
Eyes Open


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-05-2019, 04:19 PM

He could tell she was tired from all of their traveling, let alone from the fishing he had her practice. As soon as she started to show signs of exhaustion, he chuckled and moved back to the shore with her. The sun was still high and he had other things in mind rather than sleeping, but once he was sure she was somewhere safe where she could rest, he went to explore them.

He returned once the sun was set and the festival's activities were over, but he was relieved to find her right where he left her. He nestled up next to her and spent the rest of the night regaining his energy. He would need it, and so would she... they had to get off this island and find new hunting grounds.

Once the sun had begun to rise, he got to his feet once again. The sound of the morning gulls rang in his ears, still trying to fight each other to pick at leftover fish from the tournament of yesterday. He was ready to get off these islands, but he wouldn't wake her up just yet. As soon as he was awake, he spent one fishing trip in the shallow waters of the cove and came back with their breakfast in tow. Two small fish protruded his black lips, though he dropped them next to her and nudged her with his nose.

"You gonna sleep forever?" He smiled but didn't wait for her to wake up as he plopped down beside her and tore into his own fish.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



2 Years
08-05-2019, 09:56 PM
Altair was definitely exhausted from yesterday’s activities. She wasn’t expecting to swim a lot, and though she happened to catch quite a few fish, it certainly wasn’t enough compared to how many her hunting partner happened to grab. Though, she believed that despite their little bit of an age gap and size, she did rather well for her first time; but there was always room for improvement when it came to everything. Sleep snuck up on her rather quickly, thinking about what the next day would bring as darkness consumed her vision for a while.

Before long, she would fear a gentle nuzzle, ‘You gonna sleep forever?’ a voice spoke in her ear as it flicked slightly. She slowly regained her vision as a gentle yawn escaped her, a small smile spread across her features before she looked to the dark-colored male who was rather busy chomping away on a fish. “No, but a lot of wolves my age need a lot of sleep. Due to how much I had to do yesterday, it only seemed right I slept a little longer,” she chimed in, giving a grin as she looked to her meal and began to tear away at some of the fish’s flesh. “So, what do you have planned for today?” She asked, tilting her head curiously.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-05-2019, 10:31 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2019, 10:31 PM by Dominus I.)

When she woke up and began to explain herself, he stopped chomping away on the fish for that moment. His eyes slanted beneath his large 'brows, bright blue eyes just glaring at her even though a smirk played on his inky lips.

"Sounds like excuses," he said simply before returning to the fish at his paws and finishing up the last of it. It seemed he didn't care about skeletons, it took too much time to pick it apart. Maybe he'd regret that later.

"I'm glad you asked," He waited for her to start eating before he went on to explain himself, but once he did he gave her privacy to finish her meal while he stared out to sea in the direction of the mainland. He took a few steps out onto the shore, away from the bunk in the sand that they'd slept in.

"We got our strength for the day, and now we're going to go back to the forests and find better prey. This is the easy hunting- the guaranteed meal hunting. Remember this cove if you ever are desperate for food in the Fall." He watched her for a moment, wondering if she'd even make it to next Fall. Would he? Would he know her then? He smiled and waited for her to finish her meal before approaching her again, though this time he was much pushier.

"Come on, let's go. We can't do any tracking here with all these wolves on the islands." He wouldn't make her move, he wanted her to do so herself but a few nudges of his nose to her ribs might have made it a bit more motivating to comply.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



2 Years
08-12-2019, 11:13 PM
Altair chowed down on the fish. Even though she wasn’t really that hungry, she would need her strength on the way back, and, considering that Dominus was rather nice enough to give her a free meal, she would accept it without any hesitation. After all, he was her hunting partner for the time being; and since she was focused on becoming Alpha, this would be a great way for her to learn and find meals for the pack if they were ever desperate. The young child didn’t wish to be considered a weakling in anyone’s eyes; especially the man in front of her, even if he was still young himself.

He became a little pushier as Altair heaved a sigh of annoyance. She was still waking up a little, and he wanted to push her to start tracking? But, she couldn’t really be too ungrateful; after all, there were a lot of wolves still lingering on the island and their scents might ruin the chance of least that was what the pup thought considering everything was still a learning experience for her still. She got up and shook her coat free from any debris and tidied it up a bit before following the older male out onto the shore.

“Yes, Sir, but what do you think we’ll hunt? I’m...still rather small to hunt larger prey unlike yourself guess rabbits?” She asked, a little unsure of herself; but her curiosity always seemed to get the best of her; hopefully she didn’t sound stupid to him as she always thought her words and ideas did seem dumb sometimes, especially with how young she was. She’d have to believe in herself a little more, the young pup thought as she tilted her head to listen Dominus.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-17-2019, 06:15 AM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2019, 06:22 AM by Dominus I.)

She seemed irritated by his rushing, but he didn't stop. He simply shot her a grin as she finally started to get to her paws and headed toward the ocean, his left ear remaining directed at her while he went on his way. Today he wanted to stay focused, but he did listen to her question and offered a slight sway of his silverback tail as he appreciated her interest in hunting.

"That all depends on what we find when we reach the main land." His thick neck twisted as he looked back to her, his eyes avoided the ocean mist coming off the crashing waves while they watched her come to join him. He didn't want to start swimming across without her, still scared of how well she could fight the ocean waves and actually make it off the island- he was impressed she crossed successfully the first time. Once she was ready and right beside him, he would start to swim.

"We will hang by the beach when we get there- if you get tired just remember that! The quicker we make it to shore, the quicker we can rest." He called out to her over the sound of legs pushing through the waves. She would start swimming before his paws left the ocean floor, so he waited to ensure she did just fine getting out past the strength of the tide.

His legs were burning from their kicking through the water by the time they finally reached the shore of Boreas. He could have swum much faster, and keeping himself at her pace while still remaining afloat seemed to tire him out much more than he would have if he would have kept better momentum, but he remained at her side the whole way through. After they successfully made it to shore, the titan collapsed on its sands and immediately closed his blue eyes as he lay limp, allowing his body to rest without even bothering to shake his coat. He was becoming heavy and was seriously considering whether he would ever travel out to the islands again.

"Altair?" When his breathing finally returned to normal, he lifted his head from the sand and searched for her eyes of blue and gold. Looking into eyes with two different colors was definitely off-putting at first, but the more time he spent with her the more he found himself admiring her oddities.

"Let's get going. As soon as we leave the bay, I want you to listen to absolutely everything in those woods. Raccoons and a lot of things live off of the crabs of the bay and most of them are nested in there. Let's be quiet, and see what we find. Keep your voice low and try to speak to me with your body, not your voice. The less noise we make while we are hunting, the better." He had begun to roll onto his side and get to his paws when he started talking. He kept his eyes on her while he was speaking, but once he was finished they veiled themselves as the giant finally shook water and embedded sand from his pelt. When he opened them again, he narrowed his stare and lifted his muzzle as if he was surprised to see her.

"Go on, I'm following you. You're the newbie." Truth be told, he wasn't that accustomed to hunting with others either, especially not.. puppies. But it would be fun to see if she could hear things or see things before he did.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



2 Years
09-08-2019, 04:25 PM

The young she-wolf was exhausted. Not only had she used up most of her energy swimming to the islands; despite having help from her dark-colored friend, now she had to use more of it to go hunting. Though she knew this would be a lesson, and the pup was always willing to learn new things and experiences; when her body cried out for some form of relaxation she had to bite back the urge and continue forward. She listened to her companion's words intently, keeping a close eye on his movements until he gave her the go ahead to lead. This...was certainly going to be interesting that was for sure. She gave a small huff.

"Yes, Sir," she whispered, not wanting to disturb any possible prey that was in the area with a possibly loud tone. She trudged slowly through the brush while also keeping a close eye on the shore. She was young, so the thought of attacking a large prey animal would seem out of the question. Perhaps, she could find something that was a little out of her comfort zone besides fish and hares.

Altair kept her nose to the ground and to the air, catching any possible scents that were rather close, her ears flicking as well once she happened to catch something moving around within the brush. Her dual-toned orbs locked onto a small family of ducks that were nested in the area. She never necessarily tackled a hunt with one of these before, but she quietly turned her crown to Dominus, her ear flicking in the direction of the target. Perhaps this might be a good first practice until she was older to take on larger prey? She hoped he was at least understanding with this choice, even though she had grown a bit, this surely shouldn't be any trouble, at least in her eyes.
