
love and beauty

belle <3



8 Years
07-23-2019, 03:04 PM

How would Belle take more news of Hannibal's love affairs? She seemed to be slightly agitated by him mating with Circe but no lingering ill will was received from the Empress. But, what of another case? It was time for the albino to take his leader to the side and inform her of Dutch and their impending pups. Hannibal desired to bring the little viking and their brood to Ashen to have a stable life. Would Belle refused? She couldn't. To toss aside Klein blood would be wrong in many ways. If anything they should rejoice. More strong Kleins were entering the world.

Hannibal found himself slinking along the depths of the ravine before coming upon the palace. A smirk stained his lips as he observed the curtains and elaborate decorations. Pink pads fell upon moist earth with ease as he made his way across rocks and to the patio. Anticipation may have bubbled but he was use to the feeling by now. He had only just told her of Circe a week or so ago. But, what if she were to react poorly? Hannibal would take any back lash but Belle had no room to judge. The Klein's seed was strong and the Empress' belly was full of her own consequences. Planned or not. "Sister? Hannibal called forth summoning Belle with a single tone while slinking towards the entrance to their den.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-23-2019, 03:54 PM

Belle was sleeping in the main room of the den, the daylight warmed the earth enough the pregnant Empress lay sprawled over top of her furs instead of underneath them. Her swollen belly was now protruding above her hips as she lay on her side. A content smile played over her features even in slumber. However, that peaceful sleep was soon gently disturbed by the sound of Hannibal’s sweet voice. She stirred slowly, reluctant to get to her feet and leave the den, but her brother had summoned her and she would heed his call.

With effort she found her feet, wondering since when she had issues getting up. Luce was right, this litter was going to be huge, not just in number but the babies also would be large. It wasn’t much of a surprise when you took a quick look at their sire. Deathbelle sighed heavily as she got to her paws and nosed her way past the oryx hide curtain. "Hannibal?" She answered warmly, not hesitating to close the distance between them and offer her beloved Hand his due affections. Nuzzling lovingly into the thick fur of his cheek she leaned contentedly into his side.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
07-23-2019, 04:44 PM

Thankfully Belle was home and it didn't take long for her to emerge from the depths of the den. A smirk stained his lips per usual as his beaming pink and blue gaze feasted upon the plump sight of his younger sister. Belle was radiant beneath the moon's luminescence and it seemed pregnancy really did give her a glow. She spoke his name and closed the distance between them. Hannibal was receptive of it, embracing her with little nips to her neck, and inhaling her hormonal scent. "I hope I did not disturb you.." Hannibal's voice was a low rumble as they pressed against one another.

After a moment of relishing the warmth shared between them the male withdrew from her fur and stared into those purple eyes. "Let us get comfortable, love." Hannibal moved to the sun bathing stone they often relaxed upon. The warmth of day had left it and the cool of night was in full reign. The hand moved slow enough for the Empress to lean on him if needed. But, as he reached his destination the male lowered himself into a lounging position with head raised and tail curled along his lower half. Eyes never left his dearest sibling but he wasted no time. Hannibal spoke as his sister would assumable get comfortable,"I impregnated another female." The male watched Belle for initial reactions, much like he did last time when revealing Circe and his relations.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-23-2019, 06:47 PM

Normally she didn’t sleep much at night, but she found herself taking more frequent naps, and not because Lucretia told her so but because she wanted to take them. She was due to get up anyway, and Hannibal hadn’t bothered her too much. She leaned into his teasing touch as he greeted her in a similar fashion. "No, I needed to get up anyway." She mumbled into his soft fur as she pressed against his touch. She allowed him to shift and find her lilac gaze as he invited her to the sunning rock.

She followed him the few steps, she wasn’t waddling now was she? Hannibal remained close and settled down. She took her place close beside him, but she didn’t miss how he failed to invite her to cuddle beside him. He waited until she was displayed comfortably and he offered another little gem. More Klein children were on the way.

Belle’s brows and ears perked as he told her in stark terms, he wasn’t making his actions sound anymore involved than he was with Circe. "Hannibal, I’m hurt you’ve decided not to include me in these decisions twice now." Her ears fell to her skull and she put on a pouting face as she voiced her feelings. She couldn’t be upset, they were rebuilding an Empire. They needed many hands to continue their work. "Who is she? Why do I feel like you’re about to tell me it wasn’t planned?" Belle asked him to continue to explain himself further. His sister needed details.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
07-23-2019, 08:50 PM

Hannibal was comforted due to their closeness. They seemed to be able to talk so freely and spend time with one another without it being obligatory. In Hannibal's previous pack there was not much going on and things felt very much like an rusty cog. Ashen already felt so incredibly oiled. Everything was work well and it make him proud. Despite the negativity surrounding their feelings with dashes of jealously, the pair was making it work. Perhaps they could continue until their spawn took over.

Belle's first response was one that called for a slight raise of his brow. Am I meant to report to my Empress each time im feeling frisky? The male contained his sly comment and listened to her continued speech. Two questions that brought a slight grin to his lips. She did not seem mad per say, maybe just slightly annoyed or weary. Understandably so. "Her name is Dutch. She is a witty gal from the Hjarrandi Band I met while doing some exploring. A pause. "It was not planned in the slightest. But, we have been gifted a litter of promising pups and I am going to welcome them all the same." Hannibal raised his head slightly before staring at his sister with a rather serious gaze. "I have invited her to join Ashen to raise the pups along side the family where I can ensure their well being as well as her own." The male ran his tongue along his ivory fangs, "Dutch will be discussing this with her Band leader so there are no ill feelings between us politically." Nearing the end, Hannibal's tail flicked against his sisters form, "The last thing I intend to do is step on your paws as Empress, Belle. If you feel uncomfortable with any of this please tell me and we can sort things out."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-24-2019, 07:51 AM

Belle had always felt comfortable around her brother, they had always been affectionate with each other growing up. Her interest in a closer more intimate relationship with him had been much more recent to his recovery. She could not be upset with his sexscapades, she had denied him and Hannibal was not one to be contained. The end result was more Kleins brought into the world and such a fact could never upset the Empress.

Hannibal explained his actions thoroughly, going on about his plans to keep the woman within Ashen. Belle wouldn’t have had it any other way of course. Wait. Dutch? Hjarrandi? Deathbelle knew this woman. Her eyes widened slightly at the name. "I know this woman." She said with the surprise she felt. "She came to me not long after Ashen was raised, she offered her services as a crafter and I commissioned a piece of armor from her." As her words continued the surprise was taken over by amusement. The two she wolves had certainly gotten off on the wrong foot, but Belle was looking forward to seeing her work finished.

The only part of his arrangement Belle felt uncomfortable with was that she could not satisfy him, and he was forced to seek out comfort from abroad. "No, she needs to be here to raise these Klein pups." She told him affirmatively. "Oh, Hanni." She began, spinning their conversation in a different direction as she used his informal nickname. "Why do we always speak about topics that drive us further apart?" Belle sighed softly. "What do you say about an arranged marriage between myself and Archon?" Both to further their alliance, and because the Empress found herself growing attached to the Abraxas Lord.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
07-24-2019, 03:03 PM

As Belle spoke the male raised a brow. Dutch had been so close and yet Hannibal didn't know? With all the pack's scents it seemed her own had been bunched up and mistaken. The male seemed to be a bit shocked but there was no true reaction. He was glad that Belle had already met the mother of his pups, it would be easier in the long run. There also seemed to be no negativity in his sister's tone when speaking about the little viking either. "Ah, she did speak of her crafting capabilities. Perhaps she will prove to be more useful to us then just a brood mother." Hannibal held no love nor true affection for Dutch as of yet. He was interested in getting to know her but he could not for-see a truly romantic future other then co-parenting royal spawn.

Hannibal took in her breathy feminine tones but the last question was something that took him completely off guard. The haunting pink and blue gaze widened for only a moment before lids slanted into a glare. He remained still as his mind lulled over the thoughts of his dear sister in a long term binding marriage with the Abraxas ghoul. The all mighty Archon, the male who had defeated Hannibal in a horrible battle, and the father of Deathbelles first litter. What exactly did she see in him that I don't? Hannibal was not stupid enough to discount the strength of Archon nor his intelligence. But, was he so desirable to make Belle want to marry him. Why not me? The male felt a pang of heat filled his chest as he ripped his eyes from his sisters. It is because I failed time and time again.. Despite his rank Hannibal had failed to obtain a crown on his own. The male came to Boreas with a vision of rebuilding the Klein Empire for his family. With all that happened Hannibal had no other choice to challenge Tyranis in order to get out of captivity beneath Archon.. and he failed. Belle desires strength not scraps..

The Klein beast stood slowly with his thickening fall coat waving in the gentle breeze. Hannibal rolled his shoulders before sauntering off towards the patio directly in front of the den. He began to quietly pace as those haunting thoughts ravaged his mind. As of late it seemed he took two steps forward to meet confidence and recovery from his previous state. But, each time he did so it seemed he'd take four steps back right after. A constant struggle of mind and body. All Hannibal wished for was to rule along side his sister as true Kleins. No marriage nor promises. Duty, power, strength, and blood. To raise Ashen to it's fullest potential in the families sacred name.

Finally, Hannibal stopped pacing and stared at Belle with gleaming pools of pale blue and pink. "What is there to gain from a marriage?" The male paused. "You will gain a male to stand at your side and perhaps obtain some more political prowess. A pact between two bloodlines underneath their God and our rituals." The beast spoke in a cool yet low nature. Hannibal straightened his head, raising it high, and staring at his Empress without an ounce of sympathy. "But, what of Archon? He will gain everything from marrying an Alpha, especially one as beautiful and powerful as yourself.." A pause. "That being said, it would be a severe mistake politically. We have already engulfed his small band and have two new Abraxas-Klein litters on the way. He has nothing else to offer Ashen and what of his standings with the much other existing packs in these lands? What are Archon's relationships with the Risen Empire, Abaven, or even Legion? These are large packs that could take the marriage as a slight and with all of our pups on the way I do not think it is wise to risk playing with the political balance right now." Hannibal bristled slightly, "I do not doubt our ability to protect our family or lands, but as of right now we are lacking the stability needed to make such a political statement." The beast seemed to exhale just then, looking at his sister a touch softer now. "If you love him and it is what your heart desires, then so be it... I will follow you no matter what, Belle. I just hope you may take what I have said into consideration."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-28-2019, 08:08 PM
Deathbelle watched quietly as Hannibal reacted to her proposal, she wasn’t sure what she was expecting. His features quickly devolved into a glare he contemplated her words. The Empress remained still, curious at what he might say. His silence was enough of an answer already, he didn’t like the idea. Now how fully he could cope or accept it would come to find out. He couldn’t remain beside her, and as silence reigned he began to pace on the patio. Belle watched him with her head resting on her paws. Mismatched ears to her skull, unaware that she might hurt him this much.

She almost interrupted him to explain herself, to offer up that she was only looking for advice, and there hadn’t been any will to hurt him. Hannibal came to a halt as she parted her lips, and she couldn’t help but to hold his gaze as he began to speak. She listened intently, not missing any of his little tells and signs of passion. He made very good points that she couldn’t argue with him. There was little to be gained besides a ceremony and a statement. One that she might be better off doing with out.

Did she want to marry Archon? He was so different when the two of them were in private. At this point the Empress had no doubt that he had fallen in love with her, and she felt similarly. She also felt deeply for Sirius, and Hannibal as well. His fiery blue and pink eyes made her heart want to break as the suggestion of tying herself to Archon hurt him so.

”I don’t know about the other packs, but if my Hand believes we might be opening ourselves up to undue danger because of the decision I will refrain.” She told his easily in response to his concerns involving the bigger packs and their need for stability to protect their young. She felt herself losing her resolve, but managed to keep her gaze entwined with his. ”I.. feel more deeply for him than I ever expected.” She admitted, wanting nothing to remain hidden between them. Nothing except for her true feelings about Sirius… ”But I won’t risk my family or pack or.. you,” she whispered softly, hating the distance between them. ”For a life tied to him.”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.