
Genesis 28:21




4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
08-08-2019, 02:44 PM
As many times as Archon sought out Dea and tried to bring her to the pack, he had been unable to even get close yet. He searched for her now, having Obi stay behind in the pack. He could move a little faster alone and Obi wanted to work on some gifts for the mothers to be.

Archon searched the area for Dea's scent. He called for her as he went, letting her know he was nearby so that she could come to him, but also the he was too close for her to be able to simply escape. He knew it could be easy to avoid confrontation, but Archon had no intention of letting her go. She held his pups inside of her and had been someone of great faith until just recently. Everyone must go through struggles, Archon knew that, but he had almost lost Dea once and he wasn't about to again.



4 Years
Extra large
08-09-2019, 12:38 PM
Dea felt her faith waver, her world rocked. He had made an alliance, and his phrasing had not been missed. The message was not lost on the demonic woman. She would have to follow him into the home of another woman. While she wasn't a stranger to such a lifestyle, Dea would never have chosen it for herself. Pack life meant the hellish queen would have to now her head to someone else, she was on equal ground with Archon, descending from divinity the same as he was. She followed him,  because of the faith she had come to love, because as many chances as she had to simply walk away, Archon always lured her home again.

His calling did not go unnoticed, though she refused to answer it for a while. Let him worry himself to death, it was his own fault. It dawned on her then, what she would have to do. Smiling to herself in the moonlight, Dea finally howled back at her obsession. It would be a long road, and hard with children in tow, but Dea found determination. Moving toward him, Dea gave him an apologetic smile. If he wasn't too upset with her, she would run up and press herself into his chest. "Forgive my deliberation. Where you ask me to won't be easy for me." Her tones were solemn, her head low.

She was so strong, how could he make her so weak? She would have to lower her head to another woman, climb through the ranks and prove herself all over again. How could he not see this would be one of the hardest defeats of her life? Nevertheless the deed had been done and the alliance was set. Ashen would become their home, and because she was bound by word and blood to follow, that is what she would do. She wanted reassurances first and foremost, however.
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
08-12-2019, 03:26 PM
Archon could not understand Dea's hesitation and it was both concerning and alarming. What she saw as a fall from divinity, he saw as an opportunity to will over strong mortals. Mortals who again and again saw failure as a chance to grasp once mor eupon the rocks of life and heave themselves upwards. Mortals who entered into a blood agreement with a god. Mortals who didn't turn tail and run away as soon as their faith was shaken. They had a lot to offer and Dea had a lot to learn from them.

For all her faith and glory, Dea often acted as a scared little girl instead of the demonic queen she was meant to be. For that reason, Archon knew she must go to the pack. She must struggle and want to show the mortals how much better than them she was. She needed to crave for attention, admiration, and fear. Those things were easy to forget in the band, but not so easy to forget in a mortal pack where the members would scoff openly at any idea that contradicted their own.

Soon enough, Dea found her way to his side and buried herself into his chest. She told him it wasn't easy for her and he sought to meet her eyes. "Do Gods and Demons only do what is easiest?" he rumbled. "Does God ask of us anything we are yet incapable of doing?" The answer was obvious, she just needed to see that the struggles were a good thing and the best chance to grow. It was the best option for their children and for themselves.



4 Years
Extra large
08-13-2019, 11:23 PM
His rumbling was pleasant to her ears, encouraging and delivered while she met his gaze. She gave him a look that said she knew the answer, but appreciated the reminder of her true nature. Dea was never meant to be a follower, though the pack would offer her a few opportunities to gain the skills necessary to elevate her status. It was the one that Archon had made his pact with that gave her pause. "And what of us? What will we become?" She hadn't bothered answering his boulstering speech, there was nothing she could have added. Her main concern was how it would affect the things between them, whatever it was that grew had led her to make her promise to him to begin with.

Would this new home shatter all she had worked so hard to build? There were too many questions and not enough answers. But, Dea found herself holding fast to her belief in him. While the other may have been a willing host for an alliance of sorts, Dea had been much more than that - at least in her opinion. She was a divine queen in her own right, she only lacked the kingdom. Was she truly going to let insecurity stop her from proving herself? "I will join you, but I worry for our future and what it holds. My own parents were disjointed and I want none of that for our children. I watched it tear my mother apart, and it destroyed my family. To the point that I have no idea if my siblings live and I know my mother is dead. My father, too, is gone. Is this to be my future? Our children's future?" It certainly wasn't what she had in mind when she went to speak, but her speech revealed much more about her true concerns than she had originally anticipated. The present didn't scare her, the pack didn't scare her, not really. It was what the pack and the alliance represented to her that frightened her so.

It meant she couldn't obtain the one goal that truly mattered to her. Hell, she might not ever even had a chance, despite the many hurdles she had cleared in order to do so.
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
08-14-2019, 05:47 PM
Dea asked what would become of them and Archon tsked at her softly, "Whatever had become of us will continue to be. We will raise pups together and they will become godlings in their own right. They get it on both sides."

She spoke again freely about her own past and her own parents in turn. Archon nodded lightly as he listened to her, giving her his full attention as he always would when she called.

"My own mother left because she realized she was but a mortal that would drag our existence down," he said, still unaware that it was his father who took his mother out to her last night on the mortal plane. "You, a demon queen, should not only withstand godly children, but elevate their existence with your presence."

Archon searched her face, why was she full of so much doubt now? "Unless you plan on leaving these children, they will grow with both their mother and their father, and a slew of siblings and even more extended family," he said. "They will never know a pang of loneliness."