
a small thing, just for me

treasure hunting at M-3



3 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-22-2019, 09:33 AM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2019, 02:11 PM by Lucretia.)
Luce had separated herself from Belle briefly to pick out a plot to dig. Apparently there was treasure to be found on the island, and the thought excited her greatly. The shaman had spent so much time attending to others over the past few months and it was finally time to do something just for herself. A treasure hunt was just the thing! It had been difficult finding time to squeeze in her typical routine of calisthenics, and her body was itching for a thorough workout.

Nothing better for the joints and muscles than a good, brisk swim! Lucretia took to the water with her eyes set on a nearby islet off the shore of Ibis. It seemed like a good place to find some peace and quiet. Luce was itching to finally be alone with her thoughts, and maybe for just one moment, put Deathbelle's pregnancy out of her mind. Nightly she was haunted by twisted birth scenarios in which not a single pup made it out alive, while the Empress herself slowly bled out and despite all of her knowledge, Lucretia was powerless to stop it. The ravaged empire still had a hold on her mind, and it was exhausting keeping the dark thoughts at bay.

Luce paddled swiftly to the sandy shores of the nearby island, enjoying the burn in her muscles as they worked. It was a sure sign that the fibers were tearing and would remake themselves stronger, once she had ate and rested. The body was a phenomenal thing.

As she pulled herself up on to the shore, she took a moment to catch her breath. It was much smaller here than it had looked from the coast of Ibis, but that didn't matter much. She figured it was unlikely any others would come here looking for treasure, making it an ideal spot to dig! The further away from the general rabble, the better chances she figured she had. Luce looked up at the sky, still breathing hard from her strenuous swim. Like the fireflies on the main island, the sky was swarmed with pinpricks of light. She closed her eyes and soaked up the starlight, willing herself to think positive. These few hours were hers and hers alone.

After she had recovered from the swim here, Luce set about inspecting the shore for any irregularities. Once she had selected a suitable spot, she began to dig. Her muscles complained as she put them to work again, but she relished in the pain.

Lucretia digs at M-3.



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-02-2019, 10:45 PM
There was so much to do during the festival that he took to doing everything but the race. After seeing everyone that had lined up, he felt he didn't have much of a chance considering how small he was still compared to everyone else. So under the watchful eye of his mother, he decided to partake in the treasure hunt and hoped he'd find something good! He wandered around looking for a spot to dig, but it looked like half the island had already been dug up. Frowning, he walked down the shoreline and soon enough found what he thought was a good spot.

Looking back to his mom for a moment, he tested the sand under his feet before he set to digging. He wanted to do it by himself and without any help, and the sand made it very easy to dig through. As he dug, he noticed someone else was nearby and he lifted his head to look at her. She was a very pretty wolf, and the young boy greeted her from his spot. "Hi! Are you digging for treasure too?" He questioned with friendly curiosity.