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5 Years
06-30-2014, 07:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The shadowy colored girl was feeling much better than she had been, as if her body had finally finished its healing and her strength had returned in full. She had been bothering Max as usual, replenishing the stores of herbs that she had taken out of her den during her sickness, and working to locate and hoard the plants responsible for her good health. It was still unknown where the disease that had swept across the territories had come from though it had attacked without any noticeable pattern. And there was really no telling whether it intended to resurface stronger than before. Paranoid, stubborn, Callisto had every intention of preparing for another outbreak so this time she would not become one of the sick, the ill, but only in the way of collecting the remedy. She had far too much she wished to accomplish to hide away and shelter herself from potential diseases.

And she was still far too restless from having been sick to let herself stay still for long. She was wandering again, not altogether aimlessly but much as she had once done when she had found herself on the island nearby Ebony lands: searching to see of she could find any new plants of interest. She was headed north, against her better judgment. Somewhere in this general area roamed the white wolf with purple eyes go had a nasty tendency to drive her up a wall and the last thing she wished to do was make it easy for him to find her. But this area was still far from where she had seen him last, close to another of their neighbors but still close enough to home for comfort. Her spindly grey legs stepped carefully and slowly through the snow, her silvery blue eyes watchful and observant. If there was anything worth noting about this place, and especially anything that she could bring back to Maximous, then she planned to find it.



3 Years
07-30-2014, 02:28 AM

[Image: aafzlv.png]

After the healer meeting, Devin took the liberty of exploring the area around his pack lands. After all he had jumped the gun trying to find a place where his skills were needed. Glaciem at the time had no experienced healers, and with his expertise they were better off. He wasn't one to boast, he simply just did have that knowledge on him. Which was surprising with his body type. Though the sudden flick of his tail after exploring the place brought his purple eyes to look at the female who had stumbled across here. Mint, and clovers grew here, outside the front of the main cave. The patch had been dropped here on purpose, and were not yet growing but he could smell the seeds and saplings trying to break out from the snow underneath. Devin's face would remain emotionless though, he remembered her from the meeting and pulled himself forward.
"Looking for some herbs?" Devin questioned curiously. He didn't care if she wasn't very social or not Devin did as he pleased. And most of the time he could be a mild mannered prick but the opinions of others slipped past him like butter. His body made no movement towards her, wondering if he should share the location of a few herbs or not. It wasn't like they were competing, after all Devin loved his hobby regardless of his stature.

-sorry for the delay, devin muse finally hit me if you still wanna continue this thread.

? ? ?

cait at btn