch was different. she was tough. most of all, she wouldn't abandon her kids. "yeah, I hope to be called on when there's complication too." she smirked, realizing she'd be the first to know.

it was a joke. watching as Hannibal departed from the cavern, she curled up after he left. it was time to rest for a bit before moving back to the Hjarrandi's camp. she'd return within a few days at most, gods and ancestors willing.



dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.